Dooley Family History

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In writing the history of the Dooley family we have no records of their ancestry earlier than that of Moses Dooley, Sr. According to tradition he was born in North Carolina about 1755. Perhaps the year of 1750 is more nearly correct. He was married to Mary Boyd, born in 1752, a girl of Irish descent. He was of Welsh descent. In 1781 the family, consisting of five sons, emigrated from Bedford County, Virginia, to Madison County, Kentucky, a distance of 500 miles. They walked most of the way, having no other way of traveling except by packhorses. After arriving in Kentucky they had to live in a fort for protection against the Indians, who were fighting desperately to hold their hunting grounds. They committed many barbarous acts of cruelty, and the whites on the frontier were in continual danger of being attacked. Because of the many massacres Kentucky was called the "dark and bloody ground." There was no permanent peace until "Mad Anthony" Wayne's battle with them in 1792, which caused them to sue for peace. Becoming tired of living in a fort, the Dooleys with several other families moved to farms, built a school house, and educated their children. In 1805, Moses Dooley with two sons, Moses and Silas, went to Ohio in search of landa distance of 250 miles. They located a farm of 160 acres on Paint Creek, Preble County. The next year the family, now consisting of ten children, moved to the new home. His wife died January 7, 1819. After her death he traveled extensively through parts of Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky, in the ministry. He was a Presbyterian, but after the noted and memorable camp meeting at Cane Ridge, Kentucky, he, with others, formed an association called the New Light Church. The children of Moses and Mary (Boyd) Dooley were: Abner, born in Virginia in 1772. Reuben, born in Virginia in 1773. George, born in Virginia in 1776. Moses, born in Virginia in 1778. Thomas, born in Virginia in 1780. Mary, born in Kentucky in 1782. Silas, born in Kentucky in 1786. Nancy, born in Kentucky in 1788. David, born in Kentucky in 1790 Jane, born in Kentucky in 1792. The above record was copied from an old family Bible. No months were recorded. Moses, Sr., died in 1822. Abner, first son of Moses and Mary Boyd Dooley, was married to Nancy Douglass. He was an associate judge of the common pleas court for several years. They were the parents of six children: Carey, George, Mary, Sarah, Nancy, and Elizabeth. Mary married Mr. McGuire; Sarah married Mr. Martin; Nancy married Mr. Spurry; and Elizabeth married Mr. Williamson. Reuben Dooley was born in Bedford County, Virginia, on the 14th day of November, 1773, and in 1781 the family moved to Kentucky. The early settlers built a school house, and there Reuben received the greater part of his education. When nineteen years old he learned the trade of wheelwright, at which he worked until he was twenty-five, when he was

married to Leah Railsback. He became very religious and felt a call to preach, but was refused a place in the Presbyterian ministry because of an inadequate education, according to the interpretation of their catechism. He then lost his religious zeal, became a disbeliever and somewhat dissipated, and was evidently on the broad road. About the beginning of the nineteenth century he heard a sermon by Samuel Findlay, a noted Presbyterian minister, on "The Prodigal Son." Then Reuben swung into line again with more interest and zeal than ever, and all the rules and regulations of the Presbyterian Church could not keep him from preaching. He had a peculiar and forceful gift of exhortation which was a decided success among the early settlers and Indians. When he found himself he knew his ability and his peculiar fitness for certain work, and no obstacles, theological or otherwise, even his own inherited church, could keep him from doing what he deemed his workhis way. It was truly a missionary spirit that sent him on horseback, without money, over the states of North and South Carolina, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, Indiana, and as far west as Missouri, preaching to white settlers and Indians. His wife died in 1807 in Barren County, Kentucky, and in 1808 he took his five children to Preble County, Ohio, where his father lived. Relatives took care of the children and he continued his missionary work, but soon decided his children should be considered first and provided them with a mother in the person of Miss Rachel Martin, whom he married in September, 1811, at Cane Ridge, Kentucky. She was an attentive and affectionate mother to his children. They settled on a farm in Preble County and made a living, and in his spare time he continued his missionary work. Late in the fall of 1817 he went to Missouri on a missionary tour and left for home the following April. His way led through unbroken forests and uncultivated prairies; bad weather, swollen streams, and muddy byways hindered him. Both he and his horse became sick, but he finally reached home late in the spring of 1818 and remained on the farm; but in 1821 he made another The above record was copied from an old family Bible. No months were recorded. Moses, Sr., died in 1822. Abner, first son of Moses and Mary Boyd Dooley, was married to Nancy Douglass. He was an associate judge of the common pleas court for several years. They were the parents of six children: Carey, George, Mary, Sarah, Nancy, and Elizabeth. Mary married Mr. McGuire; Sarah married Mr. Martin; Nancy married Mr. Spurry; and Elizabeth married Mr. Williamson. Reuben Dooley was born in Bedford County, Virginia, on the 14th day of November, 1773, and in 1781 the family moved to Kentucky. The early settlers built a school house, and there Reuben received the greater part of his education. When nineteen years old he learned the trade of wheelwright, at which he worked until he was twenty-five, when he was married to Leah Railsback. He became very religious and felt a call to preach, but was refused a place in the Presbyterian ministry because of an inadequate education, according to the interpretation of their catechism. He then lost his religious zeal, became a disbeliever and somewhat dissipated, and was evidently on the broad road. About the beginning of the nineteenth century he heard a sermon by Samuel Findlay, a noted Presbyterian minister, on "The Prodigal Son." Then Reuben swung into line again with more interest and zeal than ever, and all the rules and regulations of the Presbyterian Church could not keep him from preaching. He had a peculiar and forceful gift of exhortation which was a decided success among the early settlers and Indians. When he found himself he knew his ability and his peculiar fitness for certain work, and no obstacles, theological or otherwise, even

his own inherited church, could keep him from doing what he deemed his workhis way. It was truly a missionary spirit that sent him on horseback, without money, over the states of North and South Carolina, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, Indiana, and as far west as Missouri, preaching to white settlers and Indians. His wife died in 1807 in Barren County, Kentucky, and in 1808 he took his five children to Preble County, Ohio, where his father lived. Relatives took care of the children and he continued his missionary work, but soon decided his children should be considered first and provided them with a mother in the person of Miss Rachel Martin, whom he married in September, 1811, at Cane Ridge, Kentucky. She was an attentive and affectionate mother to his children. They settled on a farm in Preble County and made a living, and in his spare time he continued his missionary work. Late in the fall of 1817 he went to Missouri on a missionary tour and left for home the following April. His way led through unbroken forests and uncultivated prairies; bad weather, swollen streams, and muddy byways hindered him. Both he and his horse became sick, but he finally reached home late in the spring of 1818 and remained on the farm; but in 1821 he made another preaching tour to Virginia, and the following winter in Kentucky. In 1822 he returned home shortly after the death of his father. His own health was failing and he felt that his departure was at hand. He died on the 22nd of April, 1822. A remarkable lifethe tenth of which has never been told. He must have been a man superior to other men of his time in ability, courage, and devotion. Some might call him a fanatic. But he was a strong character, and had the courage to go contrary to the traditions and teachings of his church, when he was satisfied he was right. Reuben, second son of Moses and Mary (Boyd) Dooley, was married to Leah Railsback, and five children were born to this union: Moses, John, Carey, Mary, Elizabeth. Moses came to Parke County, Indiana, about 1822 and later moved to Missouri. Mary married Mr. McKee in Wayne County, Indiana. He died and left her with five or six children. She later married a man by the name of Culbertson, who died-leaving one son, Thomas. In 1852 they all moved to Parke County, Indiana, and in 1857 to Iowa; and later on part of them to Wyoming. Mrs. Culbertson died in Wyoming at about ninety years of age. Her son, Tom, at last account was at Sheridan, Wyoming, and was about eighty-five years old. Reuben's second wife was Miss Rachel Martin, whom he married in September, 1811, at Cane Ridge, Kentucky. Five children were born of this marriage. They were: Martin L., born in Ohio in 1812, was married to Sarah Bloomfield and to them were born five childrenCelia, who married Mr. Mclntosh; Rachel, who married Mr. Farmer; Orpha who married Mr. Rush; Mark, and Jerome Boneparte. Silas, son of Reuben and Rachel (Martin) Dooley, was married to Sarah J. Landen in Ohio, 1837. They moved to Parke County, Indiana, in 1838, settling on a farm in a log house near the sulphur springs two miles from what is now Turkey Run State Park. There he lived the remainder of his life. His family consisted of six children. He was active in church work and a leader in all of its proceedings, both spiritual and financial. He was born in Ohio in 1814, and died February 6, 1873. His wife died April 4, 1894. Atellus, their first son, was born October 16, 1838, and married Sara E. W. Cord in 1860. Three children were born to this union. Lillian J. married Clark Jarvis. There were two children, Ona and another. Rufus married Miss Patterson, and one daughter was born. Atellus H. married Daisy Johnson, no children. Atellus, Sr., saw service in the Civil War. He died in 1864 and was buried in the National Cemetery at Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Lurton D. was born November 12, 1840, in Parke County, Indiana, and died when nine years old. Rufus Dooley, born August 26, 1842, married Mary McCamp-bell in 1869. She died in less

9, 1843; George, January 9, 1847; Silas, June 19, 1848. Moses Dooley, first son of Silas and Elizabeth (Kirkham) Dooley, was a wagonmaker by trade in Danville, Indiana. He was a Civil War veteran. His first wife was Sarah Bunch, and two daughters were born, Elizabeth F. and Martha J. His second wife was Sarah Hall. They were married February 25, 1855, and to them seven children were born: Josephine, Luther, Eldora, Clayton, Zachariah, Julia, and Scott. Luther, son of Moses and Sarah (Hall) Dooley, was married. The name of his wife is not known. No children. Eldora Dooley was married to Mr. Wooden, and their children are Florence, Lillie, Nellie, and Ruby. Florence married Silas Bolen and three children were born to them. Nellie married Von Richson, and to them were born Blanche, Bernice, and Doris.than a year, leaving an infant daughter. His second

wife was Susan Rice, to which union two children were born. Channing Rice born April 4, 1878, was married to Inez Jones and there are two children, Phyllis and David. He is an educator and his name is recorded in "Who's Who in America." Elizabeth E. married Dr. J. H. Burton and three children .have been born, Dorothy, Rufus T., and Eleanor H. Dorothy Dooley married Reeve Peare and they live in Columbus, Ohio. Rufus Dooley, father of above children, enlisted in the Civil War in 1861 and served four and one-half years in 21st Regiment, Company H, First Indiana Heavy Artillery. He afterwards entered into a commercial business in Rockville, Parke County, Indiana, in 1867 and retired at the age of eighty in 1922. Barton W. Dooley, born June 4, 1844, married Harriet E. Miller, and three children were born to this union: Ida Lee, Courteous, and Silas S. Ida Lee married Thomas Trueman, and there were three children, Beulah, Barton, and Susie Lee. Beulah died in 1895 at the age of five years. Barton enlisted for service in the World War in 1917, served on board the S. S. L. 8, a submarine, and contracted tuberculosis, from which he died, December, 1921, in the State Sanatorium at Rockville, Indiana. Courteous married Ella Hobson and there are two children, Edna and Owen. Silas S. married Laura Hobson and there are two children, Claire and Clifford. Reuben T. Dooley, born October "2, 1847, married Saloma Newlin, and five children were born: Winifred who married Frona Hessler; William married Tola Cooper; Charles married Lizzie ; Carrie married Leslie Cooper; and Harry, deceased. Salina E. Dooley, born March 10, 1852, married Alfred .Newlin, and eight children were born to this union: Strada, Sallie, Ennis, Albert, Elva, Ella, Hallie, and Virgie. Martha A. Dooley, born May 13, 1854, married Jacob McClure, and two children were born. Jesse was married and there were two children, Brooks and Mildred. Warren has no children. The history here recorded of Reuben Dooley and his descendants was contributed by Rufus Dooley of Rockville, Indiana. He died in 1927, aged 85 years. ancy, daughter of Reuben and Rachel (Martin) Dooley, was born in Ohio in 1815, married Jonathan Switzer. There were three children: Virginia, who married Wm. Jarvis, they having one daughter, Emma, and she married Ed Oldshoe and they are the parents of Vivian, Grace, and Virginia; George; and Elizabeth, married to George Rubson. Samuel M., son of Reuben and Rachel Dooley, was born in Indiana, December 18, 1818, married Martha Allen, Children to this union: Mary E., born August 28, 1842; Sarah E., born January 18, 1844; Margaret L., born July 7, 1847, married Mr. Hall; Nancy J., bora May 31, 1850, married Mr. Davis. Samuel was again married to Mary Burton and there is one child, Martin Luther Dooley, born May 11, 1880. Rachel L., daughter of Reuben and Rachel Dooley, born in Indiana in 1821, married Joseph Jar-

vis. There were five children: Silas, Samuel, Clay, Mary, and Sarah. Children of Silas are Orville and Ora. Samuel married Nancy Peyton and there are Claud, Lola, Ethel, and Dot. Clay married Eleanor Spencer. Their children are Hazel, Forest, and Cecil. Mary married Mr. Robertson. There is one child, Mary. This completes the record of the descendants of Reuben Dooley. George, third son of Moses and Mary (Boyd) Dooley, was a companion of Daniel Boone and often went with him on bear hunts in Kentucky. He was married to Elizabeth Richie and five children were born to this union. They were: Jeremiah, Felix, Moffat, David, and Margaret. Margaret married Mr. Campbell, and their children were: Mary, David, Samuel, Charles, Felix, George, and Adaline. Mary married Mr. Leary, and Adaline married Mr. Wilson. Moses Dooley II, fourth son of Moses, Sr., and Mary (Boyd) Dooley, was born in 1778 and was married to Phoebe Downey, his first wife, and to them were born eleven children, seven sons and four daughters: Silas, John, James, George, Houston, Ezekiel, Rachel, Miriam, Phoebe, Hiram, and one child died. Phoebe (Downey) Dooley died May 1, 1823, aged 44 years. Silas, first son of Moses and Phoebe (Downey) Dooley, was born January 13, 1803, was married to Elizabeth Kirkham, and to this union were born eight children:Moses, born September21, 1830; John, twin of Moses; James, born February 10, 1834; Miriam, October 9, 1836; Phoebe, July 16, 1839; Jane, May Zachariah Dooley married Jennie Wills, and to them were born Ruby, Marie, Lloyd, and Mary. Ruby married Clarence Arnold, and two children were born, Dione and Bertha. Julia Dooley married William Murman; one child, Clayton. Scott Dooley's, children: Mary, Oliver, Clarence. Moses Dooley, father of the above family, died December 25, 1913, aged 73 years. We have no record of John, James, and George Dooley, sons of Moses and Phoebe (Downey) Dooley. Houston, fifth son of Moses and Phoebe Dooley, was married to Hannah Rhinehart. He was a wheelwright by trade but owned and lived on a farm. They were the parents of eight children. Rachel Dooley married Frank Pickard. Juliet Dooley married Ulyssus Litzey about the beginning of the Civil War, a farmer, and three children were born, a son, Will, and two girls. One married Mr. Myres, the other Mr. Canine. Mary Dooley, daughter of Houston, married Mr. Reeder and moved to northern Missouri. They had one daughter. George, son of Houston Dooley, married a Miss Lollis, went to the same country with his sister, Mary, and had a family of three or four children. Miriam married but I have no knowledge of her family. Zeek and Abner were twinshave no information concerning their families. Houston, the youngest and his father's namesake, was born about 1858, and married Miss Moore. They had one son, Park Dooley, and lived on a farm near Rockville, Parke County, Indiana. The above family of Houston Dooley, Sr., probably all lived in Parke County and scattered to other states. This record was furnished through the courtesy of Rufus Dooley, Rockville, Indiana. Ezekiel, sixth son of Moses and Phoebe (Downey) Dooley, was never married. It was said of him that he was not a man among men, but was a great favorite among the young people, especially boys. He was an eccentric, harmless old bachelor. He was fond of music, and used some of his leisure time playing on the flute. Was somewhat of a reader and the Bible was one

of the books he read, and he converted some of the old Bible stories into poems. Often when working in the woods he would write poetry on blocks of wood while resting and read it to the boys. Rachel, daughter of Moses and Phoebe (Downey) Dooley, was born February 8, 1810. She was married to Curtis Hardy, and nine children were born to this couple: Phoebe, born July 12, 1838; John, September 29,1839; Mary, March 7, 1841; James, January 14, 1843; Moses, April 1, 1845; Laurinda, March 28, 1847; Benjamin, July 23, 1849; Susan, October 9, 1851; Curtis, October 24, 1854. John Hardy, son of Curtis and Rachel (Dooley) Hardy, was a Civil War veteran and one of the most substantial citizens of Jay County, Indiana. He was a farmer, was married to Sarah T. Griffin in 1867; and died in 1890, aged 51 years. They were the parents of seven: Oscar, born August 5, 1869; Rose, June 4, 1871; Veva, July 14, 1872; Alda, June 29, 1874; Walter, Januarys, 1877; Fred, August 30, 1879, and JohnWm., November 7, 1882. The record of Rachel (Dooley) Hardy was copied from the family Bible. Miriam, daughter of Moses and Phoebe (Downey) Dooley, was married to Michael Kirkham, a man of immense physical proportions, a blacksmith, who was reputed to have had such superior strength that he could break a horseshoe with his hands. There were three boys born to this couple: Henry, Sylvester, and James. Henry never married, and I have no record of the rest of the family. Hiram, son of Moses and Phoebe (Downey) Dooley, was born February 2, 1816, in Preble County, Ohio. He married Lucinda Collins, October 15, 1846, and died November 4, 1881, aged 65 years. They were the parents of seven children: David, born July 2, 1848, who never married; John and Lyman, died in childhood; Martin died at the age of thirteen years; Houston; Eliza, and Susan Mary. Eliza Dooley married James Ware, and one son, Charles, was born to them. She died March 19, 1877, aged 23 years. Her son, Charles, was married (name of wife not given), and they were the parents of four children: Benjamin, Fanny, Charles, and Maud. He died May 18, 1910, aged 35 years. Susan Mary, daughter of Hiram and Lucinda Dooley, was married to Benjamin Stafford. They were the parents of nine children: Eliza, born March 30, 1878, married Harvey Barnes and to them were born Virgil and Harry, also two girls, twins, who died in infancy. Virgil married Jessie Shoeman, and to them were born four children: Virginia, Billy, Virgil, and Bettie Lee. Harry married Blanche Maddock, and there is one child, Donnie Blanche. Lawrence unmarried. Eliza Stafford Barnes, mother of above family, died March 11, 1919. David, born October 26, 1879, married Bertha Munns. There were three children: Cecil married Charlott Thomas, one child, Olive May; Irene married Robert Mock, one son, Donald; Garnet married Edward Lear. William, born January 22, 1882, married Goldie Rains. There were four children: John, Lilly, Marjorie, William. Benjamin, born September 23, 1884; died December 3, 1892, aged 8 years. Myrtle, born January 23, 1888; died December 14, 1900, aged 12 years. Alpha, born January 23, 1890, was married to Jesse Munns. There are two children: Dale, who married Florence Galbreath, and to them was born one son, Carl Frederick; and Carl. Elpha, born January 23, 1890, was married to Earl Holliday, and to them were born five children: Gerald, Mary, Rebecca, Robert, and Margaret.

Fred, born February 4, 1893, was married and is the father of one son, Earl. adine, was born June 14, 1896; died December 31, 1900. Fred Stafford contributed the above record of the Stafford family. He enlisted for service in the World War on the 21st of September, 1917, in Battery C, 325th Field Artillery, was transferred to the first oversea casualty company and sailed for France January 13, 1918. He served eighteen months in France, and was in the 163rd Infantry, Company F, and the 19th Regiment of Engineers, Company F, and the 110th Company Transportation Corps. While serving in France he served in all the above-named outfits. His present address is Elwood, Indiana. Benjamin B. Stafford, father of the above Stafford family, was a member of Company K, 21st Regiment, 1st Indiana Heavy Artillery, in the Civil War. Moses Dooley was again married to Palentine Rhin, January 8, 1824. She was of Irish descent. He was the father of eleven children, and walked with the aid of a cane when he married Miss Rhin, who was only sixteen years old. Eleven more children were born, seven sons and four daughters. Moses Dooley died April 10, 1850, aged 73 years. His wife came to Grant County, Indiana, the next year after his death and moved to a farm four miles west of Marion, where she resided until her death, which occurred February 27, 1878, aged 72 years. (The writer can remember her as always busy. She made the coats and pants and dresses from the homespun goods for her grandchildren, stitching them by hand. The' dye-pot sat in the corner by the fireplace. All the yarns were dyed before being woven into cloth or knitted into hosiery. She lived with her son, Richard, during the last twenty years of her life.) The children of this union were Moses B., Abner, David, Nancy, Jane, Richard L., Selicia A., Orpha, Caleb, Levi, and Samuel. MOSES (III) B. DOOLEY A D HIS DESCE DA TS Moses B. Dooley, first son of Moses and Palentine (Rhin) Dooley, was born October 18, 1824, in Preble County, Ohio. He was married to Mary Moore on March 6, 1850. He taught school for a few years in Preble County, Ohio, and Wayne County, Indiana, and moved to Grant County, Indiana, in the spring of 1859. The condition of the roads at that time of the year made traveling very slow, some days they made only ten miles with three horses hitched to a light spring wagon. He rode horseback most of the way, the wife and three boys riding in the wagon. He bought eighty acres of land four and one-half miles west of Marion on Delphi Road. He had to clear a plot of ground on which to build a cabin, and with the aid of the family reduced the forest into cultivated fields. During this pioneer period everyone wore clothing made from sheep's wool and flax. Mrs. Dooley spun the yarn from the wool, dyed it, and wove it into flannels for dresses, blankets, and a cloth for trousers called "jeans." The hosiery was all knitted of yarn and this work was often done on winter evenings by the light of a tallow candle. Before retiring for the night a portion of Scripture was read from the old family Bible and prayer offered. He was a member of the New Light Christian Church. His death occurred April 13, 1902, aged 78 years. His wife died April 6, 1884, aged 56 years. They were the parents of six children, three boys and three girls: Robert F., Virgil S., Valentine, Sarah J., and Henrietta and a twin sister who died at birth. Robert F., son of Moses and Mary (Moore) Dooley, was born December 6, 1850; was twice married. First wife was Huldah Miller, who died leaving one daughter, Anna May. Second wife was

Waty Woods, and to this union were born eleven children. His occupation was farming, but he retired from active life a few years before his death, which occurred in Sweetsers, Indiana, September 15, 1930, aged 79 years. The children are: Charles F., Oliver B., John W., Harbin L., Ella, Mary M., Moses R., Etta J., Homer I., Ralph M., and Russell W. Anna May, daughter of Robert F. and Huldah (Miller) Dooley, was born December 31, 1876, and died December 4, 1914, aged 38 years. She was married to John Overman and to them were born five daughters: Huldah, born April 22, 1900; Elizabeth, born January 13, 1902; Gallic, born August 30, 1903; Dorothy, born January 1, 1905; Mary, born September 2, 1907. Huldah was twice married. Her first husband was Marshall Cloud. Their children are Robert, Wilbur, and Meredith. Her second husband is John Mansbarger, and there are two children, John and Rhoda May. Elizabeth married Gilbert Henry; Callie, unmarried; Dorothy married Frank Martin and they are the parents of four daughters, Prestina, Joan, Loretta, and Frances; Mary married John Jenkins, and to them were born Mary Anna, Overman, Juanita, Lavonne, and Richard A. Charles F., first son of Robert and Waty (Woods) Dooley, was born December 6, 1878. Married Pearl Shook, and to them were born three boys and one girl: Earl, Robert, Zelma, and Verlin. Earl married Gertie Wilkens, and Zelma married Verlin Shafer. Oliver B. (second son) was born September 12, 1880; was married to Sarah Sprong, and they are the parents of four children: Ethel, Lulu (deceased), Waldo, and Mamie E. John W. (third son) born August 24, 1882. Harbin L. (fourth son) was born November 5, 1884; was twice married. First wife was Bessie Reece, and to them were born two sons, Glen and Richard. Second wife, Josie Agee, and their children are: Sherman, Sherl, Morris Dee, Donald, and Ruth. Ella (first daughter) was born November 5, 1886! was married to Charles Cottle, and to them were born six children: Gertie (deceased), Verla, Frances, Ervin, Mervin, Marjorie. Verla married Walter England. Mary M. (second daughter) was born February 6, 1889, and was married to O. P. Andrews. Moses R. (fifth son) was born September 5, 1891; was married to Neva Hitchen, and to them two children were born, Marjory and Gordon. Etta J. (third daughter) was born March 28, 1894, and married Ralph Polland, and to this couple were born Merl and Berl, January 31, 1914; Helen B., December 5, 1915; Hattie Pauline, September 20, 1918; Wayne D., August 10, 1922; and Etta G. Homer I. (sixth son) .was born August 31, 1896; married to Margaret A. Schultz; one son, Roland. Ralph M., born June 12, 1899. Russell W., born August 29, 1902; married to Dorothy Upham. There is one child, Beverly E. Virgil S., second son of Moses and Mary (Moore) Dooley, was born October 5, 1854. He commenced teaching school at the age of twenty. He taught for several years in Grant County, Indiana, then went West, and was principal of schools in the state of Washington, having been a teacher for twenty-eight years. While there he married Jennie Stevens, and two sons were born, Ivan on October 1, 1896, and Ralph in April, 1898. They both joined the Navy at the beginning of the \Vorld War. Ivan married Elsie and they have one son. Ralph is married to Helen Moore. Virgil died in San Bernardino, California, April 13, 1905, aged 51 years. Valentine, third son, was born July 20, 1857, and died March 9, 1884. Sarah /., first daughter, born July 17, 1862, was married to William H. Emerick, and to them were born three sons. Dwight H., January 15, 1887; died April 6, 1912.. aged 25 years. Earl C,

born August 14, 1890, married Mamie Dawalt, and they are the parents of one daughter, Fern Evelyn, who was born November 3, 1913. Glen C., born January 23, 1894, married Hazel Walton. There are two children, John T., born October 9, 1921, and Ruth M., born October 8, 1923. Glen enlisted for service in the World War, April, 1917, Company F, 151st Indiana Infantry, and went into training at Camp Shelby, Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Joined the American Expeditionary Forces and sailed for France on June 1, 1918; retur'ned home, July 1, 1919. Served in Central Post Office in Bourges, France. Henrietta, second daughter, was born April 27, 1864; was married to James Ratcliffe, and to this union were born eight children, five boys and three girls. Walter B., first son, was born January 14, 1888, and married Hazel Huggins. There is one child, Roger W., born September 25, 1926. Harbin R., second son, was born June, 1890; was married to Hazel Hildreth, and to them were born three children: Neola Mae, November 6, 1916; Elmer Lee, June, 1918; an infant, April 19, 1931, which died at birth. Arthur E., third son, born February, 1890. Eleanor W. died when a few weeks old. Ward E., fourth son, born November, 1898. Dooley K., fifth son, born June, 1900. Gladys, first daughter, born April 2, 1903, married Robert Minier, and to them were born three daughters: Elsie F., born August 12, 1922; Doris W., August 22, 1924; and Ruth E., January 6 1928. Elsie M., second daughter, was married ts Jesse E. Heath; one child, Mary E., born August 20, 1930. Walter and Arthur saw service in France in the World War. AB ER A D HIS DESCE DA TS Abner, second son of Moses and Palentine (Rhin) Dooley, was born June 8, 1826, in Preble County, Ohio. After his marriage he moved to Grant County, Indiana, later to Illinois, and finally to Kansas, where he resided until his death. He was converted when about nineteen years old, and joined the United Brethren Church. Early in his Christian life he felt the call to the ministry, but did not yield until later in life. In 1875 he was granted a license to preach by the Kansas Conference, having lived in that state a number of years. He was married to Elizabeth Gavin and they were the parents of six children: Monroe, Mary, Laura, Lourinda, Olive, and Rex. Abner died at Argonia, Kansas, July 22, 1904, aged 78 years. Mary F., daughter of Abner and Elizabeth, was born November 20, 1852, in Wayne County, Indiana. She married John H. Bateman, and there were six children: Charles D., Walter D., Nellie, Clarence, Clara R., and Scott S. Charles D. Bateman, born January 2, 1872, married Elsie Whetard. Walter, born December 12, 1872, died in infancy. Nellie, born June 26, 1876, died in infancy. Clarence, born October 29, 1877, died in infancy. Clara R., born July 6, 1880, married W. E. Beightel. Scott S., born January 28, 1889, married Florence Roberts, and they have six children: Charles E., born February 5, 1913; John H., born July 7, 1915; Audrey, born December 1, 1917; Thomas, born June 18, 1920; George R., born October 6, 1925. Laura, second daughter of Abner and Elizabeth (Gavin) Dooley, was married to Rev. J. R.

Meredith. Lourinda, third daughter of Abner and Elizabeth (Gavin) Dooley, was married to J. S. Blaylock. Seven children were born to this couple: Lew, Laura, Chester (deceased), Frank, Ethel, and Charles, who died in infancy. Laura Blaylock married Roy Brown and their children were Lourena and Esther. Frank Blaycock married, and they had two children. Olive, fourth daughter of Abner and Elizabeth Dooley, was born February 17, 1861, in Grant County Indiana. She was married to Elmer Stuver, and there were three children: Pearl, Ora, and Ivan. Olive died April 20, 1913. Pearl Stuver, born May 23, 1884, married Cornelius J. Morgan, and born to them were: Cornelius, born February 7, 1909, and died in infancy; Ethel Olive; Gladys T.; Edward Lee, born January 26, 1917; Virginia Pearl, born March 17, 1919; Warren (deceased), born January 28, 1921; and Ruby, born July 30, 1923, and died January 29, 1926. Ethel O., born July 17, 1910, married W. R, Sewell. Gladys T., born December 7, 1912, married Wilford Manos. Ora Stuver, born January 20, 1887. married Bessie Fowers, and to this union were born four children: Oreen Olive, Marie, Alma Letha, and Wesley. married Cora Bair, there is one son, Aldine. Meta Miller, born December 13, 1892, married Richard Schaumleffel, and there are five children: Richard D., born October 23, 1917; John H., January 3, 1919; Frances E., September 11, 1920; Deloris E., September 22, 1922; and Katherine L. George B., born November 13, 1865; married Mary Julian; they have one daughter, Mabel, who married Alvin Brock, and there are two children, Preston A. and Elizabeth (deceased). Aldine J. Dooley, born October 29, 1872, was a physician and surgeon, married Eva Heichart. He died December 12, 1906. A CY A D HER DESCE DA TS Nancy, fourth child of Moses and Palentine Dooley, was born in Preble County, Ohio, April 15,1830, and married Martin Moss. They moved about some and finally located in Platte County, Missouri. Her death occurred in June, 1868. They were the parents of ten children: Ray, Moses, Curtis, Jane, Martin L., Bell, David, Orpha, Leanna, and Leandren. Ray married Adaline Cotter. There were four children: Moses, Alice, Julia, and William. Julia married Charles Farris, and their children are: Fred, Otto, Martin, and Juanita. William married Frieda P'ederle. Their children are: Nellie, William, and Alice, who married George Wisehart. Moses, second son of Martin and Nancy (Dooley) Moss, was married to Julia Cotter. There are no children. Jane, fourth child, was married to Wm. Cardwell, and they are the parents of seven children: Nanie, Orpha, Grace, Thomas, Alice, Delia, and Bernice. Nanie married Joseph Williams; their children are: Eunice, Lizzie, Katie, and Orpha. Orpha married Charles Shafer, and the children are: Mary, Thomas, and William. Grace Cardwell married James Blackstone, and there are four children: Hale, Kennet, James, and Alice, who married Lee Moffet with one child, Lee. Second husband, Samuel Jennings. Martin L., fifth child of Martin and Nancy Moss, was born December 26, 1858, and died March 26, 1927, married Clara Toler. They have one son, Earl, who was born March 11, 1894,

and he married Sylvia Matchett and they have one child, Jean, born December 7, 1920. Bell, sixth child, married Bernie Willson. David, seventh child, married Mattie Todd, and to them were born seven children: James, May, Everett, Maud, Caroline, Earl, and Paul. Orpha, eighth child, was married to Nathan Smith. Leanna, ninth child of Martin and Nancy Moss, married Edd Hose. There were two children, Reed and Norman. JA E A D HER DESCE DA TS Jane, fifth child of Moses and Palentine (Rhin) Dooley was born September 18, 1832, in Preble County, Ohio. She was married at the home of her mother near Marion, Indiana, to John Jaqua, April 4, 1855. They moved to a farm six miles northwest of Marion and lived there until her death, which occurred February 26, 1873, aged 40 years. Her husband remained on the same farm until his death on January 5, 1897, aged 74 years. They were the parents of nine children who grew to manhood and womanhood. The youngest child died at birth. Two died after maturity. The others all married and established homes. The children are: Narcissa, Isabelle R., Moses D., Leuella, Franklin C., Sherman W., Mary F., Victoria J.,AldineW. arcissa Jaqua was born September 22, 1856, departed this life October 20, 1877, aged 21 years. Sherman W. Jaqua, born January 23, 1865; died March 13, 1885; aged 20 years. Isabelle Jaqua, born June 11, 1858, was married to Abraham Miller, and to them were born two children, Olive and Leslie. Second husband, Addison Scott; third, Mr. Sauders. Olive was married to Ross Inman and they are the parents of three sons and one daughter: Frank Inman, born March 27, - , and married Evelyn Benton; John Inman, born February 11, 1903, married Dollie Baker, one daughter, Valita Marie, born August 22, 1930; Wellman Inman, born October 19, 1906, married Lois West and there is one son, Jack Wellman, born August 22, 1930; Isabelle Inman, born February 17, 1911, married Walter Fuller and to them were born two sons, Walter, Jr., and Lawrence. The mother passed away May 25, 1931. Olive (Miller) Inman resides in Trinidad, -Colorado. Leslie, son of Isabelle (Jaqua) Miller, married Grace Miller and they live near Jewell City, Kansas. Moses D. Jaqua, born November 4, 1859, was married to Huldah Small, and they were the parents of two children, Ethel (deceased) and Gustin, born August 1, 1891, married to Ethel Arnold, and their children are: Arnold, Eunice, and Jack D. Moses D. was again married to Ruth Green, and later to Sophia Miller Mays, who survives him. He died May 31, 1923. Leuella Jaqua was born July 3, 1861; married Wesley Holman; died September 11, 1908, aged 47 years. To this couple were born two sons, Charles and Perl. Charles married Maggie Knip, and their children are: Wranata, died January 15, 1910; Frederick P.; and Wanda, died August 15, 1916. Charles' second wife is Nora M. Harvey. Perl Holman married Maryetta Wilson, of Hayward, California. Franklin Jaqua was born May 17, 1863; was married to Emma Small, and they were the parents of four daughters and one son: Laverna, Nellie, Hazel, Emma, and Glen B. Laverna Jaqua was married to Alfred Hogston, and they are the parents of two children, Frederick and Lyndall. Frederick married Helen Binkenstein.

Nellie Jaqua married Sylvester Stevens, and there are two children, Gladys and Lois. Gladys married Milton Stambaugh. Lois married Carl Hart; one child, Patricia L. Hazel Jaqua married Anderson Hogston, and there was one son, James F., who married Mabel Swindell, and they are the parents of two sons, James, Jr., and Richard. Anderson Hogston died in 1909, and Hazel was married to John Mehl. Glen B. Jaqua married Vera Wilson. They had one child, Dorothy Ruth. Glen was a World War veteran, having joined the army in 1916. He died December 28, 1929, at Tucson, Arizona, aged 39 years. Victoria J. Jaqua was born February 19, 1869, and married John Gordon. She died in Marion, Indiana, October 26, 1919, aged 50 years. They were the parents of four daughters and one son. Goldie, Florence, Mabel, Leona, and Alvin. Goldie married Rollin Louder, and three children were born: Edith, Dortha, and Barbara J. Dortha married Earl Shamberger. Florence married Ray Albright, and to this union were born five children: Melba L., Mary J., Joanna P., Vivian I., and James R. Mabel married Floyd Vian and there are four children: Donald, June, Wayne, and Coleen. Leona married Harry Whistler. Aldine W. Jaqua, born April 29, 1871, married Etta Gordon, and to this union were born three sons and one daughter. Russell, born October 5, 1896, was married to Ilo Kleckner, and they are the parents of three children: Wanda, Helen, and Walter A. Leonard, born February 17, 1898, married Irene Aes; one child, Jeannie. Georgia, born October 31, 1899, was married to Encil Booker, and to them were born three children: Robert W., Norman L., and Lois Ann. Herman, born February 20, 1906, married Thelma Rensberger and there is one daughter, Darlene. Aldine W. Jaqua and family live in Mishawaka, Indiana. RICHARD LEESO A D HIS DESCE DA TS

Richard Leeson, sixth child of 'Moses and Palentine (Rhin.) Dooley, was born in Preble County, Ohio, September 24, 1834. He came to Grant County, Indiana, with his mother in 1851, the year after the death of his father, and settled on a farm four miles west of Marion, where he resided sixty-one years, the last three years of his life having been spent in Marion with his daughter, Jane Loutzenhiser. He was married to Elizabeth Kern in August, 1860, and to them were born eight children, four boys and four girls. They are: William, Eliza, Maria, Jane, Silas, David, Mary, and James. He died February 23, 1914, aged 79 years. His wife preceded him in death fifteen years. Late in life he had a wonderful Christian experience and for seventeen years prior to his death was a devoted and consistent Christian. William, first son of Richard L. and Elizabeth (Kern) Dooley, was born June 6, 1861; married Luna Swindle, and to them were born nine children: Ramie, Hazel, Irene, Frank, Dulsie, Fern, Grace, Frederick, and Gerald. Ramie Dooley, born February 2, 1895, married E. L. Sites, and to them was born one child, Barbara Joan. Hazel Dooley, born June 9, 1896, married M. A. McKorkle, and two were born, Mary Edith and Thelma Irene. Irene Dooley was born November 21, 1897, married Leslie Bullinger, and to them were born William (deceased), Frederick Victor, Norma Ray, and Irma Fay. Frank Dooley, born June 14, 1898, married Bird Lawhorn, and they are the parents of Mary, Netta, Phyllis. Dulsie Dooley was born September 21, 1901; married Oome Martin, and their children are: Richard, Beverly, and David Lane. Fern Dooley, born December 7, 1903, mar-

ried Paul Meyer, and to them were born Billy Louis, Vance, and Joyce. Grace Dooley, born April 27, 1907; died April 2, 1926; married Jesse Ruble. Frederick, born December 18, 1911, died January 7, 1915. Gerald Dooley, born January 17, 1914, ninth child of William and Luna Dooley. William was again married to Mrs. Johnson, with whom he now resides. Anna Eliza, second child of Richard Dooley, was born January 8, 1863, and died May 28, 1930; was married to Rinaldo Renbarger, and three children were born to them: Frank, who died in youth, Georgia, and Alice. Franklin Leeson, born April 27, 1887; died August 21, 1892. Georgia, born March 12, 1889; married David Wherry. They reside on the old homestead west of Marion. Alice was born June 13, 1894, and died August 17, 1922. She married Merrill Gowin, and to them were born one boy and twin girls. They were: James, who was born in 1920; and the twins, Alice Charline, who died at birth, and May Charlott, born August 17, 1922, and died September 30, 1925. Maria Dooley, born August 22, 1864, married William Haun. There were two children, Earl and Mildred. Earl was born November 24, 1888; married Grace Boykins and their daughter, Thelma, married Mr. Van Derhoff. Earl's second wife was Marie Stromaska and their children were: Rita, who was born January 20, 1918; Marguritte, who was born October 11, 1919; -and Earl G., who was born in 1922. Mildred Haun, who was born in 1902, married Merril Lottridge. Jane Dooley, who was born January 25, 1866, was married to Adelbert Loutzenhiser. There was one son, Herbert, who died in childhood. Silas Dooley, who was born August 10, 1868, married Lova Lewis, and they had a son, Earl, who died in infancy. Silas' second wife was Ellen Leach. Silas died May 31, 1931. David R. Dooley, who was born January 20, 1870, married Nancy Magee, and to them were born five children: Glen L., born September 24, 1893, and died November 25, 1914; Herschal M., born April 11, 1896, and died December 1, 1898; Russel A., born March 4, 1899, married Esther Robertson, and their children were Mayrose and Florence; Raymond R., born October 30, 1911, married Mary Compton; DorotheaP., born July 21, 1919. David Dooley is a minister of the Wesleyan Methodist denomination. He and his family reside in Louisville, Kentucky. Mary Dooley, born March 4,1872; died April 13, 1920; married Arthur Osborn, and to them were born two daughters: Elizabeth, who married Loren Biddle, and there is one child, Peggy Alice; and Mary A., who married Orville Van Ness, and there are two girls to this union, Betty Bernice and Mary Dean. James Dooley, eighth child of Richard L. and Elizabeth Dooley, was born September 18, 1876, and died April 30, 1931, in Maywood, California, aged 54 years. He married Emma Perry, and there are two daughters to this union, Fay and Patsy. Fay married Mr. Olsen, and there is one child, Peggy. SELICIA A A D HER DESCE DA TS Selicia Ann, seventh child of Moses and Palentine Dooley, was born April 18, 1837, in Preble County, Ohio. Came to Grant County, Indiana, in 1851, and was married to Robert Taylor, November 24, 1853. Her death occurred December 19, 1869, her husband having died a few years previous. They were the parents of five children: Alice, Thomas, Roland, Delia,

and George. Alice, first child of Selicia and Robert Taylor, was married to Eli Raypholtz, and to them were born three children, after which her death occurred. The children are: Charles, who died in youth; Marshall, and Grace. Thomas, second child of Selicia and Robert Taylor, was married to Louise Raypholtz, and to them were born two daughters, Deloris and Edith. Deloris married Burt Small, and they had one son, Everett. Edith married Maywood Foust, and they had two children, Clarence and Octalena. After the death of Thomas' first wife, he married Florence Sloan. Thomas died June 26, 1930, aged 72 years. Delia was married to Abraham Nelson and died a year later. There was one child, which died at birth. ORPHA A D HER DESCE DA TS Orpha, eighth child of Moses and Palentine (Rhin) Dooley, was born May 21, 1839, in Preble County, Ohio. She was married to John Ashton Smith (son of Charles William and Pelina Baldwin Smith), November 7, 1857, at Marion, Indiana. They lived near that town for a few years, then moved to Iowa. In 1888 they moved to Oregon, where they now reside at Elkton, Douglas County, on the Umpqua River, forty miles from the coast. They are the parents of eight children, four boys and four girls. They are: William Harrison, Samuel Edwin, Seleigh Melissa, Olive Ellen and Oliver Allen, twins (the latter died at the age of two years), Paulina, Swain, and Lois Mabel. William H., oldest son of John A. and Orpha (Dooley) Smith, was born August 21, 1858, in Indiana; was married to Mattie Shull, and are the parents of five children, two having died in infancy. They are: Guy Urmen, died February 4, 1883; Ollie Harrison, died March 12, 1889; Roy A.; Alrneda, and Alice. Roy was married to Luella Hunt, February 12, 1906. To this union are born two children, Mildred and Robert. Almeda married Will M. Duncan, November 28, 1906, and they are the parents of two children, Emogene and Dorothy. Present address of William H. Smith is Hillsboro, Oregon. Samuel E., second son of John A. and Orpha (Dooley) Smith, was born July 22, 1860, in Indiana, and was married at Coon Rapids, Iowa, to Harriet S. Clearwater, a resident of Coon Rapids, March 5, 1882. To them were born six children, two of whom are now living. This family has been peculiarly afflicted, three of the children having met tragic deaths. The children are: Jewett Rolf, Nora Pearl, Orville Clifton, Earl Jay, Carrie Elva, and Clifford Raymond. Jewett R. was born February 4, 1883; death by accident April 11, 1885. Nora P. was born April 24, 1885; was married March 3, 1911, to Edgar C. Mangis. They are the parents of one son, Harold J., born April 24, 1912. Orville C. was born July 7, 1887; was married to Louise Fitchwerk, April 15, 1906, at Spokane, Washington. He was instantly killed at Pullman, Washington, August 27, 1915, by being struck by a passenger train. There is one son, Carl, born September, 1907. Earl J., was born October 14, 1889; was married to Daisy Beckman, July 1, 1911, at Davenport, Washington. He died September 21, 1912, having met death by accident on board U. S. Transport Dix, off eastern coast of the Island of Formosa, near China. Carrie E. was born December 2, 1892, died August 6, 1893. Clifford Raymond was born April 19, 1896. Samuel E. Smith now resides at Spokane, Washington.

Seleigh Melissa, third child of John A. and Orpha (Dooley) Smith, was born October 16, 1862, in Indiana; was married to Orville Adams. They have one daughter, Etta May. Seleigh died March 11, 1916. Olive E., fourth child of John A. and Orpha (Dooley) Smith, was born February 5, 1866, in Iowa; was married to Jake Kesselring; now living in Springfield, South Dakota. They are the parents of three children: Peter, Lloyd, and Mabel. Peter married Nettie Gregg, August 2, 1905. There are two girls born to this union, Opal A., born August 22, 1909, and Alta Ruby, born June 22, 1913. Mabel was married to Lloyd Patterson, December 31, 1912, and there is one son, Harold, born October 29, 1913. Oliver Allen, deceased, twin of Olive Ellen. Paulina, sixth child of John A. and Orpha (Dooley) Smith, was born April 3, 1868, in Iowa; was married to Wesley Vaughn, and five children are the result of this union: Frank, Ella, Edwin, John, and Orpha. Frank is now a physician. He married Mabel Johnson. They have one child, Violet. Ella married Henry Blankenfeld. They are the parents of three children: Floyd, seven years; Helen, five years, and Clyde, four months. The present address of Paulina Vaughn, is Bloomfield, Nebraska. Swain Venis, seventh child of John A. and Orpha (Dooley) Smith, was born in Iowa, October 26," 1870. Married after family moved to Oregon to Lulu Vann. Three children were born to this union: Vera, Lela, and Orville. Vera married Alfred E. Drinkwater, and they live in Albernie, British Columbia. Lois Mabel, eighth child of John A. and Orpha (Dooley) Smith, was born September 23, 1877, in Iowa. Went with parents to Oregon; was married to John Elmer Haney. They are the parents of four children: Vivian, Lloyd, Robert, and Veda. Vivian is married. Orpha (Dooley) Smith died March 9, 1916, aged 76 years. CALEB A D HIS DESCE DA TS Caleb, ninth child of Moses and Palentine Dooley, was born October 23, 1844, in Preble County, Ohio, and came to Grant County, Indiana, with his mother in 1851. He entered the army September 23, 1861, was a member of 34th Indiana Infantry and served four years and six months. He was fortunate to receive only one slight wound. His regiment fought the last battle of the Civil War. When about thirty years of age he attended a musical school taught by Aldine Keiffer, and for a number of years afterward organized and taught classes in vocal music in Grant and Howard counties. He possessed a voice full and rich in tone, could sing the leading part or bass equally well. In those days there were no pianos and few organs in the rural districts, and in the old-time singing school the musical vibrations of the tuning fork gave to the singers the correct key. Caleb died May 7, 1925. He was married to Lucy Bradford, April 3, 1889. To them were born five children: Dennison, Paul, Ruth, Mary, and Dean. Dennison Clare was born February 3, 1890. He married Artella Rogers and there were three children: Margaret E., born August 25, 1912; Roger Le Sage, born October 1, 1917; Mary Ruth, born September 12, 1919. Dennison is a minister of the Wesleyan Methodist denomination. Paul Dooley was born July 13, 1891. He married Mildred Smith, and to them were born six children: Kenneth Alfred, born September 21, 1913; Mildred Pauline, born June 3, 1915; Anna Lorene, born July 16, 1919; Merrill Dean, born October 8, 1922; Melvin Lewis, born June

14, 1924; Virginia Willoudean, born October 24, 1927. Ruth Irene Dooley, born March 22, 1893, was married to Floyd Cretsinger, and to them were born two sons: Norris Dean, born June 4, 1914; and Wayne, born September 20, 1917. Mary R. Dooley was born April 20, 1895; was married to Oscar Bollhoeffer. To this union were born five children: Martha Louise, born August 8, 1913; Edward A., born May 9, 1918, died April 14, 1927; Eugene, born March 20, 1920; Ruth Maxine, born August 19, 1922; James Frederick, born August 27, 1930. Dean Dooley, M. D., son of Lucy and Caleb Dooley, was born April 14, 1898. * He married Jessie Shannon and two children were born to them: Dean, Jr., born December 9, 1920; and Joseph Bradford, born September 30, 1932. Dean Dooley enlisted April 12, 1917, in the 150th Field Artillery, Rainbow Division. He arrived in France November 1, 1917, and saw active service from February 11, 1918, until the end of the war. He took part in the battles of Champagne, Chateau-Thierry, Mt. Faucon, Arragon, and St. Mihil. After returning from the war he finished his medical studies and is now a practicing physician in Dayton, Ohio. LEVI A D HIS DESCE DA TS Levi, tenth child of Moses and Palentine Dooley, was born February 29, 1846, in Preble County, Ohio; was married to Susan Arnett, in Grant County, Indiana. To them were born two daughters: Cora, who died when young, and Alma, married Milton Stevens. Levi died when past thirty years of age. Samuel, eleventh child of Moses and Palentine Dooley, was born in Preble County, Ohio, March 8, 1849, and died when about twenty-five years old. This completes the record of the descendants of Moses, the fourth son of Moses and Mary (Boyd) Dooley.



Compiled and Arranged by Mrs. Sarah Dooley Emerick Grant County, Indiana

Scanned By Joe Dooley

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