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Class Participation Checklist 2011 CU-ILT

Name Jessie Shipman

______________________________________________________________ GENERAL ______________________________________________________________ X
I made an insightful statement in class:! ! ! ! ! !
I disagreed (with strong supportive arguments) with the instructor or a class !

20/ (20 points)

! ! colleague on this issue:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 0/ (10 points) X

I had an intellectual discussion with someone outside of class about a class issue.! 20 /(20 points) X
I took 1 idea from class and used it in my school or setting: Project 1 and 2 will be implemented at some point during the school year! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 20 /(20 points) X
Something I did beyond the call of duty:! Any tech leadership at my school is beyond the scope of what I was hired to do but Im going to pursue it anyway! ! ! ! ! 10/ (10 points)

______________________________________________________________ TOPICAL ______________________________________________________________

X I obtained a copy of my building technology plan (or district)*! ! ! 10/ (10 points) X
I completed the online technology change assignments! (Labs 1-2 and poll)! 30/(30 points) X
I explored the grants sites and learned at least 10 new grant writing strategies! 20/(20 points) X
I understand the voices of the naysayers (jigsaw, streaming audio, cartoon response, research
! X X X X ! X ! X X X ! ! response, and podcast interview)! ! ! ! ! ! 30/(30 points)
I know where my school/district stands on all administered audit instruments 20/(20 points)
I understand and can apply the FEAR principle ! ! ! ! ! 20/(20 points)
I recognize my own districts strengths and weaknesses based on various tools
10/(10 points)
I understand my position, strengths, and weaknesses based on the 21st Century Framework ! for Faculty ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! _30/(30 points)
I completed the analysis of my district or building technology plan and understand its strengths ! and weaknesses based on an evaluation rubric.! ! ! ! ! 20/(20 points)
I posted my force eld analysis, then completed the virtual gallery walk! ! 20/(20 points)
I can cite 5-6 budget practices for effective technology budgeting! ! ! 10/(10 points)
I now recognize 10 strategies for better including females in my teaching and lessons with technology ! (WomenTech Activity)! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 20/(20 points)

______________________________________________________________ COMPREHENSIVE ______________________________________________________________

I read all outside readings.! ! X ! ! ! ! ! 30/(30 points) X
I completed all internet-based assignments.! ! ! ! ! 30/(30 points) X
I demonstrated equal participation in all discussion pairs.! ! ! 10/(10 points) X
Participation as an equal partner in small group discussions.! ! ! 20/(20 points) X
Participation as an equal partner in large group (class) discussion.! ! 20/(20 points) X
Participation as a full contributor in on-line discussion threads.! ! ! 20/(20 points)
I moved most of the staff in the CHANGE simulation game to a high level X
! ! and can explain why staff moved or failed to move! ! X
Attendance (subtract 10 points for every hour missed without make up)! X
Late to class (subtract 5 points for every time late)! ! ! !
A = 460 points ! B = 420 points ! C = 380 ! points

50/ (50 points) ! 30 (less points) __ (less points)

______________________________________________________________ TOTAL CLASS PARTICIPATION POINTS:! ! ! ! ! ! _____________________________________________________________ __460______

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