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Manual for Postgraduate Studies Programmes

Department of Environmental Sciences

Master in in Environmental Sciences
Courses and Thesis


The Department was founded in 1400AH and the Graduate Studies Programs
commenced in 1400AH

Academic Degrees:

• Master’s Degree by Courses and Thesis

M.Sc. Degree in Environmental Sciences

(by Courses and Thesis)

M.Sc. Degree in Environmental Sciences Acquiring Requirements:

To acquire an MScDegree in Environmental Sciences the student must complete not

less than 32 Units including the Master’s Thesisand which are distributed as follows

• 12 Units for Compulsory Courses

• 15 Units for Elective Courses
• 8 Units for the Master’s Thesis

The details of the Courses are as follow

aCompulsory Courses 12 Units

Code Course Name Units
ENS 601 Advanced Environmental Statistics 3
ENS 602 Instrumental Environmental Analysis 3
ENS 607 Integrated Environmental Management 2
ENS 694 Research Methodology and Scientific Writing 3
ENS 695 Seminar 1

Faculty of Meteorology,
Environment & Arid Land

bElective Courses 15 Units

The student chooses with the supervisor’s guidance and the consent of the head of depart
menta sum of 14 Units out of the following Elective Courses
Code Course Name Units
ENS 604 Advanced Environmental Impact Assessment 3
ENS 606 Environmental Specifications and Laws 3
ENS 608 Advanced Environmental Microbiology 3
ENS 609 Energy and Environmental Impacts 3
ENS 611 Advanced Atmospheric Chemistry 3
ENS 612 Methods of Measuring Air pollutants 3
ENS 613 Climatic Changes and their Environmental Effects 3
ENS 614 Air Pollution Transportation Modeling 3
ENS 615 Environmental Pollution and Urban Planning 3
ENS 621 Advanced Drinking Water Treatment 3
ENS 622 Groundwater Pollution and Protection 3
ENS 623 Advanced Municipal Wastewater Treatment 3
ENS 624 3
ENS 625 3
ENS 626 Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes (Practical) 3
ENS 627 Water and Wastewater Chemistry 3
ENS 631 Management and Treatment of Industrial Wastewater 3
ENS 632 Advanced Chemical Analysis of Food 3
ENS 633 Food-Borne Diseases 3
ENS 634 Food Safety and Consumer Protection 3
ENS 635 Conservation of Food Resources 3
ENS 636 Food Microbial Analysis 3
ENS 643 Advanced Environmental Toxicology 3
ENS 651 Advanced Occupational Health and Safety 3
ENS 652 Assessment of Human Exposure to Poisons. 3
ENS 661 Advanced Solid Waste Management 3
ENS 662 Waste Recycling 3
ENS 663 Advanced Hazardous Waste Management 3
ENS 683 Practical Training 3

Manual for Postgraduate Studies Programmes

Code Course Name Units
ENS 691 Advanced Noise Pollution and Control 3
ENS 697 Special Topics 3
- Free Topics 3

cThesis 8 Units
Code Course Name Units Prerequisite

ENS 699 M. Sc. Thesis 8

PhD in Environmental Sciences

Courses and Thesis

Compulsory Courses 8 Units

Code Course Name Units Prerequisite
ENS 702 Concepts and applications of environmental performance 3
ENS 703 Environmental principles and policies 3
ENS 795 Seminar in Environmental Sciences 2

Elective Courses 22 Units

The student selects, after the approval of the academic advisor, twenty two units for each
branch, and they may include not more than six units of post graduate courses at the
Ph. D. level from outside the department. :
Code Course Name Units Prerequisite

Occupational Hygiene
ENS 720 Occupational toxicodynamics 2
ENS 721 Pneumoconiosis 3
326 ENS 722 Occupational cancer 2
Faculty of Meteorology,
Environment & Arid Land

Code Course Name Units Prerequisite
ENS 723 Ergonomics 3
ENS 724 Industrial ventilation 3
ENS 725 Occupational accident analysis 2
ENS 726 Personal protective measures in occupational environ- 3
ENS 727 Occupational noise 3
ENS 728 Radiation in working environment 3
ENS 729 Occupational exposure to organic solvents 2
ENS 730 Occupational risk management 3
ENS 731 Psychological health in occupational environment 3
ENS 732 Occupational health in oil industry 2
ENS 733 Early detection of occupational diseases 3
ENS 734 Molecular epidemiology in occupational health 2
ENS 735 Occupational exposure to metals 2
ENS 736 International policies in occupational health 3
Food Safety and Hygiene
ENS 737 Ultrafine structure of environmental microorganisms 3
ENS 738 Applied uses of microorganisms in food 3
ENS 739 Microbial food poisoning 3
ENS 740 Chemical food poisoning 3
ENS 741 Thermal processing of foods 3
ENS 742 Advanced food sanitation 3
ENS 743 Advanced food quality control 2
ENS 744 Advanced food additives 2
ENS 745 Advanced food preservation 2
ENS 746 Food safety and risk analysis 3
ENS 747 Microbial fermentations 3
ENS 748 Advanced food analysis 3
ENS 749 Technology of food enzymes 3
ENS 750 Food standard specifications and legislation 2
ENS 751 Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points (HACCP) 2
ENS 752 Biotechnology in food sciences 3

Manual for Postgraduate Studies Programmes

Code Course Name Units Prerequisite

Water Pollution

ENS 753 Water pollution and sustainable development 2

ENS 754 Processes of water quality control 3
ENS 755 Water desalination 2
ENS 756 Degradation of pollutants in soil and groundwater 3
ENS 757 Evaluation and rehabilitation of polluted coasts 3
ENS 758 Surface water quality modeling 2
ENS 759 Soil and ground water pollution modeling 2
ENS 760 Land treatment of wastewater 2
ENS 761 Theories of operation of sewage treatment units 2
ENS 762 Advanced methods for wastewater treatment 3
ENS 763 Water reuse and recycling 2
ENS 764 Sludge treatment and disposal 2
ENS 765 Clean technology for pollution prevention 3
ENS 766 Environmental management in industrial facilities 2
ENS 767 Stabilization and solidification of hazardous industrial 3
ENS 768 Life cycle assessment 3
ENS 769 Environmental applications of geographical information 3

Air Pollution and Meteorology

MET 770 Dynamical meteorology 3

MET 771 Boundary layer meteorology 2
MET 772 Numerical weather prediction 3
MET 773 Air pollutants dispersion models 2
MET 774 Remote sensing in atmospheric sciences 3
MET 775 Synoptic meteorology 3
MET 776 Climate change modeling 2
MET 777 Physical meteorology 3
MET 778 Atmospheric aerosols 2
ENS 779 Air microbiology 3
ENS 780 Chemical and photochemical reactions in the atmosphere 3

Faculty of Meteorology,
Environment & Arid Land

Code Course Name Units Prerequisite
ENS 781 Monitoring of industrial pollutants 3
ENS 782 Combustion and air pollution 2
ENS 783 Source control of atmospheric pollution 3
ENS 784 Atmospheric transport and transformation of airborne 3
ENS 785 Toxic and hazardous air pollutants 2
ENS 786 Energy technology and its impact on environment 2
ENS 787 Energy strategies for sustainable development 3
ENS 788 Environmental risk analysis 3

Thesis 12 Units

Code Course Name Units Prerequisite

ENS 799 Ph. D. Thesis 12


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