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Wire-Fu Powers for the Savage Worlds Roleplaying game

-Savaged by HawaiianBrian Most martial arts in the Savage Worlds roleplaying system can be represented with higher a Fighting Trait die, or by taking the edges from Clint Blacks Modern Martial Arts supplement. But it doesn't cover more fantastic cinematic martial arts such as the Wuxia or wire-fu styles shown in movies such as House of Flying Daggers or Once Upon a Time in China. Though at first blush it might make sense to treat Wuxia as an Arcane Background, it is more expedient to treat such fantastic abilities as Edges. Wuxia is rapid-fire, without time spent activating spells, and Arcane Backgrounds require many more points expended during the advancement process for a small spread of abilities. But as Edges, each Wuxia ability becomes a little easier to acquire and use, which might make more sense in campaigns where it is common. This document is designed to work closely with Clint Black's Modern Martial Arts. Characters interested in becoming Wuxia masters must first take the Unarmed Warrior Edge from that document (or a similar Edge which cancels the unarmed combatant penalty). Characters cannot take the Wuxia Master Edge until they reach Seasoned rank. Until then, they may find the Style Edges listed at the end of this document or other Edges from Modern Martial Arts to be useful ways of advancing their abilities. Many (mostly evil) Wuxia masters also study sorcery and have the Magic Arcane Background, incorporating spell casting into their regimen. With some slight modification, the following rules might also be used for legendary warriors from any fantasy genre. Simply change all requirements to Legendary rank. But Wuxia is far more powerful than regular martial arts, so GMs should think carefully about game balance before they incorporate it into their games.

Wuxia Master (Professional)

Requirements: Seasoned, Unarmed Warrior You have special martial arts knowledge that extends far beyond normal training you have mastered a way that imbues normal martial training with mysticism. Where you received this power is up to you: perhaps you studied the secrets of the forbidden Wudan text, were chosen by the gods, or were born with the blood of dragons. Whatever the source, you have learned magical abilities that allow you to control your body and break the laws of physics. You may dash and scramble up walls, moving up to your Pace, and even running, on vertical surfaces, by simply making an Agility roll. You can even stand or move on weak surfaces, like branches of trees, your opponent's spear, or even the surface of water. This does not allow you to climb on ceilings, or hang upside-down from any surface, however the surface must be no more than 90 degrees.

This Edge also allows you to make great leaps, such that you appear to be flying. You may travel up to twice your usual Pace (no running) vertical or horizontal, or a combination of the two, but must momentarily "touch down" on a suitable surface at the end of each round. You can skate through treetops, touching down momentarily on thin branches before leaping for your next target, even skim across the surface of a lake. But if there is nowhere to touch down, you simply fall and will suffer damage from that fall.

Wuxia Edges
Wuxia Edges are often referred to as techniques, and require the Wuxia Master Edge. Gamemasters and players are encouraged to come up with other, more setting-specific names for these Edges; for instance, Death Touch could be the "Five-Point Palm Exploding Heart technique." Bracing Prerequisites: Seasoned, Strength d10+ You can root yourself to the spot through sheer exertion of will or Chi power. You cannot be pushed, knocked back, or made prone. Catch and Throw Prerequisites: Seasoned, Agility d8+ Your skill and reflexes allow you to catch an incoming missile and fling it back toward the same opponent, as long as you have not yet acted in this turn. The difficulty depends on the type of projectile: TN 4 for rocks and sling stones, TN 6 for arrows, and TN 8 for bullets, etc. A critical failure results in an raise added to the damage. Throwing the projectile back (it must be directed toward the same opponent who fired the projectile) is limited to short range (3/6/12) and does normal damage for thrown weapons. You take a multi-action penalty on your next action. Chi Strike Prerequisites: Heroic, Spirit d8+ You may make a ranged attack with your fist or a melee weapon. The range for such an attack is 4/8/16. This attack requires a lot of concentration, so you may not move and any other actions suffer a multi-action penalty.

Death Touch Prerequisites: Legendary, Spirit d12+ This technique is considered mere rumor by most, but those who proceed far in their schooling will discover it is quite real. You must make a successful touch attack against your opponent's unarmored chest right above his heart (a -2 penalty for the called shot). If you succeed, your opponent must make a Vigor roll opposed by your damage or begin to suffer 1 wound every round from internal bleeding. This blood loss will continue until they die, are magically healed, or (GM's discretion) make another Vigor roll. Even if the opponent succeeds in the initial roll, he is still Shaken. Earthquake Prerequisites: Veteran, Strength d10+ By punching the ground, smiting it with a weapon, stomping, etc, you cause a focused shock wave to travel out from you in a 1" wide line at a distance equal to your Spirit. You must make an attack roll against TN 4. Anything in this line, living or inanimate, takes 2d4 damage. Living targets must also make an Agility roll or fall prone. If you roll a critical failure on the attack roll, you take the damage instead. You may not move during that round.

Elemental Strike Prerequisites: Heroic, Spirit d10+ Upon first learning this technique, you must select one element (fire, stone, etc.) which cannot be changed. You can infuse your unarmed attacks with that elemental energy, adding an additional +1d4 damage of that element. Enemies with the Environmental Protection Power active or have immunity to the element you selected are not harmed by this extra damage. You may turn this element on or off at will.

Entangling Prerequisites: Seasoned, Agility d8+ By using a scarf, cord, or other similar object, you can tangle your opponent. You must make a grapple check as normal (see Grappling, SWEX pg. 68). However, once a grapple has been established, the opponent is held by the object and not by you, so you may take other actions. Flying Defense Prerequisites: Seasoned, Agility d8+ By soaring away acrobatically, you stop an attack that otherwise would have hurt you. You may combine the Defend option with a flying move for an extra +2 to your Parry. Ghost Prerequisites: Heroic, Agility d10+ This Edge allows you to momentarily become incorporeal just long enough for one attack to pass through you, as long as you have not yet acted this round. This completely negates one successful attack made against you, even if damage has already been calculated. Some powerful magical weapons, weapon properties, or spells may still be able to inflict damage despite this (GM's discretion). You take a multiaction penalty on your next action. Mighty Blow Prerequisites: Seasoned, Strength d8+ By staying in one place, you may add so much strength to your attack that your critical hits also knock your opponents away from you. Each critical hit you land on an opponent sends that opponent flying directly backward a number of squares equal to half your damage total. If your opponent strikes any solid object during this movement, he becomes Shaken. Whether or not the target takes damage, he must roll an Agility check or end prone. This technique can also be used in conjunction with the Sweep and Improved Sweep Edges, allowing you to apply the same knockback roll to

several opponents. Flying opponents (or particularly light ones, as per the GM's call) are thrown back a number of squares equal to your damage. You may not move during this round. Paralysis Prerequisites: Seasoned, Spirit d6+ You can paralyze an opponent so that their muscles lock up and they "freeze" in place. With a successful touch attack against an unarmored spot on your opponent's body, you and the target make an opposed Spirit roll. If the target fails, she is completely paralyzed and cannot act, move, or speak, though she retains consciousness. Each following round, the paralyzed victim may make another Spirit roll to break free; this roll is at -2 if you beat the opponent with a raise. Sticking Prerequisites: Seasoned, Agility d8+ By placing your hand on an opponent, you can sense subtle body motions which allow you to predict his next move. This requires a successful touch attack first, after which you gain +2 Parry against that opponent for as long as contact is maintained. The opponent can attempt to shake you off with an opposed Agility check. Whirlwind Prerequisites: Veteran, Agility d8+ With a weapon, your hands, your spinning body, or some other spinning source, you create a small whirlwind that is powerful enough to bowl over your enemies. Make a Strength roll. Anyone occupying adjacent squares must make a Strength roll vs. your own or immediately fall prone, and are Shaken with a raise. Use of this technique consumes your attack for that round, so any other attacks require a multi-action penalty.

Style Edges
All Wuxia masters are trained in Shaolin kung fu, but there are a few other styles they may learn. By selecting one of the following styles, your character is presumed to have studied that style

long enough to have mastered it. In the real world, these styles each have wildly variant skills, and combinations of kicks, strikes, and stances. But for purposes of remaining Fast! Furious! and Fun! they only differ measurably in that each comes with a single Style Edge, representing the culmination of years of study. Animal Style Prerequisites: Novice, Unarmed Warrior This Edge represents training in the Tiger, Snake, Dragon, Leopard, or Mantis styles. By focusing on one strike and not moving more than one square, you gain +2 to damage on an unarmed or melee strike. Sumo Prerequisites: Novice, Unarmed Warrior Though not a Chinese art, Sumo is unique in that it uses great force to push back opponents. A

master of Sumo who makes a successful touch attack may make an opposed Strength check against his opponent. His opponent is pushed back 1 with a success, plus one more inch per raise. If the opponent rolled a 1 on his Strength check, he is also prone. Monkey Style Prerequisites: Novice, Unarmed Warrior Though part of the animal family of styles, this style is distinct for its use of climbing and acrobatics. Monkey masters gain +1 to grapple checks and climbing rolls. Wing Chun Prerequisites: Novice, Unarmed Warrior This style specializes in very close combat. Masters of this style may move into their opponent's space (but not through it) to attack, reducing their opponent's Fighting rolls by -1.

I hope you enjoy this Netbook. It is distributed freely for use, as long as the contents are not altered. This game references the Savage Worlds system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product. Artwork by Storn Cook, used under Creative Common License This document is copyright 2010 by Brian Reeves. Version 4.2, March 25, 2010.

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