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 and design rules

  is the size of a minimum feature.

• Specifying  particularizes the
scalable rules.
• Parasitics are generally not
specified in units

Dept of ECM

3 metal 2

3 metal 1

3 pdiff/ndiff

2 poly

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λ based Design rules

Design rules For wires( n-MOS and CMOS)

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λ based Design rules
Transistor design rules(n-MOS PMOS and CMOS)

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Contact Cuts

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Contacts Polysilicon to diffusion(nMOS only)

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2 µm double metal, double poly. CMOS/BiCMOS Rules

as far as color assignments are concerned the following extension/additions are made: n-
well-brown (same as p-well); Poly. 1- red; Poly. 2-orange; nDiff. (n-active)-green; pDiff. (p-
active) -yellow (a green outline to the yellow may be used to show pDiff. clearly in color
stick diagrams). Hatching, which is compatible with monochrome encoding, may also be
added to color mask encoding, to distinguish underlying layers and to allow for ready
copying of color diagrams on monochrome copying machines.

For Bi-CMOS the following are added: buried n+ subcollector -pale green; p-base pink.
These extra features are set out in Figure 3.1 (c) and in Color plate I( c). The use of color
encoding is illustrated in the Color plates section of this book. The monochrome encoded
rule set for the Orbit™ 2 µm double metal double poly. Bi-CMOS process is given in
Figures 3.13(a)-(f). The rule set is also presented in color as Color plates

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Cont.. Design rules for wires(interconnections)
orbit 2µm Technology

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Basic Gate Layouts
Inverter layout


tub ties
(tubs not
out transistors
a shown)
a out


Dept of ECM

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