Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods

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Quantitative research is a form of research

that relies on the
methods of natural sciences, which
produces numerical data
and hard facts. It aims at establishing
cause and effect
relationship between two variables by
using mathematical,
computational and statistical methods. The
research is also
known as empirical research as it can
be accurately and
precisely measured. The data collected
by the researcher
can be divided into categories or put into
rank, or it can be
measured in terms of units of
measurement. Graphs and
tables of raw data can be constructed
with the help
quantitative research, making it easier for
the researcher to
analyse the results
Quantitative research is a form of research
that relies on the
methods of natural sciences, which
produces numerical data
and hard facts. It aims at establishing
cause and effect
relationship between two variables by
using mathematical,
computational and statistical methods. The
research is also
known as empirical research as it can
be accurately and
precisely measured. The data collected
by the researcher
can be divided into categories or put into
rank, or it can be
measured in terms of units of
measurement. Graphs and
tables of raw data can be constructed
with the help
quantitative research, making it easier for
the researcher to
analyse the results
Quantitative Research is a form of research which produces numerical data and hard facts. This
is an inquiry into an identified problem based on testing a theory so it can be accurately and
precisely measured. Research is based primarily on deductive forms of logic and theories and
hypotheses. The goal is to develop generalizations that contribute to theory that enable the
researcher to predict, explain, and understand some phenomenon. The data collected by the
researcher can be divided into categories or put into rank, or it can be measured in terms of units
of measurement. Graphs and tables of raw data can be constructed with the help quantitative
research, making it easier for the researcher to analyze the results. Experiments, correlational
studies and surveys are mainly quantitative in nature.

Quantitative Research: An Operational

 Purpose: explain, predict or control
phenomena through
focused collection and analysis of
numerical data.
 Approach: deductive; tries to be
objectives/ is outcome-oriented.
 Hypotheses: Specific, testable, and
stated prior to
 Lit. Review: extensive; may
significantly influence a
particular study.
 Setting: controlled to the degree
 Sampling: uses largest
random/randomized sample, to allow
generalization of
results to larger populations.
 Measurement: standardized, numerical;
"at the end"
 Design and Method: Strongly
structured, specified in
detail in advance; involves intervention,
and control groups; descriptive,
 Data Collection: via instruments,
surveys, experiments,
semi-structured formal interviews, tests
 Data Analysis: raw data is numbers;
at end of study,
usually statistical.
 Data Interpretation: formulated at end
of study; stated
as a degree of certainty
Qualitative research is one which
provides insights and
understanding of the problem setting. It is
an unstructured,
exploratory research method that studies
highly complex
Qualitative Research is one which provides insights and understanding of the problem setting. It
is an unstructured and exploratory research method that studies highly complex phenomena.
Qualitative research is used to gain an in-depth understanding of human behavior, experience,
attitudes, intentions, and motivations, on the basis of observation and interpretation, to find out
the way people think and feel. Research is based on inductive forms of logic; categories of
interest emerge from informants (subjects), rather than being identified a priori by the researcher;
it is a form of research in which the researcher gives more weight to the views of the
participants. Case study, Focus Groups, ethnography, historical and phenomenology are the
types of qualitative research.

Qualitative Versus Quantitative Research

Criteria Qualitative Research Quantitative Research

Purpose To understand & interpret To test hypotheses, look at cause
human behavior or & effect, & make predictions.
psychological phenomena.
Group Studied Smaller & not randomly selected. Larger & randomly selected.
Variables Study of the whole, not variables. Specific variables studied
Type of Data Collected Words, images, or objects. Numbers and statistics.
Form of Data Collected Qualitative data such as open- Quantitative data based on
ended responses, interviews, precise measurements using
participant observations, field structured & validated data-
notes, & reflections. collection instruments.
Type of Data Analysis Identify patterns, features, themes. Identify statistical relationships.
Objectivity and Subjectivity is expected. Objectivity is critical.
Role of Researcher Researcher & their biases may be Researcher & their biases are not
known to participants in the known to participants in the study,
study, & participant & participant characteristics are
characteristics may be known to deliberately hidden from the
the researcher. researcher (double blind studies).
Results Particular or specialized findings Generalizable findings that can be
that is less generalizable. applied to other populations.
Scientific Method Exploratory or bottom–up: the Confirmatory or top-down: the
researcher generates a new researcher tests the hypothesis and
hypothesis and theory from the theory with the data.
data collected.
Most Common Explore, discover, & construct. Describe, explain, & predict.
Focus Wide-angle lens; examines the Narrow-angle lens; tests a
breadth & depth of phenomena. specific hypotheses.
Nature of Observation Study behavior in a natural Study behavior under
environment. controlled conditions;
isolate causal effects.
Nature of Reality Multiple realities; subjective. Single reality; objective.
Final Report Narrative report with Statistical report with
contextual description & correlations, comparisons of
direct quotations from means, & statistical
research participants. significance of findings.

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