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‘What are Institutions? 7/10 conect responses Inefers to those rules ana regulations wich focus on} fracteaty by mantaining no so. succumbing ta human emotions ‘ane behavior ‘What are Social Institutions? 8/0 conect responses Complex integrated set of ‘scl norms, Beem) ‘What is the need of social institutions? 4/10 conect responses They Provide specie details required to lve 40%) ‘To maintain soca order and} rary in society en: ‘To promote discourse among the ae (10%) none ofthe above (10%) ‘What is a function of Social Institutions? 6/10 correct responses Creates harmony and unty} amongst high lass indvicuals, -Y Provide @ means to contol he ‘society and the people who conatitte 660%) Allo he Above ‘What is a Feature of A social institution? 4/10 conect responses “These nsutions are rested) a they ae found in afeent| 0 (0%) ‘ypes of society Institutions are established to ‘crate soil behaviour 220%) Institutions are a means of satisiying specie ends which re 440%) ‘asic and ital fr existence of Alla he above. 440%) ‘What is Descent? 0/10 conect responses existence of seca recognized by logical relationship} between individuals in society socbologeal relationship between parents and chiren| What is Lineage? 8 /10.corect responses ‘Opposite to Desceni 1 (10%) 1 (10%) ‘Lin through wich descont is ace None of the bove}-0 (0%) ‘What is Matrilocal residence? 8/0 conect responses Iti @ govoenment system in hich marred coupe resices 1 (10%) ‘witnear wis parent} Its societal sytem in whic] marie couple resides withiner 1 (10%) husband's parents Its @ government system in ‘which maried couple resides|-0 (0%) ‘ithinesrhusbanets parent isa societal system in which 860%) 560%) ‘What is Patrilocal Residence? 9/1 conect responses Iti a qoveenment system in hich marred coupe resices| 0 (0%) ‘witnear wis parent Iti a goveenmant system in which marie couple resies} (10%) wiinearhusbanet's parents tis a societal system in which marie couple resides withinea husband's parents ‘What is Avunculocal Residence? 6/10 correct responses Residents wt near the} brother ofthe husband wie 600%) Residents with near the bother ofthe wie’ husband Residents with near the brother ofthe wie’ father Descent is traced unilineary through the the father, descent is? 10/10 corectesponses Pattineat 10 100%) Matiineal_}-0 (0%) ‘Aternating |-0 (0%) Double }-0 0%) ‘Common ancestor in patrilineal descent is 9 /10.comrect responses reine |-0 0%) Godfather (10%) Y Agnetio alloftne above }-0 (0%) If the descent is traced through the mothers line, descent is 10/10 corectesponses Patrtineal }-0 0%) Y Matiineat 10 100%) ‘Aternating |-0 (0%) Double }-0 0%) ‘Adescent in which some kins follow the male lines and others follow female lines is known as 6/10 correct responses Patrineat Matin ‘Atornating ¥ Double 660%) ‘Asystem of descent in which men transmit to their daughter and women transmit to their son is known as 71 1O.comect responses V Alternating Double Patrineat Matrinea What is Ego? 10/10 corectesponses Individual labeled as mate} -0 (0%) Individual labeled as wansgender|-0 (0%) Individual labelled a8 Non ‘gender speci 10 100%) Dogs} (0%) ° 2 4 6 8 10 ‘Which is an example of Primary Consanguineous Kinship? 710 -comectresponses Father and S00 600%) Mother and Niece \ Motver and Grandfather Both t ands ‘What is an example of Primary Affinal Kinship? 9/10 correct responses Husband and Nephew {-0 (0%) ite and Niece (10%) Husband and wife None ofthe above. {0 (0%) ‘What is an example of Secondary Consanguineal Kinship? 9/10 correct responses Husband and Nephew} (0%) Wie and Nice} (10%) ‘Which is an example of Secondary Affinal Kinship 8 /10-correct responses Invi and brother in ta Inia anc mother in aw Individual an sstrin law Alo the above, 560%) ‘What is an example of Tertiary Consanguineous Kinship 3/10 correct responses reat grandparents and parents) 560%) ‘Which is an example of Tertiary Affinal Kins! 710 -comectresponses spouse's parents ‘spouse's children “spouse's grandparents Allo the above

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