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Panel bridges

A long tradition in structural steelwork

A long tradition in structural steelwork

The name of bridge building

W ith a history going back to the year 1854, W aagner-Biro is one of the
most traditional companies in Austria. Today, our image is that of a
dynamic international group specialising in structural steelwork and
m e c h a n i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g , a s we l l a s f a ç a d e a n d e l e c t r i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g . I n
a l l t h e s e a r e a s , we s u p p l y t a i l o r - m a d e s y s t e m s f o r d i s c e r n i n g c u s t o m e r s
around the globe from planning and manufacture to assembly and
Waagner-Biro's success is based on the consistent application of
innovative technologies and manufacturing processes. In the final
analysis, however, our success is definitely resulting from the creativity,
entrepreneurship and experience of our staff. Some 10,000 reference
i n s t a l l a t i o n s a r o u n d t h e wo r l d a r e a l a s t i n g p r o o f .
One of the areas in which W aagner-Biro is considered to be one of the
world's leading suppliers is the development and implementation of all
kinds of steel bridges. In particular, more and more customers are
convinced of the advantages of our modular bridges.
Based on the tested and proven basic concept of the latticework structure,
the modular concept of these bridges offers a lot of benefits. The latest
Waagner-Biro product in the field of modular bridges is the W aagner-Biro
P a n e l B r i d g e . I t wa s d e v e l o p e d f o r e a s i e s t a n d f a s t e s t e r e c t i o n , t h u s
matching primarily emergency, temporary and military demands. All
modular bridges ensure a high degree of flexibility with respect to bridge
width, span and loading capacity.
T h e r e f o r e W a a g n e r - B i r o i s a l m o s t t h e s o l e s u p p l i e r wo r l d w i d e , w h o i s
offering the full range of modular bridges, i.e. modular bridges with bolted
n o d e s f o r h i g h e s t f a t i g u e s t r e n g t h a n d w e l d e d p a n e l b r i d g e s wi t h p i n
junctions for fastest erection.
As a result, every particular requirement of all customers can be matched
without difficulty. Rapidly. Economically. And to the complete satisfaction
of our customers.

Waagner-Biro Panel Bridge construction

Highest quality
in combination with
highest flexibility

The Waagner-Biro Panel Bridge is characterized by high flexibility and matches the
requirements of any type of emergency or military bridge.

Only ONE type of panel is required for erecting the bridge truss for all spans, all
loadings, all constructions and all roadway widths; thus definitely avoiding any
possible misunderstandings in view of panels’ positioning in the bridge construction.
Therefore a most efficient stock keeping of standard components is ensured.

Due to the use of special high-strength steel Waagner-Biro Panel Bridges offer
highest load bearing capacities. Clear unsupported spans of up to 80m are

Resulting from the high quality standards in welding, tests carried out by the
Technical University of Vienna reveal extremely high fatigue resistance. Therefore
the Waagner-Biro Panel Bridge even offers solutions for railway emergency bridges.

Since all parts have been optimised with regard to handling and weight, easy
transport in standard ISO containers and easy erection even by unskilled labour,
using standard tools, are guaranteed. Component weight of standard wide bridges
does not exceed 350kg ensuring safe and easy assembly even by hand.

To ensure safe use the capacities of all bridge constructions, based on static and
dynamic tests of the Technical University of Vienna, are specified in the Design and
Erection Manual together with information on the best erection procedure.

Hot dip galvanised finish ensure maximum durability.

Fields for application

- Road, pedestrian and bicycle bridges

- Railway emergency bridges

- Moveable temporary swing, bascule and lift bridges

- Temporary crane systems

- Floating bridges

- Bridge piers and towers

- Scaffold

Waagner-Biro Panel Bridge construction

Waagner-Biro Panel Bridge construction

Basic bridge components

Of a Single Single and a Double Single bridge truss configuration


Stahldeckelement Paneel Standard Verstärkungsgurt



TRANSOM Bremsverband




Zylinderkipplager mit Grundplatte END POST PIN
















Waagner-Biro Panel Bridge construction

Modular components
T h e m a i n p a r t o f t h e P a n e l B r i d g e i s t h e p a n e l i t s e l f wi t h a s y s t e m h e i g h t
of 2.15m. These panels are connected to form a bridge truss by pins
and/or bolts. One truss can be composed of either one panel per truss or
u p t o f o u r p a n e l s p e r t r u s s s i d e b y s i d e a n d t wo p a n e l s p e r t r u s s o n t o p o f
each other (see following page).

In order to increase the bending capacity of the trusses, three different

types of reinforcing chords are available.

Standard transoms, carrying the decking, are available in the standard

w i d t h o f 3 . 1 5 m , i n t h e e x t r a wi d t h o f 4 . 2 0 m a n d i n t h e d o u b l e w i d t h o f
7.35m. Non-standard transoms can easily be manufactured, upon separate

T h e r o a d wa y c a n b e d e c k e d e i t h e r b y s t e e l d e c k u n i t s o r b y t i m b e r o n
steel stringers. The standard surface of the steel deck units has raised
p a t t e r n s , o p t i o n a l l y i t m a y b e p r o v i d e d wi t h a n a n t i s k i d f i n i s h . 1 5 0 m m h i g h
kerb units protect the vehicles from the sides.

For easiest erection, the transoms are positioned between two panels
above the pin connection. This avoids the need to pass the heavy
transoms through all bottom panels in each bay.

Transom braces and swaybraces ensure resistance to wind and braking


The vertical bracing, which is stabilising the top chord, is generally

designed as one lightweight bars and suitable for all types of trusses.

T h e c o n t i n u o u s t o p c h o r d b r a c e f o r c o n s t r u c t i o n s wi t h m o r e t h a n o n e
panel per truss is made of lightweight bars.

The end posts transfer the load at the end of the bridge to the bearings.

Series of the Waagner Biro Power Panel

T wo c o m p a t i b l e s e r i e s o f P o we r P a n e l B r i d g e s a r e a v a i l a b l e i n o r d e r t o
fulfil the requirements of all our customers.

Power Panel 30

The length of one bay is 10 feet (3.048m), which is equal to the standard
lengt h of the original Bailey M1 bridge.

In all other respects – such as height of the parts and allowable load
bearing capacities – the PP30 series is equal to the PP35 series.
Therefore PP30 panels can be pinned to the PP35 ones. All components
independent of the length of the bay are equal in the PP30 and PP35

Power Panel 35

W ith the same admissible capacities as PP30, the length of one bay is 3.5
m. PP35 therefore offers the advantage of reducing a number of
components by around 15% and of reducing the weight of the bridge.

Waagner-Biro Panel Bridge construction

Bridge truss configurations

Waagner-Biro Panel Bridge construction

Multi-Span Bridges

If the gap is too wide to be crossed by a single span bridge or if the erection of
piers reduces the costs of the bridge, multi-span bridges should be installed.

Two types of multi-span Panel Bridges are delivered by Waagner-Biro

- Continuous bridge constructions

- Discontinuous bridge constructions

Where no settlement of the foundations is expected and the end spans are not
or only slightly shorter than the adjacent intermediate spans, continuous bridge
constructions may have the advantage of reducing the bending stresses in the
trusses compared to simply supported spans.

The equipment for discontinuous bridge constructions essentially pins one

span to the end of another using span junction posts. Therefore level and
articulated span junctions, even for dynamical modes, with a movement range
up to a gradient of 1:5 are possible. If the bridge is to be launched, the span
junction may be locked until the bridge is jacked down to its final position.

Continuous bridge construction

Discontinuous bridge construction

Waagner-Biro Panel Bridge construction

Methods of erection

W here sufficiently large cranes are available, the total

bridge construction, usually without deck units, may be lifted
into position.

Where scaffolding may easily be installed, erection of the

bridge above the gap is possible.

The majority of bridges is installed using the cantilever

launch method. This procedure uses a lightweight launching
nose added to the front of the bridge and special rollers
placed below the trusses. The combined bridge/nose
assembly is pushed over the gap to land on temporary
rollers on the far bank. The launching nose consists of
standard bridge elements. The rollers are standardised for
the erection of all types of trusses.

Bridge Launching Nose

13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Launching Rollers

Waagner-Biro Panel Bridge construction

Additional Equipment

Piers, Towers

Besides standardised square towers

the W aagner-Biro Panel Bridge Pier in
its basic version utilises also standard
b r i d g e p a n e l s t h a t a r e b r a c e d wi t h
standard components to form a full
width ‘leaf’ pier.


Where the decking is not at the same level as the roadway, ramps offer
t h e p o s s i b i l i t y t o c o n n e c t t h e l o w e r s t r e e t l e v e l wi t h t h e h i g h e r r o a d w a y

Ramp Bridge


U s u a l l y i n t e r n a l f o o t wa l k s a r e u s e d , w h e n o n e d e c k i s e r e c t e d a t a h i g h e r
level. Alternatively, footwalks can be added on the outside of one or of
both Panel Bridge trusses.

Waagner-Biro Brückenbau AG
A-1221 Wien/Vienna,
Stadlauer Strasse 54, Austria
Tel.: +43/1/288 44-0, Telefax: +43/1/288 44-7812,

Waagner-Biró S.A.
E-28010 Madrid,
Santisima Trinidad 30, 3°, 2, Spain
Tel.: +34/91/4475729, Telefax: +34/91/4461867

P.T. Waagner-Biró Indonesia

Menara Kadin Bld. 19th Fl.,
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5,
Kav. 2&3, Jakarta 12950, Indonesia
Tel.: +62/21/527 4510, Telefax: +62/21/527 4513

Waagner-Biro Gulf LLC

P.O.Box 8542, Dubai, U.A.E.
Tel.: +9714/3242430, Telefax: +9714/3241003

Waagner Biro B.B.E. LLC

P.O.Box 73654, Abu Dhabi/U.A.E.
Tel.: +9712/6546725, Telefax: +9712/6546890

Waagner Biro Phillippines, Inc.

19/F Unit 19-A, Trafalgar Placa Building,
105 H.V. Dela Costa St., Salcedo Village,
Makati City, Philippines
Tel.: +632/8118332, Telefax: +632/8483974

Qualter Hall & Co. Ltd.

South Yorkshire S75 2BY,
16 Johnson Street, Barnsley
Tel.: +44/1226/205761, Fax: +44/1226/286269

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