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What is RE? 4. Naturalism

- is the systematic and planned approach to : - all beings & events in the universe are natural; beliefs
 Make religion meaningful & operative in the creative that nothing exists beyond the natural world; laws of nature
process of growth that involves one’s whole life 5. Atheism
- for them there is no God; lack of beliefs in existence of
Dominican Education God
6. Deism
Catholic - beliefs in the existence of a supreme being, specifically
VMO, MOTTO, CORE Dominican
VALUES, S.T.A.M.P of a creator who does not intervene in the universe

Humanistic Transformative
Does Human beings have the capacity to know God?
- Man’s faculties (intellect & will)
- we can know God with certainty from the creator world by
the natural light of our human reason (lumen rationis)
- however, it must be enlightened by God’s revelation,
through faith (lumen fidei)

Human being can know God

1. Natural Knowledge (lumen rationis)
- simply knowing things (spontaneous common sense)
- using reason in knowing the causes of things (scientific
use of reason-metaphysical)
- consists in observing reality, looking at reality as it
is appears to us in the senses, reaching principles
2. Super Knowledge - the highest knowledge of God
- light of faith (lumen fidei)
- beatific vision (lumen gloriae)
- this knowledge is aided by Divine revelation & grace
Four Pillars
1. Prayer - a daily communion & dialogue with God
Human reason
2. Study - intimate search & understanding of what is true
- human being rises to the top of his knowing capabilities
3. Community - to live the Gospel in common through love,
when he knows God as one and unique, principle & end, the
prayer, compassion & charity
subsistent being itself (Ipsum Esse Subsistens), all perfect &
4. Apostolate - preach the good news of Christ to the world
- can prove by itself that God exists by showing the
“contemplar et contemplata allis tradere”
necessity of a cause for the universe of beings
- to contemplate & to hand over to others the contemplated
- our natural knowledge of God is the conclusions of a
reasoning process
Service Learning/ Praxis Education
1. Inquiry
Priori - knowing by cause; in the case of God
- grounding the lesson in real-life situations,
Posteriori - knowing by effect
acknowledging prior beliefs & questions, addressing current
issues & reality
Ontological Argument
2. Research
- approaching the subject from different angles,
 Anselm of Canterbury
appraising the views of various disciplines & perspective
- think of the highest being your mind can ever conceive
3. Analysis
- the highest being conceived of should not only exists in
- articulating & reflecting with the help of other
the mind, but also in reality
disciplines & in the light of Christian Faith
4. Action
 St. Thomas of Aquinas
- applying near knowledge to praise God (Laudare), to
- Starting Point: OBSERVABLE FACTS
bless God by being a blessing to others (Benedicere), & to
share the faith (Praedicare)
Challenges in Knowing God
1. The Argument from MOTION
- man’s limited capacity to know, comprehend &
- some things are in motion
understand the transcendent, mysterious & not self-evident
- God is the Unmoved Mover
2. The Argument from EFFICIENT CAUSE
- God is not self-evident, therefore there is a need to
- there is no case known in which a thing is the efficient
demonstrate & prove his existence
cause of itself
- God is the Uncaused Cause
As HUMAN we need…..
3. The Argument from CONTINGENCY & NECESSITY
-proofs, evidence, facts
- we find in nature things that are possible to be and not
Process of Knowing God
- smell, touch, taste, vision, hearing (5 senses)
- God is the Necessary Being
Ideas about God
- in this world, there are higher & lesser degrees
1. Pantheism
- diverse subjects participates in different degrees as
- god consists of everyone & everything (e.g. a tree is
they resemble in different ways which is the maximum
God; all people are in “nature religions” God)
- God is the Paramount Perfection
- Hindus & Buddhist
5. The Argument from the ORDER
2. Agnosticism
- things that lack intelligence act for end
- God is unknown or unknowable
- God is the Intelligent Designer
3. Rationalism
- Free-thought; Rationalist would agree that there is no
evidence for any arbitrary supernatural authority (God)
Moral Uprightness  He Reveals in Scripture- Salvation History
- this knowledge of God, is not only an exclusively - he chooses men to reveal himself & manifest his
intellectual challenge handiwork
- it is inevitably related to life and to morality - he sends thumb mark to his first covenant mediator
- the inner disposition of will & the emotions has a great for identification - ADAM - first covenant
influence on a man’s knowledge of God
- a person with a good disposition, with a good will is Covenant Adam Noah Abraham
more ready to see with clarity & accept this conclusion: GOD Mediator
EXISTS Covenant Marriage Rainbow Circumcision
Revelation Covenant Couple Family Tribe
- to reveal means to unveil, to disclose, to remove the veil Form
that hides something, to manifest or make known that Moses David Jesus
which is hidden or invisible
- Divine revelation is God’s manifestation to humans of Decalogue Throne Eucharist
truths that were concealed from them
- truths about God or creatures-reveal the origin & Nation Kingdom Universal
destiny of men and world Family
1. Goal  He reveals in the Church
2. Content - the Church in her doctrine life & worship,
3. Agent perpetuates & transmits to every generation all that she
herself is, all that she believes
Transmission Of Divine Revelation
 He reveals in other Religion
Sacred Tradition - Catholics, Muslims, Buddhist, etc.
- id the divine truth preserved & transmitted through
Apostolic teaching JESUS CHRIST
- the ultimate revelation of the Father
Apostolic Tradition - the definitive revelation of God
- occurs in two ways:
1. Sacred Tradition (orally) - through the living of the word
of God; continued in Apostolic Succession
2. Sacred Scripture (in writing) - is the same proclamation of Divine Truths; Knowledge of God
salvation in written form (Bible)
 The Heritage of Faith entrusted to the whole Church
- the task of giving an authentic interpretation of the Orally Written
Word of God, whether in its written form or in form of
tradition Sacred Tradition Sacred Scripture
 The Dogmas of Faith
- there is an organic connection between our spiritual Apostolic College of Canon Inspiration Interpreta
life & the dogmas Tradition Bishops tion
- Bar Human
- Dogmas are lights along the path of faith; they - Old
Magesteri Author - Hebrew
illuminate it & make it secure Apostles testament - Latin
- witness - New
God’s Revelation in History - Pentecost Infidable testament
-Spread Contextual
- Faith
Natural Revelation- Creation Public life of Interpretation
- Morals
Jesus Christ
Apostolic - the message
7 days of Creation itself

7. Rest with God

3. Plants & Lands 6. Animals & Humans


2. Water & Clouds 5. Birds & Fish


1. Dark & Lightness 4. Sun, Moon, & Stars


FORMING: no more “Tohu” - Formlessness

FILLING: no more “Bohu” - Emptiness

GOODLUCK! U can do it!


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