5G Absorber

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Polarization-Insensitive Multi-Band Metamaterial Absorber Operating in

the 5 G Spectrum

R.M.H. Bilal, M.A. Baqir, P.K. Choudhury, M.M. Ali, A.A. Rahim, W.

PII: S0030-4026(20)30794-4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2020.164958
Reference: IJLEO 164958

To appear in: Optik

Received Date: 24 April 2020

Revised Date: 15 May 2020
Accepted Date: 17 May 2020

Please cite this article as: Bilal RMH, Baqir MA, Choudhury PK, Ali MM, Rahim AA, Kamal W,
Polarization-Insensitive Multi-Band Metamaterial Absorber Operating in the 5 G Spectrum,
Optik (2020), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2020.164958

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Polarization-Insensitive Multi-Band Metamaterial Absorber
Operating in the 5G Spectrum

R.M.H. Bilal1, M.A. Baqir2, P.K. Choudhury3*, M.M. Ali4, A.A. Rahim1, and W. Kamal5

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and
Technology, Topi 23640, Pakistan
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, COMSATS University Islamabad, Sahiwal 57000,

Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, UKM Bangi,
43600 Selangor, Malaysia
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Limerick, V94 T9PX, Ireland

Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, Park Road, Oxford OX1 3PJ, UK

E-mail: pankaj@ukm.edu.my


A polarization-insensitive multi-band metamaterial absorber comprised of four concentric

rectangular rib structures, mounted over a dielectric medium, was investigated. The performance
of the absorber was studied under different polarization and oblique incidence angles. Both the
transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) incidence radiations are exploited to

investigate the absorption characteristics. It was found that the four-fold symmetry in the
configuration makes the absorber to remain insensitive under the influence of such operational
conditions. The proposed structure yields four independent high absorption peaks within the 5G
spectral range. The absorptivity of the structure was also investigated for various values of the

thickness of dielectric substrate on which the metasurface was constructed. The electric field and
surface current distribution patterns were also obtained corresponding to three different resonance
peaks. It is expected that this kind of absorber would be effectively used for 5G applications in the

context of MIMO antennas.

Keywords: Metamaterial absorbers; MIMO antennas; 5G structures; polarization insensitive


1. Introduction
Recent and future antenna technologies rely on advanced functionalities, such as high data rate
[1], miniaturized structure, ultrawide bandwidth and low cost [2]. In order to meet these, multiple-
input multiple-output (MIMO) antennas have been gaining huge interest during the past few years
[3,4] – the configuration wherein large number of antenna arrays are arranged in rows and
columns, and connected individually with a separate input port to excite and make those to be
under operation [5].
Due to the closely-spaced configuration of MIMO arrays, there remains a large possibility of
mutual coupling or cross-talk among the antenna elements, resulting in reduced efficiency.
Reduction of such mutual coupling (in antenna arrays) has been a challenging task in MIMO
systems [6]. Different approaches, including the offset branching [7], impedance matching

network [8] and defected ground structures [9], have been adopted to minimize the cross-talk and
interference among the MIMO antenna arrays.
Investigations of the electromagnetic properties of metamaterials have been highly attractive

due to the extraordinary features these exhibit, which can be harnessed for different applications.
These include negative permittivity and permeability [10], super lensing [11], ultrafast switching
[12], sensing [13] and perfect absorption [14]. Refs. [15–23] show some of the recent reports on

the use of metamaterials focusing on varieties of applications. Metamaterial-based perfect
absorbers are broadly used in many applications, such as solar photovoltaics, stealth technology
and wireless communications [2427]. In antenna engineering, perfect metamaterial absorbers
(PMAs) can be efficiently used in MIMO antenna arrays, in order to reduce interference.
In this communication, we present a kind of polarization insensitive multi-band PMA
comprised of four concentric rectangular flat ribs of copper arranged over a dielectric substrate.
The proposed PMA is analyzed considering the microwave frequencies ranging from 15–40 GHz,

and the absorptivity is determined. The influence of different polarization and oblique incidence
angles on the absorption characteristics is taken up. Furthermore, the effects of the thickness of
dielectric substrate on the absorptivity of metasurface are also studied.

2. Design and Modelling

Figure 1 illustrates the proposed PMA, which consists of metal-dielectric-metal kind of
metasurface configuration. The top layer is composed of four concentric rectangular ribs of copper
having the thickness as 35 µm. The middle layer is a lossy dielectric substrate comprised of FR4

medium. A thin copper metallic board (of thickness as 35 µm) is used at the bottom to prohibit the
transmission of waves.
The proposed absorber is designed and simulated in the frequency domain solver of the finite

integration-based CST Microwave Studio software. For this purpose, the unit cell boundary
conditions are imposed along the x-y direction, whereas the open add-space boundary conditions
are set along the direction of propagating waves above and below the resonating structure. When
the electromagnetic waves impinge on the PMA surface, it penetrates the top metasurface due to
the impedance matching between the resonators (at the top) and free-space. The middle dielectric
layer traps the waves, and confines those within the structure; the bottom metallic layer acts as a
perfect reflector for waves, thereby blocking the transmission of signal.

Fig. 1. Schematic of the proposed PMA; P = 5 mm, a = 3.40 mm, b = 2.84 mm, c = 2.26 mm, d = 1.70 mm, W =

0.070 mm, and S = 0.212 mm.

3. Results and Discussion

As stated before, we investigate the PMA structure exploiting the simulation tools of the CST
Microwave Studio software. Figure 2 illustrates the frequency dependence of the effective
impedance of the proposed design. It is clear from this figure that the absorber yields four

impedance minima corresponding to the values of frequency as 17.32 GHz, 21.87 GHz, 29.43
GHz and 37.1 GHz, which essentially demonstrate the perfect impedance matching conditions. At
these operating frequencies, almost vanishing reflection of waves can be achieved. As such, it is
expected that the absorption of waves by the proposed structure will be very high corresponding
to these frequencies.

Effective Impedance (Mag)






15 20 25 30 35 40
Frequency (GHz)

Fig. 2. Frequency-dependence of the effective impedance of PMA.

Figure 3 depicts the absorption spectra of the proposed PMA by considering the operating
frequency in the 15–40 GHz range. As fig. 3 shows, four absorption peaks exist corresponding to
the frequencies 17.32 GHz, 21.87 GHz, 29.43 GHz and 37.1 GHz – the case that corresponds to
the condition of excitation by normal incidence of waves.




15 20 25 30 35 40

Frequency (GHz)

Fig. 3. Frequency-dependence of the absorptivity of PMA corresponding to the normal incidence excitation.
The absorption characteristics of the proposed PMA, in the case of normal incidence of waves,
can be conceptualized utilizing the permittivity (ɛ𝑚 ) and permeability (µ𝑚 ) of metamaterial. The
impedance matching condition is attained by equalizing these two parameters (i.e., permeability

and permittivity) of the unit cells, which the top metasurface is comprised of. The permeability of
the structure can be tuned (or altered) by properly designing and carefully selecting the geometrical
parameters of these unit cells. The impedance matching condition is attained at the resonance
frequencies, i.e., 𝑍𝑚 = √µ𝑚 ⁄ɛ𝑚 ≈ 𝑍0 with 𝑍𝑚 and 𝑍0 being the impedances of metamaterial and
free-space, respectively. As such, the reflection coefficient becomes vanishing, i.e., Γ =

(𝑍𝑚 − 𝑍0 ⁄𝑍𝑚 + 𝑍0 ) ≈ 0. As the bottom part of the structure has a bulk metallic sheet, thereby
blocking the transmission of waves, the transmission coefficient 𝛵 also becomes vanishing. As
such, the absorption coefficient (or the absorptivity) can be defined as A = 1 − |Γ| − |𝛵| = 1 −

The absorptivity of the proposed PMA can also be expressed in terms of S-parameters as A =
1 − |𝑆11 |2 − |𝑆12 |2; 𝑆11 and 𝑆12 being the reflectivity and transmittivity of the absorber,
respectively. Finally, the absorptivity of PMA can be obtained utilizing the reflection parameter

only, i.e., A = 1 − |𝑆11 |2 .

We now focus on the impact of the different values of thickness hs of the dielectric substrate on
the absorption characteristics. In this stream, fig. 4 exhibits the frequency dependence of
absorptivity of the proposed PMA structure considering different values of hs, viz. 0.8 mm, 1.0
mm, 1.2 mm, 1.6 mm, 2.0 mm, and 2.4 mm. We observe in this figure that, corresponding to the
chosen low values of substrate thickness, the PMA exhibits four absorption maxima. However,
with the increase in the value of hs, two-fold characteristics are noticed – the absorptivity goes on
decreasing, the number of absorption maxima increases, and also, the magnitude of absorption

maxima decrease with the increase in frequency. Corresponding to the minimum chosen value of
substrate thickness, i.e. hs = 0.8 nm, the absorptivity reaches nearly 100% for all the maxima that
the PMA yields. This is very much expected as a thicker substrate would correspond to some
losses, and also, the possibility of scattering enhances.



0.5 hs = 0.8 mm
0.4 hs = 1.0 mm
0.3 hs = 1.2 mm

0.2 hs = 1.6 mm
hs = 2.0 mm
hs = 2.4 mm

15 20 25 30 35 40
Frequency (GHz)
Fig. 4. Frequency-dependence of absorptivity of PMA corresponding to different values of hs.
Figure 4 clearly illustrates that the use of hs = 0.8 mm yields four absorption peaks at the
frequencies 17.32 GHz, 21.87 GHz, 29.43 GHz and 37.1 GHz. With a little increase in substrate

thickness to 1 mm results in four absorption peaks having absorptivity nearly 99%, 97.11%,
94.71% and 94.71% corresponding to the frequencies as 17.27 GHz, 21.9 GHz, 29 GHz and 35.3
GHz, respectively. As such, the magnitude of absorption maxima decreases with increasing
frequency – the feature observed upon further increasing the substrate thickness as well. It is

noteworthy that, a choice of hs = 1.6 mm yields five absorption maxima with reduced absorptivity,
and the number of such maxima increases upon a further increase in the thickness of dielectric
From the obtained results, it is noticed that the substrate thickness hs has significant control

over the absorptivity of the proposed PMA. The absorber demonstrates the maximum possible
absorptivity corresponding to hs = 0.8 mm. Also, the absorption bands can be tuned by altering the
substrate thickness. Moreover, since the frequency bands 17.7–19.0 GHz, 24.5–26.5 GHz, and
37.0–39.5 GHz are assigned to the 5G communication system, the proposed absorber would be

useful for such applications.

We now touch upon the angular dependence of absorption characteristics of the proposed PMA.
For this purpose, we analyze the absorptivity under different values of oblique incidence angles of
the impinging electromagnetic waves, namely 0°–60° in a step of 10°; fig. 5 illustrates the obtained
frequency-dependence of absorptivity. Here figs. 5a and 5b, respectively, correspond to the cases
of TE and TM mode incidence excitations.
We observe in fig. 5a that the case of normal incidence of TE-polarized fields generally exhibits
the maximum absorptivity, and the increase in incidence angle causes small decrease in absorption

– the feature that is relatively prominent corresponding to the first peak in the vicinity of 17.32
GHz frequency. For instance, we observe in the first peak (in fig. 5a) that the increase of obliquity
from 0°–60° results in decrease in absorption from 100% to nearly 84%. Corresponding to the
second and third peaks (in fig. 5a), this characteristic is not strong enough. However, the values of
absorption alter a little along with vary small shifts in the position of absorption peaks (with
changing obliquity). Overall it can be said that there occurs minor decrease in absorption, and also,
the first three absorption peaks remain nearly insensitive to the obliquity of the incidence
excitation. The effect of obliquity is significantly observed corresponding to the fourth absorption
peak, wherein the peak positions shift toward higher frequencies with the increase in incidence

q = 00
q = 100

0.7 q = 200

0.6 q = 300
0.5 q = 400
q = 500

q = 600
15 20 25 30 35 40
Frequency (GHz)

0.9 q = 00
0.8 q = 100
q = 200

q = 300

0.6 q = 400
0.5 q = 500
q = 600


15 20 25 30 35 40
Frequency (GHz)

Figure 5. Frequency-dependence of absorptivity of the proposed PMA for different values of incidence angles 𝜃
corresponding to (a) TE and (b) TM wave excitations.

Corresponding to the TM wave incidence excitation, we observe in fig 5b that the first two
absorption peaks remain nearly insensitive to the incidence angle. However, the variations in
obliquity significantly affects the peaks positioned at higher frequencies.

In order to observe the effect of polarization angle 𝜑 of the incidence waves, we investigate the
performance of PMA configuration (in terms of absorptivity) under different angles ranging from
0º to 90º with a step-size of 30º; fig. 6 illustrates the obtained results. In this figure, the plots of
absorptivity are shown against operating frequency corresponding to the incidence polarization
angles 𝜑 as 0º, 30º, 60º and 90º. As can be seen in fig. 6, the plots of absorptivity corresponding
to all the chosen angles truly overlap. That is, the PMA structure exhibits similar absorption
response under different polarization angles. It is attributed to the four-fold symmetry in the unit
cell of the top metasurface. As such, the absorber remains insensitive to the polarization of the
incidence excitation.


0.8 j = 00
j = 300


j = 600
0.6 j = 900

15 20 25 30 35 40
Frequency (GHz)

Fig. 6. Frequency-dependence of absorptivity of PMA corresponding to different values of polarization angles 𝜑.

To understand the physical mechanism of absorption of the proposed PMA structure, figs. 7
and 8, respectively, depict the surface electric field and current distribution profiles at the top

metasurface. Within the context, fig. 7a shows the electric (E-) field distribution at the top
metasurface corresponding to 17.32 GHz. We observe in this figure that the E-field is greatly
accumulated at the top and bottom edges of the first two outer rectangular ribs. This essentially
determines the set of these two ribs of the unit cell to be the major contributors toward the

absorptivity of the first peak in fig. 4. Also, these exhibit the frequency-dependent property of
resonance of the metallic ribs.
Figure 7b shows the electric field intensity corresponding to the operating frequency of 21.87

GHz. The figure determines that the E-field is largely concentrated at the second and third
rectangular ribs, thereby making these portions of PMA to be the major contributors toward the
generation of the second absorption peak (in fig. 4). Figure 7c demonstrates the electric field
distribution patterns corresponding to the resonance frequency of 29.43 GHz. It becomes obvious
in the diagram that the electric field is maximally concentrated at the edges of the inner rectangular
ribs, thereby indicating the third absorption peak (fig. 4) to be caused owing to the inner ribs. As
such, the use of four rectangular ribs in the metasurface corresponds to the set of four resonance
conditions, and hence, attaining four absorption peaks of nearly perfect absorptivity.

Fig. 7. Electric field profile of the proposed PMA at (a) 17.32 GHz (b) 21.87 GHz, and (c) 29.43 GHz frequencies.

Fig. 8. Surface current distribution of PMA at (a) 17.32 GHz (b) 21.87 GHz, and (c) 29.43 GHz frequencies.

In order to get further physical insight into the absorption process, we plot the surface current
distributions at three different resonance peaks, viz. 17.32 GHz, 21.87 GHz and 29.43 GHz, as
shown in fig. 8. We observe in these figures that, corresponding to 17.32 GHz frequency, large
currents circulate in the two outer rectangular ribs. As such, it becomes obvious that the outer ribs
resonate at lower frequencies (fig. 8a). In fig. 8b, we notice that most of the currents are
accumulated in the second and third rectangular ribs at 21.87 GHz frequency; this corresponds to
the second absorptivity peak (in fig. 4) of the proposed PMA. The operating frequency of 29.43
GHz yields the maximum current to be concentrated at the two inner ribs, which indicates the ribs
of lower dimensions (of the PMA components) resonate at higher frequencies (fig. 8c).

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, the electromagnetic characteristics of a multi-band PMA structure are
investigated. The proposed absorber indicates four absorption peaks with nearly 100% absorptivity
corresponding to the operating frequencies in the 5G spectral band. The PMA structure has a four-

fold symmetry in the unit cell configuration. It has been found that it exhibits an insensitive
response to the electromagnetic waves under the effect of different polarization angles of the
incidence excitation. This PMA also exhibits nearly stable absorption response under the influence

of oblique incidence angles for both the TE and TM wave incidence cases. From the examined
results, it can be concluded that the thickness of the exploited dielectric medium has significant
impact on the absorptivity of the structure. Being insensitive to the possible cross-talks, it is
expected that this kind of PMA structure would be useful in numerous 5G applications, such as
filtering, attenuation and MIMO antenna isolation enhancements.


PKC acknowledges the grant FRGS/1/2019/STG02/UKM/01/1 by the Ministry of Higher

Education (MOHE), Malaysia toward research support.


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