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Detailed Lesson Plan

I. Objectives:
1. Describe the Philippines Physical Activity Pyramid
2. Asses participation in physical activities based on the Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid
3. Perform the activities in the Philippines Physical Activity Pyramid regularly

II. Subject Matter: The Philippines Physical Activity Pyramid

Reference: PE and Health for Fun 6 p. 3-7
Materials: Pictures, Marker, Manila Paper

III. Procedure:

Teachers Activity Pupils Activity

Preliminary Activities
Prayer: Everybody stand up and let us pray. Mr. (In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Laquinta please lead the prayer. holy Spirit, Amen)

Greetings: Good Morning , class! Good Morning Ms. Sabado!

Before you take a seat, kindly pick up the pieces of
paper and candy wrapper under your chair and you may
take a seat.

Is everybody present? Yes Ma’am!

Very good. Okay since Everybody is present
Let us give ourselves a clap! (Enthusiastically clapping)

B. Review
Now, who can recall our previous lesson? Our previous lesson Ma’am is about how the lack of
It is all about what? Yes, Santa. physical activity can cause a person to become obese
Very good. Let us give her a big clap. and leads to sickness.
Thank you. You may now take your seats.

Who can give me the kinds of sickness if a person is Diabetes, Hypertension and also heart disease.
becoming obese?
Yes, ____________.

Very good! everyone really listened on our discussion

Before we proceed to our lesson let’s have a game first,
are you all excited ?
So now I will group you into 4 and in each group I will
give a puzzle and you need to assemble it. Then Write in
the board if what is the puzzle portraying.

Do you have any question before we start ? Okay Let’s

start the game None Ma’am
 ( Done doing the energizer game) 
Did you have fun?
Yes Ma’am

D. Presentation
What have you noticed about these pictures?
Ma’am the picture shows physical activity or Exercises

Very well said. Let us give her five claps.

Now, we are going to discuss the Physical Activity
Pyramid of the Philippines
So, what is the Physical activity pyramid? Let us find out.

E. Discussion
This time we will know the importance of doing the
regular physical activities that will improve your physical
fitness level. We will also learn the how to maximize the
use of the Philippines Physical Activity Pyramid.
So, I have here an Illustration of the Physical Activity


So class what have you noticed in the kinds of activities

that are present in the Pyramid? There is some activity ma’am that we do regularly and
there are activities that we do not do very often.
Very good __________.

The Philippines Physical Activity Pyramid illustrates

different kinds of physical activities recommended for
children like you. It consists of different kinds of physical
activities divided into four levels refers to the
recommended frequency. Physical activity refers to any
movement of the body that requires energy.
Frequency Affects Effectivity
An important concept in the Philippines Physical Activity
Pyramid is frequency. It refers to the number of times
that you engage in physical activities within a period of
one week. The Philippines Physical Activities Pyramid is
divided into four levels.
The bottommost includes physical activities
recommended to be done on a daily basis. These
includes playing outdoor games and doing household
chores. These can be easy or have some level of
difficulty and promote movement of the body. What is
important in this level there are physical activities that
can be done everyday which can help improve your
physical fitness.
The second level from the bottom is compose of
physical activities recommended to be performed four
to six times in a week such as running, playing
basketball, volleyball, and the like. These activities can
increase one’s heart rate.
The higher next level from the bottom is composed of
physical activities recommended twice or thrice a week.
These includes tumbling, push-ups, pull-ups, dancing,
and others that can improve the condition of your body.
Physical activities in this level can also increase your
heart rate but are primarily for muscle conditioning.
Physical activities on top of the pyramid are those that
are recommended less frequently and for short period
at a time. These are considered sedentary activities or
those that you can do with little or no body movement.
These includes watching TV, playing computer games,
sitting for a long time and others.

People who are engaged in strenuous activities or those

that require more physical exertion, are more likely to
be in better physical condition than those who are not.

There are how many levels in Philippines Physical

Activity Pyramid class? There are four levels ma’am

Very good ________

Value integration:
Why is it important to do regular physical activities Being physically active Ma’am can improve your brain
class? health, help manage weight, reduce the risk of disease,
strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your
ability to do everyday activities.

F. Generalization
The Philippines Physical Pyramid consist of four level.
The bottommost includes physical activities
recommended to be done on a daily basis. The second
level from the bottom is compose of physical activities
recommended to be performed four to six times in a
week. The higher next level from the bottom is
composed of physical activities recommended twice or
thrice a week. Physical activities on top of the pyramid
are those that are recommended less frequently and for
short period at a time.

G. Application

The pupils will do the Activity

IV. Evaluation.

The pupils will do the Activity

V. Assignment.
Give 5 examples of activities that you
actually do regularly that we can see at the
bottomost part of the Philippines Physical
Activity Pyramid.

Goodbye class see you tomorrow!

Goodbye and thank you ma’am

Zeny Dianne A. Sabado


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