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Lección preliminar


Nueva York
•Introduce lesson theme: ¡Hola!
• Culture: Learn about New York City’s
Hispanic population and its cultural
celebrations. Tema:
Presentation Strategies
• Ask students to study the photos on this
spread, identify the city, and tell what
they know about it. ¡AVANZA! Let’s get started
• Ask students to talk about their initial
impression of the city. Have them make • greet people and say goodbye
a list of four important aspects of New • introduce yourself and others
York City. • say where youhowaretofrom
ask and say spell names
• Have students talk about cultural • exchange phone numbers
celebrations in their own area and • say what day of the week it is
compare them to those in New York City.
• describe the weather
• respond to classroom instructions
2.1 Compare practices and perspectives

4.2 Compare cultures

Exploring the Theme

Ask the following:
1. Is the architecture of the buildings seen
here similar to buildings in your area? A performer wearing the colors Dominican dancers in colorful
2. Have you ever visited any area with this of the Puerto Rican flag costumes
type of architecture? Do you like these
buildings? Why or why not? Nueva York New York City has the largest
Hispanic population of any city in the nation.
3. Think of the parades in the area where During its annual Hispanic Day Parade, colorful
you live. What is the occasion for these floats, bands, costumed dancers, and flags from
celebrations? What do the people that Spanish-speaking countries fill Fifth Avenue.
participate in the parade wear? What do What cultural celebrations are there in your area?
they do?

Lección preliminar

Differentiating Instruction
1_WNLSSE861213_prelim.indd 28 25/01/16 1_W

Multiple Intelligences Heritage Language Learners

Visual Learners Students who are visual Support What They Know Ask Spanish-
learners learn better when provided with speaking students to talk about their
visual input: photos, drawings, shapes, experiences attending a parade in their
colors, etc. Encourage these students to country of origin. What was the occasion for
create vocabulary flashcards with drawings, the parade? Where and when did it take
magazine cutouts, or color coding to help place? Who participated in the parade? What
them remember the meanings of words. did the participants wear? What were they
doing? Were there floats? Who attended the
Lección preliminar

Listen to weather reports and With your classmates, Give your personal
identify regional conditions. introduce yourself and information to someone.
others, and say where you
Read a phone directory and Write a comic-strip
identify individual phone
are from.
conversation. D I G I TA L S PA N I S H
numbers. Write an e-mail to a new

•Interactive Whiteboard Activities
•Generate Success!

•Online Workbook
•Spanish InterActive Reader
•Integrated Performance Assessments


•Holt McDougal Spanish Apps
•¡Avancemos! eTextbook

Using the Photo

Location Information
New York City lies about 100 miles south of
Boston at the mouth of the Hudson River
with more than eight million residents. It is
divided into five boroughs. Most Americans
A view of Lower Manhattan are familiar with their names: the Bronx,
from the East River Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and
New York, New York Nueva York Manhattan.
uno 1
Expanded Information
Differentiating Instruction Spanish-speaking Population Approximately
08 PM 1 19/02/16 4:01 PM one in eight people in the U.S. is of Latin
English Learners Slower-paced Learners American origin. New York City has the
Build Background Students whose first Personalize It Have students express their highest Spanish-speaking population of any
language is not English may need extra opinions about the photos. U.S. city. Puerto Ricans make up almost 40
support with the information on these percent of the Latin American population in
pages. Inform them that New York is very New York City. While Spanish-speaking
diverse, meaning that people of many people in the southwestern part of the U.S.
different backgrounds live there. Ask primarily come from Mexico, New York City
students what their images and impressions draws people from Puerto Rico, the
of this city are. Dominican Republic, and other areas of the
Lección Preliminar
¡AVANZA! Goal: Learn that friends and family in Spanish-speaking countries often greet each other with
¡AVANZA! Objectives a kiss on the cheek, a hug, or a handshake. In formal settings, like a job, or when meeting for the
• Present vocabulary: greetings and saying first time, people shake hands. Practice expressions and gestures to greet and say goodbye to
goodbye. people. Actividades 1–3
• Check for recognition.
Core Resource A
¿Cómo estás?
• Audio Program TXT CD 1 tracks 1, 2
Presentation Strategies Bien.
AUDIO ¿Y tú? Mal.
• Tell students that the ¡Avanza! sets the
goals for each segment and that the Para
y piensa is a self-check to see if they have
accomplished those goals.
• Ask students how they greet the following
people: a friend, a teacher, a parent of a
• Have students look at the photos on
pp. 2–3 and ask them to point out any
similarities and differences they notice
between greeting styles in Spanish- B Juan: ¡Hola, Miguel! ¿Qué tal?
speaking cultures and those in English- Miguel: Hola, ¿qué pasa?
speaking cultures.
• Point to each photo on the spread, and
ask students to guess in English what the
people are saying. Are the greetings
casual? Are they formal? Do they take
place in the morning? In the afternoon?
• Play the audio as students read A–H.

1.2 Understand language

Pair Work
C Juan: ¡Hasta luego, Ana! D Srta. Daza: Adiós.
Students should go around the room and Ana: Hasta luego. Sr. Ortega: Adiós, señorita.
practice the mini-conversations on this
spread with their classmates. They should Lección preliminar
shake hands or wave goodbye as they 2 dos
engage in conversation. After the mini-
conversation, each one should raise his/her Differentiating Instruction
hand and switch partners with someone else 1_WNLSSE861213_prelim.indd 2 2/1/16 1_W
who has a hand raised. Time this activity for English Learners Multiple Intelligences
five minutes to give students time to greet
Build Background Explain to students Interpersonal Interpersonal learners enjoy
several classmates.
whose native language is not English the interacting with people and are sensitive to
Students may be fearful of speaking a foreign different gestures English-speaking people use other people’s feelings. Have these students
language, so initially they should not be expected to say hello and goodbye. They wave, shake work with a partner to develop a short
to produce the language in front of the entire hands, hug, or give a kiss on the cheek. Ask role-play. Partners should greet each other,
class. Give them multiple opportunities for students to share the common gestures ask each other how they are, and then say
partner and group practice to help them feel associated with greetings in their culture. Are goodbye. Remind students to use appropriate
more comfortable. they the same or different from those shown gestures and facial expressions to support the
on pp. 2 and 3? meaning of their words.
Lección Preliminar
English Language Connection
Buenos días Although buenos días literally
translates as good days, it is primarily used for
saying good morning. Buenas tardes is used
for good afternoon and buenas noches for
good night, good evening. After going over the
expressions, have students give the
appropriate greeting for the following times
of day: 1. 11:00 a.m.; 2. 8 p.m.; 3. 7 a.m.;
E Sr. Martínez: Buenos días, señora Ramos. 4. 3 p.m. ; 5. 11 p.m.; 6. 1:30 p.m.
F Juan: Buenas tardes. ¿Cómo estás?
¿Cómo está usted? Answers: 1. Buenos días. 2. Buenas noches.
Esteban: Muy bien.
Sra. Ramos: Regular. ¿Y usted? 3. Buenos días. 4. Buenas tardes. 5. Buenas
noches. 6. Buenas tardes.
Sr. Martínez: Más o menos.

Young people in Spanish-speaking countries
have informal ways of greeting each other.
For example, in Mexico they say ¿Qué hubo?
and ¿Qué onda? to express What’s up? or
What’s going on? In Argentina, they use Chau
to say goodbye.

Motivating with Music
s1pe-prelim-042 To practice the concepts presented in the
Lección preliminar, use the ¡AvanzaRap!
G Sra. Acevedo: Hola, buenas noches. H Sr. García: Buenas noches, Diana.
song found on the ¡AvanzaRap! DVD. In
Diana: Buenas noches, señora. Diana: Hasta mañana, señor García.
addition to the animated rap video, you can
also find interactive DVD activities, helpful
¡A responder! Escuchar
teaching suggestions, and activity masters.
Listen to these people greeting and saying goodbye. Wave toward the
front of the room if you hear a greeting or toward the back of the room
if you hear a goodbye.

Lección preliminar
tres 3

Differentiating Instruction
AM 3 25/01/16 2:04 PM

Inclusion Heritage Language Learners

Clear Structure Create the following Support What They Know Ask students to
headings on the board: Hola, ¿Cómo estás? share other greetings that they have heard or Answers Projectable Transparencies, P-34 and P-35
and Adiós. Review the meanings of these used. Are there words and phrases popular ¡A responder! Audio Script, TE p. C25b
words and phrases. Then have students among teenagers to say hi and bye? Ask 1. Students wave toward the front.
organize the vocabulary presented on pp. 2–3 students to model these words and phrases 2. Students wave toward the back.
into these three categories. Which words and for the group. Then have the whole group 3. Students wave toward the back.
phrases can be used to say hello, ask or tell repeat. Encourage all students to practice 4. Students wave toward the front.
5. Students wave toward the front.
how someone is, or say goodbye? these terms when they arrive at or leave 6. Students wave toward the back.
Spanish class.
Leer Complete each expression.
1. ¿Cómo está... a. tal?
Objectives 2. Buenas... b. mañana.
• Practice greetings and saying goodbye. 3. ¿Qué... c. usted?
• Practice familiar and formal greetings. 4. Muy bien... d. tardes.
• Learn to say names in Spanish. 5. Hasta... e. ¿Y usted?
• Pronunciation: Learn about the letter h
in Spanish.
Core Resource 2 ¿Cómo estás?
• Audio Program: TXT CD 1 track 3
Escribir Create a conversation to complete the speech bubbles of this cartoon strip.
Practice Sequence
• Activity 1: Controlled practice: greetings
and farewells
• Activity 2: Transitional practice: greetings
and farewells
• Activity 3: Transitional practice: familiar
and formal greetings
• Pronunciation: Oral comprehension and Expansión
Write a conversation
production of the letter h. in which a teacher and
student greet each
other, ask how each
S TA N DA R D S other is doing, and say
1.1 Engage in conversation, Acts. 2–3
1.3 Present information, Acts. 2–3, PYP

Alejandro Juan Alejandra Juana

Andrés Luis Alicia Luisa
Communication Carlos Manuel Ana María
Interpersonal Mode Cristóbal Mateo Bárbara Marta
Daniel Miguel Carmen Natalia
Read aloud the list of Spanish names and
David Nicolás Carolina Patricia
have students repeat each name. Have each Manuel Isabel
Eduardo Pablo Cristina Raquel
student select a Spanish name and create a Esteban Pedro Diana Rosa
name tag. Then have students go around the Felipe Ramón Elena Sofía
room and greet each other using their new Guillermo Ricardo Emilia Susana
names. Be sure to point out the correct Jaime Roberto Florencia Teresa
pronunciation of Me llamo. It may be helpful Jorge Tomás Gabriela Verónica
to write a phonetic spelling on the board: José Vicente Isabel Yolanda

Lección preliminar
Communication 4 cuatro
Role-Playing and Skits
Differentiating Instruction
Divide students into groups of three or four. 1_WNLSSE861213_prelim.indd 4 1
25/01/16 2:0
Have them prepare mini-dialogues to be Multiple Intelligences Inclusion
presented to the rest of the class. Ask them to
write on the board the time of day that the Visual Learners Have students create a Alphabetic/Phonetic Awareness Model for
conversation occurs so that you, and ¿Cómo estás? poster. The poster should students the pronunciation of Spanish names.
classmates, can check to see if they are using include possible answers to the question, such Point out that even though some names are
the proper greetings. You may wish to assign as bien, muy bien, más o menos, regular, and spelled the same in English and Spanish, they
the time of day to be sure that all greetings mal, as well as a drawing expressing the are pronounced differently. Some examples
besides simply hola are used. meaning of each. For example, students might would include Daniel, David, Diana, and
draw a face with a big smile for muy bien, and Verónica. Invite students to choose names to
a face with a big frown for mal. Display the use in class. They could be similar to or
See Activity Answers on page 5. posters in the classroom for reference. different from their English names.
¿Cómo estás? and ¿Cómo está usted? both mean How are you?
¿Cómo estás? and ¿Y tú? are ¿Cómo está usted? and Nota
familiar phrases used with: ¿Y usted? are formal phrases
used with: In some Spanish-speaking countries, people
• a person your own age
follow the custom of using formal speech to
• a relative • a person you don’t
show respect to parents and grandparents.
• a person you call by
They are taught to use usted when addressing
his or her first name • someone older
an older family member.
Other familiar greetings: • a person to whom you
¿Qué tal? and ¿Qué pasa? want to show respect

✓Ongoing Assessment
3 Buenos días Dictation After practicing the sounds under
the pronunciation heading, dictate the
Hablar According to the time of day, greet your partner as if he or she were
the following people. Use a formal greeting or a familiar greeting, and
following sentences and have students write
appropriate gestures, depending on whom you address. them in their notebooks.
modelo: Sr. (Sra.) Vargas / 7 a.m.
Hola, Hugo. Hasta luego. Hasta mañana.
Hola, Héctor.
A Buenos días, B
señor (señora) Vargas. Muy bien.
¿Cómo está usted?
Get Help Online

1. your best friend / 10 p.m. 5. Sr. (Sra.) Santos / 4 p.m. ✓Ongoing Assessment More Practice
2. the school principal / 2 p.m. 6. your brother/sister / 9 p.m. PARA
Y Quick Check The Para y piensa is a
3. Sr. (Srta.) López / 7 p.m. 7. your coach / 11 a.m. PIENSA
quick self-assessment tool that allows
4. your mother/father / 9 a.m. 8. your Spanish teacher / 10 a.m.
students to evaluate their understanding of
the lesson’s topic. If students have difficulty
with the sentences in Para y piensa, ask them
Pronunciación La letra h to review pp. 2–4.
In Spanish,
AUDIO AUDIO the letter h is always silent.
Listen and repeat. Answers Projectable Transparencies, P-34 and P-35
ha he hi ho hu
hace helado hispano hola humano
Answers for Activities on pp. 4, 5.
Activity 1 1. c; 2. d; 3. a; 4. e; 5. b
¡Hola, Hugo!
Activity 2 Answers will vary.
Hasta mañana, Héctor. Sample answers include:
A. Buenos días, Juan, B. Hola, Pablo.
Get Help Online ¿Cómo estás?
PARA A. Bien. ¿Y tú? B. Mal.
Y Did you get it? 1. Tell a friend good morning. A. Hasta luego. B. Hasta mañana.
PIENSA 2. Ask a friend how he or she is. Activity 3 Answers to each question may
3. Say goodbye to your teacher. include: Muy bien, regular, más o menos.
¿Y tú?
Lección preliminar 1. Buenas noches. ¿Cómo estás?
cinco 5 2. Buenas tardes, señor/señora .
¿Cómo está usted?
3. Buenas noches, señor/señorita López.
Differentiating Instruction ¿Cómo está usted?
03 PM 5 25/01/16 2:02 PM 4. Buenos días. ¿Cómo estás?
Slower-paced Learners Inclusion 5. Buenas tardes, señor/señora Santos.
¿Cómo está usted?
Peer-study Support Have students work Alphabetic/Phonetic Awareness To teach 6. Buenas noches. ¿Cómo estás?
with their partners to create a script for each students the sound of the Spanish letter h, write 7. Buenos días. ¿Cómo está usted?
exchange in Activity 3. Instruct pairs to look the following words on the board: hola, helado, 8. Buenos días, señor/señorita .
at the person and time presented in the hilo, hombre, humano, and hispano. Say each ¿Cómo está usted?
prompt, and then discuss the best greeting aloud, and have students repeat. Then ask Para y piensa
and response to use. Advise them to write students to describe what they notice about the 1. Buenos días.
each of their lines down before saying them h at the beginning of each word. Reinforce that 2. ¿Cómo estás?
3. Adiós/Hasta mañana/Hasta luego,
aloud. the letter h is always silent in Spanish. señor/señora .

¡AVANZA! Goal: Notice how certain speakers introduce themselves and others. Then
Objective practice what you have learned to make introductions. Actividades 4–7
• Learn to make introductions.
Core Resource
• Audio Program: TXT CD 1 tracks 4, 5
Presentation Strategies
• Ask students how they introduce AUDIO
themselves to new people. What body
language or gestures are used? Are there
differences according to the age or status
of the person?
• Assign students the roles of the people in
A–G and have them read the
conversations. Correct pronunciation
and gestures as needed.
• Ask students to walk around the class
introducing themselves and asking the A Esteban: Hola. Me llamo Esteban. B Diana: Te presento a Esteban.
other student’s name: Hola, me llamo ¿Y tú? ¿Cómo te llamas? Ana: Encantada.
Carlos. ¿Y tú? ¿Cómo te llamas? Continue Diana: Me llamo Diana. Esteban: Igualmente.
until each student has introduced himself Esteban: Encantado, Diana.
or herself to five other students. Diana: Igualmente.
• Play the audio.

1.2 Understand language

Warm Up Projectable Transparencies, P-22

Verb llamar Complete each sentence with the
correct form of the verb.
1. ¿Como se _____ ellos?
2. Yo me llamo Helena, ¿cómo te _____ tú?
3. Por favor, señor, ¿cómo se _____ usted?
4. Mucho gusto, yo me _____ Daniel.
Answers: 1. llaman; 2. llamas; 3. llama; C Srta. Machado: Perdón. D Srta. Machado: Le presento a Ana Vega.
4. llamo ¿Cómo se llama? Sr. Ortega: Mucho gusto.
Srta. Daza: Me llamo Ana: El gusto es mío.
Raquel Daza.
Group Work Lección preliminar
6 seis
Pass out name tags as students enter the
room, some with first names only and others Differentiating Instruction
with names of teachers in your school 1_WNLSSE861213_prelim.indd 6 25/01/16 2:0
preceded by the correct title—Sr. or Sra. Heritage Language Learners Slower-paced Learners
Students are to walk around the room and
give the appropriate greeting and ask how the
Writing Skills Heritage language learners may Sentence Completion Copy one of the
need practice with punctuation, spelling, and dialogues on the board replacing some of the
other is doing. Model a greeting with a
grammar. Have students choose one of the words with blanks. For example:
volunteer first to show appropriate formal
photos on pp. 6, 7. Then invite them to write Hola. Me llamo .
and informal greetings. Always monitor
down an expansion of the conversation based on Me Diana.
students when doing group or pair work.
what they see in the photo. What else might Encantado, Diana.
Knowing that you will be stopping by to hear
these two or three people say to each other? .
them encourages students to stay on task.
Remind students to focus on using correct Then have volunteers fill in each blank with an
punctuation, spelling, and grammar. appropriate word.
E ¿Quién es? F ¿Cómo se llama?
¿Es Raúl?
No. Es Juan. Se llama Diana.
Common Error Alert
Students may be confused with the se llama
structures. Explain that Me llamo does not
literally mean My name is. Instead, it is
literally translated as I call myself. Se llama
can mean You (formal) call yourself or He/she
calls himself/herself. English speakers, of
course, would be more likely to say Your
name is or His/her name is. To avoid
confusion with se llama, include the
appropriate pronoun in the question. For
example: ¿Cómo se llama usted? How do you
call yourself ? (What is your name?)

Grammar Activity
G Rosa: ¿Se llama Miguel? Read the following sentences and have
Esteban: Sí. Se llama students write tú if the statement or question
Miguel Luque. is familiar; have them write usted if the
speaker is addressing someone formally.
1. Buenos días, señor. ¿Cómo está usted?
2. Hola. ¿Cómo te llamas?
3. Te presento a Felipe.
4. Le presento a María.
5. Me llamo Juan Carlos. ¿Cómo te llamas?
6. Muy bien. ¿Y usted?
7. ¿Cómo se llama, señora?
Answers: 1. usted; 2. tú; 3. tú; 4. usted;
5. tú; 6. usted; 7. usted

¡A responder! Escuchar Role-Playing and Skits
Listen to four people make introductions. Point to yourself if you hear
Divide students into groups of three. Ask
someone introducing themselves. Point to the person next to you if you
hear someone introducing someone else.
them to create a conversation between a
teacher and two students (three students for
a group of four). They should greet each
Lección preliminar
siete 7 other, ask names, perform introductions, and
say goodbye.
Differentiating Instruction
02 PM 7 25/01/16 2:01 PM

English Learners Slower-paced Learners

Build Background Discuss with students the Yes/No Questions Use yes/no questions to
different phrases used in different languages to help students practice saying their names, and
tell someone your name. Point out that in the names of their classmates. Point to a
English, you say My name is…, while in student as you ask: ¿Se llama Isabel? Students Answers Projectable Transparencies, P-34 and P-35
Spanish you say Me llamo…, or I call myself… should answer sí or no. If it is the wrong ¡A responder! Audio Script, TE p. C25b
Ask students to share how to tell someone name, they should follow up with an 1. Student points to person next to him or her.
your name in their first language. Have explanation. No, se llama Natalia. 2. Student points to himself or herself.
3. Student points to himself or herself.
students practice saying Me llamo… in several 4. Student points to person next to him or her.
different languages.
LECCIÓN PRELIMINAR 4 ¿Cómo te llamas?
Leer Choose the correct response to each question or statement.
1. ¿Quién es? 4. ¿Cómo te llamas?
Objectives a. Es Hugo. a. Perdón.
• Practice greetings, to make b. Encantado. b. Me llamo Isabel.
introductions. c. Me llamo Carlos. c. Bien.
• Culture: Discuss the murals of Manuel Vega. 2. Encantada. 5. Me llamo Gabriel.
• Ask someone’s name. a. Le presento a Sergio. a. Igualmente.
b. ¿Y tú? b. Encantado.
Practice Sequence c. Igualmente. c. El gusto es mío.
• Activity 4: Controlled practice: 3. Te presento a Joaquín. 6. Mucho gusto.
introductions a. ¿Cómo se llama? a. Buenas tardes.
• Activity 5: Controlled practice: greetings, b. Mucho gusto. b. ¿Quién es?
introductions c. Igualmente. c. El gusto es mío.
• Activity 6: Transitional practice:
• Activity 7: Transitional practice:
introductions 5 Conversación
Leer Complete the conversation with the correct words.
S TA N DA R D S Escribir
Carlos: Hola. Me 1. Carlos. ¿ 2. te llamas?
1.1 Engage in conversation, Acts. 6–7 Beatriz: Me 3. Beatriz.
1.3 Present information, Acts. 4–7, PYP Carlos: 4. , Beatriz.
2.2 Products and perspectives, CC Beatriz: 5. .
4.2 Compare cultures, CC

6 Mucho gusto
Hablar Work in a group of four. Introduce yourself to each member of the group.
A Encantado.
Communication Hola, me llamo... Me llamo...
Interpersonal Mode
Write a series of statements or questions on
the board and ask student pairs to read them
and provide a logical answer. For example,
student reads and says: ¿Quién es? (Student
points to another student in the class).
Partner answers: Es Margarita. Continue with
the following examples: Expansión
1. Te presento a Miguel. Introduce yourself to
your teacher.
2. ¿Cómo te llamas?
3. Buenas tardes. ¿Cómo estás?
4. Encantada.
Check for use of correct rejoinder and
Lección preliminar
pronunciation. 8 ocho

Differentiating Instruction
Communication 1_WNLSSE861213_prelim.indd 8 1
25/01/16 1:5

Role-Playing and Skits Inclusion Heritage Language Learners

Ask students to complete Activity 5 using Metacognitive Support Help students to Support What They Know Invite students
their own names. Then have them repeat think how language is structured before they to expand on the possibilities for their
their lines until they have memorized them. do Activity 4. Ask them to explain why some conversations in Activity 6. As part of the
Ask them to act out the scene in front of the answers make sense, and why the others do introduction, they might also talk about
class using appropriate gestures to not. The question in number 4 is ¿Cómo te where they live, where they go to school, and
accompany their lines. llamas? Perdón is a polite way of saying some of their hobbies or interests.
excuse me, but it doesn’t answer the question.
Bien answers the question ¿Cómo estás? The
See Activity answers on p. 9. correct answer is Me llamo Isabel.
¿Cómo te llamas? and ¿Cómo se llama? both are used to ask What is your name?
Te presento a... and Le presento a... both mean I’d like you to meet . . .
¿Cómo te llamas? and ¿Cómo se llama? and
Te presento a... are familiar Le presento a... are formal
phrases used with: phrases used with:
Essential Question
• a person your own age • a person to whom
Suggested Answer Artists can give back to
you want to show respect
• a relative
their neighborhood by depicting its
• a person you call by • a person you don’t know
landscape, people, and activities in their
his or her first name • someone older
work. This can give residents a sense of pride
in their community and themselves.
Background Information
7 Te presento a... Manuel Vega, or Manny as he is called, grew
Hablar Work in a group of three. Take turns introducing each other. up in the Bronx. His work is not limited to
painting. He also designs mosaics and prints
A B C and has been active in creating and restoring
Te presento Encantado(a), Igualmente.
a Tomás. Tomás. murals in New York City. He often involves the
youth of the city in the mural restoration
projects. African, Latino, and Caribbean
influences can be seen in his art. He has been
named the Artist in Residence at New York’s
Guggenheim Museum.

Un mural en Nueva York

How can artists give back to their Get Help Online
neighborhood through their work? Artist
Manuel Vega moved with his family from ✓Ongoing Assessment More Practice

Puerto Rico to New York at a young age. He

grew up in East Harlem and his works often
Y Peer Assessment Have pairs of
depict neighborhood scenes inspired by his students read aloud the sentences in
childhood. Vega was commissioned to restore Para y piensa and correct each other.
this image, originally created by Hank Prussing
in 1973, on a multi-story building in East The Spirit of East Harlem,
Harlem. Manuel Vega

Compara con tu mundo What childhood memory would you paint if you were creating
a neighborhood mural? Compare it with the scene in Vega’s mural.

Get Help Online
Y Did you get it? Complete each statement.
PIENSA 1. Me llamo... a. a Maricela.
2. Te presento... b. gusto, señor.
3. Mucho... c. Walter.
Answers Projectable Transparencies, P-34 and P-35
Lección preliminar Answers for Activities on pp. 8, 9.
nueve 9 Activity 4
1. a; 2. c; 3. b; 4. b; 5. b; 6. c
Differentiating Instruction Activity 5
59 PM 9 25/01/16 1:59 PM
1. llamo; 2. Cómo; 3. llamo;
4. Mucho gusto/Encantado; 5. El gusto es
Inclusion Multiple Intelligences mío/Igualmente
Clear Structure Create two columns on the Visual Learners Give students the Activity 6 Answers will vary. Suggested
board. At the top of one, write ¿Cómo te opportunity to paint or draw a scene answers include:
llamas? and Te presento a… At the top of the depicting people in their own neighborhood. A. Hola, me llamo Debbie.
other, write ¿Cómo se llama? and Le presento Then have them use their artwork to practice B. Encantado. Me llamo Luis.
a… Then ask for volunteers to come add naming and introducing people. Have them Activity 7 Answers will vary. Sample answers
names to one column or the other. With point out and introduce characters in their A. Te presento a Margarita. B. Mucho gusto,
whom would students use these phrases? paintings. Te presento a … Se llama… Margarita. C. El gusto es mío.
Para y piensa 1. c; 2. a; 3. b

¡AVANZA! Goal: Learn to say the Spanish alphabet. Then practice how to say the
Objectives letters to spell different things. Actividades 8–10
• Learn and say the Spanish alphabet.
• Practice spelling words in Spanish.
• Practice pronouncing the Spanish vowels
a, e, i, o, u. A (a) B (be, be grande) C (ce) D (de) E (e)
Core Resource
• Audio Program: TXT CD 1 tracks 6, 7, 8, 9
alfombra bate cine dinero entrada
Presentation Strategies
• Say the Spanish alphabet and have F (efe) G (ge) H (hache) I (i) J (jota)
students repeat after you.
• Point out the letter ñ and reinforce the
difference between the pronunciation of gato helado
fruta iglú jabón
n and ñ.
• Say a Spanish alphabet letter and the K (ka) L (ele) M (eme) N (ene)
word that starts with it. Jota: jabón. Have
Ñ (eñe)
students repeat after you. Continue with
the rest of the alphabet.
• Play the audio as students follow the karate lápiz mochila nariz ñu
script in their text.
Practice Sequence
O (o) P (pe) Q (cu) R (ere) S (ese)
• Activity 8: Vocabulary recognition:
spelling words
• Activity 9: Vocabulary production: oreja patines queso regalo sofá
spelling words
• Activity 10: Vocabulary production: T (te) U (u) V (uve, ve chica) W(doble uve, doble ve) X (equis)
spelling words
• Pronunciation: Oral comprehension and
production of the vowels. tiza uvas wafle xilófono

S TA N DA R D S Y (i griega) Z (zeta) Dos letras con un sonido

1.1 Engage in conversation, Acts. 9–10 CH (che) LL (elle) RR (erre)
1.2 Understand language, Act. 8
1.3 Present information, Acts. 8–10, PYP yogur zapato
4.1 Compare languages, Pronunciación chaqueta llave guitarra

¡A responder! Escuchar
Listen to letters of the Spanish alphabet. Write each letter that you
Warm Up Projectable Transparencies, P-22 hear on a piece of paper and hold it up.

Familiar vs. Formal Have students read the Lección preliminar

following sentences and write Familiar or 10 diez
Formal depending on whom they address.
1. ¿Cómo está usted? Differentiating Instruction
2. Señor Ortega, le presento a Ana Vega. 1_WNLSSE861213_prelim.indd 10 25/01/16 1_W
3. ¿Qué tal? ¿Cómo estás? Multiple Intelligences Inclusion
4. Te presento a Carolina.
5. Perdón. ¿Cómo se llama? Musical/Rhythmic Musical learners are Multisensory Input/Output Whenever
Answers: 1. Formal; 2. Formal; 3. Familiar; sensitive to music and rhythm. To appeal to possible, present topics both orally and
4. Familiar; 5. Formal these students, lead them in a version of the visually. Help students remember the letters of
traditional ABC song, using the Spanish the Spanish alphabet through this activity.
Answers Projectable Transparencies, P-34 and P-35 alphabet. Point out that there are two 1. Say a letter aloud. Have students repeat.
¡A responder! Audio Script, TE p. C25b additional letters in Spanish that will need to 2. Have students point to the letter on p. 10.
Students should write and hold up the be incorporated into the song. 3. Have students write the letter on a separate
following letters.
1. L; 2. E; 3. J; 4. Ñ; 5. P; 6. I; 7. H; 8. B. piece of paper.

Escuchar Listen to someone dictate an invitation list for a party. Write down each Audio Program
Escribir name as it is spelled. TXT CD 1 Track 8
Audio Script, TE p. Communication
modelo: You hear: de, a, ene, i, e, ele
You write: Daniel
C25b Common Error Alert
Explain to students that there is generally only
one sound for each Spanish vowel. Have
students write down phonetic spellings for
9 Me llamo... the vowels: /ah/; /ay/; /ee/; /oh/; /oo/.
Hablar Work in a group of A B Me llamo Shawna, Model their pronunciation and have students
¿Cómo te llamas?
three. Ask each person S - H - A - W - N - A. repeat.
his or her name and write (ese, hache, a, doble Expansión
down the name as he uve, ene, a) Continue the activity
with your last name.
or she spells it.
Long-term Retention
Personalize It
10 ABC Give students the opportunity to make what
Hablar Spell aloud the following things for a partner. He or she will write the word. they’ve learned their own. Ask them to
Then verify that your partner spelled the word correctly. illustrate their own examples of alphabet
letters and display them in the classroom.
your middle name your favorite singer the name of They can use vocabulary from the glossary if
the name of your your favorite sports your town they run out of word ideas.
school team ¿?

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✓Ongoing Assessment More Practice
Pronunciación Las vocales PARA
Y Alternative Strategy Prepare in
AUDIO In Spanish,
AUDIO the vowels are a, e, i, o, and u. Each vowel is always pronounced PIENSA
advance a randomized alphabet list and
the same way. Spanish vowels are always short and crisp. ask students to take turns saying the letters.
Listen to and repeat these words.
a as in father encantada mal mañana
e as in hey menos señor presento
i sounds like meet igualmente adiós bien
o as in woke hola noches cómo Answers Projectable Transparencies, P-34 and P-35
u sounds like boot usted mucho tú
Activity 8
1. Ximena
2. Guillermo
Get Help Online 3. Alejandro
PARA 4. Yolanda
Y Did you get it? Recite the Spanish alphabet. 5. Beatriz
PIENSA 6. Josefina
7. Hugo
8. Toño
Lección preliminar
once 11 Activity 9 Answers will vary. Sample answers:
A. ¿Cómo te llamas? B. Me llamo Thomas,
T-H-O-M-A-S. (te, hache, o, eme, a, ese)
Differentiating Instruction Activity 10 Answers will vary. Sample answers:
59 PM 11 25/01/16 1:59 PM Middle name: be grande, e, ene, jota, a, eme,
Multiple Intelligences Inclusion i, ene
Visual Learners Invite students to create a Alphabetic/Phonetic Awareness Ask Name of school: de, a, ye; hache, i, ge, hache;
ese, ce, hache, o, o, ele
name poster of their original or Spanish students to write the vowels, a, e, i, o, and u
Favorite singer: eme, a, ere, i, a hache; ce, a, ere,
name. The poster should include each letter on small pieces of paper. Review with students e, i griega
of the name written as a character and as a the sound represented by each of these
Favorite sports team: jota, e, te, ese
word. For example, J-jota, U-u, A-a, N-ene. It letters. Then say a one-syllable word aloud,
Name of your town: te, a, eme, pe, a
should also include a picture of something such as tú or mal. Have students hold up the
that starts with each letter. Refer students letter whose sound they hear. Continue the Para y piensa Students should recite the
Spanish alphabet.
back to the chart on page 10 for ideas. activity with two-syllable words, and have
students hold up the two vowels they hear.
¡AVANZA! Goal: Look at the Spanish-speaking world and how Spanish speakers say
Objectives where someone is from. Then practice what you have learned to ask where
• Learn the names of countries in the people are from. Actividades 11–13
Spanish-speaking world
• Learn to say where someone is from. AUDIO
Alicia, Soy de
Core Resource ¿de dónde eres? Estados Unidos.
¿De dónde es usted?
• Audio Program: TXT CD 1 tracks 10, 11
Presentation Strategies
• Read aloud the text on p. 12 and have Soy de
Estados Unidos.
students repeat after you.
Soy de la Florida.
• Ask students yes/no questions about the
Sr. Costas Alicia
people in the text. For example: ¿Es
Pablo de Costa Rica? (No.) ¿Es Marisol 1
de Puerto Rico? (Sí). Isabel es de la
• Point to Los países hispanohablantes on República
p. 13, say the countries, and have Dominicana.
students repeat them. Correct 2 3
pronunciation as needed. 4
• Point to a country on the map on p. 12, Pablo es de 7

and ask individual students to identify it, México. 9

using the list on p. 13. 6
• Play the audio as students follow in their 12
texts. 10

1.2 Understand language Marisol es de
Susana es de
15 Puerto Rico.
Costa Rica.

Fernando es 17
de Ecuador.
Warm Up Projectable Transparencies, P-23
Spelling Have students spell the following 18 20
words in Spanish.
1. zapato
2. encantado
3. helado
4. bate Mariano es de
5. usted Argentina.
Answers: 1. zeta, a, pe, a, te, o; 2. e, ene, ce, a,
ene, te, a, de, o; 3. hache, e, ele, a, de, o; Lección preliminar
4. be grande, a, te, e; 5. u, ese, te, e, de 12 doce

Communication Differentiating Instruction

Pair Work 1_WNLSSE861213_prelim.indd 12 25/01/16 11

Slower-paced Learners Heritage Language Learners

Have students practice asking each other ¿De Yes/No Questions Ask students yes or no Support What They Know Invite students
dónde eres? and answering with Soy de . questions about the people presented on with a personal or family connection to one
pages 12 and 13. Here are a few possibilities: of the countries listed to share something
¿Es Fernando de Ecuador? (sí) about that country with the group. Encourage
¿Es Marisol de Costa Rica? (no) students to give a general description of the
place, its culture and people. Also, encourage
them to share memories or impressions of the


Teaching with Maps
Have the students draw or trace the map on
1 Estados Unidos 13 Colombia
p. 12. Have them label and color each
2 México 14 Ecuador
Spanish-speaking country in bright colors.
3 Cuba 15 Perú The countries that are not Spanish-speaking
Enrique es 16 Bolivia should be colored a neutral color such as
de España.
4 República Dominicana
5 Puerto Rico 17 Paraguay gray. Students should not use the same color
18 Chile
MapQuest, Inc. for two countries that border each other.
6 Guatemala
19 Argentina
Have the students glue their colored maps on
21 7 Honduras McDougal Littell - Spanish s1pe construction paper. You may wish to
8 El Salvador Mercator World Reference Map
20 Uruguay
laminate them to preserve the surface.
9 Nicaragua 21 España Robinson Locator

10 Costa
First Proof Date: 11/02/05
22 Guinea Ecuatorial
11 Panamá 23 Filipinas

12 Venezuela 24 Guam Communication

Group Work
Color Key
Spanish is the official language. Spanish is spoken. As students enter the classroom, give them a
sheet with a Spanish name and a country. For
example, one card may be Diego/Venezuela.
Have them locate that country on a map.
22 They will introduce themselves to each other
and show each classmate the country on the
map. For example: Me llamo Diego. Soy de
Venezuela. Y tú, ¿cómo te llamas? ¿De dónde

Long-term Retention
Critical Thinking
Ask students to look at the map and the list
on pp. 12–13 and count in English the
number of countries where Spanish is
¡A responder! Escuchar spoken. Based on this information, have
For each statement you hear, point to the person in the photo to whom
them discuss why it is important to learn
it refers. Spanish.

Lección preliminar
trece 13

Differentiating Instruction
1:58 PM 13 25/01/16 1:58 PM

Inclusion Pre-AP* MapQuest, Inc.

Alphabetic/Phonetic Awareness Model for Expand and Elaborate Ask students to choose Answers Projectable Transparencies, P-34 and P-35
McDougal Littell - Spanish s1pe
students the pronunciation of country names one of the countriesMercator
presented on p. 13,MapQuest,
say MapQuest,
Inc. Inc.
World Reference Map ¡A responder! Audio Script, TE p. C25b
in Spanish. Point out that even though some the name, and share with the class what they
Philippines and Guam inset Students should point to the following people.
names are spelled the same in English and know about that country.McDougal
Allow McDougal
them - Spanish
time Littell
to - Spanish
s1pe s1pe
First Proof Date: 11/02/05 1. Susana
Spanish, they are pronounced differently. Mercator
do some research, and then Mercator
to theReference
Map 2.Map Marisol
Some examples would include Panamá, Chile, something about the country.First Proof FirstDate:
Date: 11/02/05
3. Mariano
México, and Cuba. * Pre-AP is a registered trademark of the College Entrance 4. Enrique
Examination Board, which was not involved in the production 5. Fernando
of and does not endorse this product. 6. Isabel

Escribir Indicate where each person is 1
Hablar from, according to the number
Objectives on the map. 2

• Practice saying where someone is from modelo: Guillermo / 7


and asking others where they are from.

Guillermo es de Uruguay.
• Identify the countries in a map of Latin 4
1. Andrea / 5 5
Practice Sequence 2. Tomás / 8
• Activity 11: Controlled practice: 3. Nicolás / 4

identifying countries on a map, telling 4. Sofía / 2

where a person is from 5. Verónica / 3
• Activity 12: Controlled practice: asking 6. Mateo / 9

and telling where someone is from 7. Consuelo / 1 8 9

• Activity 13: Transitional practice: asking 8. Pablo / 6
and telling where someone is from

1.1 Engage in conversation, Acts. 12–13
1.3 Present information, Acts. 11–13,

12 ¿De dónde eres?

Hablar Ask a partner where he or she
is from. Your partner will A B Soy
¿De dónde eres?
answer with the country de Colombia.
Culture listed.
modelo: Colombia
Teaching with Maps
1. Venezuela
Have students write the name of the 2. Panamá
northernmost country from each pair. 3. México
1. Chile/Ecuador 4. Uruguay
2. Panamá/Paraguay 5. España
3. Argentina/Venezuela 6. Estados Unidos
4. Perú/Cuba 7. El Salvador
5. Puerto Rico/Honduras 8. Nicaragua
6. Bolivia/Guatemala Expansión
Ask a partner the
7. El Salvador/Estados Unidos same questions, using
Answers: 1. Ecuador 2. Panamá 3. Venezuela formal address.
4. Cuba 5. Puerto Rico 6. Guatemala
7. Estados Unidos

Lección preliminar
14 catorce
Long-term Retention
Study Tips Differentiating Instruction
When memorizing the location of countries 1_WNLSSE861213_prelim.indd 14 1
25/01/16 1:5

on a map, it may be helpful for some Inclusion Multiple Intelligences

students to create a mnemonic device. For Cumulative Instruction Ask students to Interpersonal Have students work with a
example, when trying to remember the work in pairs. Then instruct partners to read partner to develop a short role-play. Partners
placement of the islands in the Caribbean, their answers to Activity 11 aloud to each should greet each other, ask each other their
students may create a sentence such as other. Tell students to spell out the names of names and where they are from, and then say
Charlie Really Digs Purple Rice. Have students the people and countries for their partner. goodbye. Remind students to use appropriate
come up with their own sentences. Guillermo: ge-u-i-ele-ele-e-ere-eme-o. gestures and facial expressions to support the
meaning of their words. Give each pair the
chance to present their exchange to the class.
See Activity answers on p. 15.
When you are speaking, one way to change a statement into a question is to
simply raise the intonation of your voice. Long-term Retention
Beto es de Paraguay. ¿Beto es de Paraguay?
Answer simple yes/no questions with sí (yes) or no (no).
¿Eres de California? No. Soy de Nueva York. Have students work in small groups to create
In written Spanish, all questions begin with an upside-down question mark (¿)
chain stories. The first student says hello; the
and end with a question mark (?). next introduces himself or herself and a
Spanish-speaking friend. The next student
says where he or she is from.
13 ¿Eres de Honduras?
Hablar Ask a partner if he or she is from the country indicated. He or she will Communication
answer according to the number.
TPR Activity
Using a large wall map, play a game by
dividing students into two groups. They will
line up, relay style, behind a marked line. Give
2 a fly swatter to the first student in each line.
Call out a country name. The first student to
hit that country with the fly swatter scores a
6 point for his or her team. He or she then goes
8 to the back of the line and it is the next
10 student’s turn.

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modelo: 1 / 10
¿Eres de México?
B No. ✓Ongoing Assessment More Practice
Soy de Panamá.
Y Alternative Assessment Cover the
questions 1–3 in Para y piensa and
Estudiante A Estudiante B have students say the questions that go with
1. 9 4. 10 1. 3 4. 10 each response.
2. 4 5. 5 2. 4 5. 5

3. 6 6. 8 3. 2 6. 7

Answers Projectable Transparencies, P-34 and P-35

Get Help Online Answers for Activities on p. 14.
PARA Activity 11
Y Did you get it? Match each question with the correct response. 1. Andrea es de Bolivia.
PIENSA 1. ¿De dónde eres? a. Es de Puerto Rico. 2. Tomás es de Chile.
2. ¿De dónde es Hugo? b. Soy de Colombia. 3. Nicolás es de Perú.
3. ¿Eres de México? c. Sí, soy de México. 4. Sofía es de Colombia.
5. Verónica es de Ecuador.
6. Mateo es de Argentina.
Lección preliminar 7. Consuelo es de Venezuela.
quince 15 8. Pablo es de Paraguay.
Activity 12
Differentiating Instruction A. ¿De dónde eres? B. Soy de + country.
57 PM 15 25/01/16 1:57 PM Activity 13
Heritage Language Learners Slower-paced Learners 1. A. ¿Eres de Costa Rica? B. No, soy de la
República Dominicana.
Writing Skills Review with students the Personalize It Have students answer the 2. A. ¿Eres de Puerto Rico? B. Sí, soy de Puerto
different punctuation marks used to indicate question ¿De dónde eres? supplying Rico.
a question versus a sentence. Have students information about themselves. They might 3. A. ¿Eres de Honduras? B. No, soy de Cuba.
write down five sentences. Then have them respond with the name of their 4. A. ¿Eres de Panamá? B. Sí, soy de Panamá.
convert each sentence into a question by neighborhood, city, state, or country. 5. A. ¿Eres de Guatemala? B. Sí, soy de
changing the punctuation and/or word order. 6. A. ¿Eres de Nicaragua? B. No, soy de El
Para y piensa 1. b; 2. a; 3. c

LECCIÓN PRELIMINAR Mi número de teléfono
¡AVANZA! Goal: Learn how to say the numbers from zero to ten and how to exchange
Objectives phone numbers. Then use what you have learned to say your home (or cellular)
• Say the numbers from zero to ten. phone number. Actividades 14–16
• Exchange phone numbers.
¿Cuál es
Core Resource
tu número
• Audio Program: TXT CD 1 tracks 12, 13 de teléfono?
Es 7–6–4–9–0–8–1.

Presentation Strategies
• Say the numbers from zero to ten and
have students repeat after you.
• Call on students at random and ask them
to say their phone number. ¿Cuál es tu
número de teléfono? Es 2-2-3-5-4-9-2.
• Point out the formal and familiar ways of
asking for someone’s phone number.
• Play the audio.
Practice Sequence
• Activity 14: Controlled practice:
numbers and math
• Activity 15: Transitional practice: Mi número
Perdón. ¿Cuál es su de teléfono es
phone numbers número de teléfono? 2–5–3–7–1–0–9.
• Activity 16: Transitional practice:
phone numbers

1.1 Engage in conversation, Acts. 15–16

Warm Up Projectable Transparencies, P-23

Names of countries Have students complete
the names of the following countries.
1. _ O _ O M _ I _
2. B _ _ I _ I _
3. _ H _ L E ¡A responder! Escuchar
4. _ I C _ R _ _ U A Listen to these numbers. If you hear an even number, raise your right
5. _ _ N _ U R _ S hand. If you hear an odd number, raise your left hand.
Answers: 1. Colombia; 2. Bolivia; 3. Chile;
4. Nicaragua; 5. Honduras
Lección preliminar
16 dieciséis

Differentiating Instruction
1_WNLSSE861213_prelim.indd 16 1
25/01/16 1:5

Inclusion Multiple Intelligences

Answers Projectable Transparencies, P-34 and P-35
Metacognitive Support Point out to Visual Learners Invite students to create a
¡A responder! Audio Script, TE p. C25b
students that when asking for someone’s number poster of the numbers uno through
a. Student should raise their right hand.
b. Student should raise their left hand. phone number in Spanish, the question word diez. The poster should include each number
c. Student should raise their left hand. cuál is used. The direct translation of the written as a numeral and as a word. It should
d. Student should raise their right hand. question would be Which is your phone also include a picture to represent each
e. Student should raise their right hand. number? as opposed to the English phrasing number, such as an octopus next to the
f. Student should raise their left hand. What is your phone number? word ocho.
g. Student should raise their right hand.
h. Student should raise their left hand.

Hablar Give the answers to the following math problems using words.
Escribir Expansión
modelo: 2 1 4 Say each completed Communication
seis problem, using más
(plus) and menos
TPR Activity
1. 8 2 3 3. 3 1 6 5. 1 1 9 7. 6 2 5 9. 10 2 8
2. 4 1 4 4. 7 2 7 6. 5 2 2 8. 7 1 0 10. 1 1 3 Have students create flashcards with the
numerals 1–10 on each—the numbers should
be large enough for you to see. They may use
both sides of the paper, such as having 1 on
15 Teléfono one side and 2 on the other. Call out
Hablar Work in a group of five. Whisper a phone number to the person at your numbers at random in Spanish and have
right. He or she will repeat it to the person at his or her right, and so on. students hold up the correct numeral.
Verify that the phone number you gave was repeated accurately.

A Mi número de teléfono B Cinco - dos - uno - C Cinco - dos -

es cinco - dos - uno - nueve - ocho - siete - uno... Communication
nueve - ocho - siete - uno.
uno. Group Work
Pronounce the numbers for the students and
have them repeat. Then have them write the
numeral as you say them in random order.
16 ¿Quién es?
Santander Gemma
For example: 7, 9, 4, 2, 10, 1, 8, 6, 5, 3. Have
Hablar Work with a partner. Look at this
them check each other’s papers as you call
Lauerbach 3472 Pb 11- Capital Federal
Buenos Aires phone directory and Ciudad de Buenos Aires ..................... 4301-9203
out the correct answers.
read a phone number at random. Santander Genoveva
Your partner will say whose Löschner 244- Capital Federal
phone number it is. Ciudad de Buenos Aires ..................... 4921-4808
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Santander Geraldo
A Cuatro - tres -
López de Padilla 12 Pb 4- Capital Federal
Ciudad de Buenos Aires ..................... 4704-5960
✓Ongoing Assessment More Practice

cero - tres - ocho -

siete - cuatro - cero.
Santander Giancarlo
Y Peer Assessment Have pairs of
Filippozzi 9903 Pb Casa- Capital Federal students say the phone numbers in
Ciudad de Buenos Aires ..................... 4638-3123
Para piensa aloud and correct each other.
Santander Gianmarco
B Gianmarco Filippozzi 1099- Capital Federal
Santander. Ciudad de Buenos Aires ..................... 4303-8740
Santander Gregorio
Sta Marta 374 Pb 7- Capital Federal
Ciudad de Buenos Aires ..................... 4941-7819

Get Help Online
Y Did you get it? Say these phone numbers. Answers Projectable Transparencies, P-34 and P-35
PIENSA 1. 6251-4209 2. 3708-9263 3. 4185-2760 Activity 14 1. cinco; 2. ocho; 3. nueve;
4. cero; 5. diez; 6. tres; 7. uno; 8. siete; 9. dos;
Lección preliminar 10. cuatro
diecisiete 17 Activity 15 Answers will vary. Sample answers:
A. Mi número de teléfono es cinco-cinco-cinco-
dos-nueve-tres-siete. B. Cinco-cinco-cinco-dos…
Differentiating Instruction C. Cinco-cinco…
57 PM 17 25/01/16 1:57 PM
Activity 16 Answers will vary. Sample answers:
Pre-AP Multiple Intelligences A. cuatro-tres-cero-uno-nueve-dos-cero-tres
Expand and Elaborate Invite students to Logical/Mathematical Point out to B. Gemma Santander
A. cuatro-nueve-dos-uno-cuatro-ocho-cero-
brainstorm other numbers they use and can say students that the symbol + is read as más in ocho
in Spanish. These may include numbers in Spanish, while the symbol - is read as menos. B. Genoveva Santander
addresses, classroom numbers, or their school’s Then invite students to create their own Para y piensa
phone number. Ask for volunteers to write a simple math problems on the front of an 1. seis-dos-cinco-uno-cuatro-dos-cero-nueve
number on the board, and then read it aloud. index card. Have students exchange cards 2. tres-siete-cero-ocho-nueve-dos-seis-tres
3. cuatro-uno-ocho-cinco-dos-siete-seis-cero
with a partner, read the problems aloud, and
find the answers.

LECCIÓN PRELIMINAR Los días de la semana
¡AVANZA! Goal: Learn to talk about the days of the week. Then practice what you have
Objective learned to say what day of the week it is. Actividades 17–19
• Learn and practice the days of the week.
Core Resource la semana
• Audio Program: TXT CD 1 tracks 14,
15, 16
Presentation Strategies
• Show students the agenda from p. 18. el día
Explain that in most Spanish-speaking
countries, the week starts with Monday.
• Prompt students to ask you ¿Qué día es
hoy? Respond and point to the day at the Nota
top of the agenda. Then ask students
In Spanish, the days of the week are never
¿Qué día es mañana? capitalized: domingo (Sunday). Use el and los to
• Play the audio. talk about what you do on a certain day or days.
Practice Sequence el lunes on Monday
• Activity 17: Controlled practice: days los lunes on Mondays
of the week
• Activity 18: Controlled practice: days
of the week
• Activity 19: Transitional practice:
days of the week

1.1 Engage in conversation, Act. 19
1.2 Understand language, Act. 18
1.3 Present information, Acts. 17–19,

Warm Up Projectable Transparencies, P-24

A Ana: ¿Qué día es hoy? B Juan: ¿Hoy es viernes?
Numbers Have students write the missing Esteban: No. Mañana es viernes.
Rosa: Hoy es jueves.
number(s) in each sequence.
1. uno, ____ , ____ , cuatro
2. dos, ____ , seis, ____ , diez ¡A responder! Escuchar
3. tres, ____ , nueve Listen to the days of the week. If you hear a day that you have
4. ____ , cinco, ____ , nueve Spanish class, stand up. If you hear a day that you don’t have
Answers 1. dos, tres; 2. cuatro, ocho; 3. seis; 4. Spanish class, remain seated.
tres, siete
Lección preliminar
18 dieciocho

Differentiating Instruction
1_WNLSSE861213_prelim.indd 18 25/01/16 1_W

Slower-paced Learners Slower-paced Learners

Answers Projectable Transparencies, P-34 and P-35
Memory Aids Have students create a chart to Yes/No Questions Write the names of the
¡A responder! Audio Script, TE p. C25b help remember the names of the days of the days of the week on the board. Circle the
a. Student should raise their right hand.
b. Student should raise their left hand. week in Spanish. Encourage students to start current day, and write the word hoy below it.
c. Student should raise their left hand. each class by talking about the name of the Then ask students yes or no questions about
d. Student should raise their right hand. day, and which day will follow. Hoy es lunes. the days of the week. ¿Hoy es jueves?
e. Student should raise their right hand. Mañana es martes. ¿Mañana es domingo? ¿Mañana es lunes?
f. Student should raise their left hand. Continue the questions by changing the day
g. Student should raise their right hand.
h. Student should raise their left hand. that is today.

Hablar Complete each list with the missing day of the week.
Escribir 1. lunes, , miércoles, jueves 5. , jueves, viernes, sábado
6. domingo, , martes,
2. viernes, , domingo, lunes
3. , martes, miércoles, miércoles Group Work
jueves 7. sábado, , lunes, martes Have students repeat the days of the week
4. lunes, martes, miércoles, 8. martes, miércoles, jueves, after you. Tell them you will say a day of the
week. They are to say what the next day of
the week would be. martes ➞ miércoles.
Continue with the other days of the week.
18 ¿Lógico o ilógico?
Escuchar Listen to these statements about the days of the week. Write L if the Audio Program
statement you hear is lógico (logical) or I if it is ilógico (not logical). TXT CD 1 Track 16
Audio Script, TE
modelo: You hear: Hoy es viernes. Mañana es domingo. p. C25b Communication
You write: I Class Work
Game Using numerals 0–10, the days of the
week, and the words semana, hoy, mañana,
19 ¿Qué día es? día, qué, have students create a Bingo grid
Hablar Ask a partner what day of the week it is. with sixteen squares. They are to write one
He or she will tell you what day of the week word or numeral in each square. They will
today is and what tomorrow is.
SEPTIEMBRE not use all of the words as there are 23 in the
list. Call out the English word or the Spanish
modelo: 6 1 2 3 4
number. The first student to get four in a
A row wins.
¿Qué día es hoy? 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
B Hoy es martes.
Mañana es miércoles. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Get Help Online

1. 2 5. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
✓Ongoing Assessment More Practice

Y Peer Assessment Have student pairs
2. 12 6. 3
26 27 28 29 30
say their sentences and correct each
3. 28 7. 20

4. 15 8. 16

Get Help Online
Y Did you get it?
PIENSA 1. Tell someone that today is Monday. Hoy es .
2. Ask what day tomorrow is. ¿Qué día es ?

Answers Projectable Transparencies, P-34 and P-35

Lección preliminar Activity 17 1. martes; 2. sábado; 3. lunes;
diecinueve 19 4. jueves; 5. miércoles; 6. lunes; 7. domingo;
8. viernes
Differentiating Instruction Activity 18 1. L; 2. I; 3. I; 4. L; 5. L; 6. I
56 PM 19 25/01/16 1:56 PM Activity 19
Inclusion Multiple Intelligences 1. ¿Qué día es hoy? Hoy es viernes.Mañana es
Alphabetic/Phonetic Awareness Remind Intrapersonal Have students create a diary 2. ¿Qué…? Hoy es lunes. Mañana es martes.
students of phonetic points related to talking of a typical week. Instruct them to write the 3. ¿…? Hoy es miércoles. Mañana es jueves.
about the days of the week. Here are a few name of each day of the week, and draw 4. ¿…? Hoy es jueves. Mañana es viernes.
examples: pictures of activities they do on each day. As 5. ¿…? Hoy es domingo. Mañana es lunes.
• The h at the beginning of hoy is silent. students learn new vocabulary for everyday 6. ¿…? Hoy es sábado. Mañana es domingo.
7. ¿…? Hoy es martes. Mañana es miércoles.
• The ñ in mañana sounds like ny in canyon. activities, have them return to these diaries to 8. ¿…? Hoy es viernes. Mañana es sábado.
• The es at the end of each day’s name add the words and phrases they have learned. Para y piensa
sounds similar to the English ace. 1. lunes; 2. mañana

LECCIÓN PRELIMINAR ¿Qué tiempo hace?
¡AVANZA! Goal: Learn how to describe the weather. Then practice what you have
Objective learned to describe a sunny day, a rainy day, and a windy day.
• Learn and practice weather expressions. Actividades 20–22

Core Resource ¿Qué tiempo hace?

• Audio Program: TXT CD 1 tracks 17,
18, 19
Presentation Strategies
• Point to the map on p. 20 and ask
¿Qué tiempo hace? Read each of the
weather descriptions and have
students repeat.
• Assign students the roles of the teens
in A–F and ask them ¿Qué tiempo
A Luis: Hace calor.
hace? Students respond according to
their role.
• Play the audio. B Natalia: Hace sol.

Practice Sequence
• Activity 20: Vocabulary recognition:
weather expressions
• Activity 21: Vocabulary production:
weather expressions
• Activity 22: Vocabulary production:
weather expressions, tell where
someone is from

S TA N DA R D S C Jorge: Llueve.
1.1 Engage in conversation, Acts. 21–22
1.2 Understand language, Act. 20
1.3 Present information, Acts. 20–22, D Andrea: Hace frío.

E Diego: Hace viento.

Warm Up Projectable Transparencies, P-24 F Mariana: Nieva.
Days of the Week Unscramble the days of
the week.
1. absodá
2. senul
¡A responder! Escuchar

3. seléimroc Listen to weather descriptions. Point to the photo of the person that
4. tmraes corresponds to the description you hear.
5. ogniodm
Answers: 1. sábado; 2. lunes; 3. miércoles; Lección preliminar
4. martes; 5. domingo 20 veinte

Differentiating Instruction
1_WNLSSE861213_prelim.indd 20 1
25/01/16 1:5

Slower-paced Learners Inclusion

Answers Projectable Transparencies, P-34 and P-35
Yes/No Questions Use yes/no questions to Cumulative Instruction Use the pictures on
¡A responder! Audio Script, TE p. C25b help students practice talking about the p. 20 to help students review skills they have
Students should point to the following students.
1. Diego weather. Point to one of the people on p. 20 learned so far in the lesson. Here are a few
2. Mariana as you ask: ¿Hace viento? or ¿Hace calor? possibilities:
3. Natalia Students should answer sí or no. If the answer • Ask someone their name.
4. Jorge is no, they should follow up with an • Ask someone where they are from.
5. Andrea explanation. No, no hace calor. Hace frío. • Spell out the name of a person or place.
6. Luis

Escuchar Listen to four meteorologists describe the weather in their region. Write the
letter of the photo that corresponds to the weather description you hear. Communication
a. b. c. d. Common Error Alert
Because hace is used with so many weather
Audio Program expressions, students tend to use it with
TXT CD 1 Track 19 nieva and llueve. Explain to students that
Audio Script, TE p. hace is a verb and is only needed with nouns
C25b such as calor, frío, viento. Nieva and llueve
are verbs that express complete thoughts and
do not require the use of hace.

21 ¿Hace calor o hace frío?

Hablar Work with a partner. Say whether it is cold or hot, according to the
temperature given. Communication
modelo: 32ºF / 0ºC
Expansión TPR Activity
Say whether you think
Hace frío. it is raining or snowing Instruct students to draw a picture that
1. 15ºF / –9ºC 3. 20ºF / –6ºC 5. 88ºF / 32ºC at these temperatures.
reflects the weather condition as you say it in
2. 94ºF / 35ºC 4. 4ºF / –16ºC 6. 104ºF / 40ºC Spanish.
1. Hace sol. 2. Nieva. 3. Hace viento.
4. Hace calor. 5. Llueve. 6. Hace frío.
22 ¿Qué tiempo hace? Send volunteers to the board to draw
pictures. Have them write the weather
Hablar Tell what city you are from, and ask a partner what the weather is like. expression underneath each.
He or she will give you the weather conditions for that city.

Buenos Bogotá Madrid México

Nueva A Soy de la
Aires York Ciudad de México. Get Help Online
¿Qué tiempo hace?
✓Ongoing Assessment
More Practice

Y Quick Check If students have
Hace viento. problems matching the questions and
responses from Para y piensa, refer them to
86° 53° 45° 65° 30° p. 20.

Get Help Online
Y Did you get it? Match each question with the correct response.
PIENSA 1. ¿Qué tiempo hace? a. No. Hace frío.
2. ¿Hace calor? b. Hace viento.
3. ¿Llueve? c. No. Hace sol.

Lección preliminar
veintiuno 21 Answers Projectable Transparencies, P-34 and P-35
Activity 20
Differentiating Instruction 1. b; 2. a; 3. d; 4. c
56 PM 21 25/01/16 1:56 PM Activity 21
Multiple Intelligences Slower-paced Learners 1. Hace frío; 2. Hace calor; 3. Hace frío;
4. Hace frío; 5. Hace calor; 6. Hace calor.
Naturalist Have students work in small Personalize It Ask students to write a few Activity 22
groups to create a weather chart. Their charts sentences about the weather in their own city A. Soy de Buenos Aires. ¿Qué tiempo hace?
should include words to describe different or a place they have visted. When they finish B. Hace sol. Hace calor.
types of weather, as well as a picture to writing, ask them to read their sentences A. Soy de Bogotá. ¿Qué…? B. Hace viento.
represent each phrase. Start each class by aloud. A. Soy de Madrid. ¿…? B. Llueve. Hace frío.
A. Soy de Nueva York. ¿…? B. Nieva. Hace
having students update their charts and talk frío.
about the day’s weather.
Para y piensa
1. b; 2. a; 3. c

¡AVANZA! Goal: Learn some useful phrases used by teachers and students. Then
Objective practice what you have learned to use classroom phrases with others.
• Learn useful classroom phrases. Actividades 23–25

Core Resource
• Audio Program: TXT CD 1 tracks 20, 21
Maestro, ¿cómo
Presentation Strategies AUDIO
se dice Wednesday? Se dice miércoles.
• Remind students that this material is
to help them understand recurring
Spanish phrases used in class.
• Read aloud the phrases for En la
clase and Otras instrucciones on
pp. 22–23 and use gestures whenever
possible to clarify meaning. la clase
• Review these phrases often and post
them in the classroom until students
are comfortable using them.
• Play the audio. Practice the phrases
with sample situations.

S TA N DA R D S En la clase
1.2 Understand language Abran los libros Open your books
(en la página...) (to page . . .)
Cierren los libros. Close your books.
¿Cómo se dice…? How do you say . . .? Muchas gracias. De nada.
Warm Up Projectable Transparencies, P-25 Se dice… You say . . .
¿Cómo se escribe How do you spell
Vocabulary Unscramble the weather. (tu nombre)? (your name)?
1. ¿Qué tiempo hace? Hace r c l a o Se escribe… It is spelled . . .
2. ¿Qué tiempo hace? Hace e n o v t i el maestro
¿Comprendes? Do you understand? de español
3. ¿Qué tiempo hace? Hace l o s Levanten la mano. Raise your hand.
4. ¿Qué tiempo hace? L u v e l e Más despacio, por favor. More slowly, please.
5. ¿Qué tiempo hace? N a v e i No sé. I don’t know.
Answers: 1. calor; 2. viento; 3. sol; 4. Llueve;
¿Qué quiere decir…? What does . . . mean?
5. Nieva
Quiere decir… It means . . .
Repitan, por favor. Please repeat.
Saquen una hoja de papel. Take out a piece of paper.
Siéntense. Sit down.
TPR Activity
¿Tienen preguntas? Do you have questions?
Go over the expressions on p. 22 and add the ¿Verdad? Right?
expression Levántense Stand up, on the
board. Model two of the commands and Lección preliminar
have students imitate what you do. Then say 22 veintidós
the commands and have students obey them.
Gradually add more commands as they Differentiating Instruction
master two at a time. Sample script: 1_WNLSSE861213_prelim.indd 22 25/01/16 1_W

Levántense. Levanten la mano. Siéntense. Inclusion Multiple Intelligences

Levanten la mano. Levántense. Multisensory Input/Output Model for Interpersonal Have students work in groups
Siéntense. Abran los libros. Levanten la students how to follow important commands of three to develop a short role-play. One
mano. Cierren los libros. Levántense. from the list on p. 22. For example, say abran student will play the part of the teacher, and
Siéntense. Abran los libros. Saquen una hoja los libros as you open a book. Say levanten la the others will be students. The scene should
de papel. Cierren los libros. mano as you raise your hand. Have students involve a classroom situation. The teacher
find and point to each phrase on p. 22, and might ask the students questions, such as
then practice following the command. ¿Cómo te llamas? or give the students
instructions, such as Siéntense.

En el libro
Completa la conversación. Complete the conversation.
Contesta las preguntas. Answer the questions.
Escoge la palabra / la respuesta... Choose the word / answer . . .
Group Activity
Escribe... Write . . . Divide students into two groups to act out
Escucha... Listen . . . the expressions on pp. 22–23. The other
Explica... Explain . . . students will try to guess which classroom
Indica si es cierto o falso. Indicate whether it is true or false. command they are demonstrating.
Lee... Read . . .
Pregúntale a otro(a) estudiante. Ask another student.
Trabaja con otro(a) estudiante. Work with another student.
Trabaja en un grupo de... Work in a group of . . . Communication
Pair Work
Before students arrive to class, write isolated
words and phrases from the classroom
commands on index cards. For example,
write Pregúntale on one card and a otro(a)
estudiante on another. They should find their
match to create the correct phrase. They will
Quiere decir then take turns reading and demonstrating
Perdón, ¿qué quiere
decir número?
number. the expressions to the class.

la maestra Communication
de español Pair Work
Have students work with a partner to give the
commands on pp. 22–23. Each should give
five commands for the other to follow before
switching roles.

Long-term Retention
Study Tips
Ask student pairs to go through the list and
note the items that each of them has
¡A responder! Escuchar difficulty remembering. Partners then devise
a way to help each other remember
Listen to each classroom instruction and respond appropriately.
(flashcards, drawings, graphic organizers)
according to their preferred learning style.
Lección preliminar
veintitrés 23

Differentiating Instruction
PM 23 25/01/16 1:55 PM

English Learners Slower-paced Learners

Build Background Ask students to share Memory Aids Have students create a set of
information about teachers, students, and flashcards to help practice vocabulary related
classrooms in their country of origin. What to common classroom phrases. Using index Answers Projectable Transparencies, P-34 and P-35
are some phrases that might be heard in a cards, have them write the vocabulary word ¡A responder! Audio Script, TE p. C25b
typical classroom? Are they similar to or or phrase on one side, and draw a simple 1. Students open their books to page 10.
different from the phrases listed on pp. 22 picture on the other. Encourage students to 2. Students raise their hand.
and 23? use their cards individually or with a partner. 3. Students close their books.
4. Students repeat: “Buenos días.”
5. Students take out a sheet of paper.

Leer Match each picture with the correct instruction.
1. 2. a. Abran los libros
Objective en la página 7.
• Practice classroom phrases. b. Levanten la mano.
c. Repitan, por favor.
Practice Sequence
d. Siéntense.
• Activity 23: Vocabulary recognition:
classroom phrases 3. 4.
• Activity 24: Vocabulary production:
classroom phrases.
• Activity 25: Vocabulary production:
classroom phrases, greetings, days of
the week, weather

1.1 Engage in conversation, Act. 25 24 ¿Qué dices?
1.3 Present information, Acts. 24–25, PYP Escribir Indicate what you would say in each situation. Refer to the expressions
Hablar on pages 22–23.
1. You want to thank your Spanish teacher.
Get Help Online 2. Your teacher is speaking too fast.
✓Ongoing Assessment More Practice 3. You want to know how to say book in Spanish.
4. You want to know what página means.
Y Peer Assessment Before writing the 5. You must admit that you don’t have the answer to a question.
correct answers on the board, have 6. You wonder if your friend understands the lesson.
students exchange papers and correct each
other’s statements.

Answers Projectable Transparencies, P-34 and P-35

25 ¿Cómo se dice?
Hablar Ask a partner to say the following words in Spanish and how to spell them.
Activity 23 1. d; 2. c; 3. b; 4. a
modelo: Tuesday
Activity 24 A ¿Cómo se dice
1. Spanish
1. Muchas gracias. Tuesday? B Se dice martes.
2. Más despacio, por favor. 2. week
3. ¿Cómo se dice book? 3. Thank you very much.
4. ¿Qué quiere decir página? 4. male teacher ¿Cómo se Expansión
5. No sé. 5. See you later. Se escribe
escribe martes? Continue this activity
6. ¿Comprendes? eme, a, ere, te,
6. Friday with four more words
Activity 25 7. It’s raining.
e, ese. of your choosing.
1. A. ¿Cómo se dice Spanish? B. Se dice español.
A. ¿Cómo se escribe español? Get Help Online
B. Se escribe: e, ese, pe, a, eñe, o, ele.
2. A. ¿Cómo se dice week? B. Se dice semana. PARA
A. ¿Cómo se escribe semana? B. Se escribe: Y Did you get it? 1. Ask how to say the word please.
PIENSA 2. Ask a friend if he or she understands.
ese, e, eme, a, ene, a.
3. A. ¿Cómo se dice Thank you very much? B. Se
dice Muchas gracias. A. ¿Cómo se escribe Lección preliminar
Muchas gracias? B. Se escribe: eme, u, ce, 24 veinticuatro
hache, a, ese, ge, ere, a, ce, i, a, ese.
4. A. ¿Cómo se dice male teacher? B. Se dice
maestro. A: ¿Cómo se escribe maestro? B: Se Differentiating Instruction
escribe: eme, a, e, ese, te, ere, o. 1_WNLSSE861213_prelim.indd 24 25/01/16 1:5
5. A. ¿Cómo se dice See you later? B. Se dice Multiple Intelligences Heritage Language Learners
Hasta luego. A. ¿Cómo se escribe Hasta
luego? B. Se escribe hache, a, ese, te, a, ele, Kinesthetic Help students review common Support What They Know Partner
u, e, ge, o. classroom instructions by playing a modified students with a non-heritage language learner
6. A. ¿Cómo se dice Friday? B. Se dice viernes. Simon Says game. Give students a command, for Activity 25. Have the other students use
A. ¿Cómo se escribe viernes? B. Se escribe such as Levanten la mano. Direct all students their partner as a resource to ask about
uve, i, e, ere, ene, e, ese.
7. A. ¿Cómo se dice It’s raining? B. Se dice to follow the command as quickly as possible. additional words and phrases they are
Llueve. A. ¿Cómo se escribe Llueve? Se Continue with other commands, such as interested in.
escribe ele, ele, u, e, uve, e. Abran los libros. After a few rounds, give A: ¿Cómo se dice play the piano? B: Se
Para y piensa volunteers the chance to act as the leader. dice tocar el piano. A: ¿Cómo se escribe
1. ¿Cómo se dice please? 2. ¿Comprendes? piano? B: Se escribe pe-i-a-ene-o.
LECCIÓN En resumen anzaRap!
Vocabulario Sing and Learn

• Review lesson vocabulary.
Greet People and Say Goodbye Make Introductions
Greetings Say How You Are ¿Cómo se llama? What’s his/her/
your (formal)
Buenos días. Good morning. ¿Cómo estás? How are you?
Buenas tardes. Good afternoon. (familiar)
Se llama...
His/Her name is . . .
Buenas noches. Good evening. ¿Cómo está How are you?
usted? (formal) ¿Cómo te llamas? What’s your
Hola. Hello./Hi. (familiar) name?
¿Qué tal? How is it
Me llamo… My name is . . . Interactive Flashcards Students can hear
Say Goodbye going?
Bien. Fine. Te/Le presento a… Let me introduce every target vocabulary word pronounced in
Adiós. Goodbye. Mal. Bad.
you (familiar/
formal) to . . .
authentic Spanish. Flashcards have Spanish
Buenas noches. Good night.
Hasta luego. See you later.
Más o menos. So-so.
El gusto es mío. The pleasure is on one side, and a picture or a translation on
Muy bien. Very well. mine. the other.
Hasta mañana. See you tomorrow. Regular. Okay. Encantado(a). Delighted./Pleased Review Games Matching, concentration,
¿Y tú? And you? (familiar) to meet you.
¿Y usted? And you? (formal) Igualmente. Same here./ hangman, and word search are just a
¿Qué pasa? What’s up? Likewise. sampling of the fun, interactive games
Mucho gusto. Nice to meet you. students can play to review for the test.
¿Quién es? Who is he/she/it?
Es... He/She/It is . . .
• Audio and Video
Say Which Day It Is Exchange Phone Numbers Other Words and Phrases
¿Qué día es hoy? What day is today? ¿Cuál es tu/su What’s your la clase class
Hoy es… Today is . . . número de (familiar/ formal) el (la) maestro(a) Spanish teacher • Interactive
Mañana es… Tomorrow is . . . teléfono? phone number? de español (male/female) Flashcards
el día day Mi número de My phone number el país country
hoy today
teléfono es… is . . . Perdón. Excuse me. • Review Activities
mañana tomorrow
Numbers from zero to ten p. 16
por favor please • Integrated
la semana week (Muchas) Gracias. Thank you Performance
(very much).
Days of the week p. 18 De nada. You’re welcome. Assessments
el señor (Sr.) Mr. •
la señora (Sra.) Mrs.
la señorita (Srta.) Miss
sí yes
no no
Describe the Weather Say Where You Are From Role-Playing and Skits
¿Qué tiempo What is the ¿De dónde eres? Where are you
hace? weather like? (familiar) from? Divide students into groups of three or four.
Hace calor. It is hot. ¿De dónde es? Where is he/she They should create a skit in which they greet
Hace frío. It is cold. from?
¿De dónde es Where are you
each other, make introductions, ask how
Hace sol. It is sunny.
Hace viento. It is windy. usted? (formal) from? each other is doing, ask where each other is
Llueve. It is raining. Soy de… I am from . . . from, and say goodbye. Have them present in
Nieva. It is snowing. Es de… He/She is from . . . front of the class.
Spanish-speaking countries p. 13

Lección preliminar
Practice Spanish with Holt McDougal Apps! veinticinco 25 Long-term Retention
Critical Thinking
Differentiating Instruction Categorize Have students group vocabulary
55 PM 25 25/01/16 1:55 PM
from En resumen into questions and answers
Inclusion Multiple Intelligences for easy recall. Students should write a
Cumulative Instruction Write the headings Visual Learners Have students create a question on one side of an index card and
Preguntas and Respuestas on the board. comic strip involving two or three characters. the corresponding answer(s) on the other
Review the meaning of these terms with The characters should greet each other, ask side using different color markers.
students. Then ask students to list as many each other two or three questions, and then
questions as they can that they learned in the say goodbye. Advise students to use word
lesson. After each question, have students bubbles to show the characters’ dialogue.
brainstorm as many possible responses as Give students the opportunity to share their
possible. comic strips with the whole group.

Lección preliminar
la la
• Review lesson vocabulary. ¡ L L E G A DA !

Core Resource anzaRap!

¡Av DVD Now you can
• Audio Program: TXT CD 1 track 22 • greet people and say goodbye • exchange phone numbers
Sing and Learn
Presentation Strategies • introduce yourself and others • say what day of the week it is
• ask and say how to spell names • describe the weather
• Draw students’ attention to the • say where you are from • respond to classroom instructions
• Before starting the audio for Activity 1, Audio Program
ask students to listen carefully to each TXT CD 1 Track 22
conversation and pay special attention Audio Script, TE p.
to expressions that tie in with the
To review
• introductions
1 Listen and understand C25b

drawings. pp. 6–7 You will hear four separate conversations. Put the drawings in order
• Before doing Activity 2, ask students to • classroom according to what you hear.
look at the word bank and identify pp. 22–23 a. b. c. d.
those words that refer to greetings,
those that refer to introductions, and
those that refer to the weather.
• Review numbers by saying one number
and asking students to say the next
number. For example, say ocho.
Students say nueve.
• Before doing Activity 4, review the
meaning of question words by saying a To review 2 Introduce yourself and others
statement and asking students to • greet people
pp. 2–3 Complete Enrique’s e-mail message to Adiós Hace Hoy
choose the correct question from the • introductions his new e-pal. calor Hola Soy
ones in the activity. For example: Me pp. 6–7
Cómo tiempo llamo
llamo Luis Aguirre. Students respond: • weather p. 20
¿Cómo te llamas?
1. ,
¿ 2. estás? Me 3. Enrique. 4. de Panamá. 5. es
1.2 Understand language, Act. 1
1.3 Present information, Acts. 1–4 sábado y hace 6. . ¿Qué 7. hace en Estados Unidos? ¿
8. frío?
9. ,
Warm Up Projectable Transparencies, P-25
Vocabulary Complete the sentences with the
correct word.
presento mañana gusto dónde día
1. ¿Qué es hoy? Lección preliminar
2. Te a Matilde. 26 veintiséis
3. ¿De eres?
4. Hasta . Differentiating Instruction
5. Mucho . 1_WNLSSE861213_prelim.indd 26 25/01/16 1:5
Answers: 1. día; 2. presento; 3. dónde; Slower-paced Learners Heritage Language Learners
4. mañana; 5. gusto
Read Before Listening Before students Writing Skills Ask students to imagine they
listen to the conversations in Activity 1, have are writing to a new e-pal. Have them draft a
them preview the pictures. Direct them to message in which they introduce themselves,
Answers Projectable Transparencies, P-34 and P-35 brainstorm possible words and phrases ask questions about where their e-pal lives,
related to each picture. For example, in and talk about their own interests, and where
Activity 1 1. d; 2. a; 3. c; 4. b picture a., what might the two characters be they live. Remind students to use proper
Activity 2 1. Hola; 2. Cómo; 3. llamo; 4. Soy; saying to each other? Have students write punctuation to differentiate questions from
5. Hoy; 6. calor; 7. tiempo; 8. Hace; 9. Adiós
their ideas on a separate piece of paper, and statements.
refer to their notes as they listen.
Lección preliminar
To review
• origin pp. 12–13
3 Say where you are from REPASO DE LA LECCIÓN
• numbers p. 16 Look at these students’ ID cards from the International Club.
Then complete the sentences that follow. Get Help Online

✓Ongoing Assessment More Practice

Intervention and Remediation If students

achieve less than 80% accuracy with the
activities, direct them to pp. 2–3, 6–7,10,
12–13, 16, 18, 20, 22–23 and to get help
online at

✓Ongoing Assessment
Alternative Strategy After doing Activity 2
in class, have students write a letter to a
classmate. You may wish to assign partners
or have them draw names. They will tell their
1. es de España. names, where they’re from, what day of the
2. El número de teléfono es ocho - nueve - ocho - uno - cero - tres - cinco. week it is and what the weather is like. They
Se llama . may add additional information. They should
3. Se llama Cristina. El número de teléfono es . include at least two questions to be answered
4. La señorita de Chile se llama . by the receiver.
5. Se llama Guillermo. El número de teléfono es .
6. es de México.

✓Ongoing Assessment
To review
• alphabet p. 10
4 Answer personal questions Peer Assessment Have student pairs
• numbers p. 16 Answer these questions using complete sentences. exchange answers for Activity 4, and correct
• days of the week 1. ¿Cómo te llamas? 6. ¿Cómo se llama el libro de each other’s work.
p. 18 español?
2. ¿Cómo se escribe tu nombre?
3. ¿De dónde eres? 7. ¿Qué día es mañana?
4. ¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono? 8. ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?
5. ¿Quién es el (la) maestro(a) de 9. ¿Cómo se dice country
español? ¿De dónde es? en español?

Answers Projectable Transparencies, P-34 and P-35

Get Help Online Activity 3 1. Guillermo Morales
2. Alejandro Cruz
Lección preliminar 3. dos-cuatro-uno-cero-nueve-siete-seis
veintisiete 27 4. Yolanda Hoyos
5. cuatro-seis-cero-uno-ocho-cinco-tres
6. Alejandro Cruz
Differentiating Instruction
55 PM 27 25/01/16 1:54 PM
Activity 4 Answers will vary. Sample answers
Multiple Intelligences Slower-paced Learners 1. Me llamo George.
Linguistic/Verbal Model introducing Peer-study Support Organize students into 2. Se escribe ge-e-o-ere-ge-e.
yourself in Spanish, then have students follow pairs to check their answers for Activity 4. 3. Soy de Nueva York.
4. Mi número de teléfono es cinco-siete-siete-
your model: Hola, buenos días, me llamo... Have partners take turns reading the tres-dos-nueve-cero.
Yo soy de... Then ask volunteers to introduce questions aloud. Both partners should then 5. El(la) maestro(a) de español es el señor
themselves and expand the introduction. For read or say their responses aloud. Encourage (la señora) Ramos. Es de Miami.
example, Hola, me llamo Carlos, soy de partners to give each other constructive 6. El libro de español se llama ¡Avancemos!
Puerto Rico. En Puerto Rico hace sol. feedback when appropriate. 7. Mañana es jueves.
8. Hace calor.
9. Se dice país.


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