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Ayu Zulfa Riftriani, Ikhsanudin, Yanti Sri Rezeki

English Language Education Study Program Language and Art Department Teacher Training And
Education Faculty, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak

Speaking is one of the abilities that is needed to perform a conversation. The writer
observed and found that the students of SMP Negeri 7 Sungai Raya, tended to be
difficulties in speaking when oral presentation occurred. She chose to remain silent
rather than participating in an oral presentation. This study aimed to investigate the
factors for students’ speaking difficulties in the classroom using the case study method.
The participant was 1 student of the eighth-grade student. The participant was chosen
by the characteristics of difficulties in speaking such as tending to be silence in the
classroom and the student always use the mother tongue to speak. Using direct
observation and semi-structured interview, the study found that the main factors of
students’ difficulties in speaking were lack of confidence, fear of making mistakes,
shyness, and the environment. Based on the findings, it showed that internal and
external factors had a great influence on students’ speaking difficulties in giving oral

Keywords: Factors, Speaking Difficulties, Oral Presentation

INTRODUCTION heard, all you need is to express your speaking

As an international language, English has skill”. This means students are obligated to
gained popularity all over the world. English learn speaking English in order to get
has four main skills: listening, writing, reading information, messages, and students can
and speaking. Speaking is one of the abilities develop their skill in communication.
that is needed to perform a conversation. As known, English has four main skills that
According to Gert and Hans (as cited in Efrizal, should be mastered by the students. The most
2012, p.127), “speaking is speech or utterances difficult skill language learners face in language
with the purpose of having the intention to be learning is speaking skill as Rababa’h (as cited
recognize their intentions”. Therefore, students in Al Nakhalah, 2016, p.100) said: “there are
should have good English speaking ability in many factors that cause difficulties in speaking
order to communicate easily and effectively English among EFL learners”. Therefore,
with other people.There is much importance of speaking is often ignored by some teacher
speaking in language learning such as students because students do not have an opportunity
can express their emotions, students can either in their classes to speak English. In fact
communicate with others to express ideas and students can read or write better, but they faced
to know others’ ideas as show the various some difficulties in speaking. Those problems
functions of language, and students are not make students not able to communicate
afraid to speak with a native speaker because fluently and accurately because students do not
students can feel confident with their language. have enough knowledge and an opportunity in
According to Sadiku (2015, p.31), “when you this field.However students need a lot of
have words read, ideas are written and thoughts
practice to speak through speaking, listening, Based on the previous studies about factors
and repeating in class. difficulties in speaking are good findings to be
Based on curriculum 2013 students are used in English Language Classroom. The
asked to intercat with teachers and friends findings of the research above showed that it is
inside and outside the class verbally. It is important for the students who involved in
clearly by curriculum 2013 to make sure English Classroom to know the factors
everyone that even if the name of the subject is students’ speaking difficulties because it can
'English', in this course the students does not contribute to the betterment of learning
learn about English language, but they learn to practices.In this present study, the researcher
do things that are useful for his life by using conducted the research in English class. In this
English. The purpose of English subjects in class, although speaking is not the main point to
junior high school is to develop the potential of be assessed, the activity in the class was mainly
learners to have communicative competence in carried out through discussion. The students
interpersonal, transactional, and functional were asked to do oral presentation in pair about
discourse, using various spoken and written ability and willingness. They did make a dialog
English texts coherently by using accurate and in a group about capability and willingness after
acceptable language elements, factual and that every group had to present their dialog in
procedural knowledge, and instill the noble front of the class and the students also present
values of the nation's character, in the context in front of the class by used read a book.
of life in the home, school, and community. Although the students read a book, they were
According to Imaniah (2018), an oral difficult to say the word in English. So, the
presentation is an activity wich the presenters students were expected to learn to speak in
communicate with the audience. Oral English in the discussion.
presentations have become a useful and In fact, the participation in that class at the
effective way to increase students’ awareness of time remained low. It was supported by the
communication skilss. Thus, students’ research pre-observation at the class. By the
presentations become an important element in pre-observation, the researcher interviewed one
delivering positive learning experiences. of the students at the class, and he said that one
Cognitive, pedagogical, situational and student from his class tends to have difficulties
cultural factors have been attributed to students' in speaking English. The students chose used
speaking difficulties when giving an oral mother tongue than speaking English when
presentation in a number of studies. Among giving an oral presentation. Then, the researcher
these reasons, students' higher anxiety, lack of did an observation directly to the target class
confidence and low motivation have been and the result remained the same. She was
mentioned frequently. For instance, Leong and difficulty in speaking when giving an oral
Ahmadi (2017) studied the students in EFL presentation. She tended to be silent and did
classroom have serious difficulties in speaking another activity such as used mother tongue.
such as feeling anxiety and having problems in The speaking difficulties not only found when
delivery the material. Similar findings were giving in oral presentation occurred but also
achieved by Tuan and Mai (2015) who studied when the teacher asked about her understanding
the difficulties of the nonparticipation and and if she had any questions or not. She only
always used mother tongue of students in EFL said “No”, “Please used mother tongue, sir”
classrooms in Le Thanh Hien High School, whn the teacher said, “Do you have any
Vietnam. The research findings indicate that a questions?”. It showed that the speaking
number of students in speaking difficulties to difficulties in the target was high.
respond to the teacher and remained silent in
oral English language classrooms due to many RESEACRH METHODOLOGY
factors such as fear of speaking in front of The research method applied in this study
others, shyness, lack of confidence, fear of was a case study. Case studies involve an in-
making mistakes and used mother tongue. depth examination of a single person or a few
people. According to Marczyk, et al. (2005, being speaking difficulties in giving oral
p.147-148) “the case study requires a presentation can be a great help for AD, it is
considerable amount of information, and important to encourage the optimality in the
therefore conclusions are based on a much more learning process through conducting oral
detailed and comprehensive set of information presentation. This is the reason why this
than is typically collected by experimental and research is conducted. These research
quasi-experimental studies”. The goal of the documents both students’ discussion and
case study is to provide an accurate and delivery phase in conducting oral presentation.
complete description of the case. The focus of The data collection was organized into two
the case-study approach is on individuality and stages. In the first stage, the data was gathered
describing the individual as comprehensively as using observation field note and interview. AD
possible. was observed by the researcher for two
The participant was determined by using meeting. This is considered to be appropriate,
purposive sampling. In purposive sampling, because the researcher intended to observe one
researchers build up a sample that is performance for AD and habitual AD in the
satisfactory to their specific needs. According class when learning English. As Cin (2013) said
to Ishak and Bakar (2014, p.32) “purposive that using the direct observation, the researcher
sampling is useful for case study in three observes the behavior of the participants rather
situations: (1) when a researcher wants to select than relying on reports. In this case, it might be
unique cases that are especially informative, (2) as simple as show feeling not confident during
when a researcher would like to select members speak in front of class, show feeling of
of a difficult to reach, specialized population, underestimating by other students when
and (3) when a researcher wants to identify answering the question, show feeling shy to
particular types of cases for in-depth speak up, difficulty to active in class, show
investigation”. Moreover, in selecting the feeling lack of concentration when teacher
participants of this research, the researcher asking something, use the wrong word in
applied several criteria. vocabulary choice and always using mother
The criteria showed that she had low oral tongue to speak in the discussion. Moreover, for
performance in English. The low oral collecting the data, the researcher noted taking
performance means the student who did not the important information in the form of a field
want to participate, apply and communicate in note.
English in classroom activities. She was The second stage, data gathered through
reluctant in participating when presentation and interview. AD was taken as sample to be given
discussion session. The researcher found that the interview. The form of an interview in this
the participant in this research or “AD” used research was a semi-structured interview. The
Indonesian to communicate when giving an form of an interview in this research was a
oral presentation. After applying the criteria to semi-structured interview. Easwaramoorthy and
the students, during observation, the researcher Zarinpoush (2006, p. 1) said that in a semi-
found one student who fulfills the criteria. The structured interview, the interviewer will use a
participant is referred to as the AD. The set of questions and the respondents answer in
researcher used code names in order to protect their own words. Interviewers generally start
the privacy of the student. with some defined questioning plan but pursue
In this research, the researcher took one a more conversational style of interview that
student only as the participant in the eighth may see questions answered in order more
grade of SMP Negeri 7 Sungai Raya class D in natural to the flow of conversation. In this case,
academic year 2019/2020. The researcher chose the researcher provides the interview guide
AD to be the participant of this research based questions, but the questions can be added
on the criteria of the speaking difficulties such depending on the interviewees’ answers. So, it
as lack of confidence, fear of making mistakes, is not only focused on the interview guide
used of mother tongue and shyness. Seeing how questions.
The questions covered such aspects as a but also in giving suggestion session, In second
participation in the classroom activities/ meeting, especially in suggestion session, the
behavior in English class, the students’ general students found to be silent as well. In the
feelings about speaking English and personal presentation 1, when the presenter opened
assessment of proficiency in oral English. suggestion session, only one student started to
Finally, for collecting the data, the researcher give suggestion. After that, there was a long
recorded the conversations and transcribe them. period silent for about two minutes to other
The recorded data will then be transcribed, all suggestions were asked. The total of the
transcripts were then reduced by removing students who asked were 6 students.
unnecessary data and keeping the relevant ones. Meanwhile, in the second presentation, the
The extracts took from the source themes total of students who asked decreased as only 3
according the categories. Furthermore, the students. AD was silent and it took a long time
conclusion was drawn from the categories of for the audiences to give suggestion, it seems
data. The researcher did an interview after with the first presentation. It was also found
learning activities was over so that can be AD that AD was silent talked softly. It may be that
was relax. According to Cin (2013) in AD tried to solve one another’s problems. It
conducting an interview, the interviewer should seemed that she does not have enough courage
attempt to create a friendly, nonthreatening to give a suggestion because she feels nervous,
atmosphere. In the interview, the researcher anxious, and unconfident. She chooses to be an
used Indonesian spoke that was the student can effective listener.
easy to understanding about the question and As discussed before, AD was unwilling to
feel relax with this interview. participate in the classroom discussion, oral
presentation and to respond to the teacher.
RESULT AND DISCUSSION When asked to comment on what factors her to
Result be difficult to speak English in oral presentation
This research was conducted in two of English language classrooms, AD identified
meetings. In this activity was visible on the a range of factors. There were two factors AD
meeting of delivery. Some groups observed faced in the class, internal and external factors.
were ready with the presentation. Each factors have minor and major factors. The
In the first meeting, the researcher found results are displayed in figure 1.
that AD was not interested in the presentation.
Internal Factors
She was remained silent during the presentation
but it is not because paying attention to the Major Factors: Minor Factors:
presentation. Meanwhile, she did other
activities as talking to the friend beside her used Lack of confidence, Nervousness,
of mother tongue. It was shown that AD has fear of making mistakes anxiety, shyness
difficulties in speaking when the teacher asked
her to presentation. In the second meeting, Difficulties in speaking when giving oral
during the presentation. The researcher found presentation
AD as the moderator being the first presenter
seemed very nervous when speaking. It could
be seen from her body language and voice. She External Factors
made much unnecessary stop and also the
speech tended to be short, brief, and Major Factors: Minor Factors:
incomprehensible. Sometimes, she spoke in
Indonesian. In the presentation, she has not The Environment Used mother tongue
used the projector to present but only used a
book. Figure 1. Factors influencing students’
The difficulties in speaking behavior were speaking diffciulties in giving oral
not only found when the presentation occurred presentation
As shown in figure 1 there are a number of Fear of Making Mistakes
sources of students’ difficulties in speaking AD also worried about how she will sound
when giving an oral presentation based on the and are scared of sounding silly and so on. In
interview result. addition, this is also much influenced by the
students’ fear of being laughed at by other
Students’ Lack of Confidence students or being criticized by the teacher. AD
AD kept quiet when presented in the class said that she chose to remain silent in the
and then the teacher asking about the material classroom because she fears of committing
because they felt nervous when speaking. As mistakes or errors. AD said that she chose to
AD said “when the teacher asks me in remain silent in the classroom because she fears
presentation, he always used English to speak. I of committing mistakes or errors “...I feel
cannot understand, afraid and feel shyness so I difficult to say something. And the other reason
kept quiet than I am wrong” (A5). AD not only is I cannot to speak English because there is no
felt a lack of confidence when speaking in front friend to speak English too”. (A3); “...I’m
of the whole class but also when responding to afraid of the teacher and shy, also fear of
the teacher questions. Giving the presentation in making some mistakes. I’m afraid that my
the class has also been reported to be highly saying is wrong and my friends will laugh at
anxiety-provoking, one which makes the formal me”. (A11)
and stressful environment for the student. Some Moreover, fear of being laughed at and fear
conversation with AD that she is very not of looking foolish by their classmates was one
confident when doing a presentation in front of of the factors students’ difficulties in an oral
the class or asking the question: “If the teacher presentation. AD was afraid to volunteer a
asked me to ask the question in speaking presentation in front of the class because she
English I felt shyness.” (A5); “ I’ve done some thinks that others will laugh at her if the English
presentations. Firstly, I was so nervous because were wrong.
I don’t know why every presentation that I did,
I’m always so nervous, although I have The Environment
prepared it at home. So, I only focused on Used mother tongue is one of the factors
reading and not explained much. I looked from the environment, in the English
forward, but my eyes looked everywhere, but classroom. AD chose to speak in Indonesian
not to existing students.” (A8) because she is not familiar with the English
language. AD tend to speak in mother tongue
Shyness when they discussed. AD also difficult to speak
Feeling shyness make AD failed to oral English, because there is no friend to speak
presentation at their best. As AD said that she English too, as AD, said: “I cannot speak
was afraid of oral presentation because she English” (A2); “...I feel difficult to say
thinks that if she makes mistake other friends something. And the other reason is I cannot to
will laugh at her when speaking in English. speak English because there is no friend to
There are some conversations with AD said: speak English too”. (A3)
“My presentation was maximal because I felt
shyness if my teacher asked me for the Discussion
presentation by using English. I am fearful of In this research, there are internal and
making mistakes” (A9); “No, I rarely respond external factors influencing students’ speaking
to teachers’ questions because I’m afraid of the difficulties in oral presentation.
teacher and shy, also fear of making some Internal Factors
mistakes. I’m afraid that my saying is wrong The internal factors for students’
and my friends will laugh at me.” (A10) difficulties in speaking were lack of confidence,
fear of making mistakes and shyness. This
factor greatly influenced students’ presentation
in the classroom that leads to difficult to speak
English. Lacking confidence makes her believe attention is not comfortable for some students.
their language skills to be weaker than those of When she asked to present her task and
others in the class. Although some students speaking in front of the whole class, she feels
might have good pronunciation and be at a high anxious and uncomfortable because all the
proficiency level, she still preferred to be silent students look at her. The other students look to
because of the lack of courage. It is similar focus on and stare at her. So, she feels shy and
statement Al Nakhalah (2016) said that, the anxious to speak English. It will make her
student would rather keep silent while others do always looking at the floor and afraid to see
talking showing that the students are lack of her classmates. Therefore, it can affect their
confidence to communicate. Based on the performance and score. Besides, AD in the
interview results, AD stated that they feel not present study also worried about losing face in
confident when speaking in front of the whole oral English language classrooms. They kept
class. quiet and waited until they were required to
AD believed that there was a great speak English.
difference between her and her peers. So that
she feels nervous, and envious because of these External Factor
differences. AD became nervous when she The external factor for students’ difficulties
found her peers’ English was better that lead in speaking was the environment. AD tend to
them to rarely participate in an oral be silent because she does not have any word
presentation. This present study showed that to say about the topic being discussed. So, she
more than half of the interviewees felt a lack of chooses to not participate or speak in English.
confidence because she thought her peers were She did not know what to say’ during the class
better than her. She compared herself with her discussions in English. She gets anxious to
classmates, feeling inferior to others. raise her hand because she was confused about
The student had a (strong) desire to speak what to say.
perfect English. Thus, she was afraid of Based on the discussion above, there were
speaking English and/or making mistakes, two kinds of difficulties in speaking when
which again made them anxious to speak the giving oral presentation such as major factors
target language in class. Consequently, she and minor factors that put into two categories.
became more hesitant to respond to their The major factors in the category include lack
teachers or other students in the class. During of confidence, fear of making mistakes,
the interview AD clearly stated that she was shyness, and the environment. It is similar
afraid of making mistakes while speaking what Leong and Ahmadi (2017) states that the
English. For example, AD said that she was not students in EFL classroom have serious
confident in responding to teachers’ questions difficulties in speaking such as feeling anxiety
because she was afraid of making mistakes. In and problems in delivery skills. Meanwhile,
addition, AD afraid of making mistakes have the minor factors in the category include
something to do with her classmates. nervous, anxiety, shyness, and use of mother
The minor factor for students’ difficulties tongue. It is also similar findings were
in speaking when giving an oral presentation achieved by Tuan and Mai (2015) states that
was the fear of being laughed at. AD was the difficulties of the nonparticipation and
reluctant to speak English in front of the whole always used mother tongue of students in EFL
class because she was afraid of being the focus classrooms in Le Thanh Hien High School,
of attention and other students would laugh at Vietnam.
them if they make mistakes. Being the focus of
Conclusion and Suggestions the student to being active use English in
Conclusion classroom activities and comfortable
According to the research findings and classroom environment. Second, teacher
discussion, the researcher can conclude this should tell her that making mistakes is part of
study attempted to investigate the factors learning. Third, the teacher should help the
influencing students’ speaking difficulties in students overcome inhibition and shyness by
giving an oral presentation on an eighth-grade having friendly, helpful and cooperative
student of SMP Negeri 7 Sungai Raya. In the behaviors to make students feel comfortable
light of the analysis and discussions presented when speaking in the class, reminding the
in chapter IV, it can be concluded that AD student not to worry about making mistakes
appeared to be silent or nervous in English and giving them clear instructions and
classroom because of various factors including sufficient guidance. Fourth, the teacher should
lack of confidence, fear of making mistakes, personalize and simplify the topics in the
shyness, and the environment. AD often textbook to make them easier, more interesting
encounter is inhibition. When AD tried to say and relevant to their lives. Moreover, speaking
something in a foreign language in the skills should be included in tests because the
classroom she often inhibited. She worried students will be more motivated to learn
about making mistakes, fearful of criticism or speaking skills because they are tested. The
losing face. She is shy of the attention that teachers should create an English speaking
their speech attracts. AD often complain that environment by encouraging the students to
she cannot think of anything to say and they use English in the classroom to make it a
have no motivation to express themselves. AD habit, letting them watching films or videos in
have nothing to express maybe because the English and the teachers should also use
teacher had chosen a topic which is not English in the classroom frequently so that the
suitable for her or about which he knows very students have more exposure to the language.
little. It is difficult for the student to respond The teacher might also teach, train students to
when the teachers ask her to say something in be supportive of one another in class and she
a foreign language because she might have needs to practice developing the questions into
little ideas about what to say, which effective questions. For instance, the teacher
vocabulary to use, or how to use the grammar could encourage students to take different
correctly. Another factors AD faced when she viewpoints or role play in order to practice
asked to have a discussion about a topic that asking questions and engaging in dialogue
she is incapable of, if she want to say anything with a teacher. Thus, she could learn to
about the topic, she will use her own language. question anything unclear to her and get used
Another reason is that the use of mother- to the way of raising a question.
tongue is a natural thing to do. Sometimes, Moreover, all of the students should also
AD spoke very little or nothing in speaking be aware of and acknowledge the existence of
class. Most of the time, she could not think of difficulties in speaking when giving an oral
anything to say so she used mother tongue to presentation. They should take the initiative to
spek. In addition, using the first language to seek strategies to deal with it such as being
explain something to another if there is no independent active learners in the classroom
encouragement from the teachers. and actively seek and make use every chance
to practice speaking English to others. It is
Suggestions also useful for the students to improve their
Referring to the discussion of the research, speaking in English, English proficiency,
the writer provides some constructive expand vocabulary, and be supportive of one
suggestions. For the student who feel another during classroom discussion and
difficulties in speaking when giving oral presentation.
presentation, firstly, the teacher needs to help
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