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There will be two papers in the subject: Structural changes (disintegration of the
joint family), functional changes; Factors
Paper I - Theory: 3 hours ……70 marks
responsible for the changes. Small family
Paper II- Practical Work ……30 marks norm.

PAPER - I (THEORY) – 70 Marks 2. Religion and Society

Part I (20 marks) will consist of compulsory short (i) Definition and concepts of religion and
answer questions testing knowledge, application science; beliefs, rituals, superstitions,
and skills relating to elementary / fundamental taboo.
aspects of the entire syllabus. Definition of the above and a basic
Part II (50 marks) will consist of eight questions understanding of each of the above.
out of which the candidate will be required to Differences and similarities between
answer five questions, each carrying 10 marks. religion and science.
(ii) Theories of religion: animism, naturism,
1. Social Institutions totemism, functional theories.
(i) Definition and features of Social A brief discussion of animism, naturism,
Institutions. totemism; functional theories (Malinowski,
Self explanatory. Radcliffe Brown and Durkhiem).
(ii) Types of Social Institutions: Kinship, (iii) Functions and dysfunctions of religion.
Marriage and Family A brief discussion on the positive and
Kinship: Meaning of kinship, Types of negative functions of religion.
kinship: consanguineous and affinal (iv) Morality and social control.
kinship. Degree of kinship (primary,
secondary, tertiary; descent (matrilineal, Definition of morality and social control;
patrilineal); residence (matrilocal, relation between religion, morality and
patrilocal and avunculocal) discuss social control, moral code, religious code.
Kinship usages: avoidance, joking
relationship, teknonymy, avunculate, 3. Political Organization
amitate, couvade; also discuss descriptive Political Organization and its role in bringing
and classificatory kinship terms. about change in society.
Marriage: definition and functions. Definition of political organization; definition
Definition, merits, demerits, functions of of Panchayati Raj (the 73rd Constitution
the following: Amendment Act, Bal Panchayats); discuss the
role of the Panchayat in empowerment of
• Rules of marriage: exogamy and
women and children.
endogamy (clan, gotra, pravara,
village and sapinda), cross and 4. Economic Organisation
parallel cousin, levirate, sororate,
hypergamy and hypogamy. (i) Economic Organisation
• Forms of marriage: polygamy Definition of economic organization,
(polyandry and polygyny), monogamy. economic and free goods.
Family: definition and features (MacIver’s (ii) Economies of Indian tribes: food gathering,
features); Functions of family to be agriculture, shifting axe cultivation,
discussed explaining the reasons for its handicrafts, pastoralism, industrial labour.
universal existence. Economies of Indian tribes: (i) Food
Types of family: consanguineous and gathering; (ii) agriculture: shifting axe
conjugal family (family of origin and cultivation (jhum, dahi, koman, penda,
procreation), matriarchal and patriarchal podu and bewar), criticism of this type of
family (matripotestal, patripotestal and cultivation, examples of tribes having this
avuncupotestal), nuclear and joint families. practice; (iii) handicraft making; (iv)
pastoralism; (v) industrial labour -
migration of large numbers of Santhal, 6. Social Stratification
Kond and Gond to tea gardens in the north
(i) Social stratification: the elements.
east; large resources of coal, iron and steel
in Bengal, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh; Definition of social stratification, features,
examples of Santhal, Ho in pick-mining, inequality, difference.
coal-cutting, the mica and the iron & steel (ii) Class: The class system: its nature,
industry. development, types of classes.
(iii) Agrarian Economy, Jajmani system and Discuss briefly the growth, nature of the
Rural Employment. different classes (lower, middle, upper).
Agrarian Economy: land relations – owner, (iii) Caste: The caste system: concept, caste
tenant, share cropper. origin, caste and class comparison, its
Jajmani system: caste based occupations features; caste in modern India.
and exchange of services. Definition; Theory of Divine Origin;
A brief understanding of MGNREGA and characteristics of caste.
its implications. Social mobility - brahminisation,
(iv) Traditional Markets sanskritisation and westernization -
definitions only.
To be discussed with respect to Weekly
markets, barter exchange. (iv) Gender: Difference between sex and
gender, patriarchal ideology and the status
5. Tribal India - Past, Present and Future of women in independent India.
(i) Definition of tribe; features. Difference between sex and gender, gender
bias and its consequences for both men and
Definition of tribe, features (unity and self-
women – at the workplace, property rights
sufficiency, clan and family, common
and family status.
totemic ancestor, territory, occupation,
endogamy, dormitories, language, common Gender issues: female infanticide,
culture, common name, common religion, foeticide, dowry, sati, child marriage,
political organization and territory). domestic violence, rape, widowhood,
sexual harassment; women as perpetrators
(ii) Dormitories in Tribal India of violence.
Definition; origin of dormitories; features
and functions; culture contact and change 7. Social Change and Development
in dormitories.
(i) Social change and Development
(iii) Present conditions, problems and solutions. Definition of Social Change and
Economic, political (regionalism and development – features and sources.
separatism), social and cultural conditions (ii) Aspects of Development
and problems.
Industrialization, urbanization,
Discuss briefly the following policies of the modernization, globalization and
Government of India (post independence) sustainable development - definitions and
for upliftment of the Indian tribes: Tribal their role in social change.
Panchsheel, important constitutional
safeguards: important Committees and The relationship between social change
Commissions: Backward Classes and development, (special focus on
Commission; Special Central Assistance; sustainable development, ecological and
Economic programmes and facilities: environment issues for improving quality of
Integrated Rural Development Programme life for the present and future).
(IRDP); Large Sized Multi-Purpose (iii) Social Movements
Cooperative Societies (LAMPS); 20 Point
Meaning, causes and their role in society.
Programme; Programme for
encouragement in crafts, home industries (iv) Role of Education in creating Social
and agriculture; Educational policies. change.
Meaning and functions of education.
Emphasize the role of education in creating
social change. Role of Right to Education

(RTE) and its implications to be discussed Evaluation by the Teacher:
S. Assessment Criteria Marks
(v) Role of Mass Media in creating Social No. objective
change 1. Process Candidates 1
Role of Mass Media (Print, electronic, should be able to:
audio-visual; positive and negative aspects Identify the topic.
of mass media). Understanding each of the Plan and detail a
above forms of mass media and their role research project.
in creating social change; their role in Select and use
creating a civil society that confronts the appropriate
bureaucracy and the authoritarianism of research methods.
the state machinery through NGO activity,
2. Understanding, Candidates 2
vigils and acts like the Right to Information
application of should be able to:
knowledge and Explain issues
Positive and negative aspects of mass Analysis and themes
media. clearly and in
PAPER II (PROJECT WORK) – 30 MARKS Interpret, analyse
and evaluate
To do justice to the basic structural principles and critically a range
theoretical orientation of the discipline, empirical of evidence to
present reasoned,
and ethnographic substantiation is essential. In substantiated
keeping with the significance of doing practical arguments/
work and gaining a hands-on understanding of statements.
various social issues, candidates are expected to 3 Presentation Overall format, 2
. referencing
undertake two studies. Topics for the studies
(footnotes &/or
should be chosen from within the overall syllabus bibliography),
as there is ample scope for diversity. within word limit
of 2000 words,
Candidates will be expected to have completed two
title page,
studies from any chapter covered in Theory. header/footer,
Assessment for each study will be as detailed etc.
below: TOTAL 05
The practical work will be assessed by the
teacher and a Visiting Examiner appointed Evaluation by Visiting Examiner:
locally and approved by the Council. S. Assessment Criteria Marks
No. objective
Mark allocation per study [15 marks] will be as 1. Choice of Candidates should be 4
follows: Technique/ able to:
1 Evaluation by the teacher 5 Marks Detailed Overall format,
procedure & referencing (footnotes
2 Evaluation by the Visiting 10 Marks Presentation &/or bibliography),
title page,
Examiner header/footer, etc.
2. Analysis Candidates should be 3
and able to:
evaluation Interpret, analyze and
evaluate critically a
range of evidence to
present reasoned,

3. Viva Range of questions 3 21. The Uttrakhand tragedy: natural or manmade
based on the project disaster?
22. Superstitions and Taboos.
The studies chosen are primarily theoretically
List of suggested studies for Project Work: oriented and based on concepts learnt in the class.
1. Different types of kinship systems Because these studies are theoretical, the
(patriarchal/matriarchal with examples as the methodology will be different and would be based
base of discussion). on secondary data collection and its analysis and
2. Different marriage customs in India interpretation. Broad suggestions about how to
(comparisons can also be done). approach similar studies are given below:

3. Changing nature of the Indian family. 1. Changing nature of the Indian family (S.
4. Religion and Society (focus can be on the No. 3 - List of suggested assignments for
biography of a world religion). Practical Work)
Aim: To study the changing nature of the
5. The problem of Communalism in India. family in an urban setting.
6. Traditional economies and the barter system. Data: Students need to identify their sample
7. Consumerism and modernization. and then gather their data by interviewing
members from five families. Members of
8. The status of women in traditional society. different generations from each family should
9. The changing status of women in India. be interviewed.
10. Women Leaders. The student needs to collect data with the help
of a questionnaire and interviews. The
11. The role of Education in creating social change. questions can be framed on the following:
12. Media and modernization. − Description of the family structure
13. The internet as a substitute for family and (members, who does what in the family,
the jobs outside, etc.)
− How they see themselves – joint or nuclear
14. Globalisation and its impact on the individual in terms of family relatives, who all live
and society. together, or share a kitchen or pool
15. Role of society in development and resources, etc.
environment – (public awareness, education − Seeking different family members opinion
programmes, campaigns, public participation in on whether they feel family life has
changed. Nature of changes that have taken
decision-making, etc. e.g. Chipko Movement, places and what have caused the changes.
Appiko in Karnataka, Eco Clubs, etc.
− Has the status of the women in the family
16. Study a few noteworthy examples of has changed in the recent past.
sustainable development e.g.- Barefoot College
− Whether the women in the family work?
in Tilonia, the work of NGOs like DDS in
− Relationship between the different
Andhra Pradesh in promoting self-sustenance members of the family.
in rural communities through developing seed
Interpretation: Once students have gathered
banks, cultivation of millets and through
this information they can analyse whether the
promoting microfinance in the Grameen bank family they have interviewed has changed over
model. a period of time.
17. The policy of reservation in India or The Students should examine:
Backward Class Movement. − whether the respondents’ perception of the
18. The significance of the Mandal Commission. nature of the family matches with what the
student has learnt in class.
19. The rising Middle Class in India. − analyse what are the reasons for change in
20. The nature of protest in rural India (example the nature of the family, if any.

For instance: − Students should then ask how this is
different from the earlier times so that they
(i) whether migration has caused the family
get a sense of the change in the lifestyle
to change
(ii) occupational changes and shift in residence
− How their daily life has changed with
has caused changes.
− What is the nature of the change
(iii) the education and working of the women of
the family has created changes − Ask respondents what role the media has
played in bringing about change and
(iv) failure of the generations to cope with each
other has led to changes
− Ask about the role of the market in
(v) constraint of space has caused the changes
influencing consumption
Conclusion: Students should also do a minor − How their consumption patterns have
statistical analysis of: changed
− the types of families that they are able to − How their thinking has changed and what
identify into nuclear and joint are their political leanings
− make an approximation about what type of − Whether these are positive or negative
family is the trend in their sample. changes
− proceed to find out whether there are Sociological interpretation: Students need to
common factors in their sample that keep a
do a simple analysis of the patterns of change
family nuclear or joint.
and the reasons for the change.
2. Consumerism and Modernization (S. No. 7 -
They should also see if there is a common
List of suggested assignments for Practical
pattern in the classes of this change.
They should try and compare the changes
3. Media and Modernization (S. No. 12 - List of
between classes and understand if factors such
suggested assignments for Practical Work)
4. Globalisation and its impact on the − education
Individual and the Society (S. No. 14 - List of
suggested assignments for Practical Work) − income
− family background
These three topics are interrelated and yet can
be looked at independently. − religion etc., play a role in the changing life
following modernization and globalisation.
(The same aim, methodology and interpretation
will apply for the above studies). 5. Internet as a substitute for the Family and
School (S. No. 13 - List of suggested
Aim: To discuss how the processes of assignments for Practical Work)
modernization and globalisation have had an This topic is self-evident and requires a critical
impact on society, culture and the individual. analysis of the positive and negative impact of
Data: Students need to interview members of a the internet. Given the amount of time the youth
family from different generations (grandparents spend on the internet, it would be interesting to
/parents and grandchildren/children) by let the students engage in an auto- biographical
identifying a sample of families in their critical analysis of the topic.
neighbourhood who could belong to different The analyses could be presented as a debate of
economic backgrounds. Data should also be ideas, supported by interviews with family
gathered from secondary sources such as the members, parents, teachers and peers.
newspaper, internet and magazine articles.
6. Changing status of women in India (S. No. 9
Students need to begin by first discussing the - List of suggested assignments for Practical
concepts of modernization and globalisation as Work)
learnt in class. They should then proceed to
gather information on consumerism, media and 7. Women Leaders (S. No. 10 - List of suggested
the changes in a society as a result of the assignments for Practical Work)
process of globalisation. Aim: These two topics are meant to understand
Students need to ask these respondents: whether the position of women has changed in
− Nature of their life style society
− Patterns of expenditure Data: For both the topics, students would be
required to take up specific areas where women
− How they use their leisure time participate. For instance, the role of women in

the economy or women in education or women − Where they go for holidays.
in the public arena can be looked at. − What are their political leanings
For topic 9 (Changing status of women in Students should then ask how this is different
India): Students can interview women in these from the earlier times so that they get a sense of
areas and ask questions such as: the change in the lifestyle.
− how their lives have changed socially and Sociological interpretation: A major focus of
the questions asked would have to be on the
− how their status has changed changing consumption patterns of the
− how education has changed their lives household. This would enable students to
analyse not only changes in the consumerism of
− what they see as symbols of this change the class but also understand how mobility is
Students should also have a summary of the closely related to class.
Government’s legislations/bills on women, as
Students should be asked to read about the
this will help analyse how successful the
changing role of the middle class through
Government’s efforts have been at
India’s history in the political arena.
emancipating women.
A comparison between the past and present can GUIDELINES FOR TEACHERS:
also be done by the students.
1. It must be emphasized that the process of doing
For topic 10 (Women Leaders): After the project is as important as the final project.
following the above aim and data, students
2. Once the project/projects are chosen, there
should take up the life of a woman leader from
should be a process of brainstorming to
any time frame and present a biographical
encourage students to make out a
sketch supported by photographs.
draft/structure for the project before embarking
They can also take up the life of two women on research.
from two different time periods and compare
3. During the brainstorming/discussion, the
the changes that have taken place.
teacher should discuss the assessment criteria
Case studies of women in different arenas, with the students.
across cultures/religions can be presented.
4. The teacher should discuss the draft with the
8. The rising Middle Class in India (S. No. 19 - student with regard to the central question and
List of suggested assignments for Practical the type of sources to be used.
5. The students should be guided on doing the
Aim: To study the rise of the middle class and research and looking at different types of
its changing lifestyle, consumption habits and evidence.
6. Books and suitable reference material
Data: Students will have to gather data by could be suggested by the teachers
interviewing middle class family members in and made available to the students.
their neighbourhood. Students need to
7. Internet sites could be suggested, but care must
interview members of a family from different
be taken in selecting, using and citing these
generations (grandparents /parents and
8. Students must be cautioned against plagiarism
They need to create a questionnaire for this
and be penalized for the same.
where the kind of questions asked should be:
9. Marks must be awarded for content and
− About family background (age /religion,
originality and not for decorative elements and
etc.). embellishments.
− Their history in the city (how long they
10. Projects must be the original work of the
have lived there /where they have come
from/why they came, etc.).
− Their past and present occupation.
− Income levels.
− Patterns of expenditure.
− What are the gadgets they use
− The car they drive.
− How they use their leisure time.
− Their opinion on careers for their children.

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