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Teacher: Mr.

Middleton Grade Level: 2nd

Musical Concept: Presenting Half-note

Musical Standards:
- MU:Cr2.1.2b Use iconic or standard notation and/or recording technology to combine,
sequence, and document personal musical ideas.
- MU:Pr4.2.2b When analyzing selected music, read and perform rhythmic and melodic
patterns using iconic or standard notation.

Materials: large area to move around in

Are you sleeping, are you sleeping, brother John, brother John.
Morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing.
Ding ding dong, ding ding dong.

Monday (OG/TR): Presenting Half-Note

Entry: “Alright boys and girls, today we are going to be learning some exciting stuff today, but
let’s start out with reviewing out song that we learned last time, Are You Sleeping.”

1) Review song
2) Ask questions:
“Boys and girls, what happened at the end of my story?”
- Asdlkfjasl;dkfjasd
“Right! Now listen again to my song and be prepared to answer another question.”
**sing song again**
“What was my song about?”
- Asdlkasdlkjf
“Exactly! Now listen to it again”
**sing song again**
Have them walk to the beat and slide when it gets to the half note, and almost tip toe for
the 16th notes.
**sing it again**
3) Present Half-note:
“Do you remember what happened in my song where we slid around the room to the
beat? That was called a half-note.”
- But what is a half note????
“A half-note is where two beats are merged into one beat. Try to slide your hand with
**slide down arm demonstrating what a half-note is**
4) Closure: “Thank you for being such good students today!”

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