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Courses: Competencies
A. Office and System Management - Office Management

B. Organization and Management - Effective Management Techniques

C. Ethics -Ways on Empowering Employees

Learning Outcomes
 Define organization, and the purpose of the organizing function.
 Analyze the purpose of the organizing function.
 Assess different Organization design

Learning Competencies:

 Effective Management Techniques

Almost everybody thinks that they are good manager. But according to a Gallup Poll, 25 percent
of U.S employees would fire their bosses if they could. That means at least one in four of them
are failing. But these numbers are not surprising, when one considers that only few managers
receive some kind of formal management training. The Office Manager is basically a 'staff
executive' with functional authority, but he has to play a dual role. In other words, he is also
required to act as the 'line executive ' with direct command and control over the staff of the
general office.
1. Communicate the big picture
-if the employees have to work hard and be committed to the business, the manager has to keep
them in the loop. Open communication helps foster loyalty and gives employees a sense of pride.
It helps them understand how their work contributes to the company success.
2. Delegate work and responsibilities.
Having hired some employees, the workload has to be shared with them. Projects delegated
according to people's strengths and weaknesses, and skills. Control freaks, will struggle with this
initially. Before taking on a project, try to get in the habit of asking an employee to handle it
3. Help employees set goal.
Setting deadlines and goals help keep employees focused, busy and motivated them to do their
work. Each employee has to be talked to about the company's goal, and worked with to set
individual goals directly linked to business mission. Each employee should understand his
professional growth path in the company.
4. Recognize problems.
The manager should know about personality conflicts, lagging productivity or other problems in
the office. He should stay tuned to his employees so that he can be proactive and resolve
situations before they escalate.
5. Reward employees.
Everybody appreciates increase in salary and bonus, but monetary rewards are not the
only way to motivate employees for a job well done. In fact the easiest way to recognize a
worker's contribution -- by simply saying 'thank you'-- is often the most overlooked. Whether he
does it with words, or money, he should make sure his employees know that he values their
efforts and contributions.
6. Be a mentor.
As a business owner or manager, one of the greatest gifts to employees is sharing his knowledge
and experience. Showing employees how to close a deal or forecast sales is far more effective
than just talking them through it.
7. Give reviews.
Employees need feedback about their performance to improve their skills and grow
professionally. A formal review program has to be setup and performance appraisals arr given
once or twice a year. While setting goals and performance reviews in the same meeting, the
manager should make sure that he spends equal time addressing past performance and future
8. Have a heart.
Family emergencies, illnesses and other unplanned events always arise, so a manager must get
used to it. He should show employees some compassion by being flexible with work hours and
time off, so they can’t tend to important matters. Employees always appreciate a sympathetic
boss, and as long as the business will not suffer, make every effort to accommodate workers who
have special needs.
9. Take the time to be manager.
During busy times when work is piling up, he should not forget to be a manager. Employees
depend on his strength and guidance -- especially when they are stressed out or faced with new
projects that require his time and input. He should give employees his undivided attention when
they want to talk. If he cannot do that in this office, he can head out to a neighborhood cafe and
chat over a cup of coffee.
10. Managing change.
The Internet, Information Technology, mergers and acquisitions, and a highly competitive and
growing business landscape have changed the structure of many businesses. Companies that
succeed and survive in today's marketplace must anticipated change, adapt and thrive.
11. Be up front with employees.
The manager should make sure that employees first learn about changes from leader rather than
through the grapevine. If the employees hear rumors around the water cooler about restructuring,
spin-offs, or new products, or read speculation in the local business media, his job of
communicating change will be much more difficult.
12. Involve key communication.
While having the CEO speaks to the entire staff in a companywide meeting sounds like a good
idea, he or she may not be able to share enough detail, to satisfy employee questions at all levels.
The company's front line supervisors should address each of their employees and answer their
question. Giving employees the high level vision and the hand- on detail will help them better
understand and accept potential upsetting news.
13. Create an effective message.
Considering the specific informational needs of executives, middle managers, supervisors and
employees. The manager should tailor his message to fit each audience. Often companies
communicate only what is happening at the corporate level and neglect matters that are really
important to employees, such as, how the change affects their future.
14. Listen to your employees.
Employees’ feedback is critical in managing change. Holding focus groups with employees is a
great way to gauge reaction and monitor the progress of change. A manager can be encourage
employees to provide feedback through e-mail or the company intranet.

I. Learning Activities

1.1 Answer the following diligently.

1. Out of the said effective managerial techniques which do you think is the most effective? Explain
through five or more sentences.

2-3. If you will be given a chance to be an Office Manager, what are your own managerial techniques?
Explain each.

II. Learning Evaluation

Excellent Good/satisfactory Need improvement

3 2
Essay/statement Brilliant Well composed, Answer is too dull
Content composition of words are and not properly
statement. properly used composed.

Relativity to the topic, Feedback/answer Fair, Answer is expressed

question, statement is done with Thoughts are just to comply.
excellence. properly
Reached or expressed but not
surpassed the fully competent
III. Enrichment/ Application Activities

III.1-3. Explain the benefits of using these managerial techniques for both manager and employee. Use
at least four sentences.

“When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan”

-Prov 29:2

Prepared by; Recommending Approval: Approved by:

Instructor 1 Program Dean, BPA DEPARTMENT College Administrator

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