نصوص أثرية (2

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2022 / 11 / 11 : ‫تاريخ االمتحان‬ ‫امتحان الفصل الدراسى األول‬ ‫سوهاج‬ : ‫الجامعة‬

00 : ‫الزمن‬ 2021 / ‫م‬2020 ‫اآلثار‬ : ‫الكلية‬

00 : ‫الدرجة‬ ‫الثانية‬ : ‫الفرقة‬
‫سؤاالن إجباري‬ ‫عدد األسئلة‬ ) 2(‫نصوص أثرية بلغة أوربية‬ : ‫المقرر‬
‫صفحتان‬ ‫عدد الصفحات‬

:‫رقم الجلوس‬ :‫اسم الطالب‬

: ‫أجب عن السؤالين اآلتيين‬

: ‫ اختر اإلجابة الصحيحة لكل من العبارات اآلتية‬:‫ السؤال الأول‬

The primary building material In many areas of

the Islamic world
6‫س‬ Architecture in the Egyptian province of the
Abbasid Caliphate followed the royal style of
‫أ‬ Persian Muslim empire's capital .
‫ب‬ Coptic empire's capital
‫ج‬ ,Byzantine empire's capital
‫د‬ ,Muslim empire's capital
The restoration works of Sultan Lajin at Ibn
Tulun mosque included
7‫س‬ Original inscription slab on one of the piers in
the sanctuary of the mosque of Ibn Tulun bears
Soffites of arches.
‫أ‬ foundation date .
The minaret .
‫ب‬ Restoration date .
The Vaulte .
‫ج‬ Demolished date .
The arch .
‫د‬ Death date .
Ibn Tulun built a minaret with an
8‫س‬ The largest arcaded hall of Ibn Tulun mosque
is built of.
Outer staircase.
‫أ‬ Stone.
Iner staircase
‫ب‬ Brick
Internal staircase
‫ج‬ Masanry.
Islamic staircase
‫د‬ Marble.
decorations of Ibn Tulun's mosque show the
remaining influence of of Byzantine rule and the
9‫س‬ The mosque of Ibn Tulun has nineteen doors on
Samarran political hegemony .
‫أ‬ Three sides .
Greek rule.
‫ب‬ Two sides .
Cairen political hegemony
‫ج‬ Four sides .
Damascus political hegemony
‫د‬ One sides .
In the thirteenth century, when the
neighborhood had fallen into decay, the mosque
10‫س‬ The upper part of Ibn Tulun mosque wall is
pierced with pointed-arch windows flanked with
of Ibn Tulun was used as a
Lunatic asylum.
‫أ‬ Arcades .
Factory .
‫ب‬ Colonades.
Caravanserai .
‫ج‬ Colonnettes .
Market area .
‫د‬ Wood work.

3 - 2 ‫الصفحة‬
‫) أمام العبارات اآلتية‬( ‫ ضع عالمة (√) أو عالمة‬:‫ السؤال الثاني‬
F T ‫العبارة‬
.The arch is a method of vaulting area between two walls, columns or piers -1

. Circular vaulted construction used as a means of roofing is a domical vault -2

Goggled voussoirs is a term used to describe a method of construction where stones in -3

.an arch or composite lintel are interlocked
Squinch is a small arcade in the corner of a building that converts a square space to -4
..an octagonal area which may then be covered with a dome
Decorative plasterwork used in architecture is a stucco -5

. Splendor is meaning grand beauty-6

The Nlometer at Rawda island has an important function was to measure the annual -7
Nile flood in August-September
The Nilometer at Rawda island consists of a pit on the southern tip of Rawda Island -8

. The walls of the Rawda Nilometer have carved statues -9

.The mosque of Ibn Tulun is built around a courtyard with four arcaded halls (riwaq) -10

)‫(انتهت األسئلة‬
‫مع خالص الدعاء بالتوفيق والنجاح‬
‫أشرف سيد محمد‬/‫األستاذ الدكتور‬

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