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= SSAC – 353 =

1. Ammonium Sulphate is AMMONICAL FERTILIZER
2. LEIBIG is father of Agriculture Chemistry
3. Chemical formula for citrate soluble phosphate is Ca(H2PO4).
4. Cracking in Tomato is deficiency of BORON
5. C:N ratio of fertile soil is 10:1-12:1.
6. Deficiency of iron is common FLOODED SOIL.
7. AZOTOBACTER are symbiotic bacteria
8. Toxicity of calcium may lead to ZINC chlorosis
9. Soil test indicate SOIL FERTILITY.
10. BOUSSINGAULT was first to star field plot experiment on his farm
11. LAWES started first use of single super phopsphate
12. Stunted growth of plant is deficiency of PHOSPHORUS.
13. Long term fertilizer experiment first station is located at COIMBATORE.
14. Formula for Urea is CO(NH2)2.
15. DIAMMONIUM PHOSPHATE is example of complex fertilizer
16. Basic slag content 3-10 %N
17. Availability of Phosphorus is maximum at soil pH 6
18. DHAICHA crop is used for in-situ green manuring crop.
19. There are 17 essential nutrient in plant.
20. At the tip of plant deficiency symptoms are shown by POTASSIUM
21. Yellowing of veins is due to deficiency of MAGNESIUM.
22. ROCK PHOSPHATE is the example of organic source of phosphorus to
23. FELDSPAR primary mineral is rich source of potassium.
24. COLEMANITE is the mineral source of Boron in soil.
25. Sickle leaf disease is due to deficiency of PHOSPHORUS.
26. Buttoning in cauliflower is due to deficiency of NITROGEN.
27. ZINC is the ultra-micronutrient.
28. 24% percent of sulphur is present in Ammonium Sulphate.
29. Silicon is absorbed by the plant in the form of MONOSILICIC &
30. A Criteria of essentiality was given by ARNON & STAUT.
31. ….nutrient is present in both anion and cation form.
32. SUNHEMP, DHAICHA, COW PEA Is the in situ green manuring crops.
33. C:N ratio of saw dust is 400:1.
34. UREA example of amide fertilizer.
35. The clear liquid that escape from settling of sludge is known as SLUDGE
36. FERTILIZER GRADE is an expression referring to the legal guarantee of
the available plant nutrient expresses in percentage by weight.
37. C:N ratio of microorganisms 4:1, 9:1.
38. Example of amide fertilizer.: UREA.
39. Earthworm spp. used for Vermicomposting: EISENIA FETIDA,
40. Examples of chelates. EDTA,DTPA.
41. During anaerobic decomposition of cow dung slurry METHANE gas is
42. Lime induced chlorosis in field crop is due to deficiency of Zn
43. Ammonium molybdate contains 54% of Mo.
44. AZOLLA is a living floating association of aquatic fern and algae which
fixes atm. nitrogen in submerged soil.
45. 1 ton of well grown green manure is equivalent to 2.8 TO 3 TON of FYM.

1. SOIL: Soil is a dynamic natural body composed of mineral and organic
material and living forms in which grow.
2. ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS: A chemical element required for normal
growth of plant without which plant cannot complete its life cycle.
3. BENEFICIAL NUTRIENTS: Beneficial elements are the mineral
elements which stimulate plant growth but are not essential or which are
essential only for certain plant species or under specific conditions.
Example: Si, Co.
4. MACRONUTRIENTS: These are required in large quantities and there
concentration in plant tissue is also more.
Example: C H O, N P K, Ca Mg S.
5. MICRONUTRIENTS: These are required in very small amounts and
therefore called as micronutrients.
Example: Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Mo, Bo, Cl, (Ni).
6. DEFICIENCY: When an essential elements is at low concentration that
severely limits yield and produces more or less distinct deficiency
7. TOXICITY: When the Concentration of either essential or other element is
high, enough to reduce plant growth and yield.
8. ORGANIC RECYCLING: Returning the plant nutrients removed by crops
from soil through additions of organic material of crop after harvesting crop
is referred as an organic recycling.
9. MANURES: These are the materials naturally available in farm or locality
and are constituted mainly of remains of plants and animals which are added
to a soil as a source of nutrients and for modifying the soil properties.
10. C/N RATIO: The ratio of the weight of organic carbon to the weight of
total nitrogen in soil or organic material.
11. BULKY ORGANIC MANURES Organic material of natural origin having
greater volume per unit nutrient content. C/N ratio may be about 20 : 1
Examples - FYM, compost and green manuring.
12. CONCENTRATED ORGANIC MANURE: Organic material of natural
origin having small volume per unit nutrient content. C:N ratio may be less
than 10 : 1. Examples - oil cakes, blood meal, meat meal, fish and
13. FARM YARD MANURE (FYM): It constitutes the excreta of farm
animals with or without an admixture of bedding or litter, fresh or at various
stages of further decomposition.
14. FYM contains on an average 0.5 % N, 0.2% P2O5and 0.5 % K2O.
15. COMPOST: the decomposed organic matter made from decomposition of
16. VERMICOMPOST: The compost which is produced by earthworms
having the highest grade and containing greater amounts of available / stable
nutrients and high percentage of casting.
17. GREEN MANURE: Plant material incorporated into soil while green or
soon after maturity, for improving the soil.
18. GREEN LEAF MANURING: Collection of leaves and tender twigs from
shrubs and trees grown on bunds and incorporate in the field.
Example: Glirisidia sepium, karanj.
19. SEWAGE: Liquid collected from closed drains usually contains urine and
washings, the nightsoil and other solid ingredients.
Composition: N - 6 to 10%, P2O53 to 4% & K2O 3 to 4%.
20. SLUDGE: Settled sewage solids combined with varying amounts of water
and dissolved materials removed from sewage by screening sedimentation.
Chemical precipitation or bacterial digestion.
Composition: N - 1.5 to 3.5%, P2O50.75 to 4.00 % and K2O 0.3 to 0.6%.
21. SLUDGE EFFLUENT: The clear liquid that escapes from settling of
sludge is known as sludge effluent.
22. INM: To maintain of soil fertility use of all organic in-organic and
biological sources for getting desired productivity without harming
23. NIGHT SOIL: Human excreta consisting of solid portion as faces and
liquid as urine.
24. POUDRETTE: The night soil is deposited in trenches and covered with a
layer of earth and debris. This becomes dry material which is known as
25. BIOGAS PLANT SLURRY: It is the slurry by product removed from
biogas plant is called biogas slurry.
Composition: N-1.6-1.8 %, P-1.1-2%, K- 0.8-1.2%.
26. FERTILIILZERS: Any organic or inorganic material of natural or
synthetic origin added to a soil to supply certain element essential for the
growth of plants.
27. STRAIGHT FERTILIZER: These are those which supply only one
primary nutrient chemical combination.
Example: Urea, Ammonium Sulphate, Kcl
28. COMPLEX FERTILIZERS: The commercial fertilizers containing atleast
two or more of the primary essential plant nutrients (N, P, K) are called
complex fertilizers.
Example: DAP, Nitrophosphate, Ammonium Phosphate.
29. MIXED FERTILIZER: Mixed Fertilizer are physical mixture of straight
fertilizer they content 2 or 3 primary minerals mixed through the ingrediants
aither mechanically or Manually.
Example: 18:18:10, 10:26:26, 20:20:0
30. CHELATES: It is a term applied to compounds which tightly hold certain
cations that are attracted towards them and release them slowly for
utilisation by plants.
31. TOP DRESSING: Application of fertilizers in standing crop is known as
Top dressing.
32. CULTIVATION: Cultural operation help to increase solubility of soil
constituents thereby increasing the concentration of nutrient availability.


1. Bonemeal 22%P205
2. Quinone Paraquat
3. Ammonium phosphate 52%P2O5
4. Vapam Dithiocarbamate
5. Gibbreline Gibbane structure
6. Waxes undecomposed organic matter
7. Thiodan Endosulphon
8. Sawdust 400:1
9. Bloodmeal Conc. Organic matter
10. Green leaf manuring Glyricidia
11. Defoliants Sodium chlorate
12. Schoenite marinesalt
13. Chlorinated hydrocarbon methyl bromide.
14. This bacillus Sulphur oxidizing microorganism
15. Nematicid Aldrin
16. Attractant Muscalure

1. Cattle Manures 0.5 0.2 0.5
2. Sheep & Goat 3 1 2
3. Poultry Manures 3 2.63 1.4
4. Rural Manures 0.5-1 0.4-0.8 0.8-1.2
5. Urban Compost 0.7-2 0.9-3 1-2
6. Sewage 6 3-4 3-4
7. Sludge 1.5-3 0.75-4 0.30.6
8. Biogas Slurry 1.6-1.8 1.1-2 0.8-1.2
SR. NO. O. M. C:N
1. Saw dust 400:1
2. Legumes 20:1-30:1
3. Soil 400:1
4. Microorganism 4:1-9:1
5. Farm manures 20:1-30:1


MO. 8390996493

Agronomy JRF SRF

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