EnnzoCabada GracceAyala JorgeRuiz

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Gracce Ayala Villanueva Ennzo Cabada Maluenda Jorge Ruiz Granados

Teacher: Silvia Alicia Lucho Molina

Gracce: Hi guys. How are they?
Ennzo: I’m fine.
Jorge: I’m okay, and you?
Gracce: I am good, guys I have a question, what is your favorite
Jorge: My favorite device is the cell phone.
Ennzo: Mine is the airpods.
Gracce: Why is it important for you?
Ennzo: Because I really like listening to music.
Jorge: Because I can call my family and take pictures.
Gracce: What are its characteristics?
Jorge: My cellphone is big, light, also modern and expensive. it is
also very practical.
Ennzo: My airpods are small and very light, it's not old and it's also
very good, because I can listen to the songs very well, it's also very
practical when I go running.
Gracce: Ohh interesting, well guys I'm leaving, see you later.
Jorge: Bye, see you.
Ennzo: see you later.

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