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PHYSICAL REVIEW A 72, 042711 共2005兲

Quantum scattering in quasi-one-dimensional cylindrical confinement

J. I. Kim,1 J. Schmiedmayer,1 and P. Schmelcher1,2

Physikalisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg, Philosophenweg 12, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Theoretische Chemie, Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Universität Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 229, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
共Received 22 December 2004; published 17 October 2005兲

Finite-size effects not only alter the energy levels of small systems, but can also lead to additional effective
interactions within these systems. Here the problem of low-energy quantum scattering by a spherically sym-
metric short-range potential in the presence of a general cylindrical confinement is investigated. A Green’s
function formalism is developed which accounts for the full three-dimensional 共3D兲 nature of the scattering
potential by incorporating all phase shifts and their couplings. This quasi-1D geometry gives rise to scattering
resonances and weakly localized states, whose binding energies and wave functions can be systematically
calculated. Possible applications include, e.g., impurity scattering in ballistic quasi-1D quantum wires in
mesoscopic systems and in atomic matter-wave guides. In the particular case of parabolic confinement, the
present formalism can also be applied to pair collision processes such as two-body interactions. Weakly bound
pairs and quasimolecules induced by the confinement and having zero or higher orbital angular momentum can
be predicted, such as p- and d-wave pairings.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.72.042711 PACS number共s兲: 34.10.⫹x, 03.75.Be, 05.30.Fk, 05.30.Jp

I. INTRODUCTION tant variable in the transport properties and can be strongly

Matter at very small dimensions can be strongly affected affected by the confinement. This has been revealed by sev-
by boundary and surface effects. Bulk three-dimensional eral studies of mesoscopic systems in the context of the Lan-
共3D兲 properties may then change substantially or even disap- dauer approach to the quantized conductance of quantum
pear. Reaching this regime poses a long-term challenge mo- point contacts in the presence of impurities 关13–16兴. On the
tivated among other factors by the continuous technological other hand, two-body collision processes should be dealt
drive toward ever smaller information processing devices with when the matter wave consists of interacting particles.
关1兴. Below a certain limit of small length scales, unusual A full understanding of these low-dimensional systems
should therefore deal with both types of scattering. It should
quantum electronic properties may appear and be useful in
also derive ad hoc phenomenological parameters such as ef-
order to develop alternative devices 关2兴.
fective low-dimensional coupling strengths from the real 3D
Recent developments in atomic physics have addressed character of the interactions. Another context in which such
similar questions by using atom-optical devices 共or atom dimensional reduction plays a role is the transmission and
chips兲 made out of surface-patterned substrates 关3–8兴 or by reflection of electromagnetic 关33兴 and elastic 关34兴 waves in
means of laser manipulation of atoms for trapping 关9兴 and transmission lines or resonators.
atomic lithography 关10兴. Analogous to electronic matter New light has recently been shed on this subject by stud-
waves, these devices and techniques have the potential to ies of atomic collisions in 1D 关35–38兴 and 2D 关39–41兴. Fo-
trap and manipulate atomic matter waves down to submicro- cusing on a parabolic cylindrical confinement, for which the
meter scales. A vast range of phenomena with atoms can then center of mass can be eliminated, pioneering predictions for
be studied, several of them having close relationships to spe- collision processes are possible, e.g., that of confinement-
cific solid state systems. induced scattering resonances 共CIR兲 in 1D. In such a reso-
Of particular interest for both bulk and atomic systems is nance 关35–37兴, a total reflection may take place between the
the quasi-1D regime of quantum coherent single-mode trans- colliding atoms. The s-wave 共or zero-range兲 approximation
port. In this ultimate limit, the degrees of freedom in the to the scattering potential 关35,36兴 may be partially lifted,
transversal trapping directions are effectively frozen in the provided the coupling of orbital angular momenta due to the
quantum-limited ground state of the confining potential. cylindrical geometry is not considered 关37兴. Another prop-
Such one-dimensional system can show distinct physical erty induced by the confinement and closely related to CIR is
properties e.g., in quasi-1D quantum wires in two- the formation of weakly bound quasimolecules with zero
dimensional electron gas 共2DEG兲 systems 关2,11–18兴 and 共s-wave兲 orbital angular momentum 关38兴, which have been
Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids 关19–21兴. In elongated gases of recently observed with singlet fermionic atoms in tight laser
ultracold atoms, the one dimensionality is revealed, e.g., in traps 关32兴. Coupling to the center of mass under nonpara-
magnetic guides 关3–8兴, in phase fluctuations of quasiconden- bolic confinement in the s-wave approximation is treated in
sates 关22–24兴, the Tonks-Girardeau gas of impenetrable 关42兴 and can lead to the appearance of additional CIRs. In the
bosons 关25–30兴, or one-dimensional optical lattices 关31,32兴. independent and distinct context of impurity scattering stud-
In this broad context, we address two processes that are af- ies, rectangular geometries predominate, which are most
fected by the quasi-1D geometry. On one hand, the matter suitable for the growth of semiconductor heterostructures.
waves can be scattered off, e.g., impurities or defects fixed Similar properties of resonant scattering and weakly local-
along the guide. This scattering by central fields is an impor- ized states are then predicted for noninteracting 2DEG sys-

1050-2947/2005/72共4兲/042711共15兲/$23.00 042711-1 ©2005 The American Physical Society


FIG. 1. 共a兲 Longitudinal profile of the cylin-

drical guide. The scattering potential V共r兲 is lim-
ited to within the spherical shaded area at the
center. 共b兲 Total potential energy along the trans-
verse xy plane passing through the origin r = 0
共thick curve兲. For an attractive V共r兲, one deep E0
and another shallow EB bound state without con-
finement are indicated, with their respective prob-
ability density profiles 共dotted curves兲.

tems. This is demonstrated in the s-wave approximation to tering properties of running waves. Weakly localized states
the scattering potential in 关13兴. Finite-range scatterers under are then found in the complex-energy plane.
general rectangular confinement are also considered, but in
an already reduced two-dimensional space 关14–16兴.
A. Hamiltonian under confinement
In this work, a detailed formalism is presented that ex-
tends the results for impurity scattering and collisions. It can Consider first the scattering of a single particle of mass ␮
treat general cylindrical confinement, parabolic or not, and and coordinates r = 共x , y , z兲 by a central field fixed at the ori-
incorporate all scattering phase shifts beyond s waves, as gin. Let V共r兲 be the spherically symmetric scattering poten-
well as the full couplings of orbital angular momenta due to tial and U共␳兲 the cylindrically symmetric confining potential,
the broken spherical symmetry. A comprehensive assessment where ␳ = 共x , y兲 denotes the transverse coordinates. The
of the scattering process reveals the most important mecha- Hamiltonian is then given by
nisms and parameters at play. From this unified description,
CIRs are seen to be a general low-energy effect in quasi-1D
geometries. It might be useful, e.g., as an alternative gating ប2 2
H=− ⵜ + U共␳兲 + V共r兲. 共1兲
mechanism in low-power transistorlike devices that could 2␮
incorporate quasi-1D structures 关2,11–17,43兴. The existence
of weakly localized bound states and quasimolecules can, in
If RV and RU are the ranges of V共r兲 and U共␳兲, respectively,
turn, be extended to include higher orbital angular momen-
then 兩V兩 Ⰶ V0 for r Ⰷ RV and U Ⰶ U0 for ␳ Ⰶ RU, where V0 and
tum pairing, whose binding energies and wave functions can
U0 are characteristic energy scales, such as the respective
be systematically computed.
ground-state energies 共see Fig. 1兲. Two particular examples
This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II the present
are the parabolic confinement U共␳兲 = ␮␻⬜ ␳ / 2, for which RU
2 2
problem of scattering in confined geometries is formulated
is of the order of the oscillator length a⬜ = 共ប / ␮␻⬜兲1/2 and
for scattering by both central fields and collision processes.
In Sec. III, the s-wave approximation to the scattering poten- the square well 共or hard wall兲 such that U共␳兲 → + ⬁ for ␳
tial is briefly reviewed. In Sec. IV, after an overview of the 艌 RU and zero otherwise. The first condition on the scatter-
free-space scattering, our formalism in terms of Green’s ing and on the confining potentials assumed in this work is
functions and phase shifts is developed. In Sec V, this for- RV Ⰶ RU. In this sense, both the potentials V共r兲 and U共␳兲 can
malism is applied to analyze two types of confinement- be relatively general for this type of scattering process. This
induced effects, namely, CIR and weakly localized states. A condition implies that there is a distinct region RV Ⰶ r Ⰶ RU
discussion of the main approximations used is given in Sec. where spherical symmetry still prevails and one can define
VI, followed by the conclusions. scattering phase shifts. This is an 共intermediate兲 asymptotic
region, where the effect of the confinement U共␳兲 is felt only
as a boundary condition to the scattering by V共r兲 共see Sec.
II. SCATTERING IN LOW DIMENSIONALITY IV C兲. Figure 1 depicts the geometry of the problem. An-
other important condition for the validity of the present ap-
In a low-energy scattering process under confinement, one proach to scattering in confined geometries is the condition
expects the scattering potential to affect primarily the de- k ⬃ 1 / RU of low total scattering energy E ⬅ ប2k2 / 2␮ 共or
grees of freedom not experiencing external confinement. The Fermi energy兲 for the Hamiltonian H. Only a few excited
other degrees of freedom are then forced to occupy only one transverse states ␸n above the ground state 关see Eq. 共2兲兴 can
or very few confined states. However, the very existence of be effectively populated. The scattering process is thus as-
these confined states does play a role due to virtual transi- sumed to occur at low temperatures or under sufficiently
tions. The effects of the latter can become noticeable when tight confinement.
properly examining the unconfined degrees of freedom. In Alternatively, consider the case of collisions between,
this regard one is led to calculate effective scattering ampli- e.g., two cold atoms of masses m and coordinates ri
tudes as given by Eq. 共5b兲. = 共␳i , zi兲, i = 1 , 2. R = 共r1 + r2兲 / 2 and r = r1 − r2 denote the cen-
These amplitudes provide a complete description of the ter of mass 共c.m.兲 and relative coordinates, respectively. The
quasi-1D problem. For real energies, they describe the scat- total Hamiltonian is


冉 冊 关ⵜ2 − u共␳兲 + k2兴⌿共r兲 = v共r兲⌿共r兲, 共4a兲

ប2 2
H2 = 兺 − ⵜ + Uc共␳i兲 + V共r兲,
i=1 2m i where E ⬅ ប2k2 / 2␮ ⬎ 0 is the total scattering energy, u共␳兲
where Uc is the cylindrical confinement and V the two-body ⬅ 2␮U共␳兲 / ប2, and v共r兲 ⬅ 2␮V共r兲 / ប2. The above-mentioned
interaction potential. For this scattering process Uc should be couplings and virtual transitions are best seen by expanding
parabolic, so that the c.m. can be separated exactly. The the solution in the cylindrical basis defined by the ␸n’s,
Hamiltonian for the relative coordinates is then given by Eq. ⬁
共1兲, where ␮ = m / 2 becomes the 共collisional兲 effective mass
⌿共r兲 = 兺 ␺n共z兲␸n共␳兲, 共4b兲
and U共␳兲 = 2Uc共␳ / 2兲. For nonparabolic confinement, addi- n=0
tional scattering resonances that can occur even at weak cou-
pling to the c.m. 关42兴 is not included in Eq. 共1兲. However, at and solving for each ␺n共z兲. Substituting into Eq. 共4a兲, multi-
ultracold temperatures for which only the lowest transversal plying by ␸*n, integrating, and using Eq. 共2兲 yields
states of the guide are occupied, the probability to find the
atoms in the center of the guide is largest. Consequently, it
might be a reasonable zeroth-order approximation to assume
on average that the c.m. coordinates are also confined to the
冉 d2

+ k2 − q2n ␺n共z兲 = 冕 dx dy ␸*n共␳兲v共r兲⌿共r兲.

center of the guide. Therefore Eq. 共1兲 is a starting point to the For a given total energy E, one defines the longitudinal wave
dynamics of the relative coordinates for a general interaction vectors kn by

再 冎
V共r兲, in which the c.m. fluctuations around the mean value
具R典 = 0 are at the present stage neglected. 冑k2 − q2n if 0 艋 n 艋 nE ,
Because of the symmetry of U共␳兲 + V共r兲, the scattering kn =
i冑q2n − k2 if n ⬎ nE ,
solutions can be restricted to be axially symmetric. The cor-
responding axially symmetric and orthonormalized eigen- where nE is the largest integer such that qnE ⬍ k ⬍ q1+nE and
states of the confined variables ␸n共␳兲 , n = 0,1,2,…, satisfy
denotes the highest “open channel.” In the single-mode re-

冋 冉

ប2 ⳵2
2␮ ⳵ x2 ⳵ y 2

+ U共␳兲 ␸n共␳兲 = ⑀n␸n共␳兲 册 共2兲
gime nE = 0. As usual, the general solution ␺n共z兲 can be ex-
pressed in terms of a homogeneous solution and a particular
inhomogeneous solution, ␺ f,n共z兲. This inhomogeneous solu-
where ⑀n ⬅ ប2q2n / 2␮ ⬎ 0 are the transversal energies, with tion can be written in terms of the 1D Green’s function
q 0 ⬃ 1 / R U.
B. 1D scattering
Gn共z兲 = − , Gn⬙ + k2nGn = − ␦共z − z⬘兲,
In a purely 1D problem let the 1D interaction potential
V1D共z兲 have the finite range R1D around the origin z = 0, such describing an outward scattering for n 艋 nE and an exponen-
that V1D ⬇ 0 for 兩z兩 Ⰷ R1D. The scattering problem for an in- tially decaying virtual state for the “closed channels” n
coming plane wave eik0z can be described by the amplitudes ⬎ nE. Then for all n

f ± in the asymptotic behavior of the solution ␺共z兲 in the
transmission and reflection regions ␺ f,n共z兲 = − d3r⬘Gn共z − z⬘兲␸*n共␳⬘兲v共r⬘兲⌿共r⬘兲.

␺共z兲 = 再 eik0z + f +eik0z,

e ik0z − −ik0z
+f e ,
R1D Ⰶ z,
z Ⰶ − R1D .
冎 The expansion Eq. 共4b兲 of ⌿共r兲 takes then the form

Current conservation then yields nE ⬁

⌿共r兲 = 兺 bneiknz␸n共␳兲 + 兺 ␺ f,n共z兲␸n共␳兲, 共4c兲
兩1 + f +兩2 = 1 − 兩f −兩2 . 共3兲 n=0 n=0

Particular cases are resonant transmission 共f + → 0兲 and total

where the homogeneous part bneiknz of each ␺n共z兲, for some
reflection 共f + → −1兲 at finite k0 and finite potentials.
constant bn, gives rise to the total incoming state and thus is
limited to the open channels n 艋 nE only.
C. Effective 1D scattering
The asymptotic condition is obtained in the limit 兩z兩 → ⬁
The above 1D picture corresponds to a fixed unperturbed by neglecting the exponentially decaying terms ␺ f,n共z兲 in Eq.
transversal state, e.g., the ground state ␸0共␳兲. The total wave 共4c兲 for n ⬎ nE. Using then 兩z − z⬘兩 = 兩z兩 ⫿ z⬘ in Gn, for z
function would then have the form ␺共z兲␸0共␳兲 where scatter- → ± ⬁, one has
ing effects would occur only in ␺共z兲. However, transitions to
other states ␸n共␳兲 , n = 1, 2, …, even as virtual transitions,
arise from the coupling between the ␸n’s caused by the scat- ⌿共r兲 ⬇ 兺 共bneiknz + f ±n eikn兩z兩兲␸n共␳兲, 共5a兲
tering potential V共r兲.
Let ⌿共r兲 be the full 3D axially symmetric scattering so- where the effective 1D scattering amplitudes f ±n are defined
lution to Eq. 共1兲, by 共for n 艋 nE兲


= 兺n␺n␸n, the first integral on the right-hard side共RHS兲 van-

ishes for large radius ␳ → ⬁ since each ␸n共␳兲 → 0. The other
two integrals yield

0 = 兺 关− jn共z1兲 + jn共z2兲兴,

where jn共z兲 are 1D currents calculated with ␺n共z兲. Setting

FIG. 2. A pictorial view of a scattering “path” of a particle ⬘ one can use the asymptotics for ␺n in Eq. 共5a兲
z1,2 ⬃ ⫿ R1D
coming from the left. Outside the effective 1D range 兩z兩 Ⰷ R1D ⬘ , the so that the total conservation condition reads
particle is stabilized by the confinement back into, e.g., the trans-
versal ground state 共for the single-mode regime nE = 0兲. Here the net
effect of the scattering is contained in the amplitudes f −0 and f +0 of 0 = 兺 共兩bn + f +n 兩2 + 兩f −n 兩2 − 兩bn兩2兲kn . 共5c兲
backward and forward scattering, respectively. Within the dashed n=0
circle, however, the spherical symmetry prevails. The phase infor- This equation extends the pure 1D result in Eq. 共3兲. It also
mation of the wave function within this region is then captured by
determines how the initial flux is distributed among the open
f ±0 .
channels. In other words, even when the initial state occupies

f ±n ⬅
冕 d3r⬘关e±iknz⬘␸n共␳⬘兲兴 v共r⬘兲⌿共r⬘兲,
only a single channel, i.e., bn = ␦0,n, new channels are occu-
pied due to scattering, if the total energy is large enough,
nE ⬎ 0. This conservation condition can serve then as a gauge
for forward z ⬎ 0 and backward z ⬍ 0 scattering, respectively. for the range of validity of our approximations to the ampli-
Note first that although 兩z兩 Ⰷ 兩z⬘兩, the phase knz⬘ in f ±n is not tudes f ±n .
necessarily negligible since kn兩z⬘兩 ⬃ 2␲ for sufficiently large
momentum kn and depending on the range RV of the interac-
tion v共r⬘兲. This phase is negligible only when the wavelength
2␲ / kn of the incoming wave is not able to resolve the details In many circumstances, the low-energy scattering in free
of the potential v共r⬘兲 at low momenta. In this case, a zero- space can be well described by approximating the interaction
range or s-wave approximation to v共r⬘兲 is valid. However, V共r兲 by the Fermi-Huang zero-range potential 关44,45兴
this approximation should break down when the scattering
occurs at short wavelengths or when higher angular mo- 2 ␲ ប 2a ⳵
V␦共r兲 = ␦共r兲 共r · 兲. 共6a兲
menta become necessary. Note that there is no clearly de- ␮ ⳵r
fined 1D range R1D as in the purely 1D case, since the as-
ymptotics given by Eq. 共5a兲 depends on the convergence This approximation singles out the l = 0 angular momentum
behavior of the series in Eq. 共4c兲. If the convergence is slow, component of the collision and thus depends only on the
one expects an effective 1D range, say R1D ⬘ , substantially s-wave scattering length a. The regularization ⳵共r · 兲 / ⳵r as-
larger than RV or even RU. It is an effective range for the 1D sures that the singularity 1 / r of the full scattering solution to
collision and is of the order of the minimum separation from this V␦共r兲 is properly dealt with.
the scattering center, such that Eq. 共5a兲 is the dominant con- For collisions in a strong parabolic confinement and using
tribution to the scattering wave function 共see Fig. 2兲. As Eq. 共6a兲, the series in Eq. 共4c兲 also has a singularity for short
regards collision processes, this effective range sets some distances r → 0 very similar to 1 / r. By properly dealing with
limits on the average equilibrium distance between the col- this singularity, with 关35兴 or without any regularization 关36兴,
liding particles. the amplitudes f ±n in Eq. 共5b兲 can be calculated. In the single-
The present formalism for quantum scattering under con- mode regime 共nE = 0兲 and for small longitudinal momenta k0
finement is approximate but nonperturbative, in the sense one obtains
that there is no small parameter around which an expansion
is performed. The determination of its range of validity is 1
f ±0 = − , 共6b兲
chosen here by imposing the conservation of probability on 1 + i关− 共a⬜
/2a兲共1 − Ca/a⬜兲兴k0
the final wave functions. The probability conservation con-
dition in 3D and the identity 兰⍀d3rdivj共r兲 = 兰Sc+S1+S2d2S · j共r兲 where C = 1.4603… and a⬜ is the harmonic oscillator length
for a volume ⍀ enclosed by a large cylinder of surface area of the parabolic confinement 关35,36兴. Here, a total reflection
Sc and by two transversal disks of surface areas S1 at z1 ⬍ 0 f +0 = −1 is predicted for large scattering lengths, on the order
and S2 at z2 ⬎ 0 yields of the confinement length, such that a⬜ = Ca, which is called
the confinement-induced resonance 关35兴. This total reflection
0= 冕 Sc
d␾ dz ␳关␳ˆ · j共r兲兴 − 冕
dx dy关k̂ · j共r兲兴
means that the colliding pair experiences a diverging effec-
tive 1D interaction along the longitudinal cylindrical axis
共see Sec. V D 1兲.
+冕 S2
dx dy关k̂ · j共r兲兴,
It will be seen later that such a singularitiy should actually
be the same singularity 1 / r. It arises from the 3D free-space
Green’s function and becomes dominant as r → 0 away from
where ␳ˆ and k̂ are cylindrical unit vectors. Applying ⌿ the confining boundaries 共see Secs. IV B and VI兲. This latter


identification is one of the elements that will allow us to tion given by ␪ and ␾ at large distances r Ⰷ RV from the
incorporate all partial waves l 艌 1 besides the s wave. In scattering center. Using the expansion 兩r − r⬘兩 ⬃ r − r · r⬘ / r in
addition, the above conclusions concerning CIR under para- Eq. 共7b兲, Eq. 共7a兲 becomes
bolic confinement will be seen to hold not only for general
interactions V共r兲, as first examined in 关37兴, but also for gen- eikr e−ikr
⌽共r兲 ⬇ ⌽i共r兲 + f out + f in , r Ⰷ RV , 共8a兲
eral nonparabolic confinement U共␳兲. In this sense the present r r
formalism is of a more general character.


In the following, a general formalism is developed in or-

f out,in = −
冕 d3r⬘共e±ik·r⬘兲*v共r⬘兲⌽共r⬘兲, 共8b兲

der to calculate the scattering amplitudes for any given finite where k ⬅ kr / r depends on the direction 共␪ , ␾兲 of r. It can be
short-ranged and spherically symmetric scattering potential
clearly seen that these amplitudes have a shape similar to
V共r兲. This is done by expressing the amplitudes f ±n in terms
their equivalent effective 1D amplitudes f ±n in Eq. 共5b兲. To
of the scattering phase shifts ␦l associated with this V共r兲. Our express the amplitudes in terms of the phase shifts an angular
formalism is also able to deal with a broad range of confine- momentum decomposition of f out,in is necessary. Following
ments U共␳兲 as well as scattering energies above the transver- standard procedures 关46,47兴, we obtain from Eq. 共8b兲
sal ground state. Particularly relevant is the straightforward
accounting of angular momenta couplings due to the con- ⬁

finement. We begin by providing the connection to scattering f out,in = − ␥± 兺 共⫿i兲l共2l + 1兲␶l Pl共cos ␪兲, 共9a兲
in free space. l=0

with the definition

A. Phase shifts in free-space scattering
The standard formalism for free-space scattering by a cen-
tral potential is recast in a form suitable for later comparison.
␶l ⬅
冕 d3r⬘关jl共kr⬘兲Pl共cos ␪⬘兲兴v共r⬘兲⌽共r⬘兲, 共9b兲

The main idea is to express all quantities relevant for scat-

tering in terms of the phase shifts. The rationale is that these where jl and Pl are the spherical Bessel functions and Leg-
phase shifts can be considered as intrinsic to a given scatter- endre polynomials, respectively. The next step is to relate the
ing potential V共r兲, without much regard to details of external elements ␶l to the phase shifts. Decompose ⌽i共r兲 and G共r , r⬘兲
boundary conditions. in spherical coordinates. Substituting then into Eq. 共7a兲 for
In the absence of any confinement, the scattering solution r ⬎ r⬘ ⬃ RV and carrying out the ␾⬘ integration one obtains
can be written as for r ⬎ RV

⌽共r兲 = ⌽i共r兲 − d r⬘G共r,r⬘兲v共r⬘兲⌽共r⬘兲,

共7a兲 ⌽共r兲 = 兺 共2l + 1兲共␤l − ik␥␶l兲jl共kr兲Pl共cos ␪兲

where ⌽i共r兲 is the incoming state and G共r , r⬘兲 is the free- ⬁

space Green’s function. In terms of outward and inward scat- + 兺 共2l + 1兲共␤l⬘ + k␶l兲nl共kr兲Pl共cos ␪兲,
tered waves, the latter reads l=0

eik兩r−r⬘兩 e−ik兩r−r⬘兩 having used Eqs. 共7c兲 and 共9b兲, and the constants ␤ and ␤⬘
G共r,r⬘兲 = ␥+ + ␥− , 共7b兲 are related to ⌽i共r兲. On the other hand, the phase shifts arise
4␲兩r − r⬘兩 4␲兩r − r⬘兩
when directly decomposing this same solution ⌽共r兲 in
for some constants ␥± obeying ␥+ + ␥− = 1. A single constant spherical coordinates and looking at the radial solutions out-
␥ can be introduced by setting side the interaction region r ⬎ RV,
1±␥ ⬁
␥± ⬅ . 共7c兲 ⌽共r兲 = 兺 cl关cos ␦l jl共kr兲 − sin ␦lnl共kr兲兴Pl共cos ␪兲.
In free-space scattering, the inward component proportional
to ␥− is usually absent 共i.e., ␥ = 1兲. However, one expects this Here the phase shifts ␦l are calculated from the behavior of
inflow of particles if there is, e.g., an exterior confinement the radial parts Rl共r兲 inside the scattering region r ⬍ RV only,
that forces the scattered particles back toward the center. irrespective of the details of the outer boundary conditions
This interpretation will be validated in Sec. IV B 共see also 关47兴. The boundary conditions are matched by properly
Fig. 2兲. ⌽i共r兲 and G共r , r⬘兲 are determined by the boundary choosing the constants cl, i.e., by superposing the spherical
conditions imposed on ⌽共r兲, e.g., that of an axially symmet- components. Comparing these last two forms of ⌽共r兲 yields
ric solution.
The scattering variables of interest here are the amplitudes ␤l + i␥␤l⬘
cl = 共2l + 1兲 , 共10a兲
f out,in of outward and inward waves, scattered along a direc- cos ␦l − i␥ sin ␦l


␶l =
1 ␤l sin ␦l + ␤l⬘ cos ␦l
k cos ␦l − i␥ sin ␦l
, l = 0,1,…. 共10b兲 Gc共r,r⬘兲 ⬇ 冕 d␾⬘
G共r,r⬘兲 + ⌬c共r,r⬘兲, r,r⬘ Ⰶ RU ,

Considering the phase shifts ␦l 关or the scattering potential 共12兲

v共r兲兴 as given, the second relation Eq. 共10b兲 solves for the where ⌬c ⬅ 兰d␾⬘⌬u / 2␲. In order to obtain the functions ⌬c
amplitudes f out,in in Eq. 共9a兲 关and also the integral equation and ␥ in Eq. 共7c兲 in terms of the scattering parameters, we
Eq. 共7a兲 at distances r ⬎ RV兴. The first relation Eq. 共10a兲 in first write the closed-channel 共n ⬎ nE兲 wave functions of Gc
turn determines how to superpose the spherical components in Eq. 共11c兲 and G in Eq. 共7b兲 using cylindrical Bessel func-
in ⌽ = 兺lclRl Pl in order to match the boundary condition con- tions. The latter represents a good approximation to these
tained in Eq. 共8a兲. transversal eigenstates for a given potential U共␳兲 close to the
B. Green’s functions under confinement guide center ␳ Ⰶ RU where U共␳兲 ⬇ 0. By subsequently com-
paring Gc and G we can determine ⌬c.
Just as the free-space 3D scattering amplitudes in Eqs. 共8兲
First we express the transversal eigenstates ␸n共␳兲 in terms
can be written in terms of the phase shifts via Eqs. 共9兲 and
of the normalized Bessel function according to
共10b兲, a very similar procedure can be applied to calculate
the amplitudes f ±n characterizing the 1D effective dynamics. Nn
In this section a key element of the formalism is worked out, ␸ n共 ␳ 兲 ⬇ J0共qn␳兲, ␳ Ⰶ R U, n ⬎ nE , 共13a兲
namely, the Green’s function Gc under confinement. It is
shown that Gc can be expressed in terms of the free-space where Nn = 兩J1共rn+1兲兩−1 and rn+1 is the 共n + 1兲th root of J0,
Green’s function G as in Eq. 共12兲. The final purpose, to be related to the transverse momenta qn by qnRU = rn+1. A good
achieved in Sec. IV C, is to express it as a series in spherical expression for the roots rn+1 is given by the cosine approxi-
coordinates, valid at least in the center of the guide where the mation J0共x兲 ⬇ 共2 / ␲x兲1/2cos共x − ␲ / 4兲. This leads to

冉 冊
spherical symmetry prevails over the cylindrical one due to
the main assumption of a short-range scattering potential 3 ␲
qn ⬇ n + , n ⬎ nE . 共13b兲
v共r兲 and a confining potential u共␳兲 that is sufficiently flat at 4 RU
the center, RV Ⰶ RU. Such a series allows then the straightfor-
The corresponding energy dispersion relation ⑀n ⬃ n2 is qua-
ward introduction of the phase shifts.
dratic with respect to n compared to the linear one ⑀n ⬃ 2n
Consider the solution ⌿ to Eq. 共4a兲 given by the expan-
for, e.g., 2D harmonic oscillators 共see, e.g., 关35兴兲. This
sion in Eq. 共4c兲. One can rewrite Eq. 共4c兲 in the integral form
should not cause any confusion since this excited spectrum
关keeping again the ␾⬘ integration as in Eq. 共9b兲 for conve-
n ⬎ nE is summed over in Eq. 共11c兲 and leads to the
confinement-independent free-space Green’s function G in

⌿共r兲 = ⌿i共r兲 − 冕 d3r⬘Gc共r,r⬘兲v共r⬘兲⌿共r⬘兲, 共11a兲

Eq. 共12兲. It is the lower part of the spectrum n 艋 nE, in turn,
that relates to the term ⌬c.
Indeed, we substitute Eq. 共13a兲 in the series for the closed
where the incident state is channels in Eq. 共11c兲 yielding for r , r⬘ Ⰶ RU
nE 冑k2−q2n兩z−z⬘兩
⌿i共r兲 = 兺 bneiknz␸n共␳兲, 共11b兲 Gc共r,r⬘兲 ⬇ 兺 ␸n共␳兲␸*n共␳⬘兲
n=0 2共− i兲冑k2 − q2n
and Gc, the axially symmetric Green’s function of the con- ⬁
q n␦ q n

e− qn−k 兩z−z⬘兩
2 2
fining potential, has the form + 兺 4␲
冑q2n − k2 ,
⬁ n=1+nE

Gc共r,r⬘兲 = 兺 ␸n共␳兲␸*n共␳⬘兲Gn共z − z⬘兲. 共11c兲 where ␦qn = ␲ / RU is the increment of qn and we used
兩J1共rn+1兲兩2 = 2 / ␲qnRU. For r , r⬘ Ⰶ RU a continuum approxima-
It is convenient to introduce a non-axially-symmetric tion to the closed-channel series can now be applied. Sepa-
Green’s function Gu under the confining potential u共␳兲. This rating the real and imaginary parts of Gc 关supposing ␸n共␳兲
Gu then satisfies 关ⵜ2 − u共␳兲 + k2兴Gu共r , r⬘兲 = −␦共r − r⬘兲. If the real for n 艋 nE without much loss of generality兴 gives
␾-independent solution ⌿共r兲 is written as an integral equa-
cos共冑k2 − q2n兩z − z⬘兩兲
tion using this ␾-dependent Gu, it follows from comparison Gc共r,r⬘兲 ⬇ i 兺 ␸n共␳兲␸n共␳⬘兲
with the integral equation Eq. 共11a兲 that Gc and Gu are re- n=0 2冑k2 − q2n
lated by 2␲Gc共r , r⬘兲 = 兰d␾⬘Gu共r , r⬘兲. Compare now the dif-
sin共冑k2 − q2n兩z − z⬘兩兲
− 兺 ␸ n共 ␳ 兲 ␸ n共 ␳ ⬘兲
ferential equation of Gu and that of the free-space Green’s
function G of Eq. 共7b兲 in the region of the scattering poten- n=0 2冑k2 − q2n
tial such that r , r⬘ Ⰶ RU. Since u共␳兲 ⬇ 0 by assumption, they

e− q −k 兩z−z⬘兩
2 2
should differ at most by a homogeneous term, say ⌬u, so that q dq
+ J0共q␳兲J0共q␳⬘兲
Gu共r , r⬘兲 ⬇ G共r , r⬘兲 + ⌬u共r , r⬘兲, for r , r⬘ Ⰶ RU, where ⌬u satis-
q1+n 4␲ 冑q2 − k2 ,
fies the homogeneous equation 共ⵜ2 + k2兲⌬u共r , r⬘兲 = 0 and we E

obtain 共14兲


where q1+nE ⬎ k designates the transversal momentum of the 冑
e− q −k 兩z−z⬘兩
q1+n 2 2
E q dq
⌬c共r,r⬘兲 = − J0共q␳兲J0共q␳⬘兲
first “virtual” or closed channel n = 1 + nE. As for G, one uses
now the identity 关46兴 k 4␲ 冑q2 − k2

4␲兩r − r⬘兩

= − 兺 共2 − ␦0,m兲cos关m共␾ − ␾⬘兲兴
+ 冉冕 k

J0共q̄␳兲J0共q̄␳⬘兲sin共p̄兩z − z⬘兩兲

sin共kn兩z − z⬘兩兲

ei k −q 兩z−z⬘兩 − 兺 ␸ n共 ␳ 兲 ␸ n共 ␳ ⬘兲
2 2
q dq ,
⫻ Jm共q␳兲Jm共q␳⬘兲 , 2kn
i冑k2 − q2
0 4␲
where kn = 冑k2 − q2n and q̄ ⬅ 冑k2 − p̄2. The first term on the
and the correct branch 0 艋 arg冑k2 − q2 ⬍ / ␲ in order to obtain
RHS stems from the offset between the lower limits of inte-
for the integrated free-space Green’s function
gration q1+nE and k in Eqs. 共14兲 and 共15兲, respectively. It

冕 d␾⬘
accounts for the discreteness of the low-lying transversal
states due to the confinement. The second term in the large
parentheses is of order 共k2 / 8␲ − 兺n=0 nE
N2n / 2␲RU2
兲兩z − z⬘兩 and

= i␥ 冕

q dq
cos共冑k2 − q2兩z − z⬘兩兲
冑k2 − q2
thus is relatively smaller by a factor of 兩z − z⬘兩 / RU compared
to the first term, whose order of magnitude 共q1+n
− k 兲 / 4␲ ⬃ 1 / RU can be estimated by calculating the inte-
2 1/2

− 冕 k
q dq
sin共冑k2 − q2兩z − z⬘兩兲
冑k2 − q2
gral for r , r⬘ ⬃ 0. Neglecting this second term yields

0 pc
⌬c共r,r⬘兲 = − J0共q␳兲J0共q␳⬘兲e−p兩z−z⬘兩 , 共16b兲
+ 冕

q dq
冑q2 − k2 .
0 4␲

where q ⬅ 共k2 + p2兲1/2 and pc ⬅ 共q1+n

− k2兲1/2. The relation Eq.
To compare with the Green’s function Gc in Eq. 共14兲, we 共12兲 is then proved and will be the basis of an angular mo-
specialize Eq. 共15兲 to r , r⬘ Ⰶ RU and impose the condition for menta decomposition of the effective amplitudes f ±n in Sec.
low total scattering energy. IV C. In this regard, the weak dependence of ⌬c on the co-
The value of ␥ follows from the comparison of the imagi- ordinates r and r⬘ is kept, since this dependence introduces
nary parts of Eqs. 共14兲 and 共15兲. Changing the integration couplings between orbital angular momenta. This will be
variable from q to 冑k2 − q2 in the first integration on the RHS seen as ⌬c is decomposed in spherical coordinates in the
of Eq. 共15兲 and using the low-energy condition in the imagi- following.
nary parts of Eqs. 共14兲 and 共15兲, ␥ can be identified in the
limit r , r⬘ → 0, C. Angular momenta decomposition
nE We are now in the position to express the effective 1D
␥ = 2␲ 兺 . scattering amplitudes f ±n in terms of the scattering phase
n=0 k 冑k 2 − q n2
shifts ␦l of a given scattering potential. The first step is to
decompose these amplitudes in Eq. 共5b兲 in a similar way as
In other words, since r , r⬘ Ⰶ RU ⬃ 1 / k, both imaginary parts was done in the free-space case in Eqs. 共9兲 by introducing
are approximated by the single same constant ␥k / 4␲, inde- “matrix” elements similar to ␶l. Subsequently, these quanti-
pendent of r and r⬘. Although exact values of 兩␸n共0兲兩2 can be ties are related to the phase shifts ␦l in a manner analogous to
employed for a given potential U共␳兲, it is more instructive to Eqs. 共10兲.
use general approximations such as 兩␸n共0兲兩2 ⬃ 1 / ␲RU 2
ob- Applying the condition RV Ⰶ RU, the transversal states ␸n
tained through normalization. An estimate that takes into ac- in the integrand of the amplitudes Eq. 共5b兲 should be well
count the spatial variation and the few nodes of ␸n is the approximated by the Bessel functions Eq. 共13a兲. This is be-
square-well approximation, namely, 兩␸n共0兲兩2 ⬇ N2n / ␲RU 2
. cause r⬘ ⬃ RV whereas 兩kn兩 ⬃ qn ⬃ 1 / RU. It is enough then to
Therefore, without loss of generality, one can thus write find expansions of e±iknzJ0共qn␳兲 in spherical coordinates, with
k2 = q2n + k2n. For this purpose one may invert the following
2N2n identity 关46兴:
␥=兺 2 冑 2
. 共16a兲
k k − q2n

n=0 RU ␲
1 ¯
Pl共cos ¯␪兲jl共kr兲 = l dw sinw eikrcos ␪ cos w
It should be mentioned that one can improve on how these 2i 0
low-energy poles qn of Gc are treated. However, it suffices to
use for now the above result in order to present the formal- ⫻ J0共krsin ¯␪ sin w兲Pl共cos w兲
By comparing the real parts of Eqs. 共14兲 and 共15兲, it is by using the orthonormality property of the Legendre poly-
seen that ⌬c in Eq. 共12兲 is given by nomials. As a result, one obtains for r Ⰶ RU


⬁ into Eq. 共12兲, the scattering solution ⌿共r兲 in Eq. 共11a兲 be-
e iknz
␸n共␳兲 = 兺 il共2l + 1兲␣ln jl共kr兲Pl共cos ␪兲, 共17兲 comes for RV Ⰶ r Ⰶ RU

where ␣ln ⬇ Nn Pl共kn / k兲 / ␲1/2RU. For more quantitative re- ⌿共r兲 ⬇ 兺 il共2l + 1兲关␣l + ␥l共z兲 − i␥kTl兴jl共kr兲Pl共cos ␪兲
sults, these coefficients ␣ln can be evaluated numerically l=0
from the exact eigenfunctions ␸n共␳兲. One can then express ⬁
the amplitudes f ±n in Eq. 共5b兲 as the following series in an- + 兺 il共2l + 1兲关kTl兴nl共kr兲Pl共cos ␪兲, 共21兲
gular momenta for n 艋 nE: l=0

4␲共2l + 1兲␣ln 4␲共2l + 1兲␣ln where ␣l ⬅ 兺n=0nE

bn␣ln comes from the expansion of eiknz␸n共␳兲
f ±n = f ng ± f nu ⬅ 兺
l even 2ikn
Tl ± 兺
l odd 2ikn
in the initial state ⌿i共r兲 in Eq. 共11b兲 and ␥l共z兲 is defined by

having used the parity property Pl共−x兲 = 共−1兲 Pl共x兲. The “ma- l
␥l共z兲 ⬅ 冕 冕 0
d3r⬘ Pl共␴zz⬘ip/k兲
trix” element Tl is defined by
⫻ 关e␴zz⬘pz⬘J0共q␳⬘兲兴v共r⬘兲⌿共r⬘兲.
Tl ⬅ l
i 4␲
冕 d3r⬘关jl共kr⬘兲Pl共cos ␪⬘兲兴v共r⬘兲⌿共r⬘兲. 共18b兲 The z dependence of this ␥l共z兲 arises from the sign of ␴zz⬘ in
⌬c. Because of this z dependence, the above decomposition
The nonzero momenta l 艌 1 contributions to f ±n stem from the of ⌿共r兲 is not fully spherically symmetric. It reflects the fact
共small兲 dependence on z⬘ and ␳⬘ of the integrand in the defi- that an approximate radial solution on the left side of the
nition of f ±n . Their neglect amounts to assuming a pointlike guide at some z1 = −兩z0兩 need not coincide necessarily with
zero-range interaction v共r兲, for which only the s wave re- one on the right side at z2 = 兩z0兩 since the problem has no
mains. In the free-space scattering case, the corresponding perfect spherical symmetry.
quantity equivalent to this Tl is ␶l given in Eq. 共9b兲. The key A better understanding of the role of this ␥l共z兲 arises when
difference now is that each Tl will depend on all other Tl’s, one tries to write it in terms of the Tl’s that determine the
meaning that the confined scattering solution ⌿共r兲 in the amplitudes f ±n in Eq. 共18a兲 and the solution in Eq. 共21兲. Ex-
definition of Tl couples the angular momenta, while the free- panding e␴zz⬘pz⬘J0共q␳⬘兲 共see above兲 in the integrand in the
space solution ⌽共r兲 in the definition of ␶l does not. definition of ␥l共z兲 one obtains
The next step is to relate the Tl to the phase shifts ␦l. From

冉冕 冊

the results in Eqs. 共16兲 for the approximation Eq. 共12兲, the pc
Green’s function Gc can be decomposed into spherical coor- ␥l共z兲 = 兺 共2s + 1兲 dp Pl共ip/k兲Ps共ip/k兲
dinates in the region r⬘ , r Ⰶ RU by separately decomposing G s=0 0

and ⌬c. The free-space part G can be decomposed following

the procedures of Sec. IV A. Then, for r⬘ ⬍ r, ⫻ 冕 d 3r ⬘
i s4 ␲
关js共kr⬘兲Ps共cos ␪⬘兲兴v共r⬘兲⌿共r⬘兲,

G共r,r⬘兲 = ik 兺 jl共kr⬘兲关␥ jl共kr兲 + inl共kr兲兴 assuming the summation and integration can be interchanged
2␲ l=0 共see Sec. V C兲. If it happened that 共␴zz⬘兲l+s = 1, then ␥l共z兲
would be a linear sum of the elements Ts and the scattering
2l + 1
⫻ Pl共cos ␪兲Pl共cos ␪⬘兲, 共19兲 solution in Eq. 共21兲 would have spherical symmetry. Such a
4␲ constant ␥l共z兲 could be possible if one could neglect in the
having used the expansion of e±ik兩r−r⬘兩 / 4␲兩r − r⬘兩 in spherical series for ␥l共z兲 terms for which the parity of Ps is different
harmonics and ␥± = 共1 ± ␥兲 / 2. To evaluate ⌬c we use the ana- from that of Pl, such that for each l, only terms satisfying l
+ s=even would be retained. This condition can be related to
lytic continuation ¯␪ = ␲ / 2 − i␪⬘ of the first identity of this the fact that the confining potential u共␳兲 only couples angular
section to obtain momenta with the same parity, in the sense that 具l兩û 兩 s典
⬁ ⬅ 兰d␪⬘sin共␪⬘兲Pl共cos ␪⬘兲u共r sin ␪⬘兲Ps共cos ␪⬘兲 = 0 if l + s = odd.
e−pzJ0共q␳兲 = 兺 关il共2l + 1兲Pl共ip/k兲兴jl共kr兲Pl共cos ␪兲, Therefore, a consistent approximation to the scattering solu-
l=0 tion ⌿共r兲 is found if one neglects odd-parity combinations in
where p = k sinh ␪⬘ and q = k cosh ␪⬘ such that k2 = q2 − p2. the series defining ␥l共z兲 and sets ␥l共z兲 ⬇ ␥l, such that

冉冕 冊
The expansion of ⌬c in Eq. 共16b兲 for r , r⬘ Ⰶ RU can then be pc/k
written as ␥l共z兲 ⬇ ␥l ⬅ 兺 共2s + 1兲 k dx Pl共ix兲Ps共ix兲 Ts

冉冕 冊
⬁ pc s关l兴 0
⌬c共r,r⬘兲 = − 兺 Pl共␴zz⬘ip/k兲e␴zz⬘pz⬘J0共q␳⬘兲 ⬅ 兺 共2s + 1兲PlsTs, l = 0,1,2,…, 共22兲
l=0 0 4␲
⫻il共2l + 1兲jl共kr兲Pl共cos ␪兲, 共20兲
where s关l兴 denotes the sum over even 共odd兲 s for even 共odd兲
where ␴zz⬘ ⬅ sgn共z − z⬘兲. Inserting Eqs. 共19兲 and 共20兲 back l.


Using Eq. 共22兲, the scattering phase shifts ␦l can now be V. CONFINEMENT-INDUCED EFFECTS
introduced, since the expansion in Eq. 共21兲 becomes spheri-
cally symmetric. Indeed, this expansion can be conveniently We now use the above formalism to analyze confinement-
rewritten by the introduction of constants cl⬘ and ␦l defined, induced phenomena that occur both in the scattering by a
for the moment, by 共l = 0, 1, 2,…兲 central field and in collision processes. Although related to
each other, two important phenomena can be distinguished:
cl⬘ cos ␦l ⬅ il共2l + 1兲共␣l + ␥l − i␥kTl兲, 共23a兲 resonant scattering 共Sec. V B and V D兲 and weakly localized
states induced by the confinement 共Sec. V E兲. In the present
paper, our formalism is focused on the single-mode regime.
cl⬘ sin ␦l ⬅ − il共2l + 1兲kTl , 共23b兲 It is shown also that previous results of atom-atom collisions
under parabolic confinement are recovered, regarding not
such that our solution has the form only the scattering resonances 关35–37兴 but also the

confinement-induced weakly bound states 关38兴. CIRs in
atomic collisions involving excited transversal states at ener-
⌿共r兲 ⬇ 兺 cl⬘关cos ␦l jl共kr兲 − sin ␦lnl共kr兲兴Pl共cos ␪兲. 共24兲 gies k2 ⬎ q21 are treated in 关36兴 for interactions in the s-wave
approximation and in 关37兴 for general V共r兲. See also inde-
In order to identify the ␦l, one notes, on one hand, that this pendent related works for 2DEG mesoscopic systems
wave function ⌿共r兲 can be directly obtained as a spherically 关13–16兴.
symmetric series ⌺lclRl共r兲Pl共cos ␪兲 in the region r Ⰶ RU,
where u共␳兲 is negligible, if one solves the Schrödinger equa- A. Single-mode regime
tion moving outward from the origin r = 0 共see Fig. 2兲. The
radial part Rl can then be separately determined and for RV In this regime, the total scattering energy E = ប2k2 / 2␮ al-
Ⰶ r Ⰶ RU it should be given by Eq. 共24兲, provided one lows for only the transversal ground state ␸0共␳兲 to be effec-
chooses cl = cl⬘. On the other hand, the solution for the scat- tively occupied k2 = q20 + k20 ⬍ q21, i.e., to be an open channel.
tering potential v共r兲 without confinement is given by a series All excited states can only be virtually populated due to the
with the same radial parts Rl but different constants cl ⫽ cl⬘ scattering of the incoming state. Then nE = 0 and bn = ␦n,0. In
共see Sec. IV A兲. The asymptotics of Rl in this free-space case terms of the even f 0g and odd f 0u angular momenta decom-
is then also given by Eq. 共24兲 so that ␦l are indeed the phase position of f ±0 given in Eq. 共18a兲, namely, f ±0 = f 0g ± f 0u, the
shifts of the unconfined scattering problem. The difference current conservation can be written as
between the confined and free-space solutions, in the region
RV Ⰶ r Ⰶ RU, is thus accounted for by the different constants 共Re兵f 0g其 + 兩f 0g兩2兲 + 共Re兵f 0u其 + 兩f 0u兩2兲 = 0. 共26兲
cl⬘ and cl, respectively, related to distinct boundary condi-
A suitable parametrization of f 0g,u is obtained by introducing
tions. Besides, ␦l depends solely on the solution of Rl in the
1D scattering parameters ␦g and ␦u, such that 关48兴
interior region r ⬍ RV 关47兴. The above defining relations for
cl⬘ and ␦l in Eqs. 共23兲 are then equations that determine cl⬘
and Tl in terms of ␦l, namely, f 0g ⬅ − , 共27a兲
1 + icot␦g
共2l + 1兲共␣l + ␥l兲il ␣l + ␥l
cl⬘ = , Tl = ,
cos ␦l − i␥ sin ␦l i␥k − k cot ␦l 1
f 0u ⬅ − . 共27b兲
1 + icot␦u
Finally, using Eq. 共22兲 one obtains the matrix equation relat-
ing Tl to the full ensemble of 3D free-space scattering phase
In this form, Eq. 共26兲 is verified if ␦g,u are arbitrary real
shifts ␦l 共l = 0, 1, 2,…兲
numbers, since then Re兵f 0g,u其 + 兩f 0g,u兩2 = 0 vanishes separately.
There is by now no a priori reason for the parameters ␦g,u to
共i␥k − k cot ␦l兲Tl = ␣l + 兺 共2s + 1兲PlsTs . 共25兲 be both real. However, in the case of general potentials v共r兲
and u共␳兲 considered in this work, it will be seen in the next
The coupling of angular momenta brought about by the con- sections that Eqs. 共27兲 with real ␦g,u provide a valuable
finement is a result of ⌬c, which accounts for the confining means to establish the boson-fermion and fermion-boson
geometry and the discreteness of the low-lying transversal mappings as well as the conservation condition Eq. 共26兲.
states that should be resolved at low energies. The main
equations that allow us the analysis of the effective 1D scat- B. Boson-fermion and fermion-boson mappings
tering in confined geometries are Eqs. 共5兲, 共18a兲, and 共25兲.
The probability conservation condition Eq. 共5c兲 serves to Consider now a collisional process between identical par-
gauge the range of validity of the results. Although the above ticles. It is convenient to split ⌿共r兲 into symmetric
result is enough to present the formalism, improvements to ␺g共z兲␸0共␳兲 and antisymmetric ␺u共z兲␸0共␳兲 parts, with respect
Eq. 共25兲 can be systematically made if necessary, e.g., by to r → −r:
better dealing with the poles qn in Eq. 共16a兲 and the constants
␣ l. ⌿共r兲 = 共eik0z + f ±0 eik0兩z兩兲␸0共␳兲 = 关␺g共z兲 + ␺u共z兲兴␸0共␳兲,


⬘ .
兩z兩 ⬎ R1D mapping of fermionic eigenstates under longitudinal confine-
ment was first verified numerically in 关37兴 for the collision
␺g共z兲 and ␺u共z兲 can be deduced by using the form Eq. 共18a兲 interaction V共r兲 = d / cosh共r / b兲2.
for the amplitude f ±0 in terms of its even f 0g and odd f 0u Note that, if one is not restricted to the case of collisions,
sectors. For the symmetric part, we obtain this result can be formally quite general regarding not only
␺g共z兲 = 共1 + f 0g兲cos共k0z兲 + if 0gsin共k0兩z兩兲 the interaction potential v共r兲, but also some sufficiently flat
transversal and longitudinal confinements.
= ei␦gcos共k0兩z兩 + ␦g兲, ⬘ ,
兩z兩 ⬎ R1D 共28a兲
where Eq. 共27a兲 has been employed. The antisymmetric part C. The effective amplitude f±0
is given by
The considerations in the preceding section assumed the
␺u共z兲 = i共1 + f 0u兲sin共k0z兲 ± f 0ucos共k0z兲 general form Eqs. 共27兲 for f 0g,u. In this section, f ±0 is explic-
itly calculated by solving the matrix equation Eq. 共25兲 for the
= iei␦usin共k0z ± ␦u兲, ⬘ ,
兩z兩 ⬎ R1D 共28b兲
elements Tl. From k ⬃ 1 / RU, it follows that kRV ⬃ RV / RU
where the plus 共minus兲 sign in ␺u共z兲 refers to z ⬎ 0共z ⬍ 0兲 Ⰶ 1, which is the condition of low scattering energy in 3D
and Eq. 共27b兲 has been used. free-space scattering and the phase shifts
If the colliding particles are, e.g., spin polarized ⌿共r兲
tan ␦l = tan ␦l共k兲 ⬃ k2l+1 ⬃ 1/RU
must be 共anti兲 symmetrized. For bosons, the correct effective
1D scattered wave function in the asymptotic region 兩z兩 are generally small 关47兴 for large RU 共or small RV兲. One
⬎ R1D ⬘ is ␺g共z兲. The resonance condition can be identified as expects then that orbital angular momenta higher than the
f 0g = −1 or ␦g = 兩␲ / 2兩 and it follows from Eq. 共28a兲 that the leading contributions, e.g., the s and p waves, should not
wave function becomes ␺g共z兲 = −isin共k0兩z兩兲, which is with re- significantly change the main features arising from the latter.
spect to its modulus the wave function of a pair of noninter- Indeed, the calculation of f 0g and f 0u can be done separately,
acting fermions, as can be seen by setting f 0u ⬅ 0 共or ␦u ⬅ 0兲 since the even and odd angular momenta in Eq. 共25兲 are
in Eq. 共28b兲. This is the well known fermionic mapping of uncoupled from each other. In the single-mode regime, Eq.
strongly interacting, inpenetrable bosons in 1D 关25–27,29兴. 共16a兲 becomes ␥ = 2 / dU2
kk0 and dU ⬅ RU / N0, where k0 = 共k2
The bosons would not be allowed to be located at the same − q0兲 and f 0 in Eq. 共18a兲 depends only on the ratio tl
2 1/2 ±

position z = 0, supposing the asymptotic solution Eq. 共28a兲 ⬅ Tl / k0. The matrix equation Eq. 共25兲 in this case can be
could be extended toward the origin 兩z兩 Ⰶ R1D ⬘ . rewritten in terms of these tl. Thus for all l,
For fermions, a reciprocal mapping exists at resonance
兵2i − 关k cot ␦l + 共2l + 1兲Pll兴dU
f 0u = − 1 or ␦u = 兩␲/2兩. 共29兲
From Eq. 共28b兲, the wave function becomes ␺u共z兲
= ␣ ld U
2 2
+ k 0d U 兺
共2s + 1兲Plsts ,

= ⫿ cos共k0z兲, which is the wave function of a pair of nonin-

where the diagonal term s关l兴 = l is excluded from the series
teracting bosons 关37兴. Clearly, from the exact, fully antisym-
on the RHS. Assume now in this equation for tl that this
metric wave function of a pair of spin-polarized fermions,
series converges. As l increases, ␣l = ␣l0 = Pl共k0 / k兲 / ␲1/2dU
the probability of finding both of them at the origin r = 0 is
关see Eqs. 共17兲 and 共21兲兴 decreases, while Pls 关see Eq. 共22兲兴
strictly zero. The bosonization implied by this confinement-
should decrease mildly due to the oscillation of Pl共ix兲. Then
induced resonance means that the asymptotic behavior of the
the RHS of this equation for tl should decrease relatively
fermions far from the interaction region is that of free
smoothly with l. On the other hand, the phase ␦l decreases
These mappings between identical colliding particles are exponentially ␦l ⬃ 1 / RU 2l+1
with l at low energies, so that
valid also under a longitudinal confinement along the z axis. cot ␦l increases exponentially. Then tl on the LHS should be
In order to neglect couplings to the center of mass, this lon- exponentially small with increasing l. This is consistent with
gitudinal confinement can be chosen to be parabolic. The the assumption of convergence of the series on the RHS 关see
characteristic oscillator length R储 should then be flat enough, also discussion on ␥l共z兲 after Eq. 共21兲兴. Apart from this, one
such that R储 Ⰷ R1D⬘ . The asymptotics of the symmetric and can use the smallness of the phase shifts 兩␦2兩 Ⰶ 兩␦0兩 and 兩␦3兩
antisymmetric eigenstates with 共positive兲 energies Eg,u Ⰶ 兩␦1兩 in order to explicitly diagonalize the finite subspaces
= ប2kg,u
/ 2␮ are given by Eqs. 共28a兲 and 共28b兲, respectively. l = 0,2 and l = 1,3 separately. Then the couplings to l = 2 and 3
The corresponding eigenvalues kg,u 2 2
= q20 + k0g,u can be esti- are seen to have a minor effect on the leading terms l = 0 and
mated by solving the equations ␺g,u共R储兲 ⬇ 0 for k0g,u, namely, 1, respectively. Hence we put
cos共k0gR储 + ␦g兲 = 0 and sin共k0uR储 + ␦u兲 = 0. If the parameter ␦g
2 d U␣ l
1 2

= ␦g共k0g兲 is made equal to ±␲ / 2 by varying, e.g., RV , RU, or tl ⬇ , l = 0,1,….

i − 关k cot ␦l + 共2l + 1兲Pll兴 21 dU
R储, one sees that ␺g共z兲 is once more mapped onto an anti-
symmetric eigenstate without interaction v共r兲 ⬅ 0 共or ␦u ⬅ 0兲, The even sector f 0g is then given by the leading term, e.g.,
as already seen above for free longitudinal motion. Analo- the s wave, for which k cot ␦0 ⬇ −1 / a, where a is the s-wave
gously, ␺u共z兲 is mapped onto a noninteracting symmetric 3D free-space scattering length 关47兴. From Eq. 共18a兲 one
eigenstate as ␦u = ␦u共k0u兲 → ± ␲ / 2. This latter type of bosonic obtains


f 0g ⬅ 兺

4␲共2l + 1兲␣l0
tl P00 = k 冕 0
dx P0共ix兲P0共ix兲 = 冑q21 − k2 , 共32兲

1 having used the definition of pc in Eq. 共16b兲 and the single-

⬇− . 共30a兲 mode condition nE = 0.
1 + i关− 共dU
/2a兲共1 − aP00兲兴k0
At small scattering lengths 兩a兩 Ⰶ RU, one can neglect this
The odd sector f 0u is approximated by, e.g., the p wave. In factor P00 in Eq. 共30a兲, since then 兩a兩P00 Ⰶ 1, and
this case, the relevant quantity 关49兴 is the scattering volume 1
V p related to ␦1 by k cot ␦1 ⬅ −1 / V pk2. Then f 0g ⬇ − 2 , 兩a兩 Ⰶ RU .
1 + i共− dU /2a兲k0

4␲共2l + 1兲␣l0 This is also true at “high” energies 兩k0兩 when k → q1 such that
f 0u ⬅ 兺
l=1,3,… 2i
P00 ⬇ 0. One must, however, be careful about the validity of
the present approximations in this region of large momenta
3关P1共k0/k兲兴2 兩k0兩, as mentioned above in the context of Eq. 共31b兲. The
⬇− . 共30b兲
1 + i关− 共dU
/2兲共1/V pk2 − 3P11兲兴k0 only possibility for resonance f 0g = −1 is then at zero energy
k0 = 0.
The range of validity of these results can be obtained by At large scattering lengths RV Ⰶ 兩a兩 ⬃ RU, this factor P00
imposing, e.g., the conservation of probability. As discussed plays an important role in the scattering process at low mo-
in connection to Eqs. 共26兲 and 共27兲, the 1D scattering phase menta 兩k0兩 Ⰶ 1 / RU for which P00 ⬇ 冑q21 − q20 is maximum. In-
shift ␦g is real for the result Eq. 共30a兲. Then a sufficient deed, one obtains then, for 兩k0兩 Ⰶ 1 / RU,
condition for Eq. 共26兲 to hold is
兩k0兩 Ⰶ k ⬃ 1/RU 共31a兲 f 0g ⬇ − , 共33a兲
1 + i关− 共dU
/2a兲共1 − C⬘a/dU兲兴k0
since then 3关P1共k0 / k兲兴2 Ⰶ 1 so that f 0u ⬇ 0 and the parameter where the constant C⬘ depends only on the first closed and
␦u ⬇ 0 can be considered also real. In this first region of low the last open channels, namely,
longitudinal momenta, the angular momenta couplings in the
C⬘ ⬅ dU冑q21 − q20 = 冑⑀1 − ⑀0 .
matrix equation for tl should become negligible due to the 1
factor k0 that multiplies the series dU 2
兺s关l兴⫽l共2s + 1兲Plsts con- 共ប /2␮dU

2 1/2

taining other angular momenta. The present uncoupled solu- Recalling that f ±0 ⬇ f 0g, since f 0u ⬇ 0 for such small mo-
tion to tl should then be a good approximation. The second menta 兩k0兩 关see Eqs. 共30兲兴, this result implies that the scatter-
region is at relatively large momenta, when 3关P1共k0 / k兲兴2 ing can be described by means of an effective 1D interaction
⬃ 1, i.e., when potential V1D共z兲 of zero range,

兩k0兩 ⬃ q0/冑2 ⬃ 1/RU , 共31b兲 ប2 2a 1

V1D共z兲 = g1D␦共z兲, g1D = .
␮ dU2 1 − C⬘a/dU
since then ␦u can also be taken as real. The decoupling be-
tween odd angular momenta rests then on the smallness of In other words, Eq. 共33a兲 is the solution to f ±0 for the hypo-
the phase shifts ␦l. These are, nevertheless, the most interest- thetical pure 1D scattering problem under this potential
ing regions for the momentum k0 that are relevant to resonant V1D共z兲 and is valid also for distinguishable particles.
scattering in symmetric and antisymmetric states, respec- As discussed in Sec. III for atom-atom collisions, this
tively. For more detailed applications these regions can be same 1D potential V1D共z兲 at low momenta 兩k0兩 was first
enlarged by improving on Eq. 共25兲. shown in 关35兴 to be a direct result of parabolic confinement
and of the 3D zero-range interaction potential V␦共r兲 of Eq.
D. Confinement-induced resonances 共6a兲. The occurrence of this collisional resonance at a⬜
= Ca for general interactions V共r兲 was then shown in 关37兴.
As presented in Secs. V A and V B in general terms, the For other types of scattering processes, e.g., in mesos-
CIR is one remarkable effect arising due to the presence of a copic 2DEG systems 关13–16兴, Eq. 共33a兲 shows therefore that
strong confinement. In the following, it is explicitly ex- at low longitudinal momenta k0 the existence of a resonance
pressed in terms of the parameters determining a given scat- of the type f +0 ⬇ f 0g = −1 is characterized by an infinite effec-
tering potential and a given confinement. tive 1D coupling strength
1. Even angular momenta 兩g1D兩 → ⬁, dU ⬇ C⬘a, 共34兲
The symmetric wave function in the single-mode regime and is indeed not restricted to atom-atom collisions under
is ␺g共z兲␸0共␳兲 and only the symmetric sector f 0g contributes. parabolic confinement or to two-dimensional quantum point
It can be used to describe, e.g., spin-polarized bosons or contacts with a single impurity 关15兴. It is a general effect of
fermions in an antisymmetric spin state. In the expression single mode scattering at low velocities under quasi-1D con-
Eq. 共30a兲 for this f 0g , P00 is given in Eq. 共22兲; thus finement.


2. Odd angular momenta This confined localized state with energy EB satisfies Eq.
For odd angular momenta, the procedure is similar to the 共4a兲 with k2 replaced by 2␮EB / ប2. This replacement is
previous analysis. The antisymmetric part ␺u共u兲 shows a equivalent to redefining k0 to be the imaginary number k0B
scattering resonance when the associated amplitude f 0u = −1. ⬅ ± i共q20 − 2␮EB / ប2兲1/2. Since the wave eik0Bz should be ab-
At this resonance, the system can be mapped to a noninter- sent from the solution ⌿ and eik0B兩z兩 should show a bound-
acting symmetric wave function as discussed in connection state-like exponential decay, 1 / f ±0 共k0B兲 must vanish at a posi-
with Eq. 共29兲. The term P11 is given in Eq. 共22兲, from which tive imaginary value of k0B, such that the interaction part
the actual condition of CIR in the amplitude f 0u in Eq. 共30b兲 eik0B兩z兩 outweighs eik0Bz. Let then k0B ⬅ ixB / a, so that xB ⬎ 0 if
can be worked out for given scattering and confining poten- a ⬎ 0 and xB ⬍ 0 if a ⬍ 0. In terms of this xB , EB can be re-
tials. Note that due to the factor 3关P1共k0 / k兲兴2 in the numera- written as
tor of Eq. 共30b兲, the odd component f 0u is nonnegligible only
at relatively large longitudinal momenta 兩k0兩 ⬃ 1 / RU, in con-
trast to the even amplitude f 0g discussed above.
EB ⬅ 冉
ប2 2 xB2
q −
2␮ 0 a2
, 冊 axB ⬎ 0. 共35兲

For atom-atom collisions under parabolic confinement, From Eqs. 共30兲, a root of 1 / f ±0 arises either from the even
the existence of CIR beyond the s wave was first predicted sector 1 / f 0g or from the odd sector 1 / f 0u. In order to recover
by neglecting couplings to orbital angular momenta and iso- the l = 0 free-space state EBf , this root should come from the
lating a single partial wave l ⬎ 0 and its phase shift ␦l as the even sector Eq. 共30a兲. Using then the substitution k2
sole dominant contribution 关37兴. A direct consequence of → 2␮EB / ប2 = q20 − xB2 / a2 in the expression Eq. 共32兲 for P00,
contributions from nonzero partial waves l ⬎ 0 is, among oth- the equation for xB becomes

冋 册
ers, the possibility to define effective p-wave zero-range
scattering potentials analogous to V␦共r兲 and V1D共z兲, but 2s2 + 1 −
冑共sC⬘兲2 + xB2 xB = 0, s⬅
, 共36a兲
which act only on antisymmetric wave functions of a collid- 兩a兩 dU
ing pair 关50,51兴.
where 兩a兩 arises as 1 / a2 is taken out of the square root in P00.
Another enlarged form is the quartic equation
E. Weakly bound states xB4 + 共C⬘2s2 − 1兲xB2 − 4s2xB − 4s4 = 0. 共36b兲
In addition to CIR, a second effect of strong cylindrical For each 兩s兩, one should pick up the correct positive 共nega-
confinement is the prediction of weakly bound and localized tive兲 root xB if s ⬎ 0共s ⬍ 0兲, as indicated in Eq. 共35兲.
states. For atom-atom collisions this implies the formation of
The weak confinement limit is 兩s兩 → 0. A finite root xB ⬇
quasimolecules. As first shown in 关38兴 for zero-range atom-
+ 1 exists only for a ⬎ 0 as can be seen from Eq. 共36a兲. This
atom interactions under parabolic confinement, these bound
means that EB ⬇ EBf , when RU → ⬁ or when a → 0+ as ex-
states exist even when no bound state occurs in free space.
pected. For a ⬍ 0, a trial Taylor expansion xB ⬇ x1s + x2s2 in
They have recently been observed in optical traps loaded
Eq. 共36b兲 yields x1 = 0 and x2 = −2. A localized state with
with 40K atoms 关32兴. Similar bound states localized around

冉 冊
impurities are found in independent studies of mesoscopic
systems 关13–16兴. In this section, a localized state for general a 4

cylindrical confinement is calculated from the even, more EB ⬇ ⑀0 − 4 兩EBf 兩, 兩a兩 Ⰶ dU ,

precisely zero, angular momentum sector.
is thus expected also for negative scattering lengths. In this
case, the confinement has been able to turn the virtual state
1. s-wave binding energy and wave function
EBf of V共r兲 into a real bound state localized around the scat-
For the free space l = 0 angular momentum, the bound tering center.
state of the 共attractive兲 scattering potential V共r兲 has an en- The strong confinement limit is 兩s兩 Ⰷ 1 共assuming the basic
ergy EBf given by requirement RV Ⰶ RU is not violated兲. Setting then xB
⬇ x⬁ / s−1 in Eq. 共36b兲 and reexpressing it in terms of s−1
ប2␬2Bf ប2 gives for positive and negative a, respectively, x⬁ = ± 兵关共16
EBf ⬅ − ⬇− , a Ⰷ RV
2␮ 2␮a2 + C⬘4兲1/2 − C⬘2兴 / 2其1/2. For both positive and negative roots xB,
whose relationship to the scattering length a via ␬Bf ⬇ 1 / a the same fraction of the transversal ground-state energy ⑀0 is
holds only when a Ⰷ RV ⬎ 0 关47兴. At negative scattering reached as 兩s兩 → ⬁,
lengths a ⬍ 0, one can speak of a “virtual” state close to
being incorporated in the spectrum of V共r兲. Under lateral
confinement and along the radial direction of the cylindrical
冋 冉 冊册
EB ⬇ 1 −
q 0d U
⑀ 0, 兩a兩 Ⰷ dU .

trap, the tail of its wave function e−␬Bf r is changed to vanish For a parabolic guide dU = a⬜ 关see Eq. 共16a兲 with the exact
at a finite distance from the origin, i.e., at the edge r = ␳ value 兩␸n共0兲兩2 = 1 / ␲a⬜
兴. Then C⬘ = 2 and q0a⬜ = 冑2, both ob-
= RU of the guide when 兩a兩 ⬃ RU 共see Fig. 1兲. This lateral tained by directly using the exact energies ⑀0 ⬅ ប2q20 / 2␮
squeeze lifts EBf ⬍ 0 by an amount ⑀0. It can be sufficient for = ប␻⬜ and ⑀1 ⬅ ប2q21 / 2␮ = 3ប␻⬜ in terms of ␻⬜. Hence EB
this state to pass the threshold without confinement E = 0 as = 共2 − 冑2兲⑀0 = 0.586⑀0 in good quantitative agreement with
RU decreases further. 关32,38兴. For square-well confinement, it follows from Eqs.


⌿B共r兲 ⬀ − , a/dU → 0+ .
For negative scattering length a / dU → 0−, the free-space “vir-
tual” bound state turns into a real one whose energy was
calculated in the previous section, EB ⬇ ⑀0 − 4共a / dU兲4兩EBf 兩.
The wave function Eq. 共37b兲 becomes instead
⌿B共r兲 ⬀ − j0共q0r兲 + q0n0共q0r兲, a/dU → 0− .
On the opposite limit of strong confinement 兩a兩 / dU → ⬁ , EB
tends to a positive fraction ␭ of ⑀0, and the wave function
becomes a superposition of both terms j0共冑␭q0r兲 and

2. Higher angular momenta

FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 s-wave binding energy EB for parabolic
共dashed curve兲 and square-well 共upper solid curve兲 confinement, Localized states from higher angular momenta contribu-
scaled by the respective ground-state energies ⑀0. The free-space tions and their couplings among each other can in principle
energy 共lower solid curve兲 EBf is scaled with the square-well value be systematically obtained by solving Eq. 共25兲 and analyzing
of ⑀0 and is defined only for positive a. The dotted line marks the the poles of the full amplitude f ±0 = f 0g ± f 0u. For instance, a
continuum threshold under confinement. d-wave pole should come from retaining the l = 2 contribu-
tion. This and other poles from the odd sector f 0u are treated
共13b兲 and 共33b兲 that C⬘ = 共20/ 3兲1/2 = 2.582 and q0dU in detail elsewhere.
= 共3 / 2兲1/2 = 1.225; thus EB = 0.631⑀0. These energies are plot-
ted in Fig. 3 as function of the confinement length scale dU. VI. DISCUSSION
The spatial shape ⌿B共r兲 of this confinement-induced
weakly bound state in the region far from the scattering cen- Here the role of the continuum approximation in Sec.
ter is IV B is discussed by comparing with previous models for
scattering under confinement. In the interior of the guide
r , r⬘ Ⰶ RU where the confining potential is negligible, the
⌿B共r兲 ⬀ e−xB兩z兩/a␸0共␳兲, ⬘ ,
兩z兩 Ⰷ R1D 共37a兲 Green’s function Gc共r , r⬘兲 under confinement approaches the
3D free-space Green’s function G共r , r⬘兲, as shown in Eq.
共12兲. Therefore, the singularity of Gc共r , r⬘兲 as r , r⬘ → 0 is not
setting aside overall constants and where xB is the proper only coincident with 共see Sec. III兲, but essentially is, the
root of Eq. 共36兲. This asymptotic form is common to both well-known singularity 1 / 兩r − r⬘兩 of the 3D scattering sce-
positive and negative scattering lengths a, with axB ⬎ 0. nario without confinement. In addition, one expects that the
Closer to the origin, the wave function can be calculated by details of the confinement, whether parabolic or not, should
analytic continuation of the intermediate asymptotics in Eqs. not be important for the physical understanding. In fact, the
共21兲 and 共22兲. There the function T0 = T0共k0兲 diverges at k0 spectrum of excited transversal states sums up to yield
= ixB / a, which is the condition for the pole of f ±0 . After this G共r , r⬘兲 共integrated over the axial angle ␾⬘兲, as the con-
analytic continuation, the step toward Eq. 共24兲 can no longer tinuum limit shows. The only condition is a short-ranged
be taken 关it was taken in order to calculate T0 = T0共k0兲 for real scattering potential RV Ⰶ RU or a correspondingly “flat” con-
k0兴. In this series Eq. 共21兲, this divergence then singles out finement.
terms proportional to the constant T0共ixB / a兲 → ⬁. As a result, The remarkable effects induced by the confinement are in
apart from overall constants, the wave function ⌿B共r兲 has the turn directly related to the low-lying transversal states as also
following form 共for RV Ⰶ r Ⰶ RU兲: demonstrated in 关15兴 for a two-dimensional problem. The
discreteness of these states is then captured in the factor ␥

冉冑 冊
2 and in the correction term ⌬c共r , r⬘兲, which introduce renor-
⌿B共r兲 ⬀ q21 − ␬B2 − j0共␬Br兲 + ␬Bn0共␬Br兲, malizations and couplings of orbital angular momenta not
冑q20 − ␬B2 accounted for by G共r , r⬘兲 alone.
共37b兲 For a more quantitative analysis, consider the specific
case of atom-atom collisions in the low-energy s-wave ap-
proximation and under parabolic confinement 关35,36,38兴. As
where ␬B2 ⬅ 2␮EB / ប2 and EB is given in Eq. 共35兲. For EB discussed in Sec. III, the discrete summation over the trans-
⬍ 0, it can be seen that both imaginary values of ␬B yield the versal states can be dealt with in order to extract the singu-
same result. In particular, the free-space bound state is recov- larity of the scattering solution and to determine the value of
ered in the limit a / dU → 0+. Using EB ⬇ EBf ⬇ −ប2 / 2␮a2 in the constant C = 1.4603… in the effective scattering ampli-
Eq. 共37b兲, one has tude f ±0 . On the other hand, the corresponding value of C in


the continuum limit for this case is C ⬅ lims→⬁共兰s0ds⬘ / 冑s⬘ can be applied to impurity scattering in mesoscopic 2DEG
− 兺ss⬘=11 / 冑s⬘兲 ⬇ 兰10ds⬘ / 冑s⬘ = 2 关see Eq. 共9兲 of 关35兴兴, in agree- systems and two-body collisions. Following the reasoning
ment with C⬘ = 2 calculated in Sec. V E. This value C⬘ = 2 related to Eq. 共12兲 one expects to be able to treat noncylin-
arises by using the exact harmonic oscillator energies ⑀0 drical geometries and quasi-2D scattering in an analogous
= ប␻⬜ and ⑀1 = 3ប␻⬜. It can be improved on by, e.g., numeri- way. By computing then a few coefficients and functions
cally computing ⌬c. As already pointed out in Sec. IV B, the such as ␣ln and ⌬c 共or ⌬u兲 and only the lowest eigenstates of
exact excited spectrum ⑀n ⬃ 2n is substantially different from the confining potential, reasonable numerical results are also
the flat potential approximation given in Eq. 共13b兲. However, possible. Scattering resonances such as total reflexion, as
the discrete sum over this exact parabolic spectrum can be well as weakly localized states, can be determined. For the
shown 关35,36兴 to have an equal singular behavior 1 / 兩z兩 as in particular case of parabolic confinement, the formalism pre-
free space 共see Sec. III兲. Hence also within the discrete ap- sented here can also be used to obtain, e.g., confinement-
proach, this demonstrates the major role played by the lowest induced two-body weakly bound states. Of particular interest
transversal states, whereas the sum over the excited states is the study of the poles of the scattering amplitude which
turns out to be qualitatively confinement independent. correlate with orbital angular momenta beyond s waves and
how nonparabolic geometries can affect these unconven-
tional pairings due to couplings to the center-of-mass coor-
An analytical treatment of quasi-1D quantum scattering
by spherically symmetric and short- but finite-range poten- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
tials in general cylindrical confinement is developed. The full
scattering wave function is calculated nonperturbatively J.I.K. appreciates financial support from the Conselho Na-
without partially resuming perturbative series. All phase cional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico 共CNPq兲
shifts of the scattering potential can be readily incorporated. and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation 共AvH兲. J.S.
This formalism provides a unified physical picture of the thanks the DFG Schwerpunktprogramm “Wechselwirkung in
process of confined quasi-1D scattering at low energies and Ultrakalten Atom- und Molekülgasen” for financial support.

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