Diploma Project Proposal

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Diploma Project Proposal 11

Meghma Mitra Visual Communication Design

Signage Design of Kala Bhavana (Visva Bharati), Santiniketan (Preferred)

In May 1951, Visva Bharati was declared to be a central university and an institution of national importance by an act of Parliament. Kala Bhavana of Visva Bharati is well-known as a distinguished centre for Visual Art practice and research in India. It is an art & design section of the university which offers departments like fine art, textile, sculpture, ceramics and art history.

The Need
The Kala Bhavan campus lacks proper navigation in terms of space. Right now there is no proper signage system inside the campus. Also there are a few heritage sculptures/murals inside the campus done by renowned artists do not have proper identification signage. Due to the lack of proper information often outsiders/visitors get difficulty finding their way and many a times they get misguided by the local people and gather completely wrong information about the history and background of the sculptures inside.

Personal Statement
I am drawn to this project due to an inherent interest of working in and for Kala Bhavan campus since a long time and gaining experience from the experts in this area. As a designer, understanding the importance of a need at a particular place and finding a solution for it very crucial. In this case, not only that but there is an enormous scope of learning and exploring because understanding the emotional aspect of a heritage place and its values and incorporating something new is the challenge. The role of a communicator in this project also opens up the possibility of looking at the subject through the lens of a huge number of audience.



What I Propose
The project involves understanding of the environment, background and history of the Institute, identifying the visual expressions connected with the place. At the primary level I would like to understand and experience the life and methodologies of Kala Bhavana and the stories behind each sculpture which are currently present inside the campus and their creators. That includes the research on life and works of Rabindranath Tagore and his ideas and beliefs in education and some renowned artists like Ramkinkar Baij, Nandalal Bose, Binodbihari Mukherjee etc who had been the building blocks of this place. Through my project I would study the students lives and works and the nature and culture that create the sense of belonging of the space. I want to integrate them with a well conceived design in order to create a proper signage system inside the campus which would not exclude but act as a part of the environment, make the campus more organized, helps the visitors/outsiders to find their own way and help to take future directions of the Institute.

Approach and Process

The project will begin with me understanding the already existing signage designs in India and abroad as well. How do they work? Are they effective enough? What are the existing problems? Then concentrating on elements of the signage system, functional factors like content, expression, focus and influencing factors like material, texture, aesthetics, form etc. Researching on different types of signage systems and which one should be applicable for this case, whether to go for an informal approach or a very formal and directional one. Exploring on the existing resources. I will be compiling a list of such aspects which seem relevant (through talking to designers and faculties). This list will help me to fix on areas I want to concentrate on while designing the signage.

a) Coming up with design solutions, sketches, iterations. b) Deciding on the material, texture, look & feel. c) If typographical then bilingual or multilingual? d) Usability factors like visibility, human interactions and recognisability. e) Production methods f) Cost g) Documenting and interviewing visitors, people inside the campus




Independent Work Client Input

The audience here at the primary level is the people inside the campus, the students and the faculties/staff/the facilitators. At the secondary level the parents/visitors/artists and students from different places.

Research Questions

How will the signage make a difference in terms of the perspective of the users? Historical perspective: Research on Tagores point of view of education? Only signage? Since it is an art space + interactive art space? Environmental influenced? Local dialect? How am I going to design the whole process keeping in mind that it should not feel forced? As a visual communicator how do I blend art & design together and come up with a design solution? What are my limitations as a designer in doing so?


Learning Outcome

Understanding and facing challenges in space design and interaction. Learning and experiencing materials and different techniques. Understanding the language( visual, textual, verbal) which is best understood and responded by the audience. Dealing with a broad space and interaction with people


Research on: 1. History of Santiniketan, Kala Bhavana and Tagores view on education. 2. Signage design of other places and art/design spaces. 3. Space design.

Different kind of signs (temporary and permanent), interviewing visitors, artists, facilities, General Observations. (Books, Websites, documentaries, talking to people/students, taking feedbacks and inputs from the experts and faculties in Kala Bhavana and Srishti)

Project Plan & Timeline

Understanding the need of the space, Background research, Case study of visitors profile, Wayfinding solutions, Initial research for materials and techniques, existing signage and wayfinding systems.

Ideating and designing for sign sampling(language selection), experimenting with materials & techniques, drawings and explorations.

Initial prototyping combining different materials & techniques. Making decisions on form, materials and printing. Initial prototypes will be done. Actual prototypes of a few key signage would also be done depending on both need and budget availability.

Funding & Logistics for the project

Minimal amount for the production would be discussed only after finalizing on materials.

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