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The class is further enlarged because each isomer has various derivatives: uronic acids, sugars
with an oxidized group; sugar alcohols, sugars with a reduced group; glycosides, compounds of
sugars with other molecules containing a hydroxyl group; and amino sugars, sugars with an
amino group (see amino acid)A carbohydrate is a naturally occurring compound, or a derivative
of such a compound, with the general chemical formula C x(H2O)y, made up
of molecules of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O). Carbohydrates are the most
widespread organic substances and play a vital role in all life.

Green plants produce carbohydrates by photosynthesis. In most animals, carbohydrates are the
quickly accessible reservoir of energy, and oxidation (see oxidation-reduction) of glucose in
tissues supplies energy for metabolism. Many (but by no means all) carbohydrates have the
general chemical formula Cn (H2O)n. The carbon (C) atoms are bonded to hydrogen atoms (H),
hydroxyl groups (OH; see functional group), and carbonyl groups (C=O), whose combinations,
order, and geometric arrangement lead to a large number of isomers with the same chemical
formula but different properties.

Carbohydrate, Any member of a very abundant and widespread class of natural organic
compounds that includes sugars, starch, and cellulose. They are commonly classified as
monosaccharides (simple sugars; e.g., glucose, fructose), disaccharides (2-unit sugars; e.g.,
sucrose, lactose), oligosaccharides (3–10 or so sugars), and polysaccharides (large molecules
with up to 10,000 monosaccharide units, including cellulose, starch, and glycogen).

Green plants produce carbohydrates by photosynthesis. In most animals, carbohydrates are the
quickly accessible reservoir of energy, and oxidation (see oxidation-reduction) of glucose in
tissues supplies energy for metabolism. Many (but by no means all) carbohydrates have the
general chemical formula Cn (H2O)n. The carbon (C) atoms are bonded to hydrogen atoms (H),
hydroxyl groups (OH; see functional group), and carbonyl groups (C=O), whose combinations,
order, and geometric arrangement lead to a large number of isomers with the same chemical
formula but different properties.

The chemical formula of a carbohydrate is Cx(H2O)y, which denotes some carbons (C) with

some water molecules (H2O) attached—hence the word carbohydrate, which means “hydrated


Carbohydrates are divided into four types: monosaccharides, disaccharides, oligosaccharides,

and polysaccharides. Monosaccharides consist of a simple sugar; that is, they have the chemical
formula C6H12O6. Disaccharides are two simple sugars. Oligosaccharides are three to six
monosaccharide units, and polysaccharides are more than six.

Carbohydrates that are not monosaccharides that is, the disaccharides, oligosaccharides, and
polysaccharides are polymers, made up of more than one simpler unit, or monomer. In this case,
the monomer is a simple sugar or monosaccharide.

Nucleic acids
Nucleic acids are essential for all forms of life, and it is found in all cells. Nucleic acids come in
two natural forms called deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA).
Nucleic acids are made of biopolymers, which are naturally-occurring, repeated sets of
monomers (making polymers) that then create nucleotides, which form nucleic acids.
To understand the structure of nucleic acid, it is important to understand the structure of the
nucleotides that make up nucleic acid.
The structure of nucleic acid
A nucleotide is made up of three parts that are attached by bonds. The three parts are a phosphate
group, a 5-carbon sugar, and a nitrogen base.
Phosphate group
The phosphate group is made up of a phosphorus atom with four negatively charged oxygen
atoms attached to it.
5-carbon sugar
The 5-carbon sugar (known as a pentose) includes ribose and deoxyribose, which are present in
nucleic acid. Both ribose and deoxyribose have five carbon atoms and one oxygen atom.
Attached to the carbon atoms are hydrogen atoms and hydroxyl groups.
In ribose sugar, there are hydroxyl groups attached to the second and third carbon atoms. In
deoxyribose sugar, there is a hydroxyl group attached to the third carbon atom, but only a
hydrogen atom is attached to the second carbon atom.

Nitrogen base
The nitrogen molecule acts as a base in nucleic acid because it can give electrons to other
molecules and create new molecules through this process. It can bind to carbon, hydrogen, and
oxygen molecules to create ring structures.
Ring structures come in single rings (pyrimidines) and double rings (purines). Pyrimidines
include thymine, cytosine, and uracil. Purines include adenine and guanine. Purines are larger
than pyrimidines, and their size differences help to determine their pairings in DNA strands.
The function of nucleic acid
Each type of nucleic acid carries out a different function in the cells of all living things.
DNA is responsible for storing and coding genetic information in the body. The structure of
DNA allows for genetic information to be inherited by children from their parents.
As the nucleotide’s adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine in DNA will only pair in a certain
sequence (adenine with thymine, and guanine with cytosine), every time a cell duplicates the
strand of DNA can specify the sequence in which the nucleotides should be copied. As such,
accurate copies of DNA can be made and passed down from generation to generation.
Inside DNA, instructions for all the proteins an organism will make are stored.

RNA plays an important role in protein synthesis and regulates the expression of the information
stored in DNA to make these proteins. It is also how genetic information is carried in certain
 The various functions of RNA include:
 Creating new cells in the body
 Translating DNA into proteins
 Acting as a messenger between DNA and ribosomes
 Helps ribosomes choose the correct amino acids to create new proteins in the body.
These functions are carried out by RNA with different names. These names include:
 Transfer RNA (tRNA)
 Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
 Messenger RNA (mRNA).
However, not all nucleic acids are involved in processing the information stored in cells. The
nucleic acid adenosine triphosphate (ATP), made up of an adenine nitrogenous base, a 5-carbon
ribose sugar, and three phosphate groups, is involved in generating energy for cellular processes.
The bonds between the three phosphate groups are high energy bonds, and supply the cell with
energy. All living cells use ATP for energy to allow them to carry out their functions.
Fatty acids
Fatty acids have a wide range of commercial applications. For example, they are used
not only in the production of numerous food products but also in soaps, detergents, and
cosmetics. Soaps are the sodium and potassium salts of fatty acids. Some skin-care
products contain fatty acids, which can help maintain healthy skin appearance and
function. Fatty acids, particularly omega-3 fatty acids, are also commonly sold as dietary
fatty acid, important component of lipids (fat-soluble components of living cells) in
plants, animals, and microorganisms. Generally, a fatty acid consists of a straight chain
of an even number of carbon atoms, with hydrogen atoms along the length of the chain
and at one end of the chain and a carboxyl group (COOH) at the other end. It is that
carboxyl group that makes it an acid (carboxylic acid). If the carbon-to-carbon bonds are
all single, the acid is saturated; if any of the bonds is double or triple, the acid is
unsaturated and is more reactive. A few fatty acids have branched chains; others contain
ring structures (e.g., prostaglandins). Fatty acids are not found in a free state in nature;
commonly they exist in combination with glycerol (an alcohol) in the form
of triglyceride.

organic compound, any of a large class of chemical compounds in which one or

more atoms of carbon are covalently linked to atoms of other elements, most
commonly hydrogen, oxygen, or nitrogen. The few carbon-containing compounds not
classified as organic include carbides, carbonates, and cyanides. 

Nucleic acid is an essential part of all living things and is the building block for both DNA and
RNA. It is found in all cells and also in some viruses. Nucleic acids have a very diverse set of
functions, such as cell creation, the storage and processing of genetic information, protein
building, and the generation of energy cells.
Although their functions may differ, the structures of DNA and RNA are very similar, with only
a few fundamental differences in their molecular make-up differentiating them.
Alberts, B. et al. Molecular biology of the cell. (2002). .
Bergman, J. ATP: the perfect energy currency for the cell.
BYJU (n.d.).
MEDSimplified. (2017).

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