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02 Activity 2

Machine Learning

Background of the Study

What is Machine Learning?
Machine learning is the study of using algorithms and data that allow computers to
perform tasks without instructions or input from human users. Different experts have
created their own definitions to describe machine learning, but at its core, machine
learning is characterized by computers performing autonomous improvement using real-
world examples and data to do so, rather than a continual human input.
AI vs Machine Learning

At first glance, machine learning seems to have an almost interchangeable definition

with “artificial intelligence” (AI). After all, Merriam-Webster defines AI as “a branch of
computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers; the
capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior.” However, upon closer
inspection, it’s clear that these two terms refer to entirely distinct things.

AI encompasses many different processes and practices, including things like neural
networks and image processing; machine learning is one of these subsets of AI. So
while AI can take many different forms, such as a self-driving car or a digital assistant
like Siri or Alexa, machine learning describes a particular aspect of AI function:
computers learning autonomously.

How Do Computers Learn?

Put simply, a human user puts data into the computer, which then analyzes the data
and looks for patterns in it. When the computer finds a pattern, it adjusts how it
processes or manages data to reflect what it found. After the computer finds enough
patterns, it can begin to make predictions. Generally, if a larger amount of training data
is put in, the computer will become more accurate, faster.

In practice, machine learning is more complicated than that and there are two main
forms: supervised and unsupervised learning. Each form requires large amounts of
input data to train the machine learning algorithm, but they differ in how they interact
with the data.
Research Question

What are the Differences between Machine Learning and Deep Learning?

Machine Learning  Deep Learning

 Enables machines to
take decisions with the
help of artificial neural
 Enables machines to take decisions on their
own, based on past data  It needs a large
amount of training
 It needs only a small amount of data for
 Needs high-end
 Works well on the low-end system, so you
machines because it
don't need large machines 
requires a lot of
 Most features need to be identified in advance computing power 
and manually coded
 The machine learns the
 The problem is divided into two parts and features from the data
solved individually and then combined it is provided

 The problem is solved

in an end-to-end


ICT 301

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