Past Simple Vs Cont

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I was working I, sg

You were working

He/she/it was working a 3-a ,sg
We were working
You were working
They were working
We use the past simple to talk about completed actions in the
past, that are no longer connected to the present moment. It is
also used in telling stories, past events.
Past Continuous (progressive)
Folosim trecutul continuu pentru a descrie actiuni care au
inceput si s-au terminat in trecut, punand accentul pe durata
We use the Past Continuous to describe actions that started
and finished in the past, emphasizing duration.
I was working all night long.
Folosim trecutul continuu pentru actiuni in desfasurare
(progress) in trecut , care au fost intrerupte de o alta actiune.
I was having a bath when the phone rang.
Past continuous -longer action/ Past Simple -shorter
Imi faceam baie cand telefonul a sunat.
He was cooking dinner when Maria came home.
El gatea cina cand Maria a venit acasa.
Longer action -past continuous / shorter action Past simple

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