Pipe 1

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The volume of fluid passing a

cross-section of steam in unit


Enthalpy of an ideal gas is a

function only of ________.

Which of the following is the

most efficient thermodynamic

What is the first law of thermodynamics?

energy can neither be created nor destroyed

An ideal gas is compressed

isothermally. What is the
enthalpy change?

Name the process that has no

heat transfer.

An ideal gas is compressed in a

cylindrical so well insulated that
there is essentially no heat transfer.
The temperature of the gas

What is the SI unit of pressure?

The equation Cp = Cv + R applies
to which of the following?
Ideal gas

In the flow process, neglecting

kinetic and potential energies, the
integral of Vdp represents what?
Shaft work

Mechanical energy of pressure

transformed into energy of heat.

The theory of changing heat

into mechanical work.

Average pressure on a surface

when a changing pressure
condition exist.
Mean effective pressure

Which of the following cycles

consist two isothermal and two
constant volume processes?
Stirling cycle

A control volume refers to

A fixed region in space

In polytropic process, PVn =

constant, if the value of n is
infinitely large, the process is

In the temperature is held constant

and the pressure is increased beyond
the saturation pressure, then the
working medium must be:
Compressed liquid

Is one whose temperature is

below the saturation temperature
corresponding to its pressure.
Sub cooled liquid

Number of molecules in a mole

of any substance is a constant
called ______.
Avogadro's number

If the pressure of a gas is constant

the volume is directly proportional to
the absolute temperature.
Charles' law

The number of protons in the

nucleus of an atom or the number of
electrons in the orbit of an atom.
Atomic number

In a P-T diagram of a pure

substance, the curve separating the
solid phase from the liquid phase is:
Fusion curve

A water temperature is 18 °F in
the water cooled condenser is
equivalent in °C to _____

The latent heat of vaporization

in Joules per kg is equal to -
22.6 x 10^5

Form of energy associated with

the kinetic energy of the random
motion of large number of

If the temperature is held constant

and the pressure is increased beyond
the saturation pressure, then, the
working medium must be:
Compressed liquid

Is the condition of pressure and

temperature at which a liquid and
its vapor are indistinguishable.
Critical point

When a substance is gaseous

state is below the critical
condition, it is called _______.

Superheated vapor behaves

Approximately as a gas

Which of the following provides

the basis for measuring
thermodynamic property of
Zeroth law of thermodynamics

Which of the following is

commonly used as liquid
Ethylene glycol

Mechanism designed to lower

the temperature of air passing
through it.
Air cooler

A device for measuring the

velocity of wind.

Heat normally flowing from a high

temperature body to a low temperature
body wherein it is impossible to convert
heat without other effects.
Second law of thermodynamics

The temperature at which its

vapor pressure is equal to the
pressure exerted on the liquid.
Boiling point

A nozzle is used to
Increase velocity and decrease

The total energy in compressible or

incompressible fluid flowing across any
section in a pipeline is a function of
Flow energy, kinetic energy, height
above datum and internal energy

The sum of energies of all the

molecules in a system where
energies appear in several complex
Internal energy

The ratio of the density of a

substance to the density of some
standard substance.
Specific gravity

Is the one whose pressure is

higher than the saturation pressure
corresponding to its temperature.
Compressed liquid

The changing of solid directly to

vapor without passing through
the liquid state is called.

Weight per unit volume is

termed as_____.
Weight density

What is the S1 unit of force?


What equation applies in the first

law of thermodynamics for an ideal
gas in a reversible open steady-state
Q + VdP = H2 - H1

A pressure of 1 millibar is
equivalent to
1000 dynes/cm2

When a system deviates

infinitesimally from equilibrium at
every instant of its state, it is
Quasi-static process

What is the force which tends

to draw a body towards the
center about which it is rotating?
Centripetal force

What is the process that has no

heat transfer?

Which of the engine is used for

fighter bombers?

Exhaust gases from an engine

Kinetic energy

At critical point the latent

enthalpy of vaporization is

What is the force which tends

to draw a body away from the
center about which it is rotating?
Centrifugal force

Work done per unit charge

when charged is moved from one
point to another.
Potential at a point

How many independent properties

are required to completely fix the
equilibrium state of a pure gaseous

Which of the following

relations defines enthalpy?
h = u + pV

Which of the following is true for

water at a reference temperature
where enthalpy is zero?
Internal energy is negative

On what plane is the Mollier

diagram plotted?

The compressibility factor z, is used for

predicting the behavior of non - ideal
gases. How is the compressibility factor
defined relative to an ideal gas? (
subscript c refers to critical value )
z = PV/RT
How is the quality x of a liquid - vapor
mixture defined?
The fraction of the total mass that is
saturated vapor

What is the expression for heat

of vaporization?
hg - hf

What is the value of the work

done for a closed, reversible,
isometric system?

What is the equation for the

work done by a constant
temperature system?
W = MRT ln (V2/V1)

What is true about the polytropic

exponent n for a perfect gas
undergoing an isobaric process?

How does an adiabatic process compare

to an isentropic process?
Both: Heat transfer = 0; Isentropic:

During an adiabatic, internally

reversible process, what is true
about the change in entropy?
It is always zero

For an irreversible process, what is

true about the change in entropy of
the system and surroundings?
ds > 0

For which type of process does

the equation dQ = Tds hold?

Which of the following is true for

any process?
ΔS (Surrounding) + ΔS (system) ≥ 0

Which of the following

thermodynamic cycle is the most

The ideal reversible Carnot cycle

involves four basic processes. What
type of processes are they?
Two isothermal and two isentropic

What is the temperature

difference of the cycle if the entropy
difference is ΔS, and the work done
is W?
W / ΔS

Which of the following is not an

advantage of a superheated, closed
Rankine cycle over an open Rankine
Increased boiler life

Which of the following statements regarding Rankine

cycle is not true?
In practical terms, the susceptibility of the engine
materials to corrosion is not a key limitation on the
operating efficiency

Which one of the following is standard temperature and

pressure (STP)
0 °C and 1 atm pressure

A substance is oxidized when

which of the following occurs?
It loses electrons

Which of the following is not a

unit of pressure?

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