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Annual Examination :

Time Allowed: 2 hours Subject- ENGLISH


General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, WRITING &
2. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.
READING (10 marks)

Q.1 Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
Evelyn Glennie was born in 1965 and grew up on a farm near Aberdeen in
Scotland. She loved playing music, and her ambition was to become a solo
percussionist. She started having problems with her ears and began to lose her
hearing. By the time she was twelve, she was deaf. She couldn't hear at all.
became very angry; it seemed to her that she would never fulfil her dream of
being a great musician. After a while Evelyn stopped being angry and instead
found ways of adapting her playing to suit her deafness. At the age of sixteen,
she became the first deaf student at the Royal Academy in London. She went on
to make lots of CDs and is now famous for being the world's only full time solo
percussionist. Evelyn likes to play unusual instruments and has over a thousand
instruments some of which she has made herself. She likes to play with
musicians from all over the world, and requests composers to create music
especially for her. An example of this is a piece, which was composed for her by
the jazz composer Diango Bates, for which kitchen pots and pans were used as
instruments. Her sixteen solo albums (including twelve on the RCA/BMG label)
have reached a remarkably diverse public, as have her numerous collaborations
with musicians from the non-classical world. Glennie contends that hearing is a
form of touch, and that everyone, whether "deaf" or not, processes sound in an
individual way. When Evelyn performs, she doesn't wear shoes or socks. This is
to enable her to feel the music through the floor and her body. Usually,
percussionists play at the back of the Orchestra, Evelyn plays at the front so that
she can lip – read signals from the conductor. Glennie has said that she doesn't
want an operation to cure her deafness; she likes being who she is and doesn't
want to change the way she
works. Like many other courageous people, she tries hard to help others. She
has helped many deaf children by giving them an opportunity to learn a musical

Answer any FIVE of the following questions : 1*5

i. What was Glennie's ambition?
ii. Where and when was she born?
iii. Why did she become very angry?
iv. How did she stop herself from getting angry?
v. What is she now famous for?
vi. Why does she not wear shoes or socks when she performs?

2. Read the following excerpt from a case study titled Impacts of Festivities on
Festivals are synonymous with celebration, ceremony and joy. However, festivals
bring to fore the flip side of celebrations – pollution – air, water, soil and noise.
This led to the need of assessing the awareness level among people about
ecological pollution during festivals. So, a study was conducted by scholars of an
esteemed university in India. This study was titled Awareness Towards Impact of
Festivals on Ecology.There were two main objectives of the study. The first one
was to assess the awareness level among people about ecological protection
during festivities. Exploring solutions to bring awareness about celebrating
festivals without harming ecology was the second objective. The method used to
collect data was a simple questionnaire containing 6 questions, shared with 50
respondents across four selected districts of a state in
the southern region of India.The research began by understanding the socio-
economic conditions of the respondents before sharing the questionnaire. Once
the responses were received, the data collected was tabulated (Table 1), for
Table-1: Awareness level among respondents
The study recommended the imposition of strict rules and regulations as opposed
to a total ban on all festive activities which have a drastic impact on our
environment. The researchers believed that such
measures would help in harnessing some ill-effects that add to the growing
pollution and suggested further
studies be taken up across the country to assess awareness about ecological
The observations made in the study pointed to the environmental groups and
eco-clubs fighting a losing
battle due to city traffic issues, disposal of plastics, garbage dumping and all sorts
of ecological degradation.
The researchers stressed that the need of the hour is increasing awareness
among people to reduce
ecological pollution which can be facilitated by celebrating all festivals in an eco-
friendly manner.
On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY FIVE questions
from the six 1x5
given below
i. Why do the researchers call pollution the ‘flip side’ of festivals?
ii. Comment on the significance of the second objective of the study with
reference to lines 7-12.
iii. Justify the researchers’ recommendation for limiting the drastic impact of
festival pollution on the
environment with reference to lines 16-21.
iv. Why do the researchers feel that environmental groups and eco-clubs are
fighting a losing battle in the
given scenario?
v. Even though a larger number of people say ‘no’ to bursting crackers than those
who say ‘yes’, festival
pollution persists. How does evidence from table 1 support this statement?
vi. What purpose does the ‘Can’t Say’ column serve in the questionnaire (table


3. A few days ago you went to Chandigarh with your family members and visited
Rose Garden. You were so enchanted with the beautiful roses of different
species that you decided to write it as a diary entry. Write a diary entry. 5
Write a story from the outline given below. Give a suitable title to the story. A bee
falls into a stream-a dove flies past-drops a leaf into the river-the bee climbs on it-
escapes-a hunter aims at the dove-the bee stings the hunter-misses the aim-the
dove is saved-Moral 5 marks
4. There is one error in each line. Identify the wrong word and write it with the
correction in the spaces given. (Any Three) 3 marks

5. Read the following conversation and complete the passage given below: (any
two) 2 marks
Mrs. Jadav: Can I have a small bottle of cranberry jam?
Shopkeeper: Sorry, I have only big bottles.
Mrs. Jadav: When will it be available?
Shopkeeper: I can give it to you tomorrow.
Mrs. Jadav: Thank you, then I will get it tomorrow.
Mrs. Jadav asked the shopkeeper (a)...........The
shopkeeper said that he only had big bottles of cranberry
jam. Mrs. Jadav wanted to know (b)............The
shopkeeper said that (c)............... Mrs. Jadav thanked him
and said that she would get it the following day.
6. Answer ANY SIX questions in 30-40 words each.
a. What is Johnsy’s illness? What can cure her, the medicine or the
willingness to live?
b. Why did Lushkoff become embarrassed when he came to assist Sergei
move to another house?
c. What was Jerome’s real intention when he offered George and Harris to
d. How was Baba trained? Write your answer in the context of The Bond of
e. “No Men are Foreign” is an anti-war poem. Comment.
f. What is ‘the most sensitive’ part of the tree? What is it sensitive to and why?
Write your answer in the context of Poem On Killing a Tree.
g. What idea do you form about the poet’s attitude towards all living
creatures? Write your answer in the context of the poem The Snake Trying.
7. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 120 words each
a. What did Gerrard tell the intruder about himself? Was he telling the truth?
Why or Why not?
b. What did the narrator and his mother do on seeing the fire? Write your
answer in the context of the lesson A House is Not a Home.
c. Draw a comparison between Santosh Yadav and Maria Sharapova.

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