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Recruitment of employees

▪ Recruiting on the Internet
▪ Jobs on the Web
▪ The Recruitment Process/Recruitment Plan
▪ Sources of Applicants
▪ Alternatives to Recruiting
▪ Cost Benefits and Recruitment
▪ Different Parts of Your Resume?
▪ Strategies for Finding Employment on the Internet
▪ Four Different Types of Web Resources for Job Seekers
Recruiting on the Internet
The use of the Internet to recruit employees is growing
rapidly. Today, college graduates and professionals are
just likely to send in an electronic resume?

The IT technology can locate the candidate, access into

his personal 201 files and thus know, how much he
earns and what are his strengths and weaknesses.
Picking Employment Sites
It is an old saying that you need to fish where the fish
are in order to catch them. The same holds true when
you are looking for job applicants

here are literally thousands of web employment sites.

Where should you post your jobs? For starters, you can
On Jobstreet, you can create your career profile and
use it to apply for jobs that you can find on the site.
You can also upload your resume that will be
automatically attached to your application once
you apply for a job.
It has an account feature that enables you to build your profile
on the platform and upload your resume. It also has a save
feature and a “refer to a friend” feature. Lastly, it has a search
engine that provides great functionalities.
Indeed’s features are almost similar to Kalibrr and Jobstreet.
From the homepage, if you are a job seeker, you will be
prompted to search for a job based on two criteria: what the
job and is and where. It is straightforward, and you can add
filters to the search.
Employers list several advantages of using
Internet recruiting:
It is cost effective compared to newspaper advertisements plus
life span of newspaper advertisements is shorter compared to job
posting on the web.

It is more timely since responses to electronic job listing may

come the day the advertisement is posted whereas responses to
newspaper want advertisements can take a week to reach an
Employers list several advantages of using
Internet recruiting:
It uses computers to scan, digitize, and process applicants'

It presents a largely untapped source of would-be job seekers

waiting to be contacted.
The Recruitment Process/Recruitment Plan
The request for additional personnel originates from two sources,
one from the HR plan and the other from the Unscheduled and
unexpected needs of the supervisor.

▪ Formulating a Recruiting Strategy - Internal versus External

Recruiting Vacancies in upper level management positions can be
filled either by hiring people from outside the organization or by
promoting from within.
Comparison of Promotion from Within Versus External
Hiring Promotion From Within
Promotion From Within
▪ Provides greater motivation for good performance
▪ Familiar with the organization and how it operates
▪ Enables employee to perform the new job with little loss of time
▪ Improves morale and organizational loyalty
Comparison of Promotion from Within Versus External
Hiring Promotion From Within
Promotion From Within
Promotes inbreeding (Narrowing of thinking ideas)
Creates political in fighting pressures in compete
Creates a homogenous workforce
Comparison of Promotion from Within Versus External
Hiring Promotion From Within
External Hiring
Provides new ideas and insights

Does not change the present organization hierarchy

Obeys the rule at all times

Comparison of Promotion from Within Versus External
Hiring Promotion From Within
External Hiring
Loss of time due to adjustment

No information is available if he can blend with the rest of the

Searching for Job Applicants
The applicant search may involve traditional help-wanted
recruiting methods such as newspaper advertisements, posters,
private employment agencies, campus professional, recruiting,
public and private employment and professional association.
Screening Applicants
Applicants should be screened to eliminate individuals who are
obviously unqualified.
Maintaining an Applicant Pool
An applicant pool - is the total number of applicants you receive
for each job post. Each application has to be screened to assess
suitability, and either declined or moved to a short-list. High
application volumes mean you might have to create a long-list for
reevaluation to come up with a short-list.
Stages of the Recruitment Process
Sources of Applicants
Internal Sources - the use of promotion from within taking
into consideration the advantages and disadvantages.
Companies make use of job posting and job bidding to inform
employees of job vacancies.

Other methods include memos to supervisors and listings in

employee publications. Job postings are now usually
computerized and accessible to all employees.
Stages of the Recruitment Process
Sources of Applicants
Another internal source of applicant is the referral system in
which to apply present. This employees is the most are often
asked used to recruiting encourage tool friends in many or
relatives small.
Stages of the Recruitment Process
Sources of Applicants
External Sources
This is used when the organizational is unable to fill its hiring
needs from internal sources. One of the advantage of this is
that it s much larger and more diverse than that available
from internal sources.
Stages of the Recruitment Process
8 sources of external recruitment
Job advertisement
Employment agencies
Campus recruitment
Employment database
Special events recruiting
Online recruitment
Stages of the Recruitment Process
8 sources of external recruitment
Job advertisement
Placement of help-wanted advertisements in daily newspapers, in trade
and professional publications, or on radio and television.

Employment agencies
Companies usually turn to an agency because they do not have their
own HR department geared to do recruiting or screening or they find it
difficult to generate a pool of qualified applicants.
Stages of the Recruitment Process
8 sources of external recruitment
is someone who does not apply online or through mail, but instead
comes into an office in order to apply for a job.

Campus recruitment
This is a primary source for entry level job candidates. This is usually
coordinated with the university or college placement center.
Stages of the Recruitment Process
8 sources of external recruitment
For students, this can help them in honing their business skills, check
out potential employers and learn more about their likes and dislikes
when it comes to choosing careers. OJT
Stages of the Recruitment Process
8 sources of external recruitment
Employment database
An employee database is a digital record of current and past
employees. It can include contact information, job titles, payroll data,
and other information related to employment. The database can be
used to track employee performance, identify potential training needs,
and manage other human resources functions.
Stages of the Recruitment Process
8 sources of external recruitment
Special events recruiting
A recruitment event is like an open day with a focus on hiring. It's also
known as a job fair, career expo, or career fair. A recruitment event
gives companies the opportunity to bring candidates together and host
various activities to allow the candidates an insight into your
Stages of the Recruitment Process
8 sources of external recruitment
Online recruitment
E-recruiting involves the use of electronic resources to assist in the
hiring process. By utilizing the Internet to connect to potential
applicants around the world, companies have been able to reduce the
time and cost associated with recruiting talent.
To be continued ..
Trends in Human Resource Management
• Hybrid Work Model
• Transition From Employee Well-being To Healthy Organization
• DEI in the Spotlight
• Power Skills Play a Key Role
• Embracing the Gig Economy
• Keeping the Human Touch Alive
Trends in Human Resource Management
• Hybrid Work Model
With things getting back on track, the workplace is evolving into a
more suitable approach for its employees and their productivity —
the hybrid work model. It’s an employee-centric flexible work
model that includes a mix of in-office and remote work.

According to a report by Microsoft, 66% of industry leaders are considering redesigning their
workplace for hybrid work. With more and more companies opting for this approach, it’s clear the
hybrid work model will be a key element in the future of human resources.
Trends in Human Resource Management
• Transition From Employee Well-being To Healthy Organization
The past couple of years finally witnessed employee mental
health and well-being getting its due focus at the workplace. Over
68% of senior HR administrators rated employee well-being and
mental health as a top priority in the 2021 HR Sentiment Survey.
Trends in Human Resource Management
• DEI in the Spotlight
Diversity, equity and inclusion have been buzzwords in most
organizations for a while now, and rightfully so.

DEI initiatives are a part of addressing bias, discrimination,

harassment, unfair wages and other issues at the workplace.
Trends in Human Resource Management
• Power Skills Play a Key Role
Power skills are behavioral in nature. With technological leaps,
technical skills can be taken care of, but it is the power skills that take
the effort and help an employee stand out.

Dave Millner, Founder and Consulting Partner at HR Curator, believes

that power skills are the future of effective operation management in a
disruptive world. Thus, managers and leaders with these skills should
be top priority recruits, and development options must be made
available to hone these skills. He also reasons the increasing
importance of power skills with the following pointers:
Trends in Human Resource Management
• Power Skills Play a Key Role
• Preservation: Robots and automation cannot replicate behavioral or
power skills effectively. Power skills, therefore, can help protect jobs.

• Performance: The areas of engaging talent and inspiring people have

as much impact on leadership performance as delivering results
and business intelligence.
Trends in Human Resource Management
• Power Skills Play a Key Role
• Communication: Connecting with colleagues/peers with different working
patterns (hybrid, remote and office workers) is more important now than
ever. The ability to engage with employees depends not just on leaders and
managers having the power skills but also applying them more frequently.
• Workplace Environment: Power skills create an efficient work environment
to build a sense of belonging among employees where they enjoy their
work and learn continuously.
• Customers: Customers are more likely to buy people than process, and that
is about their attitude and behaviors that they demonstrate to them.
Trends in Human Resource Management
• Embracing the Gig Economy
The “gig economy involves the exchange of labour for money between
individuals or companies via digital platforms that actively facilitate
matching between providers and customers, on a short-term and
payment-by-task basis,” according to the UK government.

• Examples include ride-hailing apps, food delivery apps, and holiday

rental apps.
Trends in Human Resource Management
• Keeping the Human Touch Alive
What could be the main cause of the Great Resignation? What
drastic changes has the workplace witnessed in the recent past?

A survey by Promoleaf highlights that 46% of employees felt

there was a lack of support from their employers, and 45% felt
overworked. This makes the importance of keeping the human
touch alive now more than ever.
8 Simple Ways to Retain Your Best Employees

Companies highly value employee retention because it costs

time and money to replace employees, especially productive
ones. Having talented employees leave your organization can
also cause strain on existing employees that have to take on
extra work until those roles can be filled. Given this, retaining
your top employees should be a priority. Here are eight tips
for keeping your very best employees.
8 Simple Ways to Retain Your Best Employees

Pay above-average salaries

One of the most obvious ways to retain your top workers is to
offer better-than-average salaries and excellent benefits. This
can lock employees in and encourage them to stick around for
the pay and perks alone.
8 Simple Ways to Retain Your Best Employees

Allow employees to speak their minds

Many employees may not want to speak up for fear of
retribution, so it’s important to make sure workers feel
comfortable calling out things they’d like to see changed.
8 Simple Ways to Retain Your Best Employees

Encourage input and feedback

Employees want to know that you’re listening and really
hearing their feedback then respond to your employee
feedback in a timely fashion.
8 Simple Ways to Retain Your Best Employees

Don’t micromanage
In business management, micromanagement is a
management style whereby a manager closely observes or
controls their subordinates or employees. Micromanagement
is generally considered to have a negative connotation, mainly
because it shows a lack of freedom and trust in the workplace.
8 Simple Ways to Retain Your Best Employees

Identify and invest in high performers

As your employees develop their skills, track employee
productivity and results over time to identify which ones stand
out. Then work to invest in those employees with new
8 Simple Ways to Retain Your Best Employees

Offer the ability to grow

It may be tempting to keep your best employees in the same
position with the same duties. If they are performing above
expectations, why change what they are doing?
8 Simple Ways to Retain Your Best Employees

Provide flexibility
Even before coronavirus and remote work were top-of-mind
topics for many companies, flexible work schedules were
sought after by employees. Flexibility can provide a significant
incentive for your best workers to stick around.
8 Simple Ways to Retain Your Best Employees

Show appreciation and respect

“Show your employees you care about them, whether it's as
small as a handwritten card or as grand as a huge bonus.
Employees need to know that you've got their back.”
▪ Recruiting on the Internet
▪ Jobs on the Web
▪ The Recruitment Process/Recruitment Plan
▪ Sources of Applicants
▪ Alternatives to Recruiting
▪ Cost Benefits and Recruitment
▪ Strategies for Finding Employment on the Internet
▪ Four Different Types of Web Resources for Job Seekers
Alternatives to Recruiting
Outsourcing, which involves hiring a vendor or all recruiting
activities. Temporary employment, which involves hiring
employees for a specific period of time to complete a
particular task.
Alternatives to Recruiting
▪ General contractor
▪ Electrical contractor
▪ Trade contractor
▪ Design and build contractor
▪ Freelance contractor
Alternatives to Recruiting
▪ General contractor
provide daily general contracting work
for construction projects. Simply put,
they are not only involved in manual
processes, but they also undertake
acquiring materials and building
resources, distribute work, collaborate
with the client on the project design,
manage the budget, or even hire
subcontractors themselves.
Alternatives to Recruiting
▪ Electrical contractor
are equipped for a number of electrical
work, such as installing busway systems,
adding fire protection, providing lighting
fixtures, generator sets, switch boxes,
and many more.
Alternatives to Recruiting
▪ Trade contractor
On the other hand, trade contractors can
work on different parts of a building,
such as the drywall, roof, cladding,
panelling, plumbing, landscape, tiles,
floor layout, windows, and many more.
Alternatives to Recruiting
▪ Design and build contractor
is usually a construction firm or
company that’s responsible for the
design and the completion of the
project. Unlike in a traditional
contract wherein the client hires an
architect separately and tenders the
design prior to construction, design
and build is much straightforward.
Alternatives to Recruiting

▪ Freelance contractor
are self-employed and work with a
client for a specific duration until
such time that the project has been
completed. These types of
contractors are suitable for low-cost
projects that don’t really require
extensive management.
▪ Recruiting on the Internet
▪ Jobs on the Web
▪ The Recruitment Process/Recruitment Plan
▪ Sources of Applicants
▪ Alternatives to Recruiting
▪ Cost Benefits and Recruitment
▪ Strategies for Finding Employment on the Internet
▪ Four Different Types of Web Resources for Job Seekers
Cost Benefits and Recruitment
A good cost for hire assessment should include the following:
▪ Internal cost
▪ External cost
▪ Direct fees
▪ Supplemental data
Cost Benefits and Recruitment
A good cost for hire assessment should include the following:
▪ Internal cost
Refers to the cost required by manufacturing or purchasing an
item and it includes material cost, labor cost, expenses,
subcontract processing cost.
▪ External cost
Travel, lodging, and salaries of other recruiters.
Cost Benefits and Recruitment
A good cost for hire assessment should include the following:
▪ Direct fees
Pertains to advertising, job fairs, cash rewards for employee
▪ Supplemental data
Average annual salary of new hire, number of hires etc.
▪ Recruiting on the Internet
▪ Jobs on the Web
▪ The Recruitment Process/Recruitment Plan
▪ Sources of Applicants
▪ Alternatives to Recruiting
▪ Cost Benefits and Recruitment
▪ Strategies for Finding Employment on the Internet
▪ Four Different Types of Web Resources for Job Seekers
Strategies for Finding Employment on the Internet

This is the way many people land a new job. LinkedIn has
made networking easier as you can search your all
connections and easily send them a message.
Strategies for Finding Employment on the Internet

According to the Society of Human Resources Management,
getting a referral increases your chances of landing the job by
45%. Ask your friend or connection to refer you to their
employer and pass along your resume.
Strategies for Finding Employment on the Internet

Target the right jobs

You’ll be more successful if you apply to the more appropriate
job fits and concentrate on making that application the best
▪ Recruiting on the Internet
▪ Jobs on the Web
▪ The Recruitment Process/Recruitment Plan
▪ Sources of Applicants
▪ Alternatives to Recruiting
▪ Cost Benefits and Recruitment
▪ Strategies for Finding Employment on the Internet
▪ Four Different Types of Web Resources for Job Seekers
Four Different Types of Web Resources for Job

Can be a valuable source for
information on trending issues,
current events, recent research,
debates and more. Scholars,
associations, executives,
innovative researchers, every
day practitioners, and students
are just some of the people who
write blogs.
Four Different Types of Web Resources for Job Seekers

News feeds or alerts are another extremely useful tool to locate

recently published research in a subject area. Subscribing to news feeds
helps you stay up-to-date on the research that is being done in a
specific field.
Four Different Types of Web Resources for Job Seekers

Popular news sources and magazines

Popular news sources and magazines can also be useful for
finding out about the latest trends or research. News sources,
like Abs-Cbn, GMA, Radio Philippines Network, People's
Television Networtk, Inc.
Four Different Types of Web Resources for Job Seekers

Wikipedia or other online wiki sources are helpful for finding

background information on a topic and getting ideas for
keywords and phrases, but they should never be used as a
cited reference in academic research.


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