Developing Reading Power Grade 3

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It was a rainy day. The children could not

go out to play. So Lucy, Zeny and Perla stayed
in the house.

“ Let us cut out paper fruits for our store ,”

said Lucy.
So the girls got their paper, scissors and
crayons. Lucy cut out 5 apples. She colored
them red. Zeny cut out 6 mangoes. She colored
them yellow. Perla cut out 4 guavas. She
colored them green. Then they counted their
paper fruits.

“ Now we have many pretty paper fruits for

our store,” said Perla.
Do you have an uncle living far away? Miriam has. His
name is Max. Miriam calls him Uncle Max. He lives in New
York. Last Christmas, Uncle Max sent Miriam a gift. It came
in a big heavy box. Father helped open the box. Then they
saw something very pretty. It was a big doll. It had round
blue eyes and a small red mouth. It had a blue lace dress and
curly black hair. Miriam called it Curly. She loved to play
with it. What Miriam liked best was the way Curly walked.
Miriam would hold one of its hands and they walk together
around the living room. Curly made Miriam happy.

Victor lives on a farm. He lives with his
parents in a little nipa house. Victor has an
elder sister named Nora. Victor and Nora help
their parents. They help take care of their
animals. They have a carabao, a horse, a goat
and some chickens. Father takes care of the
horse. Victor takes care of the carabao.
Mother takes care of the chickens. Nora takes
care of the goat. Their animals are all fat and
healthy. Each one takes care of his animals
very well.


Pedro and Jose came to school early. There
were no other pupils in school yet.
“Look !” said Pedro. “ There is a handbag
under the stairs. It is a girl’s handbag.”Jose got
the handbag. He opened it. There was a red
pencil, a pink handkerchief and fifty pesos in it.
“ Let us look for the owner of this
handbag said Pedro.Just then the school
principal arrived.“Good morning, Mr. Cruz. We
found this bag under the stairs,” said Jose.
Mr. Cruz smiled and said, “Thank you,
boys. I shall help you find the owner.


Celso was eating bananas one evening. He
threw the peelings out of the window. The next
morning, Celso got ready for school. He did not
want to be late for school. He walked fast.
“Ouch!” Celso cried as he stepped on some
banana peelings. Down he fell. His clothes
became dirty. His books dropped.
“Are you hurt?” Mother asked running
To him.
“No, Mother, I am not hurt,” Celso said as he
got up. He looked at the banana peelings.
“Somebody did not use the garbage can,”
Mother said.
“I threw these peelings last night, Mother.
Next time, I will use the garbage can,” said


At five o’clock in the afternoon, the train

arrives in Naga City. The train carries the
newspapers from Manila Alfredo, a Grade Four
pupil, sells newspapers after class in the
afternoon. He sells for two hours. At seven
o’clock, he goes home. He has time to study his
Alfredo earns one hundred pesos a day.
He wants to give his money to Mother. But Mother
told him to put his money in his
piggy bank. Alfredo’s parents are not poor.
They can give him money he needs, but Alfredo
wants to sell newspapers. He wants to earn his own

One morning, Miss Luna said to her
Grade 3 class,“ I got a letter from Teresa’s
mother. Teresa cannot come to school. She is
sick. The doctor told her to stay in bed for a
few days. What shall we do for
“ Let us visit her this afternoon,” said
Linda.“ Yes, let us visit her,” said the other
children.That afternoon, the children went
to visit Teresa.The girls brought her some
fruits. The boys brought her a can of
biscuits. Miss Luna brought her some
roses.Teresa was sleeping when they arrived.
Soon, she woke up. She was happy to see
her teacher and classmates.

One rainy afternoon, Juan did not
straight home from school. He had his
raincoat on, so he did not get wet. Then he
saw a kitten trembling in the grass.
He stopped and looked at it. It began
to mew very softly. Juan was sorry for the
kitten. He picked it up and put it under his
He brought it home. He put it near
the stove with fire. The kitten looked at Juan
and said, “Mew,mew.” It wanted to say,
“Thank you.” From that time on,the kitten
became his pet. He loved his pet very much.

The coconut is a tall palm tree. It has

branches.The trunk is strong. It makes a
good post. We get oil from from the ripe
coconut milk. The young coconut meat is
good to eat. It is good for making candies and
salad.Doormats are made out of the
coconut husk. The long coconut leaves are
woven into baskets. Brooms are
made from the midribs of the long leaves.
Coconut shells are made into buttons,
coconut shell banks, ash trays and many
others. The stalk of the leaves is good for
fuel.How useful the coconut is! Every part of it
can be used.
Lino went with mother to market. They bought
some vegetables. Mother said, “I was able to buy
only some with my money. Vegetables cost much
Lino was sorry for Mother. They did not have
much money. So he said, “Let’s plant
vegetables in our backyard. Then we will not
have to buy them in the market.”
So Lino planted three plots of tomatoes, two
plots of eggplants and a plot of pechay. He had
some amargoso climbing on the bamboo fence. Lino
worked in his garden after class
every afternoon. He grew more vegetables
than they could eat. Mother sold some of
them in the market.

The moon was big and bright. The children

played in the moonlight.They played Hide and
Seek. Mario hid behind the acacia tree. Andres
hid behind some bushes. Isabel hid behind a
pile of hollow blocks. Rita is behind some
banana plants. Edmund looked around but saw
no one. Just then someone moved behind the
bushes. Edmund ran to see who it was and
found Andres. “One, two, three!” he said.
“Now you are ‘it’, Andres.” The children
played and played. How happy they were!


It was recess time. Pedro and Ramon went
to buy cakes. Then they sat near the gate. They
began to eat their cakes. Just then Oscar ran
against Ramon. Ramon’s cake fell to the
“Look what did you do with my cake,”
Ramon said.“ I am sorry, Ramon. I did not
mean to knock your cake down,” said Oscar.“
Why did you not look where you are going?
asked Ramon? .
“ Tony ran after me and I did not look
where I was going, “ said Oscar.
Ramon was angry. He was about to box
Oscar.“ Never mind,” said Pedro. “Oscar did
not mean to
knock your cake down, Ramon . I still have my
cake .Let us divide it.

13. The Acacia Tree

The acacia tree is a big tree. It has a big trunk.
It has small leaves.The leaves grow in pairs. Its
pairs of leaves fold in at night. They fold in to let
the light pass through. This keeps the place from
being dark at night.
During the day the leaves spread out. They
spread out to give shade. The shade protects us
from the hot sun. The acacia tree is a shady tree.

14. The Rain

It was raining.The children had to go to
school.They did not like to be absent from
school.Liza carried her umbrella.Pepito wore his
raincoat.Oscar had a banana leaf over his head.
Soon they were in school.
“Good morning, Miss Regis”, they said.
“Good morning”, said Miss Regis.”Are you
“No, Miss Regis, we are not wet”. “We have
something to protect us from rain,” said Liza.

The Frog
Ruben and Paul were playing near a pond.
They saw a big brown frog. It was sitting on a
stone near the pond. It had two big eyes and a
big wide mouth.
“Let us catch that frog. I want to show it to
my little brother,” said Ruben.
So Paul threw a stone at the frog. It
jumped quickly into the water. It jumped with
its two strong legs.

A Bus Ride
Pedro went to visit his uncle. His uncle
lived in the next town. He rode on a bus. The
bus was full, but Pedro was able to find a seat.
There were some big boys in the bus stopped.
An old woman got on the bus. She looked
around for a seat. Not one of the big boys gave
his seat to her. Pedro stood and said, “ Please
take my seat, Lola.”
“Thank you, child.You are a good boy,” said
the old woman.

The Fishermen
One Saturday morning, Father and Lito
went to the river. They went to catch fish. They
brought their fishing lines. The fishing lines
were made of bamboo. They had long strings.
They used small worms as baits.
Lito sat on a big rock on the river bank.
Father stayed a few meters away. After a while,
Lito pulled his line hard. A big fish was at the
end of the line.” Father, I caught a big fish,” Lito
Soon Father pulled his line,too. “See what
I caught,” Father said. I was a very small
fish.How Father and Lito laughed.

Growing Roses
Aling Doray grows roses in her garden. She
takes good care of her roses. Every morning and
afternoon we see Aling Doray in her rose
The rose plants are very healthy. They have
big, beautiful flowers. They are of different
colors. These are red, white, pink, and yellow
Early in the morning , Aling doray cut
some flowers. She takes them to the flower
shop. She sells the roses to the shop owner.
Aling Doray is happy. She earns much money
selling her roses.

A Grade Two class was studying about sets.
They learned that a set is a group of things.They
knew that an empty set has nothing in it. They
also learned that equivalent sets have equal
members in them. They were taught how to add
and subtract sets.
The children liked their lessons on sets very
much. In three months time they learned many
things about sets and set operation.

Farm Life
Pablo lived with his parents in the city. They
lived in a little house.
One day Father said, “Pablo, let us go to the
farm. We have not seen your Grandfather for a
long time.”
Grandfather was happy to see Pablo and
“You have not grown much, Pablo. Stay with
me here on the farm. You will like it here. You
will grow big, strong and healthy,” said
Pablo liked the quiet and peaceful life in
the farm.He had fresh milk and eggs in the
morning. He ate plenty of fruits and vegetables.
He played in the open air and sunshine. He
swam in the river. Pablo grew fast and healthy
on the farm.

Pablo’s School
Pablo is ten years old.He goes to a barrio
school. He is in Grade Three. The schoolhouse is
made of wood and nipa. There are only four
rooms in it.
Pablo’s school is small but it is clean and
beautiful. It has a very big playground . Many
flowers grow around the school. The grass is
green and neat. The children love to play on the
soft grass.
Cars and jeeps do not pass by the school. It
is far from the main road. All the children and
teachers walk to and from the school. They all
help to keep their school clean. They are proud
of their school.

The Picture
One day Miss Solis had a picture on the
“Do you want to draw and make your own
picture?”Miss Solis asked the children.
“What shall we do, Miss Solis?” asked
“ Follow what I tell you to do and you will
have your picture,” said Miss Solis.
The children followed what Miss Solis said
and they made very nice pictures.You can make
it, too.

The Cake
One day , mother want to help her sister
bake cakes for barrio fiesta. They baked many
cakes. The bake round cakes and square cakes.
Before mother went home, her sister said,
“ You did not eat any cake. Take this round cake
for you, your children pepito and Lita, and your
husband . “
When mother reached home she divided
the cake into four equal parts ---- for Father,
Pepito, Lita and for herself.

Mother Hog
Mr. Santos had a big mother pig. He put
the hog in a pen made of wood and cement.
One morning, Mr. Sa ntos found seven
piglets in the pen.He was very happy.Three
piglets were white. Three were black.One was
black with white spots.
“ Eek, eek, eek, “ cried all the piglets.
Mother hog knew they were hungry. She lay
down on the cement floor. She fed the piglets
with her milk.
The Moon
It was a bright night. Mother and Ric were
at the window. They were looking at the moon.
The moon was big and round. It was a full
moon.” See the big moon ?” said Mother.
“ It is beautiful, Mother, said Ric.” I like the
moon when it is big and round. May I go down
Mother? I like to play in the moonlight.”
“ It is late. You better go to bed”, said
The Pet Store
Pastor wanted to have a pet. So he went
to a pet store. He was thinking of a bird for a
pet.He saw many birds in the pet store.There
were green birds, yellow birds and brown
birds.But he did not like them very much.
Then he saw a big aquarium with many
small fishes in it.They were of many different
“How beautiful fishes are. I wish I have
some like these”, Pastor said to himself.
“ I will tell mother about them.”
He looked and looked at them.Soon it was
dark. Pastor ran home.

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