Sixth Sunday After Trinity (1891)

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Sixth Sunday after Trinity (1891)

Matthew 5:20-26 "God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself." This is, in a nutshell, the content of the entire Gospel. A wonderful, comforting, heavenly, sweet sermon that God Himself in Christ has truly reconciled the whole world to Himself. One would think a man that has taken this truth to heart could now no longer be angry with people. And certainly it is not unnecessary, but very necessary, that we Christians will quite strongly keep the words of our Savior: "Be Reconciled with Your Brother." Let us consider 1. To whom this word is spoken, a. all men; for it is understood in the Fifth Commandment prohibits not only the gross act of murder, but also irreconcilability, which is nothing other than a continued hate.1 Therefore no man has a right to be unforgiving; b. particularly we Christians, we disciples of Jesus; because the Sermon on the Mount is addressed to such, as v. 1, 11-16 shows; in fact not only those who "offer their gift", it can be in place of serving God. Also they need it, that such preaching of the Law will keep them, that they are warned against the sin of irreconcilability. And what applies from this commandment is true of all others; the preaching of the Law must also remain in fashion in the Christian congregation, and Christians also need to be warned of subtle sins where they occur, for their own sake they will be chastised with God's Word and Law2; 2. what this Word should work, a. that we are preserved from the self-righteousness of the Pharisees, who, on the one hand, thought the outward act was all that the Law meant3; on the other hand, also let themselves obtain God's favor with gifts and sacrifices without fulfilling the Law4; we should rather recognize that God demands perfect, spiritual fulfillment of His commands and we cannot redeem ourselves through our gifts and offerings to him from such obedience; b. that we learn to be terrified over our sins, also over the subtle sin of irreconcilability, that loses as well as the coarsest homicide of the kingdom of heaven5; that we indeed do not take it easy with these sins, but do all diligence to be kept from it, and, where we have stained ourselves with it, and, were it only for a moment, we are guilty of transgressing the Fifth Commandment, recognize, that therefore we deserve to be handed over to the torturers for

Matthew 5:21-22, of which v. 23ff. links with "therefore". Matthew 5:23-24. 3 Matthew 5:20-21. 4 Matthew 5:23-24. 5 Matthew 5:20.

eternal torment6; then we will also be welcome to the preaching of the Gospel that directs us and gives us strength to seek consolation and help that has paid for us the last penny; c. that we, if such grace has happened to us, now also through proper brotherly reconciliation, as by conduct from which this word says to us in particular, that it is pleasing to God and is dearer than gifts and sacrifices, to walk according to God's will in new obedience, whoever takes God's command for guidance.7 A.G.

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Matthew 5:25-26. Matthew 5:23-24.

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