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Opinion Adjectives

List 1 List 2 List 3 List 4

1. adorable 1. ambitious 1. arrogant 1. awkward
2. awful 2. bizarre 2. bossy 2. childish
3. compassionate 3. courteous 3. deceitful 3. evil
4. fantastic 4. foolish 4. greedy 4. grumpy
5. gullible 5. hilarious 5. immature 5. irresponsible
6. jealous 6. mediocre 6. mean 6. messy
7. nasty 7. naughty 7. optimistic 7. passionate
8. pertinent 8. pessimistic 8. pointless 8. rebellious
9. silly 9. tasty 9. tough 9. useless
10. valuable 10. worthless 10. weird 10. odd


Verb Definition Example Sentence

• Our friends gave us an adorable dress
adorable • cute, like a puppy or a small child
for our baby daughter. It’s so cute.
• work hard to succeed; want to be • It is better to be ambitious but come up
successful short than to never try at all.
• think you are superior or better • There is a fine line between being
than others (negative) confident and being arrogant.
• Katie just broke up with her boyfriend,
• uncomfortable; can’t move
awkward so don’t talk about getting married. It
would be really awkward.
• The weather on our trip was awful. It
awful • extremely bad
was cold and rainy the whole time.
• Spring weather can be very bizarre,
bizarre • very strange sunny and warm one day, and then cold
and rainy the next.
• always wants to be in control • Don’t be so bossy. Let everyone decide
(negative) for themselves.
• an adult who acts like a child; • Making fun of someone because of
immature (negative) their appearance is so childish.
• When a friend is going through a tough
• want to help someone in a bad
compassionate time, always be compassionate and try
situation (positive)
to help them.
• You should always be courteous and
• polite; behave in a nice way; say
courteous give your seat on the train to older
“please” and “thank you.”
people and pregnant women.
• a person who lies or hides • I can’t trust him. He is always so
important things (negative) deceitful about unimportant things.
• Joffrey Baratheon and Ramsey Bolton
• extremely bad; do bad things
evil were two evil characters on Game of
because you like to
• We had such a great trip to Ireland.
fantastic • unbelievable; amazing The people were so friendly and the
countryside was fantastic.
• It was foolish to spend so much money
• act in a careless way; do stupid
foolish on a new car. We should have bought
a good used car instead.
• always want more; never • Don’t be greedy. Share your cookies
satisfied (negative with your friends. You have a lot.
• always angry; always in a bad • Many people are grumpy in the morning
mood until they drink their first cup of coffee.
• easily fooled; believe everything • I can’t believe I fell for that trick. I feel
you hear (negative) so gullible.
• I love YouTube videos about dogs and
hilarious • extremely funny cats doing funny things. They are
• When I graduated from college, I
• act like a child; behave in a
immature thought I knew everything. Now I
childish way (negative)
realize that I was actually still immature.
• cannot be trusted; don’t take care • Don’t leave your bicycle out in the rain.
of important things That’s really irresponsible.
• want something that someone • Don’t be jealous when a friend is
else has (negative) successful. Be happy for them.
• The hotel we stayed at was mediocre.
mediocre • average; not special (negative) It wasn’t terrible, but we’d never stay
there again.
• I think practical jokes are really mean.
• do or say something to hurt
mean Making someone feel bad is never
another person on purpose
• not clean; not organized; a little • When you have small children, the
dirty house can get messy very quickly.
• Someone didn’t clean up the spilled
nasty • look, taste or smell very bad milk in the refrigerator, and now it
smells nasty.
• behave in a bad way; break rules • It’s ok if a child is naughty once in a
(like a child) while. No one is perfect.
• Did you see that orange house? Why
odd • strange; unusual
did they paint it such an odd color?
• We have good players and have
• always think in a positive way;
optimistic practiced hard. I am optimistic about
expect good things to happen
our chances in the tournament.
• have strong, positive feelings • A good teacher should be passionate
about something about their subject.
• When someone decides to move, the
pertinent • important; related to the topic quality of public schools is pertinent to
anyone with children.
• always think in a negative way; • Don’t be so pessimistic. I’m sure we
expect bad things to happen will find a solution to the problem.
• I am very satisfied with my current cell
• of no use; no reason for
pointless phone. Buying a new one would be
something; useless
pointless (and a waste of money).
• Most people get a little rebellious when
rebellious • always fighting against authority
they are teenagers. It’s natural.
• act in a funny way; do strange, • Little children are so cute when they are
but funny things being silly.
• Everything we tried was really tasty. I
tasty • good flavor; delicious (informal)
highly recommend that restaurant.
• Moving to a foreign country can be very
tough • difficult; hard to be successful tough at first, but the experience has
many valuable benefits.
• Nobody needs DVD players anymore.
• have no purpose; no reason to
useless Streaming services have made them
exist; pointless
• Being bilingual is extremely valuable.
• something people will pay a lot of
valuable Many employers need people who can
money for
speak two or more languages.
• If you get a high score on a test but
• something that has no value; no
worthless your English doesn’t improve, all your
one wants it
study was worthless.
• I couldn’t understand that movie at all.
weird • look or act strange; not normal
It was so weird.

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