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Solar energy—A look into power generation, challenges, and a solar‐powered


Article  in  International Journal of Energy Research · November 2018

DOI: 10.1002/er.4252


113 16,217

5 authors, including:

Muhammad Hayat Danish Ali

University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore Weir Group PLC


Cathrine Monyake Lana Alagha

Missouri University of Science and Technology Missouri University of Science and Technology


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Received: 20 April 2018 Revised: 10 September 2018 Accepted: 14 September 2018
DOI: 10.1002/er.4252


Solar energy—A look into power generation, challenges,

and a solar‐powered future

Muhammad Badar Hayat1,3 | Danish Ali1 | Keitumetse Cathrine Monyake1 | Lana Alagha1 |
Niaz Ahmed

Department of Mining and Nuclear
Engineering, Missouri University of
Science and Technology, Rolla, MO 65409, Sun is an inexhaustible source of energy capable of fulfilling all the energy
USA needs of humankind. The energy from the sun can be converted into electricity
Department of Electrical and Computer
or used directly. Electricity can be generated from solar energy either directly
Engineering, Missouri University of
Science and Technology, Rolla, MO 65409, using photovoltaic (PV) cells or indirectly using concentrated solar power
USA (CSP) technology. Progress has been made to raise the efficiency of the PV
Mining Engineering Department, solar cells that can now reach up to approximately 34.1% in multi‐junction
University of Engineering and
Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
PV cells. Electricity generation from concentrated solar technologies has a
promising future as well, especially the CSP, because of its high capacity, effi-
Correspondence ciency, and energy storage capability. Solar energy also has direct application
Lana Alagha, Associate Professor,
Missouri University of Science and
in agriculture primarily for water treatment and irrigation. Solar energy is
Technology, 288 McNutt Hall, 1400 North being used to power the vehicles and for domestic purposes such as space
Bishop, Rolla, MO 65409, USA. heating and cooking. The most exciting possibility for solar energy is satellite
power station that will be transmitting electrical energy from the solar panels
in space to Earth via microwave beams. Solar energy has a bright future
because of the technological advancement in this field and its environment‐
friendly nature. The biggest challenge however facing the solar energy future
is its unavailability all‐round the year, coupled with its high capital cost and
scarcity of the materials for PV cells. These challenges can be met by develop-
ing an efficient energy storage system and developing cheap, efficient, and
abundant PV solar cells.
This article discusses the solar energy system as a whole and provides a com-
prehensive review on the direct and the indirect ways to produce electricity
from solar energy and the direct uses of solar energy. The state‐of‐the‐art pro-
cedures being employed for PV characterization and performance rating have
been summarized. Moreover, the technical, economic, environmental, and
storage‐related challenges are discussed with possible solutions. Furthermore,
a comprehensive list of future potential research directions in the field of direct
and indirect electricity generation from solar energy is proposed.

characterization, concentrating solar power, efficient energy storage system, energy crisis,
photovoltaic cells, power tower, solar energy, solar power technologies, Stirling dish system

Int J Energy Res. 2018;1–19. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1

1 | INTRODUCTION to the lower absorption band that is similar for PV cells

where any energy more than the band gap is released as
The sun provides 1.7 x 1022 J of energy in 1.5 days.1 This heat. Most plants utilize only 0.5% to 1% of the solar light
energy is equal to all the energy that can be supplied by 3 in the photosynthesis process while algae and
trillion barrels of total oil resources found on Earth. The cyanobacteria are can potentially utilize up to 5% to
total annual energy used by the humans in 1 year is 10%. The PV cells, on the other hand, have much higher
4.6 x 1020 J. This energy is supplied by the sun in 1 hour. conversion efficiencies (~22.5%).2
The energy from the sun is, therefore, quite capable of Overall, the current use of solar energy is very mini-
fulfilling all the needs of humanity single handedly. This mal as 0.015% is used for producing electricity, 0.3% for
impressive amount of energy from the sun is coupled heating, and 11% of solar energy is utilized in natural
with its versatility. The energy from the sun can be uti- photosynthesis of biomass as mentioned earlier. On the
lized mainly through three ways as depicted in Figure 1. other hand, approximately 80% to 85% of the global
Solar energy can be converted into heat, electricity, or energy needs are fulfilled using fossil fuels. The problem
solar fuels. For example, solar energy can naturally be with fossil fuels is that their reserves are exhaustible
converted into solar fuel through the process of photosyn- and environment unfriendly because of the CO2 emis-
thesis. Photosynthesis is a chemical process by which sion. For example, for every ton of coal burned, one ton
plants store energy from the sun in the form of carbohy- of carbon dioxide is released into the air. This release of
drates that are a form of fuel. Moreover, the protons carbon dioxide is highly toxic for the environment and
and electrons produced during the photosynthesis process is the major reason for global warming, greenhouse
can further metabolize to produce H2 and CH4. Approxi- effect, climate change, and ozone layer depletion.3
mately 11% of solar energy is utilized in natural photo- It is, therefore, necessary for humankind to find alter-
synthesis of biomass that is the largest use of solar native energy sources for clean and sustainable future. In
energy. However, only 100TW of this energy is converted this regard, solar energy offers the best solution among
into photosynthesis that is too low for human energy con- all the alternative renewable energy sources because of
sumption.1 Although the energy efficiency is too low, its huge magnitude, wide‐spread availability, versatility,
there are known ways of improving solar fuel production and its environmentally friendly nature.1,4 As mentioned
efficiency. These include the following: manipulating earlier, solar energy can be used to produce both heat
faster plant growth by genetic engineering to facilitate and electricity; thus, it has a tremendous potential to be
biomass production, producing fuel from water and car- used in different industry sectors. The heat produced from
bon dioxide through artificial bio‐inspired nanoscale solar thermal sources is being used for space heating,
assemblies, and connecting natural photosynthetic path- chemical processing, food processing, and textile industry.
ways in novel configurations.1 Solar conversion efficiency The electricity produced by solar energy is being used in
of the photosynthesis process is measured in terms of telecommunication, transportation, water heating, water
quantum efficiency that is defined by the percentage of treatment, agriculture, and the construction industry.5
the absorbed photons that give rise to stable photoprod- A large number of review articles have discussed the
ucts; whereas in the commercial solar photovoltaic (PV) potential of solar energy as a major alternative to the con-
cells, for example, the solar device efficiency is measured ventional energy sources. Perez‐Mora et al summarized
directly in terms of power.2 However, in both PV cells the literature available on solar district heating along with
and the photosynthesis process, the energy is stored in identifying the technical and economic issues in its wide-
chemical bonds and obey the laws of thermodynamics spread application.6 Sarbu and Dorca provided an over-
that not all the energy in each absorbed photon can be view of the solar thermoelectric (TE) cooling systems in
captured for productive use. In natural photosynthesis, terms of its available performance indicators, recent
photons are absorbed by chlorophyll, and heat is released advances in its development, and its advantages over the

FIGURE 1 Three ways of converting

solar energy into other forms of energy: (a)
producing chemical fuel via artificial
photosynthesis, (b) generating electricity
by exciting electrons in a solar cell, and (c)
concentrating sunlight to produce heat
[Colour figure can be viewed at]

conventional cooling systems.7 Purohit, Singh, and as the generation of electric voltage between two elec-
Mamodiya provided a brief general overview of the solar trodes attached to a solid or liquid system caused by shin-
energy system as a whole and discussed the steps required ing a light on the system. Almost all PV cells have a PN
to calculate the size of the solar system.8 Kapumpa and junction across which a photo voltage is applied.15
Virdi provided an overview of the PV cells, factors affect- The economics and efficiency of a solar PV cell
ing their efficiency and methods that have already been depend upon its material. A lot of research has been done
implemented to improve the efficiency.9 Gul, Kotak, and in this area to find out the most efficient and cost‐effec-
Muneer summarized the PV materials, their efficiency, tive material for PV cells. The requirements for ideal solar
and the leading countries in the PV installations along cell material are as follows15,16:
with a brief cost analysis.10 Ameri, Khoram, Min, and
Brabec summarized the major recent developments taken • The material used for manufacturing the solar cells
place in the organic ternary solar cell research based on should have a band gap between 1.1 and 1.7 eV.
various types of sensitizers.11 Ahmad and Tiwari reviewed • The material should have a direct band structure.
all the available solar radiation models.12 Parida, Iniyan, • The material should be readily available and nontoxic.
and Goic reviewed the PV technology by discussing the • The material should be suitable for large reproduction.
different existing materials used for PV cells, its existing • The material should have good PV conversion
performance indicators, and the applications of PV sys- efficiency.
tems.13 Kerschaver and Beaucarne summarized the • The material should have a long‐term stability factor.
modeling and manufacturing advancements of back‐con-
tact solar cells along with discussing its industrial imple- PV cells can be classified into three major genera-
mentation.14 The majority of the aforementioned review tions: first‐generation, second‐generation, and third‐gen-
articles has mainly focused on PV cells and their materials. eration cells. The details are discussed below.
This review paper discusses the solar energy system as
a whole and provides a comprehensive review of all the
possible methods of electricity generation through solar
2.1.1 | First‐generation PV cells
energy. The paper discuses all the technical, economic,
and environmental challenges associated with solar tech- The cells made up of crystalline silicon are called first‐
nology and the ways to overcome those challenges. Fur- generation cells. These cells may be monocrystalline or
thermore, the current paper lists the future research polycrystalline silicon with large grain sizes. They are
directions that are essential for the advancement of this the most dominant type of PV cells in the market. The
technology. In summary, the present review focuses on monocrystalline silicon cells are made of silicon posi-
the following: tive–negative (Si p–n) junctions and have been able to
achieve an efficiency of 25%. The polycrystalline cells
• Direct and indirect ways to produce electricity from are manufactured by melting the silicon and solidifying
solar energy. it to orient crystals in a fixed direction to produce
• State‐of‐the‐art procedures being employed for PV multicrystalline Si, which is then sliced into thin wafers.
performance rating and characterization. The efficiency of the polycrystalline cells is approximately
• Challenges offered by the existing solar technologies. 20.4%. Although the efficiency of polycrystalline silicon
• Possible solutions and potential research opportunities. cells is slightly less than that of monocrystalline cells, this
lack of efficiency is compensated for by their lower pro-
duction costs and the reduced number of defects in the
crystal structure. Furthermore, because of the develop-
2 | GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY ment of ribbon silicon technology, it is envisioned that
U S I N G S O L A R EN E R G Y the production cost of these first‐generation cells will
drop even further.1,17 Significant efforts have been dedi-
Electricity can be generated directly by solar energy cated to improve the capability and the efficiency of the
through PV cells or indirectly by concentrated solar first‐generation cells. Emitter wrap‐through (EWT) cells
power (CSP) as discussed below.5 have been proposed. These cells have laser‐drilled holes
on the front and the back surfaces of the cell to increase
the surface area in order to enhance the absorption of
2.1 | Photovoltaic cells
the solar radiation. This improved cell design has
A system generating an electric current through the PV increased the efficiency of the cells and lowered the over-
effect is called a PV cell. The PV effect can be defined all production cost.18

In general, first‐generation cells are more efficient at layer is placed between two different electrodes. One of
lower temperatures and require less area for a given unit the electrodes is transparent or semitransparent and
power. However, the main disadvantage of these PV often made up of Indium tin oxide (ITO). The other elec-
cells is that their performance reduces at higher trode is commonly made up of aluminum; however,
temperature. sometimes, other materials like magnesium and gold
are also used.23 The OS organic light absorbing layer con-
sists of a mixture of light‐sensitive conjugated polymers
2.1.2 | Second‐generation PV cells
(such as phthalocyanine) or small molecules and fuller-
Thin‐film cells are considered as the second‐generation ene‐like compounds to absorb light and set their electric-
PV cells. They have lower costs than the first‐generation ity‐generating events in motion.24-26 A typical OS cell
cells because they require less silicon material; however, design is shown in Figure 2. The efficiency of the OS cells
they have a smaller share of the market because of their is around 10%.
lower efficiency. There are different types of thin‐film The DS cells have a reverse concept to light emitting
cells.16 Among these are the amorphous silicon (AS) solar diodes (LEDs). In these cells, light is absorbed by a sensi-
cells where cells are deposited on a substrate support after tizer (ruthenium‐polypyridine dye), which is fixed to the
the decomposition of silane gas in a plasma‐enhanced surface of a wide band semiconductor. At the interface,
chemical reactor. AS cells have the potential to be very charge separation is promoted through the injection of
cost‐effective because of their low usage of material and photo‐induced electrons from the dye into the conduction
the possibility of their roll‐to‐roll production for modules. band of the solid (TiO2). Electrons are then diffuse in the
The major drawback of these AS cells is their low effi- conduction band as a result of electron concentration gra-
ciency (10.1%) and their instability in terms of electrical dient to the charge collector or anode. These cells are
output with time. It has been noted that there efficiency reported to have a solar‐to‐electric conversion efficiency
decreases about 20% if used for too long of a time.17,19 over 10%.27
On the other hand, cadmium telluride (CdTe) solar cells
offer a better efficiency of approximately 17%. CdTe cells
can be manufactured by chemically depositing CdTe
2.1.4 | Comparison of efficiencies of dif-
through evaporation on a substrate. However, the unlim-
ferent PV cells
ited use of these cells is due to the fact that they contain
toxic materials and also due to the limited production of The efficiencies of different terrestrial solar PV cells and
tellurium.17,20 their submodules are summarized in Table 1.28
Copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) solar cells are The efficiency chart for different solar cells by the US
more efficient than AS and CdTe. CIGS cells are pro- Department of Energy (DOE)‐sponsored National Renew-
duced by the preparation of elements like Cu, In, Ga, able Energy Laboratory (NREL) is shown in Figure 3.
and Se. Efficiency of these cells is 20% at laboratory scale, The highest efficiency is noted for multi‐junction solar
but commercial CIGS modules typically have efficiencies cells that is 34.1%.28 This efficiency is comparable with
between 12% and 14%. Toxicity and the scarcity of the ele- the fossil fuel power plants.29
ments used in these cells are a major challenge.17,20

2.1.3 | Third‐generation PV cells

Third‐generation PV cells are an improvement of the sec-
ond‐generation PV cells with an aim of achieving higher
efficiency and environmental friendliness. The main
attraction of these cells is their low cost. These cells are
aimed at reducing power costs to about 50% to 80% as
compared with the second‐generation cells.21 These
devices use the unique flexibility of quantum wells and
quantum dots nanostructures to optimize absorption, car-
rier generation, and separation. Quantum dots can be
mixed with solutions and be applied on the film using
spin technology.22 Organic solar (OS) cells and the dye FIGURE 2 A schematics showing the different components of a
sensitized (DS) solar cells are the most important third‐ typical organic solar cell, regenerated from Spanggaard and
generation cells. In an OS cell, an organic light‐absorbing Krebs23 [Colour figure can be viewed at]

TABLE 1 Confirmed terrestrial cell and submodule efficiencies measured under the global air mass 1.5 spectrum (1000 W/m2) at 25°C,
regenerated from Green, Emery, Hishikawa, Warta, and Dunlop28
Test Centree
Classificationa Effic.b (%) Areac (cm2) Voc (V) Jsc (mA/cm2) FFd (%) (and date) Description
Si (crystalline) 25.0 ± 0.5 4.00 (da) 0.706 42.7f 82.8 Sandia (3/99)g UNSW PERL
Si (multicrystalline) 20.4 ± 0.5 1.002 (ap) 0.664 38.0 80.9 NREL (5/04)g FhG‐ISE
Si (thin‐film transfer) 19.1 ± 0.4 3.983 (ap) 0.650 37.8h 77.6 FhG‐ISE (2/11) ISFH (43‐μm thick)
Si (thin‐film submodule) 10.5 ± 0.3 94.0 (ap) 0.492i 29.7i 72.1 FhG‐ISE (8/07)g CSG solar (1–2 μm
on glass; 20 cells)
III‐V cells
GaAs (thin film) 28.3 ± 0.8 0.9944 (ap) 1.107 29.47j 86.7 NREL (8/11) Alta devices
GaAs (multicrystalline) 18.4 ± 0.5 4.011 (t) 0.994 23.2 79.7 NREL (11/95) RTI, Ge substrate
InP (crystalline) 22.1 ± 0.7 4.02 (t) 0.878 29.5 85.4 NREL (4/90)g Spire, epitaxial
Thin‐film chalcogenide
CIGS (cell) 19.6 ± 0.6k 0.996 (ap) 0.713 34.8l 79.2 NREL (4/09) NREL, CIGS on glass
CIGS (submodule) 17.4 ± 0.5 15.993 (da) 0.6815 33.84i 75.5 FhG‐ISE (10/11) Solibro, four serial cells
CdTe (cell) 16.7 ± 0.5k 1.032 (ap) 0.845 26.1 75.5 NREL (9/01)g NREL, mesa on glass
Si (amorphous) 10.1 ± 0.3m 1.036 (ap) 0.886 16.75f 67.0 NREL (7/09) Oerlikon solar lab,
Si (nanocrystalline) 10.1 ± 0.2n 1.199 (ap) 0.539 24.4 76.6 JQA (12/97) Kaneka (2 μm on glass)
Dye sensitized 11.0 ± 0.3o 1.007 (da) 0.714 21.93h 70.3 AIST (9/11) Sharp
o i i, l
Dye sensitized (submodule) 9.9 ± 0.4 17.11 (ap) 0.719 19.4 71.4 AIST (8/10) Sony, eight parallel cells
Organic thin film 10.0 ± 0.3o 1.021 (ap) 0.899 16.75j 66.1 AIST (10/11) Mitsubishi chemical
Organic (submodule) 4.2 ± 0.2o 294.5 (da) 0.714 12.26j 47.7 AIST (9/11) Sumitomo chemical
(10 series cells)
Multi‐junction devices
GaInP/GaInAs/Ge 34.1 ± 1.2 30.17 (t) 2.691 14.7j 86.0 FhG‐ISE (9/09) AZUR (monolithic)
a‐Si/nc‐Si/nc‐Si (thin film) 12.4 ± 0.7p 1.050 (ap) 1.936 8.96h 71.5 NREL (3/11) United solar
q j
a‐Si/nc‐Si (thin‐film cell) 12.3 ± 0.3 0.962(ap) 1.365 12.93 69.4 AIST (7/11) Kaneka
a‐Si/nc‐Si 11.7 ± 0.4n, r
14.23 (ap) 5.462 2.99 71.3 AIST (9/04) Kaneka
(thin‐film submodule)j, l

a‐Si, amorphous silicon/hydrogen alloy; CIGS, Cu(In, Ga)Se2.
Effic., efficiency.
ap, aperture area; da, designated illumination area; (t), total area.
FF, fill factor.
AIST, Japanese National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology; FhG‐ISE, Fraunhofer Institut für Solare Energiesysteme; JQA, Japan Qual-
ity Assurance; NREL, National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
Spectral response reported in Version 36 of these Tables.
Recalibrated from original measurement.
Spectral response and current–voltage curve reported in Version 38 of these Tables.
Reported on a “per cell” basis.
Spectral response and current–voltage curve reported in present version of these Tables.
Not measured at an external laboratory.
Spectral response reported in Version 37 of these Tables.
Light soaked at Oerlikon prior to testing at NREL (1000 h, one sun, 50°C).
Measured under IEC 60904–3 Ed. 1: 1989 reference spectrum.
Stability not investigated. References 31 and 32 review the stability of similar devices.
Light soaked under 100 mW/cm2 white light at 50°C for over 1000 h.
Stabilized by manufacturer.
Stabilized by 174 h, one sun illumination after 20 h, five sun illumination at a sample temperature of 50°C.

FIGURE 3 Efficiencies of different generations of solar cells: Courtesy of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado,
2017.29 [Colour figure can be viewed at]

2.1.5 | Trends in electricity production estimations are for high solar radiation areas. In the case
from PV cells of areas with moderate solar irradiations, the PV cost
advantage over fossil fuel powered electricity is expected
Figure 4 shows the increasing trend in the installed
to take place in 2028 and 2046 respectively17 as shown in
capacity for the generation of electricity from PV cells.
Figure 5.
This represents the increased interest in electricity genera-
tion from PV cells worldwide. It is estimated that in case of
industrial applications, leveling of costs between the grid
and PV systems will be achieved by 2022.17 These 2.2 | Concentrated solar power
In CSP or solar thermal technologies, the solar radiations
are concentrated to produce steam or hot air. This steam
PV cumulative installed capacity (GW0)

or hot air is then used to generate electricity using a







FIGURE 4 Trend for cumulative installed capacity from FIGURE 5 Evolution of cost of electricity from PV systems over
photovoltaic cells worldwide, with permission of Springer (© the years as compared with conventional grid electricity cost, with
Springer‐Verlag London 2013)17 [Colour figure can be viewed at permission of © Springer‐Verlag London17 [Colour figure can be] viewed at]

conventional power cycle.29 The four types of CSP tech-

nologies used currently are as follows30:

• Parabolic troughs,
• Power towers,
• Dish/engine systems, and
• Linear Fresnel reflectors.

2.2.1 | Parabolic troughs

This is the most proven and economical CSP technology
available today. In California, USA, nine large‐scale com-
mercial power plants having parabolic troughs are in
operation. FIGURE 6 Parabolic trough solar power plant, regenerated from
A Parabolic trough power plant consists mainly of the Müller‐Steinhagen and Trieb34 [Colour figure can be viewed at

• parabolic trough collectors, 2.2.2 | Power towers

• a steam generation or heat transfer system,
In this system, heliostat‐distributed mirrors track the sun
• a Rankine steam turbine/generator cycle, and
all day. The sunlight reflected from these mirrors is con-
• a thermal storage system (optional).
centrated onto a central tower mounted receiver. The
receiver contains fluid that absorbs and then transports
A parabolic trough collector consists of three major
this energy from the receiver to the power conversion sys-
components (a) an absorber (working fluid), (b) a trans-
tem, where this thermal energy is converted into electric-
parent cover, and (c) a parabolic reflector plate. The con-
ity. These power towers are equipped with the energy
centric transparent cover prevents the heat loss from the
storage system for a continuous supply of electricity all
absorber tube. The parabolic concentrator is equipped
day long.37 The conventional towers use water/steam as
with a solar tracking mechanism. Parabolic trough collec-
working fluid while modern towers are experimenting
tors track the sun throughout the day to receive maximum
with molten salts.38 A typical solar power tower has an
solar radiations. These solar radiations are then focused on
efficiency of 15% to 25%.38The GemaSolar solar power
a receiver tube located at the focal point of these parabolic
plant is shown in Figure 7.
trough collectors. The receiver tube is a steel tube coated to
Temperatures from 800°C up to well above 1000°C
maximize absorbance in the solar spectrum wavelength
can be achieved in these towers.34
range. This steel tube is in turn put inside a glass tube to
minimize heat loss. Concentrated radiation from the sun
penetrates through the glass tube and strikes the absorber 2.2.3 | Dish‐engine
coating. This makes the fluid in the tube hot enough to
generate steam that is used to drive a conventional steam The Stirling dish system in Figure 8 consists of a parabolic
power plant32,33 as shown in Figure 6. dish‐shaped concentrator that reflects direct solar radia-
The operational and maintenance costs of parabolic tions onto a receiver at the focal point of the dish. The
trough collector power plants can be reduced by applying receiver can be a Stirling engine or a gas turbine. The main
the following steps35,36: advantage of the Stirling dish system is that the generator
is located at the focal point of the dish, so there is no heat
• Development of improved trough receivers with coat- loss because of heat transfer fluid. It is, therefore, thought
ings designed to maximize the solar energy absorption that the dish‐engine system has the highest efficiency
and withstand higher temperatures. (around 30%) among the CSP technologies.40
• Development of improved parabolic trough concen-
trators using lighter and lower cost materials to
2.2.4 | Linear Fresnel reflectors
improve tracking performance.
• Development of thermal energy storage technology Linear Fresnel collectors use a series of long flat, or
for parabolic trough plants capable of storing energy slightly curved, mirrors. These are placed at different
for months with minimum heat losses. angles to concentrate the sunlight on either side of a fixed

FIGURE 7 Solar power tower at Sevilla,

Spain: Courtesy of the National
Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden,
Colorado39 [Colour figure can be viewed

FIGURE 8 Stirling dish system:

Courtesy of the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado39
[Colour figure can be viewed at]

receiver in Figure 9. The receiver is a long tube that is 2.2.5 | Comparison of CSP technologies
selectively coated with absorbent material known as
black chrome solar absorption cermet. The fluid that is The comparison among different CSP technologies is
water/steam inside the tube transfers the thermal energy given in Table 2. The parabolic trough collector technol-
to a conventional electricity generation system. The flat ogy is currently the most viable options because of its
mirrors used in this type of system are cheaper than the mature technology. However, future solar power tower
parabolic troughs.42 technology seems to be more promising because of its

FIGURE 9 Compact Fresnel collectors

(adopted with permission from Frank B.41
[Colour figure can be viewed at]

TABLE 2 Comparison of concentrated solar power technologies regenerated from renewable energy agency40

Typical Capacity
(MW) 10‐300 10‐200 10‐200 0.01‐0.025

Maturity of technology Commercially proven Pilot commercial projects Pilot projects Demonstration projects
Technology development risk Low Medium Medium Medium
Operating temperature (°C) 350‐550 250‐565 390 550‐750
Plant peak efficiency (%) 14‐20 23‐35 18 30
Annual solar‐to‐electricity 10‐16 7‐20 13 12‐25
efficiency (net) (%)
Annual capacity factor (%) 25‐28 (no TES) 29‐43 55 (10 h TES) 22‐24 25‐28
(7 h TES)
Collector concentration 70‐80 suns >1000 suns >60 suns depends on >1300 suns
secondary reflector
Table 2, Continued typical 10‐300 10‐200 10‐200 0.01‐0.025
capacity (MW)
Receiver/absorber Absorber attached to External surface or cavity Fixed absorber, no Absorber attached to
collector, moves with receiver, fixed evacuation secondary collector, moves with
collector, complex design reflector collector
Storage system Indirect two‐tank molten salt Direct two‐tank molten Short‐term pressurized No storage for Stirling
at 380°C (dT = 100 K) or salt at 550°C (dT = 300 K) steam storage (<10 min) dish, chemical storage
direct two‐tank molten salt under development
at 550°C (dT = 300 K)
Hybridization Yes and direct Yes Yes, direct (steam boiler) Not planned
Grid stability Medium to high High (large TES) Medium (back‐up firing Low
(TES or hybridization) possible)
Steam conditions (oC/bar) 380 to 540/100 540/100 to 160 260/50 NA
Maximum slope of solar field (%) <1‐2 <2‐4 <4 10% or more
Water requirement (m /MWh) 3 (wet cooling) 0.3 2‐3(wet cooling) 0.25 3 (wet cooling) 0.2 0.05‐0.1 (mirror washing)
(dry cooling) (dry cooling) (dry cooling)
Application type On grid On grid On grid On grid/off grid
Suitability for air cooling Low to good Good Low Best
Storage with molten salt Commercially available Commercially available Possible, but not proven Possible, but not proven

low storage costs, achievable high capacity factor, and the this energy with the help of solar cooking can save the
greater efficiency of the steam cycle.40 environment by saving trees. A solar cooking system
has been established with the energy storage capability.
It consists of flat plate collectors, reflectors, and a work-
3 | DIRECT USES OF SOLAR ing fluid, which usually transfers the heat from the collec-
ENERGY tors for cooking goods Figure 10.48

Apart from generating electricity, solar energy is also

used for some other purposes. Some direct uses of solar 3.4 | Water treatment
energy are discussed below.
During the past 20 years, photo catalysis has gained tre-
mendous success in the gradation of organic pollutants
3.1 | Agriculture in water and air. Thin‐film fixed‐bed reactor (TFFBR) is
one of the early solar reactors that uses a light concentrat-
In arid lands where the water for agriculture is not read- ing system for the photo catalysis of water Figure 11.49
ily available, the solar desalination process has been As for commercialization of catalytic treatment of
applied to convert brine into fresh water for agriculture water, the technical barrier at this time is the post recov-
uses. In this process, the brine is collected in a basin, ery of the catalyst particles after water treatment.50
and then solar energy is used to evaporate the water. This
fresh water can be used for agricultural purposes. The
first solar desalination plant was used in 1872 in North- 3.5 | Solar energy for fuel production
ern Chile.43 Enough solar energy reaches the Earth in 1 hour to fulfill
The water pumps, driven by the energy from solar PV the energy needs of human beings for 1 year. However,
cells, have been successfully employed in the Algerian because the PV cells or CSP technology works only dur-
Sahara region. About 60 pumps were installed to produce ing the daytime, solar energy must be stored in some
water for drinking and irrigation crops like wheat, pota- forms. One method is to convert it into hydrogen or
toes, tomatoes, and sunflowers. These pumps were found chemical fuel as shown in Equations 1 and 2, respec-
to be suitable for the above‐mentioned purposes.44 tively.

2H2 O→2H þ 2e− ; (1)

3.2 | Solar vehicle
To achieve sustainable mobility and to cut down the envi- CO2 þ 2H2 O→CH4 þ 2O2 : (2)
ronmental impacts through the usage of fossil fuels, a lot
of research is being done to develop cars equipped with These reactions are driven by solar energy. Although
solar energy. Because of the ever increasing cost of fossil splitting water to produce hydrogen is a good way to store
fuels and advances made in the PV cells, the future of solar energy, it is not economically viable, and the hydro-
solar assisted vehicles seems to be bright.45 A solar vehi- gen produced does not compensate for the cost of cata-
cle with a footprint of 8 m2 can generate 1600 to lysts and experimentation. As for methane production
2400 W or 2 to 3 horsepower, given current PV efficien- from carbon dioxide, although the results are promising,
cies; thus, even at midday, a solar vehicle can generate methane is not an environment‐friendly fuel.51
only 11 horsepower. It, therefore, seems difficult to envi- Another alternative for fuel production from solar
sion a solar powered vehicle in near future. However, the energy is artificial photosynthesis, but before its practical
increasing concerns about the environmental impacts of implementation, dramatic improvements in its efficiency
fossil fuels and their costs are contributing a lot towards and durability are required.52
focusing on research in this field.46 The current problems
with the advancement of the solar vehicle is its high‐ini-
tial cost, small speed range and low efficiency of 17%.47 3.6 | Solar energy in space
Solar energy can be used to build satellite power stations
orbiting around Earth. These satellite power station can
3.3 | Cooking
convert solar energy into electricity by PV technology
In many countries, the fuel used for cooking comes from and other solar technologies. This electricity can be con-
firewood. In India for example, 47% of the energy for verted into a microwave beam via a microwave generator
cooking comes from the wood. In many African coun- and antenna located on the satellite. The microwave
tries, this percentage is even greater than 75%. Replacing beam from the satellite antenna can be directed towards

FIGURE 10 Solar cooker with storage

capability in Northern Chile South
America, with permission of Elsevier

a receiving antenna on Earth. In this way, the microwave wireless power transmission is still under question. How-
beam can again be converted into electricity on Earth. ever, space transmission systems and wireless transmis-
This satellite system power can be delivered anywhere sion technology are expected to advance to the point of
on Earth.53 contributing to solar power in the future.54
The DC to DC efficiency of the satellite wireless
power transmission system at a frequency of 5.8 Hz is
4 | P V C E L L S/ M O DUL E S
measured to be 45%. This efficiency is the result of the
development of highly efficient DC‐RF converters and
rectennas developed for this frequency.
Performance of solar cells can be characterized through
The beam control system based on retro directivity is
current–voltage curves or spectral responsivity‐wave-
yet to be demonstrated. Moreover, because of the huge
length curves. PV power conversion efficiency, under
expenses of space transportation systems and lack of com-
standard reporting conditions (SRC), defined as a ratio
mercial space markets, the financial viability of satellite
of maximum output (electric) to the total irradiance, as
given by Equation 3, is used as the most common perfor-
mance indicator for PV cells.55-62

Max or Peak Power

Effeciency ðηÞ ¼ × 100
Incident Irradiance*Device Area
¼ × 100:
E tot *A

The device area, for PV cells, can either be total cell

area or active area (excluding the shaded area).63,64 For
thin‐film PV cells, active area is the same as that of total
area. For module, the device area is the total area includ-
ing the frame.
The SRC‐based peak power rating system gives the
power rating at rarely occurring conditions and is, there-
fore, unable to capture the performance of the PV module
in the real world.
A few groups have adopted a different performance rat-
ing method that involves measuring the module's/cell's per-
FIGURE 11 Flowchart for thin‐film fixed‐bed reactor system for formance in the actual field conditions and then apply
water treatment, regenerated from Bahnemann D.49 [Colour figure regression analysis rather than using a theoretical reference
can be viewed at] spectrum. The site‐specific performance characterization

gives the power rating that is close to the actual and can be
relevant to bulk power generation systems. Energy‐based
rating like integrated power over time in kW to hour is also
being used to characterize the performance of the PV mod-
ules depending upon the type of application. AM/PM
method, a type of energy‐based method, rates the
performance of a PV module in terms of the energy pro-
duced during a standard solar day at a given temperature
and total irradiance.65 Another energy based method
involves measuring the energy delivered by the PV modules
over a set of five days; a hot‐sunny day, a cold‐sunny days, a
hot‐cloudy day, a cold‐cloudy day, and a normal nice
day.63,65-68 Main advantage of these energy‐based rating
methods is that they are more generalized performance
rating methods and thus provide the actual performance
rating for the PV modules while not being site specific.
There are various translation models that can be used
to translate the PV power output from the measured con- FIGURE 12 Generic I–V measurement system configuration.
Regenerated from Hamadani and Dougherty71
ditions to reference conditions in order to compare the
performance of all the PV cells/modules on a single scale.
Some of these are listed below.67,68 VOC is determined by performing a linear regression
using more two or more points around the zero‐current area
on I–V curve. Whereas, ISC is determined by performing a
linear regression/interpolation using more two or more
4.1 | Current–voltage measurements
points around the zero‐voltage area on the I–V curve. Pmax
The current–voltage (I–V) behavior of the solar cell/ is just the maximum power measured for any device, so
module can be measured to determine the maximum basically, it is the highest point on the I–V curve. For
power output (Pmax). The most common setup includes increased accuracy, a higher order polynomial fitting could
a light source (natural or simulated), a surface to place be done around 80% to 85% of Pmax at the PV curve.68-72
the device under test, an external power supply to con-
trol/vary the voltage or current, sensors, a data acquisi-
4.2 | Spectral Responsivity measurements
tion system to measure the current and/or voltage as
the first one is varied via the external power supply. In Spectral responsivity (S[λ]) or quantum efficiency (QE[λ])
order to eliminate the resistance losses while sensing is required to understand the current generation and col-
the voltage, a Kelvin connection needs to be attached lection mechanisms of any PV device. Spectral
to the PV device. Solar simulators can be used to simu- responsivity measurements encompass measuring the
late the natural light in order to ensure the accuracy and photocurrent produced by the incident light of a given
repeatability of I–V characteristics of any PV device. wavelength and power.
Continuous arc, pulsed arc, and filament lamps are the Equation 4 provides relationship/conversion of spectral
most commonly used sources.69,70 The choice of the responsivity to quantum efficiency/yield (electron–hole
source depends upon the application in question and pairs collected per incident photon). Spectral responsivity
the properties required, ie, operating voltage, wattage, is measured as current produced per unit power.
and lifetime.
Figure 12 shows a generic I–V measurement system. qSðλÞ
QEðλÞ ¼ × 100; (4)
Shunt resistor (Rsh) is used to measure the current. For λhc
PV cells, voltage is sensed adjacent to the current Where,
connection; while for PV modules, it is done at the box
containing the current lead connection. Figure 13 shows hc=q ¼ 0:80655 If “ λ ” is in units of “ μm” and“ Sðλ Þ” in unites of Ampere=Watts
a typical I–V curve for a 50‐W PV module. By analyzing
the I–V curve for any PV device, critical parameters The most commonly used systems for measuring the
including open circuit voltage (VOC), short circuit current spectral response of any PV device include the follow-
(ISC), and the maximum power (Pmax) can be ing: filter based, grating monochrometers, and interfer-
determined. ometers.60,61,73-75

FIGURE 13 Typical I–V curve for a 50‐

W PV module, adopted from Emery, K.
courtesy of National Renewable Energy
Laboratory 201172 [Colour figure can be
viewed at]

Filter‐based system shown in Figure 14 for measuring grating system, band‐pass filters may have to be used to
the spectral responsivity involves projecting the light suppress modes at longer and/or shorter wavelengths.
from source through the filters (monochrometer) onto Grating‐based systems have a high‐spectral resolution
the PV device under test.59 A pyroelectric radiometer or but low optical throughput as compared with filter‐based
Si detector is used to measure the beam power. Shutter systems.72-74,76
is only required when AC voltmeter is used to measure Typical error sources in the measurement of photo-
the signal. Current to voltage converter measures the current include but are not limited to the following55-76:
photocurrent. Power vs wavelength can be measured in
real time through a reference detector or that data can • Errors related to electrical instruments (I to V con-
be stored in a certain file. verter, AC voltmeter) such as noise, calibration, and
Grating‐based system shown in Figure 15 is used to offsets errors.
measure the spectral responsivity over a wide wavelength • Errors related to PV cell/module such as temperature
range, ie, 400 to 3200 nm. Order‐sorting filters can be bias, white light bias, device sensitivity and response
used to suppress modes at shorter wavelengths. For single time to light.
• Error related to mechanical factors such as vibrations
and movement of optics.

FIGURE 14 Typical filter‐based spectral responsivity FIGURE 15 Typical grating‐based spectral responsivity
measurement system, regenerated from Emery, K. National measurement system, regenerated from Emery, K. National
Renewable Energy Laboratory 201172 [Colour figure can be viewed Renewable Energy Laboratory 201172 [Colour figure can be viewed
at] at]

Typical error sources in the measurement of light power 5.1 | Technical challenges
includes but are not limited to the following: Among the technical barriers of PV cells are their effi-
ciency that has to improve to be competitive with other
• Errors related to filament or light source as a result of energy sources. The abundant supply of the cell
intensity fluctuation and change in spectrum over age manufacturing materials like CdTe with silicon must be
and time ensured. A hassle‐free metering and billing system has
• Calibration errors related to signal‐to‐noise and cali- to be developed.
bration drift with time. In the case of CSP technologies, heat transferring
• Errors related to stray light when light seen by the fluids having high‐heat capacities must be found, and
detector and not the cell as well as the incomplete thermal losses reduced. In the case of solar water heating,
exclusion of grating orders and pinholes in the filter. the system has to be adopted to meet existing building
• Detectors performance errors such as resolution, sig- codes, safety requirements for appliances, and other stan-
nal‐to‐noise, and time constant errors of pyroelectric dards for widespread application.

5.2 | Economic challenges

5 | FUTURE OUTLOOK Since 2000, a great technical shift has taken place in the
solar energy field. This technical advancement in the field
Because of its abundance and environmentally friendly has enabled the cost for solar energy to drop dramatically.
nature, solar energy is our most sustainable energy For example, the cost of solar modules in 1980 was
source. As PV solar cells continue to improve and pro- $27 000/KW that dropped to $4000/KW in 2006. Simi-
duce electricity at competitive rates both for domestic larly, the installed cost of a PV system has dropped
and industrial uses, they are expected to be optimized $10 000/Kw from 1992 to 2008. In 2017, PV modules cost
and recognized as the predominant energy source by has dropped to $3500/KW. In spite of these advance-
2022. Worldwide use of the improved solar technologies ments, the levelized cost of electricity generation by solar
of the future is expected to surpass the use of conven- technology is still expensive, not only in comparison with
tional electric generation technologies by the end of conventional technologies but also when compared with
2032, as shown in Figure 16.17 renewable resources like hydropower and wind.77-79
The future of solar energy depends upon its economic The levelized cost of electricity generation by solar
feasibility, environmental impact, and advancement in energy and other sources are compared in Figure 17.78
technology. For solar power to be a dependable energy It is clear from the figure that after all the advancements,
source in the future, solar energy technologies must over- cost for solar energy system is still the highest among all
come certain challenges. These challenges are discussed other energy sources.79
5.3 | Environmental challenges
The main advantage of the solar energy systems is their
environmentally friendly nature. Solar energy systems
are far better than the conventional fossil fuel powered
systems.80 It has been found that in case of domestic solar
water heating systems, 80% less greenhouse gases are
emitted than the conventional system. The reduction in
greenhouse gas emissions in case of solar space heating
is 40% compared with the conventional electric power
plant system.81
Solar energy technologies have a lot of environmental
(carbon dioxide emission savings) and socioeconomic
benefits as can be seen in Table 3.
FIGURE 16 Trend for cumulative installed capacity from By switching from conventional energy sources to
photovoltaic cells worldwide up to 2050, with permission of © solar energy technologies, we can prevent our water
Springer‐Verlag London 201317 [Colour figure can be viewed at resources from pollution and can prevent our air from] emitting noxious gases like CO2, SO2, etc.

main hurdle is its noncontinuous supply. This has led to

600 Fuel Cost an increase in the research for efficient energy storage
Q&M Cost of solar energy. The solar energy can be stored in the
Capital Cost

500 form of thermal energy and electricity.72

5.4.1 | Thermal energy storage
The three ways to store the thermal form of solar energy.
These include the following: the sensible heat storage,
latent heat storage, and thermochemical storage. In sensi-
100 ble heat storage system, heat energy is stored by changing
the temperature of the storage medium. The common
0 storage media that can be used are water, oil, air, rock
bed, sand, soil, etc.
Latent heat storage is done by changing the phase of
storage material. Normally the change is between solid
FIGURE 17 Levelized cost for electricity generation by and liquid phase. Typical phase change materials used in
technology (US dollar/kilowatt‐hour), regenerated from Timilsina this system are salt hydrates, polymers, water, etc. The cost
& Kurdgelashvili78 [Colour figure can be viewed at of the phase change materials is very high, which restricts] the application of phase materials for solar energy storage.
Significant research is needed to assure that low‐grade

TABLE 3 Environmental and socioeconomic indicators of solar energy technologies, regenerated from Tsoutsos et al80

Central Solar Distributed Central Photovoltaic Photovoltaic Solar Thermal
Indicator Thermal Solar Thermal Power Generation Power Generation Electricity

CO2 emissions 1.4 kg/kWh or 1.4 kg/kWh or 0.6‐1.0 kg/kWh 0.6‐1.0 kg/kWh Annually 688 t/MW when
savings 840 kg/m2 a 840 kg/m2 a compared with a combined
cycle plant 1.360 t/MW when
combined to a cola fired plant
Production 4000 jobs/a 4000 jobs/a 2‐3000 jobs/a 2‐3000 jobs/a 1 permanent job/MW for
employment operation + 10‐15 jobs/MW
(EU wide) for 12‐18 mo construction
Total employment 12 000 jobs/a 12 000 jobs/a 4‐5000 jobs/a 4‐5000 jobs/a 1000 permanent jobs for 1000 MW

Although, overall solar energy technologies are envi- phase change materials can be practically implemented.
ronmentally friendly, they do have some negative impacts The thermochemical storage of thermal energy is
on the environment. For example, solar thermal heaters done by driving a chemical reaction, the products of
have a visual impact on building esthetics. In case of large which are stored. These products can then later be com-
PV electricity generation systems, a lot of cultivable land bined to release thermal energy.
is occupied. Also, during the manufacturing of these cells, The main challenges facing the thermal energy stor-
toxic and flammable materials are used that can be inju- age systems are their building costs and losses because
rious to health. Solar thermal electricity systems can also of storage. However, a storage efficiency of 90% can be
occupy a lot of land and are very detrimental to the flora achieved. The best strategy for storage is found to be short
and fauna in the area, especially birds. These systems can term, ie, for a few days.81-83
also pollute the local water.80

5.4.2 | Solar electric energy storage

5.4 | Storage challenges
Although there are many options available for the stor-
The continuous increase in the emission of harmful gases age of electricity generated by solar or any other energy,
through fossil fuel usage has resulted in high demand for none of these available options are considered ideal. An
renewable energies like solar energy as the base load. The ideal electric energy storage system should be cost

effective, be environmentally friendly, be highly efficient, • Safe disposal of solar products and making these prod-
be mature, and have long lifetime. Among the many ucts biodegradable should be the goal of future
options are flywheels, capacitors, supercapacitors, fuel research.
cells, lead acid batteries, metal‐air cells, NiCd batteries,
etc. Metal–air batteries, flywheels, capacitors, and super
capacitors are currently considered the electrical energy
7 | C ON C L U S I ON S
storage systems of the future.84
In addition, a lack of implementation‐friendly laws
and skilled labor for solar energy technologies also con- Solar energy can be regarded as the most viable energy
tributes to their limited application.78 source of the future. Electricity generation by solar tech-
nology seems to be very promising. Multi‐junction PV
cells have achieved remarkable efficiencies. The CSP
6 | FUTURE RESEARCH AREA technologies, such as solar power towers offer a reliable
RECOMMENDATIONS source of electricity with the capacity for energy storage.
In addition to electricity generation, solar energy also
The following is our vision on the future potential has a capacity to fulfill the energy needs of essential
research directions in the field of direct and indirect elec- working sectors of society including agriculture, the auto-
tricity generation from solar energy. mobile industry, food preparation industries, water treat-
ment, etc. It has been estimated that by 2032, energy
• The efficiency of PV cells needs to be raised. generation by solar technology will be able to compete
• Research in the field of materials science need to be economically with conventional energy sources. More-
enhanced to find cheaper construction materials for over, the environmentally friendly nature of solar energy
PV cells. makes it the ultimate energy source for humanity.
• Research in the field of mining and metallurgy should Overall, the major findings of this study are summa-
concentrate on exploration, excavation and processing rized as follows:
of materials such as CdTE with silicon. This will ensure
an abundant supply for PV cell manufacturing material. • Electricity can be generated directly or indirectly from
• Research efforts in the field of environment and safety solar energy. PV cells directly generate electric current
are required to minimize the risks associated with the through a PV effect. The economics and efficiency of a
toxic and flammable materials used in the PV cells solar PV cell depend mainly upon its material. PV
through appropriate handling and disposal. cells are usually classified into three major genera-
• In case of solar power tower technologies, exploring tions: first‐, second‐, and third‐generation PV cells
new types of heat transferring fluids having high heat where the first generation is the most dominant type.
capacities is a promising area of research. The efficiency of PV cells can be up to approximately
• Research efforts need to be directed towards reduction 34% in the multijuction devices. CSP technologies use
of thermal losses in solar power technologies. an indirect process to generate electricity from solar
• In the case of solar power towers, efficient energy stor- power where solar radiations are concentrated to pro-
age is a hurdle. The need for a backup heater in the duce hot air that is then used to generate electricity in
solar water heating system adds to the cost and a conventional power cycle. Parabolic troughs power
reduces its economic worth. towers. Dish systems and linear Fresnel reflectors
• A hassle‐free metering and billing system must be are the main CSP technologies in use.
developed. • Solar cells performance can be characterized through
• In case of solar water heating, the system must meet current–voltage (I–V) curves or spectral responsivity‐
the existing building codes, appliances safety stan- wavelength curves. The behavior of I–V curves deter-
dards, and overall industry standards for widespread mines the maximum power output of the solar cell.
application.77 Spectral responsivity explains the behavior of current
• Losses in the storage of thermal energy storage systems generation and collection mechanisms of any PV cell.
need to be addressed to enable long‐term storage. It measures the photocurrent produced by the inci-
• Metal–air batteries, flywheels, capacitors, and super dent light of a given wavelength and power. However,
capacitors are the electrical energy storage systems there are some measurements errors related to the
having promising future.53 However, they need fur- efficiency of the electrical instruments used such as
ther development to meet the ideal standards of a con- I–V converters, voltmeters, cell modules, and detec-
taminant‐free world. tors in addition to other calibration errors.

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