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We use the Present simple to talk about:

1. repeated actions in the present time
2. daily routine/habits;
3. timetables and programs;
4. general truths (for things that are
always/ generally true);
5. sports commentaries;
6. facts.
Examples :
1. Eu iau trenul ca sa ajung la birou.
I take the train to get to the office.
Sara doarme 8 ore in fiecare noapte in
timpul săptămânii.
Sara sleeps eight hours every night during
the week. (Repeated actions )

The President of the USA lives in The White

A dog has got four legs.
We come from Romania. ( for facts: fapte,
date, informatii)

I wake up early three times a/per week.

He washes his hands twice a day.
They travel to their country house every
weekend. ( for habits-obiceiuri/ daily routine)
It usually rains a lot in autumn.
De obicei, ploua mult toamna.
The king Charles lives in Buckingham Palace.
(for things that are generally true )
Subject + VERB + the rest of the sentence:
I/you/we/they speak /learn English at home.
He/she/it (persoana a 3 a , sg) speaks/ learns
English at home.
1. Verbele care se termina in : -O , - CH, -SH, -
PERS. A 3-A , SG.
She/he/it catches the ball.
She washes the dishes.
He goes to the supermarket every day.
He watches TV regularly.
A calca hainele = to do the ironing
He does the ironing once a week.
2. Verbele care se termina in CONSOANA +Y,
se transforma Y in I si adaugam terminatia -
C+Y=C+ IES la persoana a 3-a, sg.
Marry -she marries
Study- she studies
Carry – he carries (a căra)
Worry – he worries (a te ingrijora)
3. Verbele care se termina in VOCALA +Y
primesc terminatia -S la persoana a 3 a, sg.
To play – she /he/ it plays
Enjoy – he/she/it enjoys

Pentru a forma negatia si interogatia avem

nevoie de verb auxiliar :
Negativ: do not (don’t)
Does not (doesn’t) -pers a 3-a
Interogativ: Do
Does – pers a 3-a , sg
He speaks German.
Does he speak German ?
He doesn’t speak German.
I speak Japanese very well.
I don’t speak Japanese very well.
Do they speak Japanese very well?

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