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Unit Test 2 | Group B

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

LISTENING 3 Complete the sentences with the missing

1 [Track 03] You are going to hear people words. The first letters are given.
talking in five different situations. For
0 Many farmers use chemical pesticides to
questions 1–5, listen and choose the correct
protect their crops.
answer a, b or c.
1 The forecast says we’ll have more
1 What does the woman say about the weather? h______________ rain over the next week.
a It’s raining hard right now. 2 We have to a______________ this problem as
b The weather is unpredictable at the a matter of urgency.
moment. 3 Natural p______________ such as tigers are
c It’s very cold. beautiful, but we mustn’t forget they can also be
1 In the radio announcement, the speaker says very dangerous!
that 4 Killer whales are natural predators and eat
a climate change is happening quickly. m______________ mammals such as seals.
b the Council wants to recruit workers. 5 It’s far too hot to go out in this
c the river will probably flood again soon. s______________ weather. You should stay
3 The boy thinks that indoors and keep cool.
a everyone should have a credit card.
___ / 5
b cards aren’t very safe.
c cash will never disappear.
4 The girl is very surprised
4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
a about the shark’s vision.
the sentences.
b by how big the whale shark is.
c that people want to swim with sharks. 0 I think that there ___ a gradual reduction of
5 What’s the purpose of the boy’s presentation? carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere this
a To explain why renewable energy is century.
important. a will be being
b To encourage students to support b will be
a renewable energy campaign. c will have been
c To criticise the headmaster for his attitude 1 This time next week, I ___ close to the ocean
towards renewable energy. floor!
___ / 5 a am diving
b will be diving
VOCABULARY c will have been diving
2 Choose the correct option to complete the 2 These stones are slippery. Oh no! I ___!
sentences. a will fall
b fall
0 We must decide how we’re going to tackle /
c am going to fall
provide / cause the problem today.
3 By the end of term, we ___ on the conservation
1 This month’s sub-zero / freak / workable
project for a year.
temperatures have caused a lot of forest fires.
a will work
2 This is a very complex / viable / minor problem
b will have been working
that will take some time to solve.
c will be working
3 Primates / Reptiles / Crustaceans have bigger
4 I can’t prove it, but I am certain there ___
brains than other mammals and are more
a dystopian future.
a won’t be
4 There have been a lot of floods recently as
b isn’t going to be
we’ve had a lot of soaring / torrential / slimy
c isn’t
5 The hurricane ___ the mainland by this time
5 Large animals need strong fins / skeletons /
beaks to support their body weight.
a will hit
___ / 5 b is going to hit
c will have hit

___ / 5

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5 Complete the text with the correct form of 7 Complete the sentences with the correct
the verbs in brackets. form of the words in brackets. Add extra
words were necessary. You must use no
We were hoping to spend a week studying more than six words.
alligators in their natural habitat, but our plans
0 I will set up a business (set / business) when
have been ruined by a hurricane, so we 0 are
I graduate from university.
going (go) home early. We’ve finally managed
1 The council is planning ______________
to get a flight back. It 1 ______________ (be) at
______________ (deal / problem) of industrial
10 a.m. tomorrow! We’ve been advised not to
waste as soon as they have drafted the budget.
leave the hotel, as the winds are very strong
2 The medical staff ______________
and there is some flooding. We haven’t had
______________ (have / use) this equipment
warm water for two days now, so when I get
for ten years by the end of this year.
home the first thing I 2 ______________ (do)
3 My class ____________________________
is have a hot shower! We’ve already packed,
(think / create) a school website in English next
so the only thing left to do is thank the hotel
manager, who has been fantastic.
4 I wonder if ____________________________
Unfortunately, we can’t buy her a present as
(you / work) on your project this afternoon.
the shops are all closed, but we
3 ______________ (hope) to see her next year,
If not, can I give you a call?
5 His new proposal to open a sewage plant
as we’re planning to come back! With any luck,
____________________________ (be /
this time next week we 4 ______________ (sit)
certain / make) an impact on the committee.
in our local café telling our families about our
latest adventure. I 5 ______________ (let) you ___ / 5
___ / 5 8 Read the text below. For questions 1–5,
choose from texts A–D. You may choose
USE OF ENGLISH each text more than once.
6 Complete the text with the correct form of
the words in brackets. Trips for the adventurous animal-lover
‘Extinction Rebellion’ (XR) is a 0 movement Come to Borneo and have the trip of a lifetime,
(MOVE) that uses non-violent methods to fight learning about a highly intelligent endangered
against climate change. XR activists point out species that shares 96.4% of our genes, the
that the Earth is getting 1 ______________ orangutan. You will have the chance to come face-
(INCREASE) hot due to global warming. to-face with these fascinating, tree-living animals on
Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, mainly guided tours in the Tanjung Puting National Park
from human activities such as burning fossil and the Lamandau Wildlife Reserve of Borneo. You
fuels, 2 ______________ (FOREST) and will travel along mysterious rivers in canoes deep
farming, are the most serious threat to the into the heart of the rainforest to find feeding sites,
planet. They cause ozone 3 ______________ where you will see orangutans that used to live in
(LAY) depletion as well as an increase in heat- captivity living in the wild. You will love observing
related illnesses. ‘Extinction Rebellion’ aims to these slow-moving human-like creatures, as they
raise awareness of green issues such as use their long fingers and toes and strong arms to
alternative energy sources and move from tree to tree. In the evenings, you will be
4 ______________ (SUSTAIN) design. They able to relax with other travellers over dinner made
also advocate the need to reduce from local produce and talk about other animals
5 ______________ (EMIT) from vehicles and you’ve seen along the way, such as smaller
flights. monkeys, lizards and snakes. You’ll be too tired to
read, so don’t weigh down your backpack with
a heavy book!
___ / 5

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What better way to discover what the coast of Did you know that in 2010 there were only around
British Columbia has to offer than a sailing 3,200 wild tigers in the world? However, things are
excursion round its fjords and estuaries! You’ll love looking up. This number has increased to almost
the special visits we organise to the whale research 4,000 thanks largely to conservation projects and
station, and will be fascinated by watching cuddly the establishment of more reserves. If you would
baby bears playing. Our wolf-spotting forest walk is like to find out more about these beautiful creatures
always a hit too. They aren’t easy to make out and to see a conservation project in action, then
because of their colour and speed! You will always Kipling Camp, located on the edge of the Kanha
be accompanied by expert trek leaders who Tiger Reserve in India, is a great choice. Although
guarantee your safety, although it’s important to some of our guests have a qualification in
have suitable footwear, as paths can be slippery. conservation and want to learn more with like-
You will sleep in a cosy, comfortable cabin; there’s minded individuals, the only thing we insist you have
a relaxing lounge on board too, where you can is a passion for the tiger. You will go on some
socialise with the other travellers. Finally, our eco- amazing tiger safari drives. It isn’t as hard to find
friendly cruise only employs people from local them as you may think! At the end of your stay, we
communities, who are all required to have sailing will take you on a village tour on which you will be
certificates. They would love to invite you to their able to talk to the residents and find out more about
villages, but unfortunately time is limited! If you wish their homes and way of life.
to get a deeper understanding of the local way of
life, we suggest you come back next year! Which text …
1 describes some physical features of
C an animal? ___
This research trip is perfect for those interested in 2 refers to equipment travellers should
finding out more about the Arabian oryx. This bring? ___
member of the antelope family, which became 3 describes a trip on which you visit a local
extinct in the wild in the 1970s, was saved in settlement? ___
captivity. Today over a thousand have been 4 mentions a qualification travellers need? ___
reintroduced into their natural habitat, although they 5 mentions an animal that’s hard to spot? ___
are still under threat. You will work alongside
scientists and spend your days collecting data about ___ / 5
this fascinating animal, considered by some to be
the source of the unicorn legend. A scientific WRITING
background is desirable although not essential, but 9 Do the exam task.
a driver’s licence is a must, as you will have to drive
W mediach często porusza się problem marnowania
a jeep in the desert to get to the oryx’s favourite
żywności przez restauracje. Napisz do gazety
areas. You should have a good level of fitness and
e-mail, w którym opiszesz sytuację, która sprawiła,
be able to walk 12 km through the desert sand!
że zainteresowałeś/zainteresowałaś się tym
You’ll be ready for a tasty vegetarian dinner in the
problemem, i zaproponujesz rozwiązania mające na
evening, expertly prepared by our own chef. So, get
celu ograniczenie marnowania żywności w
away from your everyday work stress and help the

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___ / 10
TOTAL ___ / 50

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