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jaauees eos BO ascand answer questions aout he Jobe in Ex 2, asin the example Bic wo ou most ite too? keto wok asa ruse becasse (Mo loting ster sk pope, What abou your A ratte. Listening & Reading 3 QD vusten ana maton the people to the job they want to do and the reason why. tto event planner wants to treat sick people Chiara firefighter_—_~has great organisational skills, Neil doctor wants to save lives spi wast ns acacia from the people (A-C). Who ... believes in hard work? ‘exercises regularly? is going to start their own business? is at university? has only just realised what job they want to do? needs to take a training course? ouAUNnae ‘One question has more than one answer. Then, ‘explain the words in bold. 1'm Elie from the USA and I'm 22 years old. | just finished college, and 1 stil ‘have no idea what job 1 want to do. Help! Hi, Ellie! to from Japan here, When | was a kid, | wanted to be a firefighter — and | still da! Firefighters save lives and they have to be fit and strong, s0 | work out twice a week at the local gym to be ready for the entrance test. I'm sure I'l pass it. Then, I'm going to begin a training course and I'm going to work really hard. Good luck with finding your dream job! 7 Wey, cays! My name's Chiara and I'm from tal Wen | frishod schoo, | didn't know what | wanted to do, ithe, Then, my brother got his degree. | arranged his graduation party ~ the guest His, the venue, the decorations, the food and the music. Everyone said they had a great time! That's when | tealsed I've got great organisational skils. So 1 made a decision -'m going tobe an event planner! {im going to set up my own company and do what tim good at. Think of what you are good at and Tm | sure you wil find the jo that suits you This is Nol from Scotand.| agree with tto and Chiara, You should foow your dreams and do something you're good at otherwise you aren't ‘ing to be happy. But you need to work hard, too. My dream was always to treat sick peopl, 50 Im studying to be a doctor. | know doctors ‘work very long hours and they need to be ‘careful not to make mistakes. When | finish, 'm | going to start a fultime job ina hospital BD suns Rone Use the words from the list to complete the gaps, then make sentences using the completed phrases. emake straining » have.» organisational full-time entrance «long ¢ setup toll a company 5 tohave Mil skills to Mla decision 6 a(n) Ml course to work Mil hours: 7 ain) lon to Milno idea & a(n) test © choose tne correct word. check in your dictionary. He took/passed the test because he worked hard. Gillis learning/studying Architecture at university. Freddie decided to follow/take his dream. Being a nurse isn't an easy job/work, 7 CES ea i mate or oo ‘Chock in your dictionary Choose four phrases and ‘make sentences using the completed phrases. olMlrisakes| 6 1084 prone call 7 wolMmyhomeverk ofMne beds ° olMihewastinguo 10 tly best 3 CEI ei on tw ten ‘make sentences using the completed phrases. 4 be faccurtry 2 topereacy atest a someting a someting s somebody 9 Q rent ana ttn sae Samana aah te bam “haw inden ot eo ion ‘writing 10 & Think of two part-time jobs for students in your country. Which one do you think is more difficult? Why? Tell your partner. © «r #9 CE Research part-time jobs for stucients in your ‘country. Write a short text about each one. Think ‘about: name of = what they do = earnings = advantages ~ cisadvantages. Present the jobs to the class. Vocabulary 1 & match the coturnns to form jobs. animal a tester app b specialist event fashion video game tour social media public relations trainer editor developer planner designer guide eVourens sam se ae (8x2=16) Use: make, do, work, pass, follow in the correct form to complete the sentences. nN mike Ml long hours, from 8 am until 6 pm. {need to la phone call Just ry 10 lil your best in your job interview. He lil his dream and became a doctor. sne lil her tests and got her degree. wrens x2=10) anwonaW wnaone & Read what the people say and fill in the quality. “I'm not afraid of anything” b Mt *\'m good at thinking of new ideas” 1 “Lenjoy talking to people” s Mil “Ideal with some very rude customers” p “try hard not to make mistakes.” ¢ Ml (x2=10) Grammar Q ecnoose the correct item, Look aut! You'll’re going to fal! | think Amanda will/is going to study Biology. I've decided IIl'm going to look for a new jab. This j0d looks great ~ 'm going toy'll analy for it ow! After | finish work, I'm going to/'ll go to the gym. (x3=15) 5 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1 welll (see) John tonight after work. 2. Ihave no money, so | don’t think 1 (go) on holiday next year. The lecture ll (start) at 10:30 am 4 I think John MM (get) the job. Be careful. You MM (break) the laptop. (5x3=15) © choose the correct item, ao If Laura will pass/passes the exam, she becomes/ will become 2 lawyer. I we govwill go now we catehy'll catch the train, 3 He Isn’trwon't be on time for his interview unless: he will wake/wakes up soon. 4 If they work/will work an extra hour, they earn/ will earn £10 more. 5 Wedon’t go/won't go out if he Is/will be late (5x3=15) 7 Flin ior when. 1 call you MH can't come tonight. We'll send you an email il we get to Paris. get the job, rll be very surprised! Ibe at the bus stop Ml she arrives. aune (axt=4) Everyday English 8 Qenoose he correct response. ‘A; When can you stert? B: a On Saturdays. 2A: Please have a seat. B a Thank you. b Yes, that's fine. 3 A: Canyou work at weekends? Br a Yes,noproblem. b_ I'mstilla student. (x5=15) Total 100, b Next Monday,

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