Mock Exam 1 - Writing Liviana Popovici

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Name: Liviana Popovici

Teacher´s name: Mari

- Part 1
Young peolpe nowadays are more privileged than young people in the past?
It is widely belived that the young people nowadays have many more opportunities
than young people had in the past. However, this is only like this since many things
To begin with, in the past, most of the young people did not care that much with
school or with their grades, it was not that they did not want to know, altough was the
only choice they had. Usually when they reached a certain age, they had to give up
school to start working. Many of this people did not even reach the 9th grade.
Nowadays, is completely diferente, younger people have more opportunities to study
if they want, they no longer need to give up school. It is also mandatory to study until
the 12th grade, then it is a personal choice to go to university.
Secondly, many people in the past could not travel because of not have monetary
conditions, the tickets were very expensive, travelling was not for anyone, most people
did not even receive enough to buy the necessary, imagine to travel. Nowadays it's
easy to travel, there are very cheap tickets to amazing destinations.
Finally, the relationships in the past were extremely sensitive, you could only date
someone your parents approved and also, you intended to marry, if it was not for that
it was considered inappropriate. If you had been dating more than once, you were
considered non-marriable material. Nowadays it's not like that, you can date whoever
you want, as many times as you want, no one says anything.
In conclusion, young people nowadays have many more opportunities than young
people had in the past.

- Part 2
School rules
Have you ever though if you agree or not with the rules at your school? All schools
have rules, some have rules that sudents agree on, others have more unfair rules.
The rules are very important for schools, if the rules did not exist there was no order or
respect and the students would do everything they wanted, the rules serve for the
environment to be more organised and peaceful.
There are some rules that students may not agree with, that they find more unfair and
that do not make sense and others that in their perspective make sense. In my school
there are a lot of rules, as in most schools, the one I agree with the most is the mobile
phone rule, we can't use mobile phones in the middle of classes, I agree with this rule,
because I think the cell phone is a distraction and doesn't let us concentrate as if we
weren't touching the cell phone. One of the rules that in my point of view is the most
unfair is the rule of delay tolerance, while teachers can delay if without having a foul,
students are late 5 minutes are already missed and no longer let them
enter the classroom.
Of course we shouldn´t complain about the rules since they all have some reason to be

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