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ASSURE Model Instructional Plan

Explore Virginia’s Watershed Systems
6rd Grade
Lesson length: 60 minutes
Analyze Learners
Total number of students: 25
Male students: 15
Female students: 10
Students with low learning skills: 4
ESL Student: 1
Hearing Impaired: 2
Visual/Spatial learners (approximately 1/3 of students)
Kinesthetic learners (approximately 1/3 of students)
Verbal/linguistic learners (two to three students)
Interpersonal learners (one or two students)
Logical/Mathematical (one or two students)
State Objectives
6.7 The student will investigate and understand the natural processes and human interactions
that affect watershed systems. Key concepts include
a) the health of ecosystems and the abiotic factors of a watershed;
b) the location and structure of Virginia’s regional watershed systems;
c) divides, tributaries, river systems, and river and stream processes;
d) wetlands;
e) estuaries;
f) major conservation, health, and safety issues associated with watersheds; and
g) water monitoring and analysis using field equipment including hand-held
Select Media, Materials, and Methods

Class set of chrome books with Internet access
Kahoot learning game
Online digital whiteboard (Smartboard)
Powerpoint with pictures and information
Google Earth platform on chrome books
Youtube video on conservation

Digital map of Virginia watershed systems Colored construction paper
Virginia map worksheets Computer paper
Pencils (colored and regular)

Whole group introduction activity playing Kahoot learning game
Whole group presentation of information using Powerpoint pictures
Small group activity exploring Google Earth and completing individual watershed maps
Whole group introduction to conservation video
Individual research of conservation and application in foldable form
Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods

Class set of chrome books with Internet access - will be used to play Kahoot introduction
game and research conservation at the end of the lesson
Kahoot learning game - used to introduce the topic of Virginia watershed systems and check
for prior knowledge
Online digital whiteboard (Smartboard) - used to present powerpoint pictures and information
to students, to show students a map of the watershed systems, and to label the map using the
smartboard pens for the students
Powerpoint with pictures and information - made by the teacher for the students to see real
and map labeled pictures of the Virginia watersheds as well as labeling purposes for the group
map activity
Google Earth platform on chrome books - available for students to explore the Virginia
watersheds in a 3D, real life way (exploring Virginia virtually)
Youtube video on conservation - used to introduce the topic of conservation to the students
before beginning the individual foldable activity

Digital map of Virginia watershed systems - used to show students the location of the
watershed systems in Virginia
Virginia map worksheets - students will color and label these maps for their own personal
study use and/or display in classroom
Pencils (colored and regular) - used for map and foldable activities
Crayons - used for map and foldable activities
Markers - used for labeling maps and writing information on foldable
Pens - used for labeling maps and writing information on foldable
Colored construction paper - used for outlining map activity to enhance presentation and
foldable (if students want color)
Computer paper - used for foldable

Whole group introduction activity - TTW host a Kahoot learning game for the students to
demonstrate what they already know
Whole group presentation - TTW present the information of the lesson using pictures,
information facts about the watersheds, and labeling a map on the whiteboard to set up the
small group activity for the students
Small group activity - TSW explore Google Earth and complete individual watershed maps
with their small/table groups
Whole group introduction to conservation - TTW show a video related to conservation of
Individual research - TSW research conservation on the Internet and apply their research in
foldable form
Require Learner Participation

Whole Group Introduction to Virginian Watershed System:

To introduce the topic of Virginian Watershed Systems to the class, TTW host a Kahoot
learning game for the students to play. TSW compete against each other, demonstrating their
prior knowledge of the information. TTW assess where the students need the most work on
the topic and base the lesson around the student deficiencies.

Whole Group Presentation of Information:

TTW present the information of the lesson using a powerpoint presentation. TTW use pictures
that are relevant, easy to see, and teachable. TTW label a blank map for the students
towards the end of the presentation, and TSW contribute to the labeling process by either
volunteering answers or coming up to the whiteboard to show/label the different features of
the map. TSW use this labeled map to complete the small group map worksheet activity.

Small Group Map Activity:

TSW use Google Earth to get more familiar with the Virginian Watershed System. Google
Earth will allow the students to see a 3D version of the watersheds, allow the students to
explore the areas around these watersheds, and give the students an experience to explore
Virginia virtually as if they were actually there. TSW then use the information from the
presentation and their experience with Google Earth to complete the small group map labeling
and coloring activity. TSW work in small/table groups to complete individual maps for
personal study purposes or display (TTW award best map with extra credit) purposes.

Whole Group Introduction to Conservation:

TTW show a video about conservation of Virginian watershed systems. After the video, TTW
then discuss with the students different forms of conservation and explain the requirements for
the individual foldable activity.

Individual Research:
TSW use the information from the conservation video, the group discussion, and their own
personal research to complete a foldable on the different ways in which people can conserve
Virginian watershed systems. TSW present their foldable to the class, and TTW facilitate a
group discussion on the importance of conservation with the class.
Evaluate & Revise

Student Performance:
The students will be evaluated on their individual performances. TSW demonstrate their basic
understanding of the location and naming of the Virginian Watershed System through the
small group activity and Google Earth research. The small group map activity will serve as a
collaborative, creative way for the students to practice labeling with their own maps (before an
assessment or performance based activity). TSW demonstrate researching abilities and
understanding of the conservation topics discussed through the foldable activity. The foldable
is meant to give students an opportunity to individually demonstrate their own research and
creativity through colors and pictures. TTW use both of the individual products as grading
points for the initial lessons (further assessments and activities will serve as bigger grades for
application of the knowledge base).

Instructor Performance:
During group activities, TTW observe students’ involvement in the group presentation and
labeling activity, the discussions on the watersheds and conservation, and the small groups
interactions and research when using Google Earth and labeling their individual maps. When
the students turn in their maps and foldable, TTW be able to assess student understanding of
the information discussed and award exceptional student performances. If the teacher finds
that the lesson was not fully understood, TTW reteach the main points of the lesson to the
students before the next activity/assessment.

Media Performance:
The Kahoot activity, presentation, video, and individual internet research were meant to
facilitate learning and understanding of the topic at hand. Students who use the technology to
enhance their learning experience, create detailed and colorful maps and foldable, and
contribute to the group discussions are using media to its fullest/successful potential and will
perform well on future activities and assessments related to the topic.

Virginia Department of Education. (2022). Science. VDOE :: Science Standards of Learning
Resources. Retrieved November 26, 2022, from

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