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1. How would you determine if the Instrumentation and Control (I&C) devices given to you to be installed are
the correct ones?
Ans. You can compare or check using P&ID.
2. What are the necessary drawings that you need to be able to perform the installation?
Ans. P&ID, Instrument Loop Diagram (ILD), Plant Layout, Process Engineering Flow Scheme (PEFS).
3. Describe the type of wire required to connect to an electronic smart pressure transmitter.
Ans. #20 AWG Instrument Shielded Wire.
4. Describe the type of wire required to connect to a Type “K” thermocouple sensor?
Ans. Chromel (Chronium)& Alumel (Aluminium)
5. What would the International Society of Automation (ISA) symbol of a square-root extractor look like?

6. Differentiate OPEN LOOP from CLOSED LOOP.
Ans. The closed loop has feedback whereas the open loop has no feedback.
7. How would you know if you have done the installation correctly?
Ans. You can check using P&ID.
8. What would you do if you found out that the tank has no process connection?
Ans. Make/Write a report that the tank has no process connection.
9. What basic safety measures must you undertake regarding PPE and OHS when doing installation in a
hazardous area?
Ans. Find out what the processes are, from here you will know what the appropriate safety measure that
should be applied.
10. Give four (4) basic PPE needed in an installation site where there are mechanical works and flying debris
around but the area is non-corrosive and non-hazardous.
Ans. Safety Hat (Hard Hat), Safety Goggles, Safety Suit (Cover all), Safety Shoes/Boots, and Safety Gloves
1. What are the documentation and instrument identification system used to identify the correct device to
be calibrated? Name atleast three (3).
Ans. Calibration Data, Instrument Name plate, Instrument Tag and Calibration Job Report.
2. When is it more appropriate to use a dry block as opposed to a temperature bath? Deadweight tester vs.
hand pump?
Ans. Dry Block is used at HIGH temperatures while Temperature Bath used at LOW temperatures.
Deadweight is used at HIGH Pressures while Hand pump used at LOW Pressures.
3. What is the meaning of three-point calibration? Five-point calibration?
Ans. Three-point Calibration = 0%, 50% & 100%
Five-point Calibration = 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% & 100%
4. What would you do if the instrument to be calibrated was found to be defective?
Ans. Make a report that the transmitter is defective.
5. What are the steps necessary to ensure that the instrument calibrated will be ready for plant operation?
Name atleast three (3).
Ans. First, Make sure the t instrument is working properly (It should be Calibrated). Second, there is a
proper report proving that it is working properly (Fully accomplished Calibration Job Report) and finally,
there is an order that it is ready to be returned or used for plant operation (Job order).
6. What are the important data entered into calibration job report? Name atleast five (5).
Ans. PV Value (Input Range), Required Output (Output Range), Instrument Type, Accuracy Reference &
Power Supply
7. How would you know if the calibration perform was valid?
Ans. If the value of final accuracy in each test points does not exceed the set value set in the accuracy
reference then we can say that the calibration is valid.
8. What is the maximum period for the next calibration cycle?
Ans. Calibration cycle lasts 6 months to 1 year. So, the maximum period for next calibration cycle is 1 year.
9. In bench calibration, what is the function of a resistor?
Ans. First, the resistor provides the required resistance to the instrument loop, and the second reason the
resistor is used to have communication between the SMART transmitter and HART communicator.
10. If we use a HART communicator to set the LRV and URV of a smart transmitter did we calibrate the
transmitter? Why?
Ans. No, if you use HART communicator to set the LRV & URV it is just Re-Ranging but if you use HART
communicator to adjust the ZERO and SPAN adjustment (DA trim) you have just calibrated the
1. What would you do to completely prepare for the configuration? Name atleast four (4).
Ans. First, the instrument/s that needs to be configured. Second, the testing device/s that will be used to
configure the instrument/s. Third is the job report where the data obtained from the configured instrument
will be written and lastly a manufacturer data/manual to be the reference.
2. What safety measures must you undertake when doing configuration on an operating single loop controller?
Ans. Find out what is in the whole process where the single loop controller is attached before making an
3. Enumerate the common materials, tools, equipment, and testing devices needed for configuring works
according to instrumentation and control standards. Name atleast two (2) for each category.
Ans. Materials = Connecting Wires, Terminal Lugs and Electrical Tape.
Tools = Diagonal/Side Cutter, Screwdrivers and Wire Stripper
Equipment = Controller, and Transmitter/Configurator
Testing Devices = Digital Multimeter (DMM) and Calibrator/Simulator
4. What are the two (2) most commonly used programming languages when we configure a PLC?
Ans. Function Block Diagram, Ladder Diagram
5. What would you do if you accidentally skipped a step in the configuration procedure?
Ans. Don’t panic just go back to the parameter or level where you skipped.
6. How would you know if the configuration performed was successful?
Ans. Run a test
7. What are the steps necessary to ensure that the instrument configuration will be ready for plant operation?
Name atleast three (3).
Ans. First, Make sure the instrument is working properly (It should be Configured). Second, there is a proper
report proving that it is working properly (Fully accomplished Configuration Job Report) and finally, there is an
order that it is ready to be returned or used for plant operation (Job order).
8. What is the important information needed for the configuration report? Name atleast five (5).
Ans. Input Type, Input LRV & URV, SP LRV& URV, Output Type, Output LRV & URV.
9. What is the designation used for a transducer that converts current to pressure?
Ans. An I/P
10. Name the three (3) selections available when we configure the burnout protection of a controller?
Ans. Upscale Burnout, Downscale Burnout & NO burnout.

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