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ADMINISTRATIVE LAW REVIEWER Judicial Review in the Absence of Statury Authority

Judicial Review - used generally to embrace any matter which arises when In San Miguel Corporation vs. Secretary of Labor
such action is brought into question before a court. “Generally understood that as to admin agencies exercising quasi-judicial
Basic Concepts of Judicial Review power, there is an underlying power in the courts to scrutinize the acts of such
 The Problem of Judicial Review of Administrative Actions necessarily agencies on questions of law and jurisdiction even though no right of review
brings the judicial process. is given bu the statute.”
 The Right to judicial review is granted by the statute
 The General powers of the courts, when the legislature has not Purpose of Judicial Review even if its is not granted by the statute
precluded judicial review expressly. Where the Courts have such 1. Purpose of judicial review is to keep the admin agency within its
power: jurisdiction and protect substantial rights of parties affected by its decisions.
1. A Justiciable Right Exists; or 2. It is a part of a system of checks and balance restricting the separation of
2. A Right which the Courts may enforce. powers and forestalling arbitary and unjust adjudications.

Proper questions to be asked in cases of Judicial Review of Judicial Review Proper

Administrative Action: 1. Lack of Jurisdiction 2.Grave Abuse of Discritions
1. In this particular proceeding 3.Error of Law 4. Fraud of Collection
2. In this particular court, obtain
3. Any review of these specific issues about administrative proceeding The Courts do in exercise of Judicial Review
4. How much review above give rise to further inquiries such as: - Courts may decide an action of administrative authority to be illegal
1. What type of hearing because:
2. What type of record 1. It violates or fails to comply with some mandatory privisions of law; or
3. What type of decision 2. It is corrupt, arbitary and capricious
These three questions raise the critical problem of the basic prequesites for
the meaning execersise of judicial review. Conditions for the exercise of Judicial Review
Administrative Determination Before Judicial Review of Administrative Determinations may be had, it
1. Judicial Review of admin action may be granted as Congress chooses. is required:
EXCEPT when the Constitution requires Judicial Review. 1. Principle of Finality of Administrative Action
2. When the law confers exclusive and final jurisdiction upon the executive - That the administrative action has already been fully completed, and
departments of the government to dispose of particular questions, their therefore, final;
judgement of that department are NO more reviewable by the courts. 2. Doctrine of Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies
3. In such cases, there is no violation of due process. - All administrative remedies have been exhausteed.
 Due process does not require that a decision made by an appropriate
tribunal shall be reviewable by another. Principles of Finality of the Administrative Action.
 The safeguard of due process has been complied with so long as: 1. The principle states that courts are reluctant to interefere with
A. The trier of facts shall be an impartial tribunal administrative action prior to its completion and in this sense not final.
B. No findings shall be made except upon due notice and opportunity to be 2. Courts are averse to review interim steps in an admin proceeding, and
heard preliminary or procedural orders of an admin body, primarily on the ground
C. Procedure at the hearing shall be consistent with the essentials of faire trial that such a review would afford opportunity for constant delay.
D. It shall be conducted in such a way that there will be an opportunity for a
court to determine whether the applicable rules of law and procedure were Exeption to and limitations on the Doctrine of Finality
observed. -Doctrine of finality or admin action as a requisite for review is NOT only
concerned with the completeness of the admin action, but also
Sources of Judicial Review 1. Involves immediately of impact of such action has been values and
 Judicial review of administrative actions may proceed from any 2. The implementation of that action upon asserted rights.
1. Constitutional Provisions Judicial Relief from Threatened Admin Action
2. Validity Enacted Legislation Judicial relief from threatened or pending admin action has been DENIED of
3. Doctrines developed by the Courts themeselves independently. several grounds among them:
In the Philippines, the basis for judicial review may be: 1. The courts will not render a decree in advance of the admin action and
1. Constitution Section 11, Article XII-C of 1973 constitution. there render such action nugatory
2. Statute - decisions of Agrarian Relations, Philippin Patents Offices, SEC, 2. Until the admin authority has acted, the compliments ca show no more than
Social Security Commission, NLRC an apprehension that such agency will perform its duty wrongly.
3. General Principles of Public Law - Decision of deporation, immigration, 3. That is not for the court to stop an admin offices from performing his
public lands, and postal authorities, and of the numerous propessional boards, statury duty for fear he will perform it wrongly.
are likewise reviewable by the courts. 4. That admin offices to whom public duties are controlled by law is not
subject to the control of the courts in the exercise of judgements.

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