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CLASS -XI (2021-23)


Atomic mass : H - 1, B-11, C-12, N-14, O-16, Na-23, Mg-24, Al-27, P-31, S-32, K-39, Ca-40, Fe-56,
I-127, Hg -200

1. Find the Molecular mass of the following

(a) Glucose (C6H12O6) (b) Sugar (C12H22O11)
(c) Benzoic acid (C6H5COOH) (d) Ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH)
(e) Green Vitriol (FeSO4.7H2O) (f) Epsom Salt (MgSO4.7H2O)
(g) Oxalic acid (H2C2O4.2H2O) (h) Gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O)
(i) Plaster of Paris (CaSO4. H2O) (j) Mohr’s salt ((NH4)2SO4.FeSO4.6H2O)
(k) Potash Alum (K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H2O) (l) Hypo (Na2S2O3)
(m) Borax (Na2B4O7.10H2O) (n) Microcosmic salt Na(NH4)HPO4
(o) Iodide of Million’s base(HgO.Hg(NH2)I)
2. If on a hypothetical planet “human population of earth” is assumed to be 1 mole, then how many
mole human population lives in India as per the hypothetical planet.
(World population on earth is 7.77 billion and population of India is 1.38 × 109).
3. If corona virus is considered as a sphere of radius 50 nm then find the volume of 1 mole of virus in
4. Scientists concluded that the average human body contains approximately 37.314 trillion cells.
Then find the number of mole of cells in humans in the city of Shanghai with the population of
2.42 crores. (1 Trillion = 1012)
5. U.S. has retained its position of being the world’s largest economy since 1817. The size of U.S.
economy in 2020 in expected to be 22.32 trillion dollar. An Indian wishes to know the size of U.S.
economy in terms of mole of rupees can you help him to find the value. (Take 1 dollar = 75 Rs.)
6. 2 × 108 atoms of carbon are arranged side by side. If the length of this arrangement is 2.4 cm, then
find the number of mole of carbon atoms with same arrangement of length one metre.
7. If all 1 billion (109) people in India were put to work counting the atoms in a mole of gold and if
each person could count one atom per second, day and night for 365 days a year, how many years
would it take to finish the count?
Just as we denote one dozen for 12 items, score for 20 items, gross for 144 items, we use the idea of mole
to count entities at the microscopic level (i.e. atoms/molecules/particles, electrons, ions, etc.)
In SI system, mole (symbol, mol) was introduced as seventh base quantity for the amount of a substance.
One mole is the amount of a substance that contains as many particles or entities as there are atoms in
exactly 12g (or 0.012 kg) of 12C isotope.
8. Find number of mole of 3.01 × 1022 NO3 ion
9. Find number of mole of 2.408 × 1024 molecules of Glucose
10. Find number of mole of electron in 1 Coulomb charge. (charge of electron = 1.6 × 10–19C)

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