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The Legacy of Nemo


Patrick (DATI) Phillips

From 1941 to 1945, fifty-two submarines of the United States Navy did not return to port.
They carried a total of 374 officers and 3131 enlisted men.
Some say that those boats and their crews are lost.
Others say that they remain on patrol.
THE LEGACY OF NEMO several 'Rippers' plot points. Be careful that
you don’t accidentally use the ideas presented
"I shall go the way of the open sea, here to create problems relative to those plot
to the lands I knew before you came, points.]
and the cool ocean breezes shall blow from me
the memory of your name.”

Laurence Hope
The Power Source of the 'Nautilus'
In the 1870s, the man known as 'Nemo' was
the world's most notorious terrorist. The machinery of the 'Nautilus' was
Originally, Nemo was Prince Dakkar, a electrically driven, but the source of that
scientifically-inclined son of an Indian Rajah. electricity remains unknown. Nemo
The British conquest of India never sat well apparently developed a power source for the
with Prince Dakkar's family, and they were 'Nautilus' that was incredibly efficient --
enthusiastic supporters of the 1857 Sepoy allowing him to cruise across entire oceans
Rebellion (a failed revolt against British rule). without the need for refueling. Some
Most of Prince Dakkar's family, including his scientists suspected that Nemo had discovered
wife and children, were killed in the rebellion. the secret of super-efficient batteries. Others
hypothesized that he had found some means of
Shattered by the loss of his family and generating electricity that was based on poorly
disillusioned by the cooperation of so many of understood physical principals involving the
his people with the British during the atom. Some captured crewmen of the
rebellion, Prince Dakkar abandoned his old 'Nautilus' insist that their ship extracted power
identity, taking on the new name Nemo (Latin from seawater itself -- whatever that means.
for 'nobody'). Going into exile, Nemo devoted Nobody knows how Nemo did it, but a lot of
himself to scientific research. Eventually, people would dearly like to know.
Nemo developed a revolutionary submersible
he called the 'Nautilus'. Decades ahead of its
time, the 'Nautilus' was a scientific marvel.
Nemo's Secret Bases
At first, the 'Nautilus' was Nemo's home, as
well as his instrument of exploration and Nemo had numerous hidden bases scattered
scientific research. In the 'Nautilus', Nemo throughout the world's oceans, usually on
and his crew of outcasts roamed the world's isolated islands. Some of those bases have
oceans, learning secrets that would not be been discovered by everyone from
rediscovered for a century. Also, Nemo's governments to pirates in the years since
fortune waxed as he explored the world's Nemo vanished. But many remain hidden to
shipwrecks and recovered their treasures. But this day.
ultimately that wasn't enough for Nemo. In his
heart, he still hated the British for what they Nemo’s bases ranged tremendously in size.
had done to his family and homeland. Nemo Some were nothing more than a few isolated
eventually began pursuing his own, private huts near buried supply caches, while others
war against the British Empire -- sinking were full-blown facilities that could support
English warships wherever he encountered hundreds of men for years, perform major
them. research in fully equipped laboratories, and
even had small shipyards that could be used to
Nemo and the 'Nautilus' eventually perform major repairs and build ships.
disappeared. But men like Nemo never vanish
quietly. They always leave behind a legacy. Most of the bases were abandoned in the year-
or-so after Nemo vanished. Many of them
[Note: Nemo and the ‘Nautilus’ are part of the were partially stripped of equipment and
supplies. But rumors persist that some are still
manned, either by Nemo’s original followers, Using a depth charge in 1892 boils down to
or by others who have found and taken over ‘make a guess about where the sub is located
the bases. and what its depth is, and then drop the darn
thing’. Against the fast, deep-diving, well-
armored ‘Nautilus’, the RN would have to get
Finding Nemo : The Royal Navy’s pretty lucky to do any damage. Against less
‘Section Nemo’ sophisticated submarines -- such as ‘Sea-
Walkers’ -- the situation is a lot more hopeful.
The Royal Navy lost a fair number of ships
and men to Nemo. As part of their response,
they formed a special intelligence group of The 'Anemone'
naval officers whose only job was to find
Nemo. The design for the 'Nautilus' didn't
immediately spring forth from Nemo's mind.
After Nemo vanished, the group took on a new He built several prototypes. The 'Anemone' is
mission -- discovering the secrets of Nemo’s his last prototype before he finally built the
advanced technologies. 'Nautilus'. The 'Anemone' incorporates the
mysterious power technology of the 'Nautilus',
The senior men in ‘Section: Nemo’ have been but is much smaller and lacks many of the
pursuing Nemo in one form or another for features (such as the electrified hull and the
decades -- and they’ve never found him. ram) of the 'Nautilus'.
Obsession has set in for some of them.
The 'Anemone' is 120 feet long by 20 feet
Depth Charges: A Way to ‘Reach Out
and Touch Somebody' Underwater Acc/Top Speed 5/15 (37.5 mph)
Toughness 15(4); Crew 6+20.
As part of their effort to deal with Nemo, the Air Supply -- compressed air tanks holding
Royal Navy developed the depth charge about 8,000 man-hours of air.
forty years earlier than they did historically. Heavy Armor -- Heavy advantage.
Their first efforts were crude (sealed barrels of
explosives with short fuses), but the Royal The 'Anemone' is dry-docked in one of Nemo's
Navy kept working on the idea. They’ve never hidden island bases. This particular base is
quite given up on the concept since it’s abandoned and is situated in a huge
inevitable that the submarine will eventually underwater cavern in an isolated, lifeless
become a widely used instrument of war. island located west of Sumatra. This particular
island is a volcanic in nature and is
Currently, smaller Royal Navy warships uninhabited -- a series of minor eruptions over
usually have at least a few depth charges on the last century has left the island covered with
board. They tend to be ‘tucked away’ and it lava beds. Almost nothing grows on that
would be an ordeal to get them and up and island.
available in a hurry. But if Royal Navy ships
were expecting submersible activity, they The men who knew the location of the
would have their depth charges ready for 'Anemone' are almost all dead -- they were lost
action. with Nemo. However, there is one exception.
That man has renounced both violence and the
Depth Charge: 3d6 damage, heavy, large blast sea and has returned to his native India, where
template. They are configured to explode at a he has become a Buddhist monk.
preset depth, or if the depth charge comes in
contact with a solid object.
Dr. Trajan Cole of the coast.

Dr Cole was born March 7, 1842 in London, When the players investigate, they will find an
England. He was the youngest son of a economically depressed island with a few
prosperous merchant. After a relatively hundred inhabitants that mostly subsist by
uneventful childhood, Cole attended medical fishing and farming. Dr. Cole has made many
school in London. of the inhabitants of the island friendly to him
by the judicious application of the Circe
After graduating (in 1866), Dr. Cole opened a Formula (see below). He also has a number of
moderately successful private practice and thugs and technicians working for him.
wrote a series of papers about the anatomy of
the central nervous system that were published Cole is pursuing his research, using the island
in the 'Lancet' as a base of operations. Eventually, he will
begin using the island's inhabitants as test
Dr. Cole vanished from London sometime in subjects, but he hasn't gotten to that stage
June of 1871. Details are sketchy, but it yet.
appears that he was under investigation for
conducting radical experimental medical Name: Dr. Trajan Cole (Wild Card)
treatments. At least two of Cole's patients
died and the several more were hospitalized Agility: d6, Smarts: d12, Spirit: d10, Strength:
under mysterious circumstances. However, no d6, Vigor: d12+2
formal charges were every filed against Dr. Toughness: 9, Parry: 5, Charisma: 0, Pace 6
Cole. + 1D6
In the mid-to-late 1870s, Dr. Cole was named Boating: d6, Climbing: d4, Driving d6,
as an associate of the infamous Captain Nemo. Fighting: d6, Guts: d10, Healing: d12,
He was apparently the ship's doctor on at least Intimidation: d6, Notice: d6, Persuasion d8,
one voyage of the 'Nautilus'. After the Riding d4, Shooting: d8, Stealth: d6,
disappearance of Captain Nemo (ca. 1878-79), Streetwise: d6, Swimming: d6, Throwing: d4,
Dr. Cole was arrested by the British authorities Knowledge Skill(Rippertech) d12, Knowledge
in India. Skill(Hypnosis) d12
It was eventually determined that Dr. Cole was Edges: Improved Nerves of Steel, Harder to
not involved in Nemo's later attacks on ships Kill, Accomplished Surgeon, Very Rich.
of the Royal Navy and he was released six
months after his arrest. Hindrances: Quirk (insane -- but good at
hiding it, major),, Vow (discover the secret of
Newspaper reports place Dr. Cole in Hong immortality, major), Quirk (alarming
Kong during the late 1880s. Specifics of his unblinking stare, minor).
activities in Hong Kong are not available.
However he was one of several people Cole's Motivations
questioned concerning a so-called 'resurrection
scheme' (in which corpses were stolen from Cole is searching for the biggest brass ring of
graves) that occurred at that time. all -- immortality. While he was ship’s doctor
on the Nautilus, Cole and Nemo discussed
Cole Plot Point how the lifespan of many maritime creatures
was unknown, but there was evidence that
The Rippers lodge that the players belong to some of them (sharks for example) might live
will eventually discover that Dr. Cole has for an extremely long time.
purchased a decrepit, abandoned factory that is
located on a sparsely inhabited island just off Eventually, Cole satisfied himself that some
non-mammalian animals were capable of sudden, massive, injection can also work, but
living for centuries. He resolved to learn the that has a big failure -- and death -- rate.
secret of long life and apply it to himself.
After the serum has prepared the way, a
Looking at Dr. Cole's stats, it should be hypnotic process bonds the subject to his new
obvious that he has already modified himself master: Dr. Cole. The hypnosis session
somewhat. Cole works best as a recurring requires at least an hour and a successful
villain. Every time he reappears, he should be Hypnosis knowledge skill roll versus the
a bit less human as he continues to apply the subjects Spirit. A -2 is applied to the subject's
results of his experiments to himself. Spirit roll for every full week that they have
been consuming the serum in their food. If the
Dr. Cole's latest experiment revolves around subject was injected with the serum, her first
creating human-serpent hybrid creatures. rolls a Vigor roll. On a 1, he dies, on a failure
his is incapacitated, on a success he's woozy
Human/Serpent Hybrids. (-2 to all actions), but otherwise fine. And
injected subject has a -2 to is Spirit roll versus
Description: blackish-green scales over most the hypnosis roll
of the body, with a yellowish-green scaled
belly, two forearms with three-fingered hands
and thick black claws, no legs. They are The 'Sea-Walkers'
capable of ‘upright’ locomotion by using their
powerful lower bodies to hold their upper 'Sea-Walker' is a slang term for submersibles
body erect while slithering on their lower half. based on the designs of Delwin Walker -- who
was in term influenced by Nemo. Those
Poisonous bite is awkward to use and a hybrid submarines use diesel engines while running
will normally depend on his claws instead. on the surface and batteries while submerged.
They are nowhere near as efficient as the
The hybrids are amphibious -- suggesting a 'Nautilus', but in 1892 they are about two
sea-snake component in their makeup. decades ahead of their time relative to actual
Agility: d4, Smarts: d4, Spirit: d6, Strength:
d10, Vigor: d10 Mr. Delwin Walker was a wealthy, eccentric,
Toughness: 8(1), Parry: 6, Charisma: 0, Pace: and brilliant engineer and ship's architect who
Land -- 4 + 1d4, Water -- 8 + 1D6. advised Nemo while Nemo was building both
Fighting 8, Guts 6, Notice 6, Swimming 8 the 'Anemone' and the 'Nautilus'. Mr. Walker
Aquatic, +1 Armor, Fear, Infravision, didn't know the secret of Nemo's power
Poisonous. source, but Nemo did share with Walker much
Attacks: Claws -- Str + 2, Bite -- Str + Poison. of his practical knowledge about submersible
Note that the poisonous bite is awkward to design. Mr. Walker began developing his own
use: -2 to Fighting die roll. submersibles after Nemo vanished.

The Circe Formula The 'Shark' (a typical Sea-Walker), 100 feet

long by 18 feet wide.
During his travels in southwest Asia, Dr. Cole
has developed / rediscovered a process for Acc/Top Speed 2/8 (20 mph) on the surface,
turning people into his obedient servants. 1/4 (10 mph) underwater.
Toughness 10(2); Crew 12; Cost L10,000.
It involves a combination of a special serum Air Supply -- at first, this was limited to
and hypnosis. The safest and surest way to whatever air was in the boat when it dove.
administer the serum is via long-term ingestion Later on, a 1000 man-hour compressed air
(the equivalent of a tablespoon a day). A supply was added.
Heavy Armor -- Heavy advantage. That's when Harding heard of a man named
Snorkel -- developed 50 years ahead of it's Walker and his ideas about underwater ships
time. The snorkel allows the 'Shark' to run that would at least partially replicate the
underwater without expending its compressed abilities of the legendary 'Nautilus'. Harding
air supply -- as long as the submarine remains contacted Walker and ingratiated himself with
very near the surface. the engineer. Eventually, Harding became
Walker's most trusted sea officer. When the
A Sea-Walker uses its diesel engine while on 'Shark' (the first of Walker's submarines) put
the surface. Underwater, the submarine runs out to sea on her maiden voyage, Harding was
on batteries (with a significant reduction of at the helm.
speed). The batteries can be recharged via the
diesel engine. It would be suicide to try to use Captain Harding bided his time until he knew
the diesel engine underwater as that would almost everything that Walker had learned
quickly exhaust the sub’s air supply. These about submarine design. Then he murdered
boats also have a compressor that allows them Walker, slaughtered the engineers and
to recharge their air tanks, but the diesel workmen at Walker's laboratory, stole or
engine has to be used for recharging the air destroyed every scrap of paper that had any
supply. details about building submarines, and
dynamited and burned Walker's lab and
construction facility.
The Kings Under the Sea
Then Harding and his cronies took the 'Sea
The story of the Kings Under the Sea begins King' (a converted small freighter that Walker
with Captain Elias Harding. Harding was the used as a submarine tender), the 'Shark', and
young captain of a Confederate commerce the rest of Walker's submersibles to sea.
raider in the Civil War. During the war, he Within weeks, the age of undersea piracy had
was noted for his brutality (he tended to begun.
massacre the crews of the ships he captured).
Harding vanished after the war and ended up Modus Operandi -- Sea-Walkers have a fairly
in the South Pacific, where he continued his short range of about 500 miles on a full load of
violent career on a much smaller (but no less diesel fuel. So they tend to depend a lot on
brutal) scale. When the Royal Navy began surface ships that act as ‘tenders’. A Sea-
aggressively pursuing him and his crew, Walker usually sneaks up on target vessels
Harding vanished yet again. This time, he while submerged and then surfaces in order to
turned up in the Atlantic. Under the guise of a attack. Normally the pirates use machine guns
new and more respectable identity, Harding to sweep the decks of the ships that they are
turned to smuggling. But smuggling wasn't attacking and then board. Up to a dozen extra
enough for Harding. He yearned for the men can be packed into a typical Sea-Walker
freedom, violence, and bloodshed of piracy. if extra fighting-men are needed, but that
Unfortunately, the days of true buccaneering makes life aboard a Sea-Walker pretty
were long, long, gone in a modern world in uncomfortable and that’s only done for short
which the seas were seemingly filled with periods of time.
The Sea-Walkers were not designed for
As far as Harding was concerned, the only torpedo warfare. But Captain Harding is
man who was really his own master was Nemo experimenting with the subject. Likewise,
-- and Nemo was making the mistake of being they weren’t designed to support deck guns.
political. Why, if Harding had command of But Harding and his thugs are experimenting
the 'Nautilus', he wouldn't waste his time with that as well.
attacking warships!
Of particular interest to Harding is a weapon
called a ‘Dynamite Gun’. A Dynamite Gun Heinrich Baden: Vampire Captain
uses compressed air to throw encapsulated
dynamite charges at a target. Use the Baden is a former sea captain who was made
dynamite rules from Savage Worlds (up to six into a vampire in the late 16th century. Baden
sticks of dynamite to a charge) with short- has always had a nautical bent despite his
medium-long ranges defined as 24"/48"/96". vampiric nature.
Since the technology is new and employing
such a weapon from a Sea-Walker is an Baden has renamed the 'Seahorse'. It is now
experimental process, a -2 to any Shooting called the 'Lightless'. The schooner that Baden
rolls seems reasonable. However, Captain was traveling on is now the tender for the
Harding and his crews will undoubtedly be 'Lightless'. The schooner poses as an inter-
getting better with their new toy with time. island trader and has a crew of human
miscreants who are very, very well paid by
The ‘Lightless’
The 'Lightless' is the unspoken terror of the
A few months back, a Sea-Walker called the Caribbean. Baden is relentlessly taking ships
‘Seahorse’ was lost off the coast of Florida. and raiding isolated villages and islands. He
Captain Harding doesn’t know what happened doesn't leave many survivors in the wake of
to the ‘Seahorse’. It simply didn’t return to its his attacks. The United States and the major
tender. colonial powers of the Caribbean know that
something is terribly amiss, but they have no
Actually, the ‘Seahorse’ was having a pretty idea of the nature of the threat that they are
successful cruise right up until it boarded a facing.
schooner that was becalmed off of Miami.
The raiding party from the ‘Seahorse’ was Depending on level of your players, I would
surprised to find that the schooner seemed to recommend running Baden and his crew one
be abandoned. Searching the schooner, they of several ways:
discovered that it was carrying a cargo from
Kiel to New Orleans. According to the log, If the players are extremely powerful, then I
the crossing had been extremely slow -- would make Baden a Vampire Count (as per
hampered by slow winds and a rudder problem the Rippers rules) and the officers and crew of
that took days to fix. Entries into the log the 'Lightless' would be normal Vampires.
ended weeks before, when the schooner was
still in the mid-Atlantic. There was no Since a dozen-plus Vampires would obviously
mention of what had happened to the crew. be a considerable handful for any group of
PCs, other options that you might try would
About then, with the ‘Seahorse’ tied up be:
alongside the schooner and the pirates
scattered all over both vessels, the vampire 1) Baden is slightly improved standard
who was hiding in the hold began picking off Vampire. The crew of the 'Lightless'
the pirates. It didn’t take him very. consist of one to three additional Vampires
and something like a dozen zombies.
The ‘Seahorse’ is still in the piracy business. 2) Baden is a standard Vampire and his crew
It even has the same crew. But the submarine consists of a few human officers and
has a new Captain and a new name and the additional zombies.
crew isn’t human any longer.

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