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Mini Assignment #4 - Exit Reflection

Althephany Cota

Faculty of Health Sciences, Ontario Tech University

KINE 2030: Psychology of Sport & Exercise

Dr. Kathryn Robinson

November 25, 2022


Mini Assignment #4 - Exit Reflection

1. Reflecting on the KINE 2030 course, how did this course relate to your expectations of
what this course was? Aka did you come into the semester thinking the course was _____ when
it turned out to be _____? If so, in what way? If it aligned with your expectations, in what ways
did it align?

Before joining KINE 2030, I had an expectation that the course would be content-heavy. When I
think of psychology I think of theories, ideas and terms that are hard to understand. But i really
felt that KINE 2030 was very insightful, I feel the content and presentation was straightforward.
I feel that when other students shared their stories it allowed me to grasp the content easily. Also,
having time to discuss was helpful as I was able to hear different perspectives from different

2. What 'learning tip' or 'tips' (that are shared at the beginning of each class) did you find
helpful? Are you applying any of the tips now in your academics? If so, how/in what way(s)?
The learning tip I found useful is the read aloud feature on Word. Often I get lazy to read over a
paper I have been working on for a few days. Sometimes when I’m just reading in my head I can
skip over grammar errors, or if the writing makes any sense. Having the read aloud feature
allows me to catch any errors with my paper.
3. What is a learning tip that I did not cover that you would share if you were leading the class?
Aka what is one thing you want students knowing to enhance their learning/studying/thinking
etc,? I will strongly consider these to implement in subsequent years so please feel free to be as
specific as possible!
One study tip I would share with the class is to find a study group. It can be difficult to keep up
with 5 courses by yourself, especially around midterms and finals. Although it may be difficult
to find people, it is worth it. I would suggest to find people who are taking the same courses.
When you have a group of 4-5 people, you can split the work loads or share notes from each
class. Having a group can help you understand concepts youre not grasping and helps you stay
on track.
4. We used a variety of approaches this year to talk about course concepts (presentations, guest
lectures, independent journaling, small group and big group discussions), of the approaches we
used, which one do you like for your own learning? Which one(s) would you have liked to done
more during class?
Again I feel that the small and big groups allowed me to grasp concepts. For example, whenever
I didnt really grasp what Dr K was discussing, and she would ask for a student to sharean
example I feel I understood. For myself, having the content be a story or used in a real life
situation allowed me to fully understand.

5. If you could bring in a guest lecturer to discuss a topic in this class, what would the topic be
on and why? Think of how it relates to your career, your interests, your hobbies, areas of inquiry
A topic I would find interesting to discuss would be a sports psychologist that works with high
trained athletes. I think hearing from their experiences, the different athletes they work with and
the journey they went through to become a sports psychologist would be facinating.
6. What was your favorite of the 7 assignments and why?
The assignment I liked the most was Spotlight in the Media. I liked how I was able to to choose
the article I was able to analyze. I also enjoyed writing about different cues or statements that
relate to different theories I learned during class.
7. If you were to make an assignment related to Psychology and Sport and Exercise, what would
the assignment be? Have some fun and try to be creative! Think about a task that may help you
with your degree completion or something that may help you as it relates to your interests and
career goals. Please also be as specific as possible as I will strongly consider these for
assignments for subsequent classes :)
An assignment I feel that would be interesting that relates to assessments and selections. I think
analyzing the athletes who are drafted into professional sports either NBA, NFL or MLB. What
makes a great athlete, compare the first and last picks. What makes the first pick athlete to be so
desirable. Analyze the athletes skills and why the teams want them. What are the teams looking
for in the athelte. Apply the theories learned from lecture and connect them to real life situations.
8. Optional question - please share if there are any other thoughts regarding the course and your
experiences. If no other ideas/thoughts/comments, please write NA (not applicable)

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