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A British plane crashes on or close to an uninhabited island in a distant area of the Pacific Ocean while carrying

out a wartime evacuation. Boys who are in their middle childhood or early adolescence are the sole survivors. A
conch is discovered by Ralph and Piggy, two youngsters, and Ralph uses it as a horn to gather the survivors in
one spot. Using the conch, Ralph swiftly establishes control over the other lads and is named their "Leader". He
sets up three major rules: to enjoy yourself, to stay alive, and to keep up a smoke signal that could warn passing
ships of their existence. Piggy's spectacles are used by Ralph and two other lads called Jack and Simon to start
the signal fire.

The appearance of order swiftly disintegrates as the majority of the lads loses interest in their tasks and grows
fearful of a creature they invent and refer to as the "beast," which they all gradually start to think lives on the
island. Ralph is unable to persuade the lads that the beast doesn't exist, but Jack obtains support by promising to
personally hunt and kill the beast.

At one point, Jack gathers a large number of the boys to go in search of a wild pig, taking those tasked with
keeping the signal fire away. No ship passing by the island is attracted by the extinguished smoke signal. When
Jack fails to keep the signal going, Ralph approaches him angrily, but the other boys ignore him. Disillusioned
Ralph considers stepping down as leader, but Piggy convinces him otherwise.

The lads are asleep one night when a fighter pilot ejects from his aircraft during an aerial battle near the island
and perishes in the descent. In his parachute, his body floats to the island and becomes entangled in a tree. Sam
and Eric, twin boys, mistake the pilot's corpse for the beast when they see it. Ralph, Jack, and a young child
named Roger look inside the corpse but run away, thinking the beast is real. Jack convenes a meeting and makes
an effort to persuade everyone to oppose Ralph, but at first he gets little help. When Jack storms out by himself
to start his own tribe, the other lads eventually follow.

Simon frequently goes alone into the island's jungle. While he is there, Jack and his followers raise a pig's head
on a rod that has been sharpened and is covered in flies as a gift to the beast. Simon makes up a conversation
with the head, which he refers to as the "Lord of the Flies," in his mind.

The head informs Simon that there is no beast on the island and foresees a backlash from the other boys. That
evening, when Ralph and Piggy go to see Jack's tribe, they see that they have started face painting and
performing ancient ritual dances. Simon quickly descends to inform Jack's tribe after learning that the "beast" is
actually the pilot who died. Simon is killed by the enraged youngsters when they mistake him for the beast.

The only way the lads have to ignite a fire is to steal Piggy's glasses, so Jack and his rebel group resolve to do
just that. They break into Ralph's camp, seize the glasses, and depart for their home on Castle Rock, an
outcropping. Ralph travels to Castle Rock with Piggy, Sam, and Eric in order to face Jack and get the glasses
after being abandoned by the majority of his fans. Roger sets up a trap that kills Piggy and breaks the conch
when the lads reject Ralph. Ralph is able to flee, but Roger tortures Sam and Eric until they choose to join Jack's

Ralph confronts Sam and Eric covertly, and they inform him that Jack intends to behead him and hunt him like a
pig. The following morning, Ralph barely escapes his hunters as Jack's tribe sets fire to the woodland. Ralph
stumbles and falls in front of a uniformed adult after a protracted chase. The adult is a British naval officer,
whose party has arrived to examine the fire. The "loss of innocence" causes Ralph, Jack, and the other lads to
break down in tears. Before awkwardly turning to look at his ship, the officer expresses his dismay at witnessing
British youths acting in such a ferocious, warlike manner.


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