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Name: Bengco, Ephraim Rick R.

Date Performed:11/21/22 Date Submitted:11/28/22

Experiment 2
Chemical Reactions
Essential Question:     What are the evidences for a chemical reaction?
I. Objectives
After performing the activity, you should be able to:
1. Determine the evidence of a chemical change;
2. Describe what happens in a chemical change; and
3. Write the chemical reaction for each chemical changes.

II. Materials
Magnesium ribbon
alcohol lamp watch glass
Zinc metal match
0.1 M Copper (II) chloride test tubes
0.1 M sodium hydroxide test tube rack
Baking soda tongs
Acetic acid 10 ml graduated cylinder
Dilute sulfuric acid                                    vinegar

III. Procedure

Part A. Combusting magnesium (DO THIS UNDER A FUMEHOOD)

1. Cut 1 cm piece of magnesium ribbon. Note its color, luster and flexibility.
2. Using Hold the magnesium ribbon over an alcohol lamp and burn. Observe the
flame. Collect the ash and put it in a watch glass.

Part B. Baking powder and vinegar

1. Place a pinch of baking soda in a dry test tube. Add 20 ml vinegar. Observe. 

Part C. Zinc and sulfuric acid

1. Transfer 1 ml dilute sulfuric acid in a test tube. Add a piece of zinc metal. Observe.

Part D. Copper (II) chloride and sodium hydroxide

1. Mix 1 ml of 0.1 M Copper (II) chloride and 1 ml 0.1 M sodium hydroxide in a test
tube. Observe.


Name: Bengco, Ephraim Rick R. Score:_____________________
Date Performed:11/21/22 Date Submitted:11/28/22

  IV. Results/ Outputs

Part A. Combusting magnesium

Description of Mg ribbon before combustion Description of Mg ribbon after combustion
Before the combustion reaction, the When the Mg ribbon touched the alcohol
magnesium ribbon is a solid stick-like lamp, it created a bright light and burned the
structure. Mg ribbon. It resulted into making the stick-
like structure into ashes.

Write the balanced chemical equation for the combustion of Type of Chemical
magnesium in the box below. Reaction
2Mg+O₂ = 2MgO Combination

Documentation: Insert at least 2 pictures

Part B. Baking powder and vinegar

Description of the reactants Description of the products

The Baking powder consists of NaHCO₃ When we combined the vinegar and baking
while the vinegar consists of the formula soda it resulted into an “acid-based” reaction
CH₃COOH that gives a fizz on to the test tube
or acetic acid
Name: Bengco, Ephraim Rick R. Score:_____________________
Date Performed:11/21/22 Date Submitted:11/28/22

Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction of Type of Chemical Reaction
baking soda and acetic acid.
NaHCO₃ + CH₃COOH = H₂O + CO₂ + CH₃COONa Double Replacement

Documentation: Insert at least 2 pictures

Part C. Zinc and sulfuric acid

Description of the reactants Description of the products
Zinc is an element in the Metal section while When the Zinc is placed on to the Sulfuric
the sulfuric acid is composed of H₂SO₄ acid, the reaction occurs in the bubbles of
hydrogen gas to be seen which results into
zinc sulphate and hydrogen gas
Name: Bengco, Ephraim Rick R. Score:_____________________
Date Performed:11/21/22 Date Submitted:11/28/22

Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction of Zinc and Type of Chemical
sulfuric acid. Reaction
Zn + H₂SO₄ = Zn SO₄ + H₂ Single Replacement

Documentation: Insert at least 2 pictures

Part D. Copper (II) chloride and sodium hydroxide

Description of the reactants Description of the products
The reactants available for the experiment has The sodium hydroxide was placed on to the
Name: Bengco, Ephraim Rick R. Score:_____________________
Date Performed:11/21/22 Date Submitted:11/28/22

been replaced into Ferric Chloride FeCl3 while Ferric Chloride, resulting into its
sodium hydroxide consists of NaOH homogeneous mixture

Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction of copper Type of Chemical
(II) chloride and sodium hydroxide. Reaction

FeCl₃ + 3NaOH = Fe(OH)₃ + 3NaCl Double Replacement

Documentation: Insert at least 2 pictures

Guide Questions

1. What evidences of chemical reactions did you observe in the experiment? Explain in
In the first experiment, we observed combination reaction with the use of combustion.
For the second experiment, we observed dissolving baking soda acid foaming resulted
into a double replacement reaction.
Name: Bengco, Ephraim Rick R. Score:_____________________
Date Performed:11/21/22 Date Submitted:11/28/22

In the third experiment, the zinc being dissolved into the sulfuric acid resulted into an
single replacement reaction.
And for the last experiment, we had seen the ferric chloride to be mixed on to the
hydrogen oxide resulting into double replacement reaction.

2. Suppose Copper chloride reacts with Lead nitrate. Show the balanced chemical
 CuCl₂+ Pb(NO₃)₂ → Cu(NO₃)₂ + PbCl₂

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