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1. Are there justifiable reasons that lead people to clone their loved ones?
Ans: Hedonism theory is applied here. People clone their relatives and loved ones because they
love them and by cloning, this will give them happiness in their lives and they will be able
to meet them again in their lives.
2. Is Mrs. Kaggwa justified in wanting to clone her son?
Ans: Mrs. Kaggwa may or may not be justified in wanting to clone her son. Deontological theory
is used in this question. She does not concern about the consequences of this action but
rather with the will of the action, this is justified. She loved his son and by doing cloning she
will be able to meet him again.

3. Do you think the Kaggwa’s son, if successfully cloned, will be the same as the dead son?
Ans: If Kaggwa’s son will successfully cloned, it will not be same as dead one, because human
cloning is a term used to refer artificial human cloning, which is the reproduction of human
cells and tissues. It does not refers to the natural conception and delivery of identical twins.
4. What compelling reasons can Professor Wesley give to justify cloning the Kaggwa’s son?
Ans: He is a brilliant professor with an enviable track record of medical successes. He has carried
dozens of high-risk medical operations successfully. Also he has led pioneering research in
cloning and if he get a human body to perform this will give him a convincing push.
Kaggwa’s son is dead and she wanted to bring him back so she will be convinced by the
justifications given by Professor Wesley medical track.
5. Do you subscribe to such reasoning?
Ans: No, i will not subscribe to such reasoning. Firstly i am a Muslim and my religion does not
allow me to do this. Secondly Professor Wesley has no experience in cloning of Human
Being’s. This will be his first experience of human cloning, so I cannot subscribe.
6. What are the pros and cons of human cloning?
Ans: Pros:
 We will be able to create tissues and organs that doctors can use when needed for

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 Bringing back extinct species.
 Cloning livestock for food.
 If original organism has genetic defects, these will be transfers to the as copy of the
 Major issue of human cloning is the strong ethical, religious and social issue going down
this path would create.

7. Animal cloning is now routine. Why has there been no organized opposition to it?
Ans: In our society animals are not treated as human beings. They are not given their basic
rights. So cloning of animal is justified in our society and is not considered unethical
in anyway. Deontological theory is used in this question, because people are doing this for
good of others.

Scenario – Illegal Use

As given in the scenario the person is using a piece of SW for 12 months, and claiming that he
was only evaluating it. The conduct of the person is not ethical according to ethical decision
making theories.
Egoism which is a type of Consequentialism theory is applied here. The person is putting his
individual interest above everything else. By using this SW he was doing his work which is illegal
because he was using SW without the permission of the author. This action is giving him
maximum benefit and he does not care about the loss of the author.
Deontological theory is also applicable in this scenario. He does not concern with the
consequence of his action. It might be possible that he is using this SW for some good thing that
provides benefit to the society, so the will of his action is good.

Scenario – Vaporware
The conduct of the larger company is completely unethical, because larger company only
whispers to decrease or halt the sale the sale of new emerging company, so new company
cannot compete with them in future. Also the larger company did not release the product which
they whispers to launch.
Through their false statement they not only fooled the public but also results in closure of the
new company.
Relativism ethical theory is used in this scenario. It may be right according to the individuals of
that company. It may be morally right to one norms and ethics.

Scenario – Whistle Blower

Mr. X did not behave in ethical manner. I did not hire him in my company. He is not following
ethical theories of decision making in doing this action.

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The first ethical theory he is not following is Deontological theory. Deontology is based on a
belief that if one acts to fulfil his desires then they are not acting out of moral motive. He had no
good reason to do this action.
Egoism which is a type of Consequentialism theory also comes under this scenario. He is putting
his own interest first rather than the society or other individuals. He did not tell to anyone in fear
of losing his job.

Scenario – Trade Secrets

I am not agree with Mr. X’s ethics and I did not hire in my company.
Utilitarianism which is a type of Consequentialism theory of ethics is applied in this scenario.
Utilitarianism judges the morality of an act by the good or bad consequences to the social
welfare. An act is moral when it does the most good for the largest number of people. Following
this scenario Mr. X is using trade secrets of BSoft for his own interest i.e; for new job in Super
Soft, which is completely unethical.
Hedonism theory of ethical decision making is applicable here. It refers that happiness is the
only good thing in human life, he is doing this for maximum pleasure in his life.

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