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Criteria B and C

Name: Nicolas
Teacher: mr sims
Date: 19.9.2022
Subject: scientific investigation recreation of cheese ball experiment

Title of Investigation: scientific investigation recreation of the cheeseball


Background Information (Criterion B, strand i.):

Research Question:
How many KJ of energy are in a cheese ball

Background information:

Criteria B and C

Hypothesis (Criterion B, strand ii.):

If the food contains more calories then the water temperature will increase more because the
foods contain more energy that can be converted.

Variables (Criterion B, strand iii.):

Variables How to measure?

Independent Variable:
Temperature of water Measure using a thermometer

Dependent variable: measure weight

Food item

Controlled variables (include all relevant):

Controlled Variables How it will be controlled in the Why it is important to control
experiment the variable

amount of water the amount of water used the more water the slower
will stay the same the temperature rises

Materials (Criterion B, strand iv):

Equipment Quantity and Safety

Sizes with Units

test tube x1

candle x2 careful handeling out out

when not supervised

Criteria B and C

matches x10

food sample x1

tweezers x1

fire proof mat x1 to stop the table burning

weighing scale x1

mini bowl x1

measuring cylinder x1

thermometer x1

Method (Criterion B strand iii. AND iv.):

1. weigh food sample write down results
2. Fill test tube with 20cm3 water
3. Measure temperature using themometer write down results
4. Light candle
5. Burn food sample under test tube
6. Measure end temperature of water write down results
7. Weigh burnt food sample write down results

Results (Criterion C strand i):

Data Table:

food name starting mass (g) ending mass (g) change in mass (g)

rice puff 0.51 0.1 0.41

linsen chip 1.3 0.57 o.46

Criteria B and C

1.19 0.26 0.93

cheeseball 0.93 0.6 0.33

0.94 0.69 0.25

potato chip 1.23 0.31 0.92

0.72 0.13 0.59

0.45 0.1 0.35

food name starting temperature ending temperature change in


rice puff 23 26 3

linsen chip 20 25 5

24 36 12

cheeseball 23 31 8

23 26 3

potato chip 19 27 8

22.5 25 2.5

23 26 3

Sample calculation:

Criteria B and C


Analysis (Criterion C strand ii):

Criteria B and C

My graph shows that the rice puffs had the most energy followed by potato and linsen
chips and lastly cheese balls
Conclusions - validity of hypothesis (Criterion C strand iii.):

The graph supports my hypothesis as it shows the more energy in a food the hotter the water
will be.

Evaluation of method (Criterion C strand iv.):

one of the weaknesses of my method was that some of the heat escaped because the
experiment wasn’t in an insulated container. My method still gave accurate results though as
most of the heat did go into the water.
Improvements or Extensions (Criterion C strand v.):

If i were to conduct the experiment again i would do it in an insulated container z

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