The Sumerian Creation Poem, Serpent Mythology, Petroglyphs and The Orb Bar Wave Theory

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The Sumerian Creation Poem, Serpent Mythology, Petroglyphs and The Orb Bar Wave Theory.

When I was asked to write this article I thought heck! I have to trundle through twenty years of research into what I now call the energy of creation. Any one of the theories generated from the research I could write a book on. On reading such a book, it would leave the readers scratching their heads. Some of this research was published in 2006 in a boring book called Orbs, Energy and Mists, The Secrets of the Ancients. To be honest, in this sound bite, fast moving society, nobody wants to troll through the evidence. They want quick and easily understood concepts. The research into the orb bar wave will not give up its secrets that easily and why would it. Its been lost for four thousand years. For those who bother to look, they will find themselves turning away, for it will challenge much of todays current thinking. The problem occurs when people refuse to see the evidence. Its like the concept popularized by Carl Sagan "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" (1934 - 1996). This statement has proved itself wrong. I hold such extraordinary evidence. I have sent it to scientists and specialists, who enter initial correspondence. Once I show them the data, they generally deny what is right in front of them. I suppose Upton Sinclair nailed it in saying "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" Because of these attitudes and extensive nature to this research, it has left me wondering what I would write about. Since the book in 2006, which is based upon that research period, I have spent my time sourcing evidence that add further weight to the observations of the orb bar wave. This evidence comes from many sources. It extends into ancient mythology, to collecting geological samples, the study of quantum mechanics, in fact it touches everything. In understanding the process of the Orb Bar Wave, ancient mythology such as the serpent and the cosmic egg become obvious. It is simple to explain but difficult to accept. In a higher magnetic field we saw the gods..these gods were the processes of life and the creation. The shape changing dragon can be seen in my data. The I Ching bars that open and close are also there. If I suggested that some of these ancient gods were fundamental in understanding the missing massless particles, people would laugh! This creative force was seen in the Bronze Age but was lost during the magnetic decline of the past 5 thousand years. For mankind to regain this connection with the creative force and its processes, the Earths rotation (prediction from the data) would need to quicken, thus increasing the earths magnetic field. These conditions will then charge the massless, illuminating some of the processes that we have observed during the past ten years. In truth, what we have observed could be the tip of the iceberg. Our research suggests that these events were seen in the skies during the Bronze Age and subsequently recorded by our ancient ancestors as Petroglyphs. Not only that, but if our understanding of the data is correct, the Kachina gods will unmask and dance in the plaza. This could be a challenging time for mankind, the descending gods of Mayans and the revealing concept contained

throughout the worlds religion, will once again be seen, as it was during the last solar minimum. So what was occurring during the Maunder Minimum that makes me so sure? Images of the 16th century Hanz Glaiser woodcuts and the villagers account are available to purchase from Zurich Central Library. It is included in The Wickiana Collection. These accounts recall what was seen in the skies. Many of these processes correspond with our findings. You can imagine how pleased we were to find these accounts which matched our digital data. Both photographic and digital data suggested this would occur. Finding this second data source confirmed that our theory was correct. It didnt take long to find additional accounts and evidence. One of these accounts includes the bars that dropped out of their tail,closed string spheres. In the first of the two Hanz Glaiser accounts, they are referred to as globes, orbs, and spheres. These observations were discussed in our 2004-6 series of initial talks. I suggested if the theory was right such accounts would be found throughout history. The villagers account, recorded by Hanz, also recalls the Orb Bar Wave coming from the direction of the sun, this ties into Frank Josephs research into the Mayan 2012 glyphs carved at the Tortuguero Site. He suggests these nine support gods are called B'olon-Yokte,' which will appear in 2012 from the direction of the sun. We are currently in a solar minimum, so the conditions for this to occur are in place, as we predicted. What is also recorded in these accounts is that the spheres fell from the skies and then exploded. This was the mechanism we were looking for. It eventually answered the question How did the orb bar wave gain mass? It also solved this problem within the theory. At this point I must say I am humbled by what our ancient ancestors knew. We are playing catch up. The Orb Fulgurite Theory was born from this understanding and as predicted, these spheres known by the Hopi as Thunderballs were seen during solar minimums and volcanic activity falling from the skies. I use the following analogy to explain the theory. Imagine a transparent balloon, which could not be seen. If you then rubbed it against your hair, it gains charge. In this charged state, the orb, represented by the balloon can be recorded by digital photography and video, but it still could not be seen by the eye. This balloon would stick to things. As a child, I would do this and stick it to the ceiling or walls. If you threw talcum powder into the air it would stick to the balloons charge. Its at this point it could be seen. Dust, volcanic ash, tephra, all add particles and charge into the atmosphere. This is why the earthlights occur over ash clouds of volcanoes. If positive lightening hits the covered

balloon (orb) it would fuse to the surface and fall from the skies. This process also accounts for ball lightening. Here is an account of one of these events. It occurred at the end of the eruption cycle of Lassen Peak which lasted until 1921. In November 1921, rocks began to fall
from the sky over the town of Chico, California. J.W. Charge, the owner of a grain warehouse along the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks, complained to City Marshal J.A. Peck that someone was throwing rocks at his building everyday. Peck, believing it was nothing more than local youngsters playing pranks on the man, paid little attention to the report. His conclusions, after a very brief investigation, were that he had seen the stones fall but could not explain them. He suspected that someone with a machine was to blame. The stones remained a nuisance to Charge but were largely ignored by everyone else until a few months later, on March 8, 1922. On that day, stones ranging in size from peas to baseballs came raining down on the warehouse, seemingly from nowhere. They continued to fall for days and a search by police officers of the area failed to find anyone throwing the rocks.

It continues The fall of stones continued throughout most of the rest of the month, attracting a large amount of publicity and a number of curiosity-seekers. The origin of the stones was never solved but a Professor C.K. Studley added to reports by saying that some of the rocks were so large that they could not be thrown by ordinary means. He also noted that they did not seem to be of meteoric nature. The famous chronicler of anomalies Charles Fort asked a friend, writer Miriam Allen deFord, to go to Chico to investigate personally. Throughout March a series of articles appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle and the rocks were described as being warm and oval-shaped. Miriam Allen de Ford, wrote: I looked up in the cloudless sky and suddenly saw a rock falling straight down, as if becoming visible when it came near enough. This rock struck the earth with a thud and bounced off on the track beside the warehouse, and I could not find it. She also stated that at one point a rock fell from the sky to land gently at my feet.

The current science model needs to be improved, by removing the outdated belief, that gravity formed the planets and their positions.

The Enuma Elish is the ancient Sumerian Creation story .This can be understood in conjunction with the observations we have made. The union between the sky pivot and earth pivot gods of the Enuma Elish formed their off spring Earth (ki) and Anu which is translated as the sky or Heavens. This surprisingly backs up our findings and forms part of another science theory. This process will lead to an understanding of these rotating energy points, which bring the massless into the universe. These are the mechanisms which drive the universal rotation and form the planets position. For this to be accepted the Orb Bar Wave would need to be observed for long periods. It is only through the long term visual observations that we will have any movement within the current gravity based theories. This will ultimately lead to a growing up of string theory (sorry for the joke). It will result in the understanding that the cosmic serpents are the same strings within the String Theory Model. What is also surprising is that the Sumerian cuneiform clay tablets, recall these accounts and the mechanisms. These cuneiform tablets are one of the oldest writing systems in the world. It suggests these pivots or rotational points (gods), give rise to the cosmic serpents and planets. This research has taken me on my own personal discovery. If I had met, the me of today, twenty years ago I would have considered that person strange. I probably would have laughed at such concepts as a loving sky serpent forming the planets and also distributed energy throughout the universe. What is also surprising is that the serpent seemed to be somewhat conscious. You only have to look at one of the perfect masters to realise that they understood this concept as well. Many Christians caught up in religious dogma struggle which the fact that Christ said "be ye therefore wise as serpents This 'Rainbow Serpent' is generally and variously identified by those who tell 'Rainbow Serpent' myths, as a snake of some enormous size often living within the deepest waterholes of many of Australia's waterways; it descended from that larger being visible as a dark streak in the Milky Way, it reveals itself to people in this world as a rainbow as it moves through water and rain, shaping landscapes, naming and singing of places, swallowing and sometimes drowning people; strengthening the knowledgeable with rainmaking and healing powers; blighting others with sores, weakness, illness, and death Our science world suggests that the Aboriginal, Sumerian, American Indian had no contact in prehistory. In fact if this is true, it would rule out cross cultural pollination of ideas. The only conclusions that I can make of this world wide understanding of the serpents action within the creation, is that it was seen. I am not sure why astrophysicists have not made this association or at least questioned it. Why is it that the forms of the serpent look like they could be associated with the energy of creation (String Theory)? Why in ancient mythology are theses processes described as a creative force which is serpent like? We will eventually go full circle and return to the understanding that is contained within the Secrets of Hermes. It is all there in the mythology. This concept of as above so below will help us gain sanity within modern science theory. These theories gain greater and greater complexity every time the observation does not fit in; it eventually will lead science into blind alleys.

THE DIVINE SERPENT IN MYTH and LEGEND Robert T. Mason, Ph.D., D.D. (JUNE 1999) It is a wonderful piece of work, the conclusions and observations undertaken in the past decade make this fairly easy to interpret, but then again who else would understand an egg entering into the tail of a serpent leaving its mouth and forming a planet. its no wonder this mythology has not been taken seriously

Here is an extract Before the boat is the great serpent Ankh-neteru, and twelve amikhiu gods, taking hold of the tow line, enter this serpent at the tail, and drawing the god in his boat through the body of the serpent, bring him out at his mouth. During his passage through the serpent, Afu Ra is transformed into Khepera [ the ancient god associated with the creation of the world] and is now towed into the sky by 12 goddesses." The Egyptians also adopted the ancient Persian god Azhi Dahaka, the sky serpent who formed all of the observable heavenly planets. Over time The Orb Fulgurite theory was extended to include planets and moons within the Orb Bar Wave theory of creation. You can imagine the great pleasure I had in reading Dr Robert T. Masons many years later which provided further evidence that world wide mythology also knew this process. I became certain many years earlier when predictions, generated from the theories kept coming true. The following is one such example in planets where there is a magnetic field and volcanic action, spheroids of varying size would be seen on the surface. The golf ball crater on Mars confirmed this prediction; furthermore it was estimated to be nearly 200 meters in diameter. Everywhere I looked, the predictions came true, even the bars that became fused were found. These have been described as monoliths, the one on Mars stands over 7 kilometres high. The features on the surface of the orb can also be seen fused to the surface of planets and moons; there, three parallel ridges of Iapetus, the so called ridge and impact crater of Mimas are identical. If anyone wants to view more of these fused orb planets, I have a picture account on the internet. So if we have planetary motion and the planets as the greater gods, what are these support or lesser gods? The Hopi have their kachina spirit beings in western Pueblo cosmology. Are these linked to the lesser gods contained within the Enma Elis?

Muyingwa is one of the kachina (alternately spelled Katsinam) responsible for the germination of seeds. Alosaka is another kachina responsible for growth of crops, and possibly an alternate name or alternate aspect of Muyingwa Wikipedia O Asari, "Bestower of planting," "Founder of sowing" "Creator of grain and plants," "who caused the green herb to spring up!" Enma Eli In early 2000 we recorded a series of sequenced images, they baffled me. They were taken in late winter before the sap had risen. Over the years, I collected many images of orbs attached to trees. It was in this process of observation that I first recognised the web and strand effect. I also began to notice a pattern occurring. A few years later I captured an image in a lightening storm. There were two orbs attached to a pine tree. I suppose I had to give in to the idea that these creative forces interfaced with nature providing energy for germination, sap to rise and life itself ! This gradual acceptance of the data led me to look at ancient mythology to see if there were any records suggesting energetic interaction with nature. This again was present in the ancient mythology called tree spirits. And so we come to the rock art. Firstly I would like to say how important the preservation of Petroglyphs are .They hold the history of mankind, they are far more important to preserve, than the churches, castles or the stately homes of Britain. These monuments receive so much lottery funding and yet were used to enslave its people. I think the Bradshaw Foundation should be a major recipient of such funding. There are many such organisations but I think the Scandinavian Society for Prehistoric Art and the Tanum Museum of Rock Carvings use the best methods of preserving these ancient recordings from our ancestors. Rather than taking rubbings which over time erodes the surface, they use soluble paint to highlight the indentations/features of the Petroglyphs and then photograph them. This is a more expensive procedure but it produces more accurate images. Anyone who wishes to donate to this organisation can do so. The contact is Dr. Gerhard Milstreu Tanum Rock Art Museum Centre for Documentation and Research

I have emailed him with my findings. There was little interest. I even offered my support by working with one of his masters student, giving free access to my research. This is how good science should work. To date, I have not had an acceptance to this offer. I even suggested the title to the possible dissertation Bronze age healing, modern energy work and rock art. Although great differences exist between my research and his, which is to be expected as he knows nothing of this the Orb Bar Wave process. There is one thing I can say, the preservation and cataloguing work is essential. This documentation will help mankind through the transition, when this process returns to our skies. It has taken me twenty years to come to terms with the results of my research. I cannot expect acceptance. I know how much I was challenged by the observations. The mythology proved the observations were correct so until it is seen again, I will be on my own and subject to the violent opposition known to groundbreakers of the science world. So whats new! As for the concept of healing in ancient times, recent findings suggest Stonehenge was used for that same purpose. The healing circle comes from such an old source its origins are almost forgotten. Many of these understandings are remembered in the oral traditions of their culture. But the true understanding of what was meant has been lost through time. To explain the above image I should back track to the early nineties. After my near death experiences, I found I could use energy; it took many years to understand. I generally do not talk of such things; it tends to undermine the effort and hard work I have put in. To the science world any one who suggests they can use this energy of creation, is some kind of fruitcake or crackpot. There were times when I felt that also, it made me feel so alone. You can imagine the tears I shed when I found the Petroglyph of the ancient healer. They even had carved the distinct form of the Hook Web Orb which attaches to the hand and delivers energy through the web or strand.

Science portrays these ancient ancestors as savages that would kill anything that moved. This is the insanity of our current age. This psychological projection backwards through time serves no one. Thus, the truth is the casualty. A final thought for the readers. If this process unfolds in the skies, do not believe the Hollywood brainwashing that has been designed to create fear. What you are seeing is just Prana, Chi or life-force displaying its actions.

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