Lesson 10. Organizational Culture of Schools

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Lesson Organizational Culture of

10 Schools
Learning Outcomes

 explain the meaning of organizational culture of school.

 discuss how organizational culture of school affects the
teaching and learning experiences or processes.

School as an organization has its own ways of doing things in order to achieve
their vision, mission and goals. It means that each school has its organizational
culture that influences how each member of the organization like administrator,
teacher, and student performs and functions.


(source: https://asiafoundation.org/2017/04/05/school-congestion-philippines-breakthrough-solution/ )

What do people in your school regularly do?

Principal/Administrator ________________________________________

Teacher ________________________________________

Canteen Staff ________________________________________

Student ________________________________________
School Guard ________________________________________

Librarian ________________________________________

____________ ________________________________________

____________ ________________________________________

____________ ________________________________________

____________ ________________________________________
(You can still add until you reach 10 people to describe)

1. How does each member’s duty, function or performance
contribute to the success/ failure in your school?


Organizational Culture of Schools

Organizational culture is commonly understood as how we do things around
(Lundy & Cowling, 1996) which is based from the attitudes, beliefs, values shared by
each member in the organization which shapes the distinct character of the
organization (Brown, 1998).

Levels of Organizational Culture

1. Level of basic assumptions are our mental orientation about the world and
about people. This mind set strongly affects our organizational reality.
2. Level of basic values are values that the organization considers significant in
ensuring achievement of goals and plans. The members are expected to imbibe
these values in their daily work experiences in the organization.

3. Level of artifacts are observed in the appearance and utilization of material

resources like buildings and facilities that manifest what the organization
considered important (Schein, 1992).

Types of Organizational Culture

1. Power culture is an organizational culture influenced by a leader with a
strong personality, who dominates every aspect of the organizational culture.
For educational organization, it is considered not a good culture for it limits
the potential of the school and its processes on different levels to potential of
person who plays the school head role.

2. Role culture which is bureaucratic in nature is rigidly based on laws and

regulations that don’t consider individual decision. This culture is static and
mechanistic that doesn’t approve of flexibility or freedom of action.

3. Task culture is considered the best culture that is established on the potential
of all members of the organization without compromising the goals of the
organization whose condition maximizes the potential of the organization as a
whole. This type strongly promotes the desire for students’ growth and

4. Person culture is strongly considering the potential of all members of the

organization but disregard the interest and goals of the organization (Handy &
Atiken, 1986).

Further Readings:
1. Shafer, L. (2018). What makes a good school culture? Available @
2. Ahmad, F. (2014). Organizational culture. Available @
3. http://www.ascd.org/publications/books/115004/chapters/Defining-

Functions of Culture
Culture is an active agent of change. It functions visibly and invisibly in any
1. Create distinctions – this makes the organization create a unique character
2. Helps to create a sense of identity
3. Facilitates the generation of commitment
4. Enhances the social stability
5. Serves as a sense making and control mechanism
(source: Sinha,K. Retrieved from https://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/organization/ organizational-


In this activity, you have a matrix to fill out. The boxes around the center
text will be filled out with what your school has done or has not done to
achieve the goal specified at the center of the matrix. For the outer boxes, you
can give short explanation of your answer.







The school offers a variety of The school also offers school breaks
opportunities for students to that let the students and employees
demonstrate their abilities and
have a break, refresh and spend
talents in the fields they have time with________________
their love ones.

In every event, all people inside There are also school mass for
catholic students and employees and
the school don’t need to attend
christian worship for every christian
the class. Everyone is allowed to
every Wednesday. It makes everyone
roam around the school and happy and blessed
celebrate the event.

The statement that I have filled out in the matrix is based on my school when I was in Senior
High School. Our school always held the Intramural to showcase the talents of students and
employees. The most awaited time of the students and employees is the school break
wherein they can all relax and refresh. In every event like teacher’s day, students are also
excused in the class and are allowed to visit their teachers in the faculty room and celebrate
with them. The school also conducts mass and christian worship for every students and
employees every Wednesday. Students and Employees are very much happy and privileged
to be able to have this opportunity in the school.

Good job guys! I hope that the sharing of information/knowledge using this lesson
10 will prepare you for your future engagement in the school organization you will

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