Activities Guide and Evaluation Rubric - Unit 2 - Phase 4 - Final Documentation and Consolidation

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación

Course: Documentation and Techniques of Software Tests
Code: 204027

Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric - Phase 4 - Final documentation and


1. Activity Description

Type of activity: Collaborative

Evaluation moment: Final
Highest score of the activity: 125 points
The activity starts on: Monday, The activity ends on: Sunday, December
November 28, 2022 11, 2022
With this activity, you are expected to achieve the following learning

Learning outcome 5: Apply the software, manual and automated testing techniques
applicable to the project quality processes.

The activity consists of:

In this collaborative activity, the group should work on these tasks:

Part 1 - Final documentation

The group must prepare the documentation of the final phase of the software life cycle,
the deployment phase, where the main artifacts are

 User Manual.

 Technical Manual.

Working with the application developed in the previous phases and using the attached
templates, the group must build the user manual and the technical manual.

Part 2 - Consolidation

Taking the deliverables of the previous phases as inputs, the group must consolidate
all the documentation generated in the different phases of the software life cycle and
deliver the final document that must contain:

1. Cover
2. Introduction
3. Initial concepts: Documentation and Testing Techniques.
4. Application description.
5. Requirements documentation (including prototypes).
6. Software development schedule.
7. Test cases.
8. Evidence of functional/manual testing.
9. Evidence of the automation testing implemented.
10.User Manual
11.Technical Manual

For the development of the activity consider that:

In the Initial Information Environment, you must:

 Review the start and end dates of the activity

In the Learning Environment, you must:

 Interact with the teacher and classmates to clarify any doubts you can have
about the development of the activity.

In the Evaluation Environment, you must:

 Deliver the final document with the structure and contents defined in the
previous section of this guide.

Evidences of collaborative work:

The collaborative evidence to be submitted is:

 The group must submit a document in Word format (Doc or Docx) or in PDF
format. The name of the delivered file must have this format: Phase 04 – Group
No XXX. Example: “Phase 04 - Group No 11.pdf”.

 The document must have a cover that includes at least the following information:
Name of the activity, full name of the student, group, career, date of delivery,
city, name of the tutor.

2. General Guidelines for the Development of Evidences to Submit

For Collaborative evidences, consider the following:

 All members of the group must participate with their contributions in the
development of the activity.

 In each group a single member will be chosen to submit the requested product in
the environment indicated by the teacher.

 Before submitting the requested product, students should check that it meets all
the requirements mentioned in this activity guide.

 Only the members of the group that participated with contributions during the
time assigned for the activity should be included as authors of the submitted

Please keep in mind that all individual or collaborative written products must comply
with the spelling rules and presentation conditions defined in this activity guide.
Regarding the use of references, consider that the product of this activity must
comply with APA style.
In any case, make sure you comply with the rules and avoid academic plagiarism.
You can review your written products using the Turnitin tool found in the virtual

Under the Academic Code of Conduct, the actions that infringe the academic order,
among others, are the following: paragraph e) Plagiarism is to present as your own
work all or part of a written report, task or document of invention carried out by
another person. It also implies the use of citations or lack of references, or it
includes citations where there is no match between these and the reference and
paragraph f) To reproduce, or copy for profit, educational resources or results of
research products, which have rights reserved for the University. (Acuerdo 029 - 13
de diciembre de 2013, artículo 99)

The academic penalties students will face are:
a) In case of academic fraud demonstrated in the academic work or evaluation, the
score obtained will be zero (0.0) without any disciplinary measures being derived.
b) In case of proven plagiarism in academic work of any nature, the score obtained
will be zero (0.0), without any disciplinary measures being derived.

3. Evaluation Rubric Template

Type of activity: Collaborative

Evaluation moment: Final
The highest score in this activity is 125 points
First evaluation High level: The group prepares and delivers the user manual
criterion: according to the content suggested in the template.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 25 points
The group and 45 points
elaborates and
deliver the User Average level: The group deliver the user manual, but there
Manual are missing sections.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 11 points
This criterion and 24 points
represents 45
points of the total Low level: The group does not deliver the user manual.
of 125 points of If your work is at this level, you can get between 0
the activity. points and 10 points
Second evaluation High level: The group prepares and delivers the technical
criterion: manual according to the content suggested in the template.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 25 points
The group and 45 points
elaborates and
deliver the Average level: The group deliver the technical manual, but
Technical Manual there are missing sections.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 11 points
This criterion and 24 points
represents 45
points of the total Low level: The group does not deliver the technical manual.
of 125 points of If your work is at this level, you can get between 0
the activity. points and 10 points

Third evaluation High level: The group delivers the consolidated document,
criterion: containing all the sections requested in the guide.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 20 points
The group delivers and 30 points
the consolidated
documentation of all Average level: The group delivers the consolidated document,
the project but 2-4 sections are missing.
This criterion If your work is at this level, you can get between 10 points
represents 30 and 19 points
points of the total
of 125 points of Low level: The group does not deliver the document, or more
the activity. than 5 sections are missing
If your work is at this level, you can get between 0
points and 9points
Fourth evaluation
High level: The group delivers the document in the evaluation
environment, in the appropriate format and respecting the
structure for the file name. APA standards applied.
The group makes
If your work is at this level, you can get between 4 points
the delivery in the
and 5 points
environment, with
Average level: The group delivers the document, but it does
the requested
not comply with the requested format or name or does not apply
format and file
APA standards.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 2 points
and 3 points
This criterion
represents 5
Low level: The group does not deliver the document.
points of the total
If your work is at this level, you can get between 0
of 125 points of
points and 1 point
the activity.

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