Vestel Instruction For SW Update Process Via Usb

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1. Switch the TV mode to Digital mode

2. Put the Software file onto top side of path such as “F:\ f_up.bin”.For this sample F is usb
flash memory.

3. Insert the USB flash to the TV’s USB socket. The TV will ask if yo u want to browse USB
device. Press “YES”
4. After pressing “YES” , The TV starts Uploading automatically.
NOTICE 1 : You certainly shouldn’t take the USB flash out during this progress to not to break
the content of the software.If you take it out, the digital part may be broken and doesn’t work.

5. After the progress ends it means the update operation finished and the TV shows you the
message shown in the below picture.As soos as pressing “OK” you must take the USB flash
out.(in less than one second)
NOTICE 2 : There is the most important point in this step. If you press “OK” without taking
the USB out, it will restart the progress again.Please if it restart, remember NOTICE 1
NOTICE 3: Timing is really very important in this step.Therefore after pressing “OK”, please
don’t wait more than one second to take USB flash memory out to not to come up against
6. The TV will reset itself and then Check the software version.

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