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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.



Subject Code:2174002 Date:25/11/2021
Subject Name:Construction Planning and Management
Time:02:30 PM TO 05:00 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Simple and non-programmable scientific calculators are allowed.

Q.1 (a) What are the construction management functions (field functions) during the 03
construction phase of a project?
(b) Draw a CPM (AOA) Network Diagram for following Project Data. 04
Activity IPA Duration (Weeks)
A - 5
B - 7
C - 3
D A 6
E A, B 9
F A, B, C 4

(c) Draw a CPM-AON network for following project data and find out the floats 07
available for all the activities
Activity IPA Duration Activity IPA Duration
(weeks) (weeks)
A - 4 G C, D, E 6
B - 6 H C, F, G 4
C A,B 5 I G 7
D A, B 4 J H, I 3
E A, B 5 K H, I 5
F C, D 3 L J, K 3
Draw the linked bar chart for the project data also.
Q.2 (a) Can the critical path in a project change during the life of the project? How can 03
such a thing happen? Give an example.
(b) Explain the main differences between the standard node diagram and 04
precedence diagrams.
(c) For the following Data, draw a network diagram (AOA) and find out project 07
completion time and critical activities.
Activity IPA Duration (Weeks) Total Cost (Rs)
A - 4 4000
B - 5 20000
C A 3 6000
D A 2 10000
E B, C 6 9000
F D 8 8000
G D, E 3 6000
H F,G 2 10000

(c) Draw a network Diagram (AON) for the data given in Q.2 (c) and find out 07
project completion time, critical activities and floats.
Q.3 (a) A multi-story building construction involves 5 major operations (A, B, C, D and 03
E) in series with their duration and respective resource requirement for each
operation are given below. The total number of floors in the building are 10.
Using Line of Balance (LOB) concept, schedule the project. Use a minimum
buffer of 1 weeks between operations.

Operation Duration for one floor Labor Required (Number

(Weeks) of Gangs)
A 5 1
B 2 2
C 6 1
D 4 2
E 3 4

(b) Give a practical example for each of the following: 04

a. Start-to-start (SS) relationship only
b. Finish-to-finish (FF) relationship only
c. Combination SS and FF relationship
(c) For the project data given in Q.2 (c) Calculate the cash resource flow 07
requirement for first 18 weeks if the project is scheduled as per early start of
activities (LS Schedule).
Q.3 (a) Explain how activity completion time is modelled in PERT? 03
(b) Briefly explain how direct cost and indirect cost of a project vary with project 04
completion time. How activities are prioritized/selected for crashing?
(c) For the project data given in Q.2 (c) Calculate the cash resource flow 07
requirement for first 18 weeks if the project is scheduled as per early start of
activities (ES Schedule).
Q.4 (a) What do you understand by ‘Cost slope’? How do you determine it? 03
(b) In the construction project represented by the logic network shown below, the 04
owner issued a work order to the contractor that would delay the start of activity
E till day 16 (i.e., its late start date). Would the contractor be entitled to time
extension, compensation, both, or neither?

(c) Draw the network for the following project. Perform the CPM calculations on 07
the basis of the most likely durations. Pick the longest three paths. Calculate the
expected duration and the standard deviation for each path. Considering all three
paths, what is the duration of the project with at least a 90% confidence level?

Activity IPA Duration (Days)

Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic
(To) (Tm) (Tp)
A - 4 6 11
B - 3 4 6
C - 6 9 15
D A,B 3 4 11
E B 5 7 10
F D 4 5 8
G D,E 7 10 16
H C,F,G 6 8 10
I C,G 3 3 5
J H,I 2 2 2
Q.4 (a) Illustrate the method of updating a network during its execution period. 03.
(b) Briefly explain how variance analysis is carried out for evaluating the status of 04
an ongoing construction project?
(c) The data for a project is given below: 07

Activity IPA Lag Duration Activity IPA Lag Duration

A - - 2 G C - 5
B A 2 5 H D,E,F 2 10
C A - 6 I E,F,G - 8
D B - 6 J D - 7
E B 3 7 K H,J,I 1 1
F B,C - 4 - - - -

Fifteen days after the start of the project, the following information is received:
Activity A- Completed 2 days later than planned.
Activity B- Completed on time.
Activity C- Started; 4 days left.
Activity D- Completed. Took 5 days to finish.
Activity E- Completed.
Activity F- Canceled.
Activity G- Started 3 days late. Project manager hopes to cut 1 day of its
Activity K- Added. Duration = 4 days. IPA = C.
Activity L- Added. Duration = 3 days. IPA = K, G.
Activity I- Adjusted: IPA = L.
Draw the updated network. Calculate the new project completion date. Check
whether any change in the critical path occurred.
Q.5 (a) Explain, why time-cost trade-off is necessary? 03
(b) Discuss various ways to reduce the activity duration. 04
(c) The data regarding the requirements of manpower for the various activities is 07
given in the table below. Carryout the resources allocation levelling for the

Activity Activity arrow Duration Masson (M) Labourers (L)

A 1-2 3 1 2
B 1-3 5 2 3
C 2-3 8 6 5
D 2-4 6 3 4
E 3-5 9 5 4
F 4-5 3 1 2
G 5-6 3 2 2

Q.5 (a) What is cash flow in construction management? 03
(b) What are the benefits for the projects having good cash flow? 04
(c) Activity details of a project is given below. Decide on the priority of the activity 07
for crashing. Justify on your priority list
Activity Normal Crash Normal Cost Crash Cost
Duration Duration
A 4 2 15000 18000
B 6 3 12000 13000
C 5 4 10000 16000
D 8 5 5000 9000



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